View Full Version : PlanetSide Next Producer Letter Released
2011-04-13, 03:02 PM
2011-04-13, 03:06 PM
sounds great can't wait!
2011-04-13, 03:07 PM
I just creamed my pants reading this!
2011-04-13, 03:08 PM
Moar!! Just kidding :D
This has pleased me.
I'm just worried about this
Much of this information will be presented to the PS community exclusively...
It's not that I don't LOVE getting details before other people (c'mon it's human nature), it's just that i'd much rather have thousands of people hear about Planetside NEXT that *haven't* played Planetside. I really want as many people to know about this game as possible.
Besides that, well done. I'm looking forward to the next update :)
2011-04-13, 03:08 PM
Fapping so hard.
2011-04-13, 03:09 PM
Over the next weeks and least we know now for sure we cun unsub till closer to a beta lmao.
2011-04-13, 03:11 PM
Good new! more info soon I hope please!
2011-04-13, 03:12 PM
Oh happy day!
Happy to read this , and he pointed out 'over the coming weeks and months' which to me , is good news . Puts an end to speculation of the 'imminent' arrival of beta , and we can just go along with the ride and wait for more updates.
2011-04-13, 03:12 PM
This is prolly not going to help population for a while.....:cry:
Still, it's nice to know that work is being done, and we're gonna see something!
2011-04-13, 03:13 PM
Hmmm, bringing back old team members...SmokeJumper back?
2011-04-13, 03:15 PM
Well that was uninformative. Nice that they are thinking of us, sure, but there really wasn't a single nugget of information in all of those words.
2011-04-13, 03:17 PM
More tease. Damn these developers!
2011-04-13, 03:19 PM
Sneak peek or was that the whole letter?
It's nice that they sound excited an focused on making it a true massively multiplayer game. That should calm fears that its going to be a reskinned Agency or MAG.
Aside from that we want some of those details he mentioned. The hungry masses demand it!
2011-04-13, 03:19 PM
Is that the whole letter or just the first part of it?
I was expecting some new info...
So when he says weeks does he mean normal weeks or Sony Weeks? Because their idea of a week seems to be different than ours.
Really getting sick of being told the information will come soon.
2011-04-13, 03:30 PM
Well that was not informative at all. Might as well have just said "don't worry you guys. We are working on PS:N just in case you had doubts."
2011-04-13, 03:32 PM
You have to be kidding me... What he said we already knew... There was no new info, not a single thing about the actual game.. *sigh*
2011-04-13, 03:33 PM
Soon we will have information on how soon the information will come!
Does anyone know what this guy has done before? Did he ever has a high profile responsibility at SOE? Any alternative names?
2011-04-13, 03:34 PM
Most likely that was a small piece of the letter, I imagine they'll post a full version on the official forums. The leak of this "sneak peek" to PSU makes sense before the "Official Producer's Letter" is posted on the OF.
2011-04-13, 03:47 PM
Awesome. Here's hoping that they come out with something substantial later today. :D
snowballd green
2011-04-13, 03:48 PM
this made my day, and it hasn't even started yet. best. wakeup. ever.
2011-04-13, 03:53 PM
C'mon people. Did people honestly think there would be a ton of details in this letter?
The time for details will come "in the next weeks and months".
This, I think, marks the beginning of the information flow. Frankly, I'm just happy that they are putting the emphasis on the MASSIVE part of the game. I'm excited that they are excited.
2011-04-13, 03:56 PM
Is that the whole letter or just the first part of it?
I was expecting some new info...
It looks like a whole letter to me, but I could be wrong. I think we'll still have to wait for the details to trickle out.
The Desert Fox
2011-04-13, 03:58 PM
I got 5 bucks says Hamma wrote that just to get everyone to STFU lol.
Seriously, I am as happy as the next guy to hear something, and I didn't expect much at all, but come on. We were told NOTHING, AT ALL. Okay thats a lie, we were told the name of the new Producer, hes worked with SOE before, and he promises PSN will be super awesome and he will tell us more eventually. I just want to hear about the FUCKING GAME. SOMETHING PLEASE.
2011-04-13, 04:00 PM
I just get kinda annoyed with the "YOU WILL LOVE IT OMG!" stuff. Tell me and I'll tell you if I love it or not.
May aswell have no info at all and just make me buy it to see what its like lol. Back of the box: "OMG YOU WILL LOVE IT!".
I can wait (SO many games to play that you know, actually tell me about the game... 2 years ago... just sayin), I just don't like being treated like a little fanboi that hangs on every delay that gets excited at 1 second clips of the game.
