View Full Version : Engineering For Vehicles

2011-04-13, 10:14 PM
This is the idea of applying engineer modifications to spawned vehicales. Wheather this would be an extenstion of a current cert for engineering or a whole nother CERT is up for discussion.

-Armor Plating:Apply extra armor for the vehicale, while slowing it down
This would increase vehicale armor while reducing speed by a bit, more favorable for the tanks and such

-Locking Jam:Vehicale disrupts locking weapons
Wheather this disrupts completly or gives the missle lock weapon a chance to miss it is up for discussion

-Stablizers:After a short duration of remaining still the vehicales weapons become have reduced recoil
Even more so than a non-moving vehicale

-Magnetic Barrel:Increases the vehicals projectile speed. Increases vehicales damage by a minor amount
This makes your bullets move faster while also in a minor way increase damage.

-Nanobite Hull:Vehicale heals at a very slow rate, increase repair rate from other sourses
In sense heals very little by itself but from base or player the repair rate is bit better

-Targeting Sensors:All players in vehicale driving or gunning have better lock ons
Okay for this read below for idea that would be cool to be ingame

Locking On HUD: You know in videos or some games where on your screen targets are locked on and little box surronds them easily pointing their location? In sense certain vehicales would have this as well. With the above upgrade it would make your vehicale visually lock on faster on its HUD for targets and at a further distance

2011-04-13, 10:57 PM
I really don't like the lock on idea. Maybe this is what you're talking about, but I wouldn't mind if it put a red box around enemies (perhaps this would be the upgrade). When lock on is involved, it either:

1) reduces the amount of skill required to use a gun
2) If you want to land an explosive in the middle of five players, you don't want the game deciding you can only shoot at one of them.

The only question is when the red box would appear, because it would have to be something that benefits players who cant play on the highest graphical settings, and maybe cant pick out the green vanu from the trees. I personally don't think its necessary at all, but maybe people enjoy those types of amenities.

I do like all of the other ideas, although you should add a few more:

Grooved Barrell: Increases projectile spin and reduces air resistance giving a smaller arc to shots.

Light Armor: Reduces armor but increases speed (opposite of your heavier armor)

2011-04-13, 11:03 PM
I really don't like the lock on idea. Maybe this is what you're talking about, but I wouldn't mind if it put a red box around enemies (perhaps this would be the upgrade). When lock on is involved, it either:

1) reduces the amount of skill required to use a gun
2) If you want to land an explosive in the middle of five players, you don't want the game deciding you can only shoot at one of them.

The only question is when the red box would appear, because it would have to be something that benefits players who cant play on the highest graphical settings, and maybe cant pick out the green vanu from the trees. I personally don't think its necessary at all, but maybe people enjoy those types of amenities.

I do like all of the other ideas, although you should add a few more:

Grooved Barrell: Increases projectile spin and reduces air resistance giving a smaller arc to shots.

Light Armor: Reduces armor but increases speed (opposite of your heavier armor)

I dont mind etheir way on the red box but the those other 2 ideas are cool :)

2011-04-13, 11:26 PM

2011-04-14, 03:32 AM
Kind of neat ideas though the Locking Jam should not disrupt locking completely that would just be retarded and spawn a pile of flying engineers. :)

Maybe we could also have a possible improvement that engineers could add that would make the vehicles more resistant to Jammer nades?

Also at any given time only one improvement on a vehicle should be allowed and one engineer should have a limited amount of improvements he can dish out but maybe those are obvious