2011-04-13, 04:05 PM
Seems like that was the whole letter. Welp, heres to more of the waiting game.
I'll never understand why the refuse to give us nothing. what the eff?
2011-04-13, 04:06 PM
Allright, not too bad I guess. Keep 'em coming. :)
2011-04-13, 04:08 PM
It is the whole letter.
2011-04-13, 04:14 PM
Didn't notice the first time I read it but:
"you can expect to receive a lot more detail about what we have in-store for PSNext."
"what we have in-store for PSNext."
(Sorry thats was horrible)
2011-04-13, 04:17 PM
It is the whole letter.
What's the point of the Sneak Peek part?
2011-04-13, 04:17 PM
I love this man with all of my heart.
2011-04-13, 04:18 PM
I was wrong.. there is one nugget of info..
"Since then, the development team has been pining away on a new graphics engine"
In house developed engine it seems.. Hope they don't make a mess of it like the last one. :/
What's the point of the Sneak Peak part?
means psu readers get chance to see it before it's announced officially , kind obvious I think
2011-04-13, 04:21 PM
From the way hes talking it almost sounds like they only entered full production in febuary (which would explain the total lack of any real information).
I do appriciate how SOE are using PSU and actually talking to thier probable future customers. Thats cool.
The Desert Fox
2011-04-13, 04:25 PM
It is the whole letter.
Of course it is. Thank you SoE for yet again proving me right :rofl:
2011-04-13, 04:31 PM
T'was a good letter, cant wait for more :)
2011-04-13, 04:33 PM
When is Firefly going to get here and go gorilla shit on everyone who thought we'd be getting a bunch of specifics on this very first Producer's Letter?
The Desert Fox
2011-04-13, 04:38 PM
When is Firefly going to get here and go gorilla shit on everyone who thought we'd be getting a bunch of specifics on this very first Producer's Letter?
I am Excited :D I will hear about it on Vent later tonight i'm sure lol.
When is Firefly going to get here and go gorilla shit on everyone who thought we'd be getting a bunch of specifics on this very first Producer's Letter?
I like Firefly, he brings everyone back down to earth with a thud
2011-04-13, 04:40 PM
I guess this community is following the "No news is good news" strategy.
I'm honestly upset that there is a lack of information here. The only thing we heard that there are some old hats and some new faces to the team, and that was already known. The producer even told us that his next update will be introducing these members.
I'm not spoiled by the screen-shots we've gotten. As is, the models may stay the same in shape but they will appear differently in a new engine-the screen shots are defunct.
I understand the lack of screen shots with the new engine. That's a great decision. What I'm not happy about is that there is a lack of details. We've heard that they're looking back and seeing what worked and what didn't. Great, now tell us what you've decided! I'm anxious for information, specifics. Screenshots are awesome, I know. I don't even want them now, I want info.
Naval battles.
Outfit inclusion.
Why the NC models are beaten up.
Map size.
The Desert Fox
2011-04-13, 04:44 PM
When is Firefly going to get here and go gorilla shit on everyone who thought we'd be getting something, anything remotely specific to the game itself, on this very first Producer's Letter?
Fixed your post for actual truth.
2011-04-13, 04:49 PM
Well I didn't expect any real details in the letter. Nice to see some vital signs from the dev team and look forward to more info. Hopefully Smed leaks a render or something in the near future. :)
I would love to see a NC Rexo suited soldier. :D
2011-04-13, 04:57 PM
Yea we just got it a bit before everyone else on PSU :)
2011-04-13, 05:07 PM
Fucking YES!!!! :D
2011-04-13, 05:18 PM
Fucking YES!!!! :D
I don't understand. :confused:
What I hope comes out of this letter is the start of a steady flow of information about Planetside Next.
I cant wait to see whats next to be revealed.
2011-04-13, 05:25 PM
I don't understand. :confused:
Any info is good info if its about PS:Next :)
2011-04-13, 05:27 PM
Any info is good info if its about PS:Next :)
There was info in that? It's a great start and I hope this means a more steady stream of stuff being released to us but...
Edit: No new info anyway.
2011-04-13, 05:31 PM
I'm glad to hear they're working on the game, but I'm getting sick of the same information regurgitated every couple weeks. No, that's not fair - there really isn't any information being conveyed at all. Nonetheless, it's annoying to see the development team behaving like a bunch of teenage girls - so far they've been talking for 4 months and haven't said a single fact. (Well, apart from Smed confirming two or three things here and there.)
I also don't see the real point in hiding developmental information from us lot. If they're talking to us as their direct customer base, they ought to be more open about which of our wants will be incorporated into the engine and which won't. Otherwise, they ought to be talking to the likes of GameSpot to get as much attention onto this game as early on as possible - I need plenty of squishies to run over in my new shiny vanguard.
But I guess this also means the team is just as excited about the game as us lot. They're sitting in their shed in California mumbling "This'll be so awesome!" while they don't have too much real information worth disclosing.
2011-04-13, 05:34 PM
Guys you can go back to doing whatever you were doing before. This is soe so expect nothing for at least another 2-3 months. At which time another producers letter to say how aswsome the game is looking.u
2011-04-13, 05:35 PM
Thank you Mr. Producer man. I have subbed just to help support the game. I wasnt expecting a whole lot of info, that way I wasnt disappointed! Keep it coming
2011-04-13, 05:43 PM
There was info in that? It's a great start and I hope this means a more steady stream of stuff being released to us but...
Edit: No new info anyway.
Well info that were going to get some updates soon, I didnt mean acctual info :P
2011-04-13, 05:46 PM
Over the next weeks and least we know now for sure we cun unsub till closer to a beta lmao.
My thoughts exactly, my month of nostalgia is complete.
Much of this information will be presented to the PS community exclusively...
This part scares me, it's nice the community is recognized as important. But I would prefer info going out to as many people as possible, as soon as possible.
...because frankly, if your passion for the original didn’t exist, I wouldn’t be typing this.
The pessimist in me translated this too "If you hadn't been complaining all this time, I wouldn't be doing this." lol
Planetside is one of the most unique MMOs out there, hell it's literally the ONLY MMOFPS. Most companies would recognize that opportunity to make a ton of profit, but I fear only SOE would be capable of preventing the game from reaching it's true potential.
We may need to start our own guerrilla add campaign soon. Who do you think could bring in more people? SOE, or the community?
But, it seems they are trying. The ball is rolling, more info will come... "soon"
2011-04-13, 05:50 PM
We shall christen him "Old Iron Sites"
Thanks for the information PS & PS-U, can't wait to hear more about our baby lol :D
Glad to have you on board Andrew, "Welcome to War!" :trrocks:
Don't forget that E3 is in a couple of months (7th - 9th June). I would be expecting a lot of PSN details to be forthcoming from that, since it is the biggest gaming show of the year.
The Desert Fox
2011-04-13, 06:05 PM
Don't forget that E3 is in a couple of months (7th - 9th June). I would be expecting a lot of PSN details to be forthcoming from that, since it is the biggest gaming show of the year.
HAHAHA, ohh Gaff, you have so much to learn. Yes you would expect something like that. Anything with a 2nd grade education might expect something like that. now really, would SoE do something that would be so easy and make so much sense? Think about it.
2011-04-13, 06:27 PM
When is Firefly going to get here and go gorilla shit on everyone who thought we'd be getting a bunch of specifics on this very first Producer's Letter?
I'm not. It should be patently obvious to even the stupidest re-tread on this board that a small number of certain people are just pissy little bitches like Antoine Dodson, and won't be happy unless they're crying about shit - give 'em exactly what they want and they still complain.
Waaa, I didn't get my developer letter. Waa, I got my developer letter and there wasn't anything substantial in there. Waa, I got a substantial developer letter but it didn't tell me whether or not I can craft Beamers. Waa, they wrote a developer letter with substantial information and said I could craft Beamers but they didn't say if it could be a +5 Vorpal Beamer.
I knew girls like that in the Army. Best thing to do was just fuck 'em in the ass, get your nut, and toss them into the hallway for some other dude to deal with. Ahh, Rangerettes...
2011-04-13, 06:30 PM
I'm not. It should be patently obvious to even the stupidest re-tread on this board that a small number of certain people are just pissy little bitches like Antoine Dodson, and won't be happy unless they're crying about shit - give 'em exactly what they want and they still complain.
Waaa, I didn't get my developer letter. Waa, I got my developer letter and there wasn't anything substantial in there. Waa, I got a substantial developer letter but it didn't tell me whether or not I can craft Beamers. Waa, they wrote a developer letter with substantial information and said I could craft Beamers but they didn't say if it could be a +5 Vorpal Beamer.
I knew girls like that in the Army. Best thing to do was just fuck 'em in the ass, get your nut, and toss them into the hallway for some other dude to deal with. Ahh, Rangerettes...
Lmao. It's like Triumph the insult comic dog, but much more relevant.
2011-04-13, 06:55 PM
I'm not. It should be patently obvious to even the stupidest re-tread on this board that a small number of certain people are just pissy little bitches like Antoine Dodson, and won't be happy unless they're crying about shit - give 'em exactly what they want and they still complain.
Waaa, I didn't get my developer letter. Waa, I got my developer letter and there wasn't anything substantial in there. Waa, I got a substantial developer letter but it didn't tell me whether or not I can craft Beamers. Waa, they wrote a developer letter with substantial information and said I could craft Beamers but they didn't say if it could be a +5 Vorpal Beamer.
I knew girls like that in the Army. Best thing to do was just fuck 'em in the ass, get your nut, and toss them into the hallway for some other dude to deal with. Ahh, Rangerettes...
Thank you Firefly. I knew you wouldn't disappoint. :rofl:
The Desert Fox
2011-04-13, 07:06 PM
I'm not. It should be patently obvious to even the stupidest re-tread on this board that a small number of certain people are just pissy little bitches like Antoine Dodson, and won't be happy unless they're crying about shit - give 'em exactly what they want and they still complain.
Waaa, I didn't get my developer letter. Waa, I got my developer letter and there wasn't anything substantial in there. Waa, I got a substantial developer letter but it didn't tell me whether or not I can craft Beamers. Waa, they wrote a developer letter with substantial information and said I could craft Beamers but they didn't say if it could be a +5 Vorpal Beamer.
I knew girls like that in the Army. Best thing to do was just fuck 'em in the ass, get your nut, and toss them into the hallway for some other dude to deal with. Ahh, Rangerettes...
Gawd that felt good :D Thank you Firefly, thank you.
I'm not. It should be patently obvious to even the stupidest re-tread on this board that a small number of certain people are just pissy little bitches like Antoine Dodson, and won't be happy unless they're crying about shit - give 'em exactly what they want and they still complain.
Waaa, I didn't get my developer letter. Waa, I got my developer letter and there wasn't anything substantial in there. Waa, I got a substantial developer letter but it didn't tell me whether or not I can craft Beamers. Waa, they wrote a developer letter with substantial information and said I could craft Beamers but they didn't say if it could be a +5 Vorpal Beamer.
I knew girls like that in the Army. Best thing to do was just fuck 'em in the ass, get your nut, and toss them into the hallway for some other dude to deal with. Ahh, Rangerettes...
I ♥ Firefly
2011-04-13, 07:12 PM
2011-04-13, 07:52 PM
Hmmm, bringing back old team members...SmokeJumper back?
DanB or BanD, just saying his name makes me feel like a 3day ban is coming.
Get Sporkfire imo!!!!!!!!
Diddy Mao
2011-04-13, 07:59 PM
I remember my first look at Planetside was on g4tv during e3 coverage in like 2001/2002 not entirely sure on the accurate date. But if anything that's where we'll get oodles or at least a tid bit of info
2011-04-13, 08:11 PM
DanB or BanD, just saying his name makes me feel like a 3day ban is coming.
Get Sporkfire imo!!!!!!!!
CSR-DanB is still with SOE, as I understand it - he's a PS developer. So they never really had to bring him back. He never left.
2011-04-13, 08:34 PM
CSR-DanB is still with SOE, as I understand it - he's a PS developer. So they never really had to bring him back. He never left.
I was joking about DanB, but i would really like to see Sporkfire return. His farewell event on Cyssor was epic.
2011-04-13, 08:50 PM
CSR-DanB is still with SOE, as I understand it - he's a PS developer. So they never really had to bring him back. He never left.
He works under the name Brewko now. Yea he's still around; though not active in PlanetSide atm
2011-04-14, 12:38 AM
I'm not. It should be patently obvious to even the stupidest re-tread on this board that a small number of certain people are just pissy little bitches like Antoine Dodson, and won't be happy unless they're crying about shit - give 'em exactly what they want and they still complain.
Waaa, I didn't get my developer letter. Waa, I got my developer letter and there wasn't anything substantial in there. Waa, I got a substantial developer letter but it didn't tell me whether or not I can craft Beamers. Waa, they wrote a developer letter with substantial information and said I could craft Beamers but they didn't say if it could be a +5 Vorpal Beamer.
I knew girls like that in the Army. Best thing to do was just fuck 'em in the ass, get your nut, and toss them into the hallway for some other dude to deal with. Ahh, Rangerettes...
Waaa, I didn't get my developer letter. Waa, I got my developer letter and there wasn't anything substantial in there. Waa, I got a substantial developer letter but it didn't tell me whether or not I can craft Beamers. Waa, they wrote a developer letter with substantial information and said I could craft Beamers but they didn't say if it could be a +5 Vorpal Beamer.
Please, forgive me for being upset over the bait and switch they pulled ("huge information coming in march, hurry resub, BIG HINT TOWARDS BETA SOON") and the fact that we still know next to nothing about PSN and we're half way through April.
2011-04-14, 12:58 AM
Please, forgive me for being upset over the bait and switch they pulled ("huge information coming in march, hurry resub, BIG HINT TOWARDS BETA SOON") and the fact that we still know next to nothing about PSN and we're half way through April.
You sir, are going to get shit on.
If its not reality, it will be firefly.
And if it's firefly, it will be GLORIOUS.
2011-04-14, 03:26 AM
I love it. Firefly always makes me smile. :)
2011-04-14, 04:01 AM
Please, forgive me for being upset over the bait and switch they pulled ("huge information coming in march, hurry resub, BIG HINT TOWARDS BETA SOON") and the fact that we still know next to nothing about PSN and we're half way through April.
Which was the plan before they decided on an engine switch.
If you can do an engine switch of a MMO game in just two days, please go work for SOE and let's see the magic! :cool:
2011-04-14, 04:45 AM
Please, forgive me for being upset over the bait and switch they pulled ("huge information coming in march, hurry resub, BIG HINT TOWARDS BETA SOON") and the fact that we still know next to nothing about PSN and we're half way through April.
You know what else is halfway through April?
My cock.
Or rather, it was... she's passed out in my bed right now.
2011-04-14, 09:30 AM
Thank you for the sig Firefly
2011-04-14, 09:56 AM
Thank you for the sig Firefly
You're very welcome.
2011-04-14, 12:07 PM
Firefly: Next time i meet a hot girl willing to sit on my cock, i will instead drag her into a plane and throw her out above you, so you can have the first go on her.
Because you, Sir, are AWESOME!
2011-04-14, 01:37 PM
:) The leader of my new outfit= best leader I've ever had.
2011-04-14, 02:05 PM
Firefly: Next time i meet a hot girl willing to sit on my cock, i will instead drag her into a plane and throw her out above you, so you can have the first go on her.
Because you, Sir, are AWESOME!
No, see, what you should do is this: give her the dirt dart.
Take her up in a plane, toss her out, and scrog-fuck the shit out of her on the way down. Then, when you're about a hundred feet off the deck, rip your 'chute. You'll be rapidly introduced to what we call "coitus interruptus". Then she'll fall and impale her ass right on my waiting freaktrain. Then when you're about to make a perfect four-point landing, unsnap and do a motherfucking bellyflop.
That way she ends up with a power-DP.
2011-04-14, 02:31 PM
firefly, go and work for soe, i want to see this stunt ingame in psn ;-)
this brings up a new name idea for planetside next... planetside unleashed ;-)
by the way, lets all hold hands, make a humming sound, and try to summon smed again!
maybe now after the letter, he is allowed to answer some other little questions.
i would like to know, if we could get some tiny bits of info about the new system that will replace the santuary concept.
2011-04-14, 03:28 PM
i would like to know, if we could get some tiny bits of info about the new system that will replace the santuary concept.
Gamespy multiplayer lobby! :D
2011-04-14, 04:33 PM
No, see, what you should do is this: give her the dirt dart.
Take her up in a plane, toss her out, and scrog-fuck the shit out of her on the way down. Then, when you're about a hundred feet off the deck, rip your 'chute. You'll be rapidly introduced to what we call "coitus interruptus". Then she'll fall and impale her ass right on my waiting freaktrain. Then when you're about to make a perfect four-point landing, unsnap and do a motherfucking bellyflop.
That way she ends up with a power-DP.
May i become your apprentice, Master Firelfy? :rofl:
You sir, are going to get shit on.
If its not reality, it will be firefly.
And if it's firefly, it will be GLORIOUS.
Somehow I think I'll live through the insults of a rabid fan boy. Somehow.
You know what else is halfway through April?
My cock.
Or rather, it was... she's passed out in my bed right now.
Way to dodge the issue.
2011-04-14, 07:54 PM
Woah, talk about leaving all good taste and decorum behind...
2011-04-14, 08:43 PM
I'm going to address Mightymouser first, so that nobody but BallBags has to wade through my bullshit.
Woah, talk about leaving all good taste and decorum behind...
This forum never had any damned decorum, let alone good taste. You shoulda seen this joint back in the day when it was Dharkbayne, Sputty, Squeeky, and that hambeast he was letting suck his dick. It was a regular sludge-fest. I'm just trying to keep the hate alive.
Somehow I think I'll live through the insults of a rabid fan boy. Somehow.
Way to dodge the issue.
First of all, I'm not a fan boy but if you wanna get all up in arms about it, allow me to point out that you're the biggest fanboi I know in any game - and way too vociferously emo about it. Everything you post draws fire from some moderator, and for me at least it goes into Charlie Brown teacher WAA-WAA-WAA-WAA mode, and all I can think of is this guy, especially when he does this ( Every time you open your insolent fucking mouth you piss most everyone off. Frankly, I applaud the mods for their patience. People like you are a cumstain on a brown couch. I would highly recommend that you take the dick out of your ass and put it in your mouth before you wake up and find that you are no longer able to run your sausage fingers across your keyboard on this site. You need to go the fuck back to whatever facility of higher learning from whence you came and ask for your goddamn money back, because you've got the be the dumbest, thickest-skulled sack of knuckles I have seen lately. And I see a lot of stupid people on a daily basis. I'm not sayin', you know, I'm just sayin'...
Second of all, you wanna try and call me out for not giving two shits about whatever puke you posted? Fine, kid. You asked. I didn't wanna go down this route but people like you couldn't buy a clue if we gave you money - you just start flapping your piss-flaps like a duck's ass in whippoorwill season and you can't just shut the fuck up, no you gotta keep going. You keep digging and backpedaling and tripping off our bullshit meters - the one with his mouth moving is always the target. I wasn't trying to engage you, but welcome to my three-metre zone. I don't give a fuck about your issue, whatever the hell it was. I don't like you - I think you complain too much, I think you're a trolling jackass, and you're too quick to tell people "Your playstyle sucks" but you get all goddamn high and mighty when someone so much as thinks of sneering in your general direction - I know I'm not the only one to point this out to you. To answer the question, which I forgot what your major malfunction was since I don't give more than a squirt of piss about you, I don't care. That's my answer. Whatever it is, I just don't fucking care. You could have been offering me the best blowjob ever. I'm too uninterested to even go scroll up or waste brain cells trying to remember what it was that you were QQing about this time. I can't believe I even wasted this much effort spelling it all out for you but I hate seeing girls cry so I want to make sure you're not going to walk away from this feeling cheated.
All I can say is, now that my brain is starting to clear up from this fog and I think about what your maladjusted little hissyfit MAY have been... if you got your twat-hairs all twisted up over something SOE did, then quit the goddamn game, shut the fuck up, move the fuck out and draw fire. Seriously. Do yourself, and more importantly the rest of us, a fucking favour. Life is too short to spend your time dipping your nuts in an open desk drawer and letting SOE kick it shut. Satisfied?
The Desert Fox
2011-04-15, 01:45 AM I just about died. firefly i ;love yoy(and been drinkging so realx) but THAT WAS THE BEST PSOT EVER@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2011-04-15, 03:04 AM
I'm going to address Mightymouser first, so that nobody but BallBags has to wade through my bullshit.
This forum never had any damned decorum, let alone good taste. You shoulda seen this joint back in the day when it was Dharkbayne, Sputty, Squeeky, and that hambeast he was letting suck his dick. It was a regular sludge-fest. I'm just trying to keep the hate alive.
First of all, I'm not a fan boy but if you wanna get all up in arms about it, allow me to point out that you're the biggest fanboi I know in any game - and way too vociferously emo about it. Everything you post draws fire from some moderator, and for me at least it goes into Charlie Brown teacher WAA-WAA-WAA-WAA mode, and all I can think of is this guy (, especially when he does this ( Every time you open your insolent fucking mouth you piss most everyone off. Frankly, I applaud the mods for their patience. People like you are a cumstain on a brown couch. I would highly recommend that you take the dick out of your ass and put it in your mouth before you wake up and find that you are no longer able to run your sausage fingers across your keyboard on this site. You need to go the fuck back to whatever facility of higher learning from whence you came and ask for your goddamn money back, because you've got the be the dumbest, thickest-skulled sack of knuckles I have seen lately. And I see a lot of stupid people on a daily basis. I'm not sayin', you know, I'm just sayin'...
Second of all, you wanna try and call me out for not giving two shits about whatever puke you posted? Fine, kid. You asked. I didn't wanna go down this route but people like you couldn't buy a clue if we gave you money - you just start flapping your piss-flaps like a duck's ass in whippoorwill season and you can't just shut the fuck up, no you gotta keep going. You keep digging and backpedaling and tripping off our bullshit meters - the one with his mouth moving is always the target. I wasn't trying to engage you, but welcome to my three-metre zone. I don't give a fuck about your issue, whatever the hell it was. I don't like you - I think you complain too much, I think you're a trolling jackass, and you're too quick to tell people "Your playstyle sucks" but you get all goddamn high and mighty when someone so much as thinks of sneering in your general direction - I know I'm not the only one to point this out to you. To answer the question, which I forgot what your major malfunction was since I don't give more than a squirt of piss about you, I don't care. That's my answer. Whatever it is, I just don't fucking care. You could have been offering me the best blowjob ever. I'm too uninterested to even go scroll up or waste brain cells trying to remember what it was that you were QQing about this time. I can't believe I even wasted this much effort spelling it all out for you but I hate seeing girls cry so I want to make sure you're not going to walk away from this feeling cheated.
All I can say is, now that my brain is starting to clear up from this fog and I think about what your maladjusted little hissyfit MAY have been... if you got your twat-hairs all twisted up over something SOE did, then quit the goddamn game, shut the fuck up, move the fuck out and draw fire. Seriously. Do yourself, and more importantly the rest of us, a fucking favour. Life is too short to spend your time dipping your nuts in an open desk drawer and letting SOE kick it shut. Satisfied?
Jesus christ you type a lot of shit
2011-04-15, 03:19 AM
Life is too short to spend your time dipping your nuts in an open desk drawer and letting SOE kick it shut. Satisfied?
I LOLed. Firefly is a man of many memorable quotes. I think I will hijack this line as a part of my sig. :D :D :D
2011-04-15, 07:35 AM
First ever post on PSU... Firefly, your awesome.
2011-04-15, 09:21 AM
Is there a price for vulgarity you want to win Firefly? You guys have a strange sense of humor ..
2011-04-15, 10:03 AM
Holy wall of text batman
2011-04-15, 10:56 AM
Is there a price for vulgarity you want to win Firefly?
2011-04-15, 11:01 AM
I'm not sure if that would make it better or worse
2011-04-15, 11:09 AM
This forum never had any damned decorum, let alone good taste. You shoulda seen this joint back in the day when it was Dharkbayne, Sputty, Squeeky, and that hambeast he was letting suck his dick. It was a regular sludge-fest. I'm just trying to keep the hate alive.
That was in the lounge and your more than welcome to go back there. Racing the to bottom doesn't seem like something you should be proud of. I'm glad there are people reading this forum that think your funny or a god but you seem like an ass who belongs more on 4chan than on PSU.
Also that letter sucked the guy didn't even post it himself on the PS forums but had the community rep do it for him...
2011-04-15, 11:30 AM
You all bore me with your shitposting. This producers letter fucking sucks, who is this fucking idiot? Worked on EQ? GTFO and die, kthnx.
also, fuck the tr and vs. I'm outta here, off to find something more interesting.
oh, right, smedley has a hand in it. fuckers ruined SWG.
no surprise there.
2011-04-15, 11:48 AM
Well it made me laugh. 2 things I got for that wall of text. Firefire plays wow and talks with a lisp. lmfao.
2011-04-15, 11:58 AM
You all bore me with your shitposting. This producers letter fucking sucks, who is this fucking idiot? Worked on EQ? GTFO and die, kthnx.
also, fuck the tr and vs. I'm outta here, off to find something more interesting.
oh, right, smedley has a hand in it. fuckers ruined SWG.
no surprise there.
Does this mean the NC lost their supreme fearless leader? I don't know why you, or anyone else, was surprised that the first letter from the producer of a new title is anything more than a hello. One would almost suspect you're a complete newbie to the realm of online games and the development process. Especially given the historical trend of SOE.
Firefire plays wow and talks with a lisp. lmfao.
I think you've mistaken something. That was your mother blowing the dog whistle. Have a nice day.
2011-04-15, 12:54 PM
Ok enough of the shenanigans lets get this thread back on topic please.
2011-04-15, 01:46 PM
Jesus christ you type a lot of shit
2011-04-15, 03:20 PM
Ok enough of the shenanigans lets get this thread back on topic please.
I think this thread is either about people liking the letter or hating it. Any argument caused by the disparity in people's disposition to the letter are valid. :P
2011-04-15, 03:24 PM
I cant wait for this game to come out!
Anyone out there remember the Philly clan? Anyone from Band of Bros? Shoot me a PM.
2011-04-15, 03:49 PM
Yeah, all this crying about the letter sucking is pretty damn pathetic. It's the first producer's letter. In hindsight, I'm not sure why this letter didn't come out last week, but I'm sure there's probably a good reason.
There's plenty of time for details to come out. Then the fireworks will really start. You think the complaining is bad now, just wait for when we find out the game has features we don't want, or things we do want are not being put in. If you think it's torches and pitchforks now, just wait see...just wait and see.
2011-04-15, 03:49 PM
I think this thread is either about people liking the letter or hating it. Any argument caused by the disparity in people's disposition to the letter are valid. :P
I agree, completly. But besides liking and not liking it, we have those idiots who believed the game was about to be released in march, and that the first prod letter is going to be 32583267 pages long with information about every possible aspect of the game. And those guys seriously need to die. Thanks.
Anyway, topic: Yea, great, hi. Infos kthx? And FAST, not SOON! ;)
2011-04-15, 03:54 PM
Yeah, all this crying about the letter sucking is pretty damn pathetic. It's the first producer's letter. In hindsight, I'm not sure why this letter didn't come out last week, but I'm sure there's probably a good reason.
I don't know why it was late either, nor do I really care. This is SOE we're talking about - publicity isn't their strong point, if one compares it to Planetside. I'm not holding SOE to a strict timetable when they've got layoff recoveries, engine revamps, and game development to do. And whilst some may be new to the MMO market, there are those of us who are aware of the fact that the first letter from a producer is generally a hello-i-like-turtles letter (kudos to my outfit-mate Joemonkey for that name), and traditionally are merely a greeting.
Now, 2nd letter... that should have more info. I hope it's not long in coming.
The Desert Fox
2011-04-15, 06:10 PM
I don't know why it was late either, nor do I really care. This is SOE we're talking about - publicity isn't their strong point, if one compares it to Planetside. I'm not holding SOE to a strict timetable when they've got layoff recoveries, engine revamps, and game development to do. And whilst some may be new to the MMO market, there are those of us who are aware of the fact that the first letter from a producer is generally a hello-i-like-turtles letter (kudos to my outfit-mate Joemonkey for that name), and traditionally are merely a greeting.
Now, 2nd letter... that should have more info. I hope it's not long in coming.
Haha Firefly I have to agree with you here, now what I want to see is the 2nd letter come out, and have nothing relevant to the game in it. Then I want to see what you have to say to all the nay-sayers :groovy:
2011-04-15, 07:08 PM
Haha Firefly I have to agree with you here, now what I want to see is the 2nd letter come out, and have nothing relevant to the game in it. Then I want to see what you have to say to all the nay-sayers :groovy:
The second letter will come in 3 weeks and have something like 'We hope to release PSN in time for holidays 2011'. And I'll eat my hair if they actually follow that time table.
That said, I'd rather the game be released in March 2012 and be a quality product. (There'll be plenty of opportunities for SOE to fuck with it later on.)
2011-04-15, 07:46 PM
Haha Firefly I have to agree with you here, now what I want to see is the 2nd letter come out, and have nothing relevant to the game in it. Then I want to see what you have to say to all the nay-sayers :groovy:
No, because I want information. I don't go out of my way to fuck with people. I understand how the industry works, that doesn't mean I'm not eagerly awaiting information. I'm by no means a fan of SOE - they pretty much turned me off with the lack of marketing and publicity to Planetside, in addition to the myriad mistakes. But I know why it's delayed and I know how a producer's letter works. I want as much info as I can get, the sooner the better.
2011-04-16, 07:21 PM
yeah, i hope the letter marks the beginning of a more or less constant flow of information.
and i think its a good thing to change the discussion back to a polite tone. would be sad if smed shows up to talk to us and turns away in shame when he reads the flamewars ;-)
2011-04-16, 09:18 PM
Skipped everything after the first post, 'cause I can:
If this letter makes it blatantly obvious obvious this game is in fairly early development stages. Like I've been saying all along, this is not at BF3 levels of finished at all yet and these complains about "X is marketing Y already" are dumb because the timelines are obviously not at similar stages.
2011-04-18, 08:18 PM
its good to know PS has not died off :D
2011-04-21, 12:10 PM
So. . . . . . . Its been 8 days. . . . . . . O_O_O_O_
:sniper: :dance:
2011-04-21, 02:00 PM
So. . . . . . . Its been 8 days. . . . . . . O_O_O_O_
:sniper: :dance:
Hold your breath. I'll count.
2011-04-21, 02:07 PM
So. . . . . . . Its been 8 days. . . . . . . O_O_O_O_
:sniper: :dance:
Check your email.
2011-04-21, 04:37 PM
So. . . . . . . Its been 8 days. . . . . . . O_O_O_O_
:sniper: :dance:
I say 3 weeks...
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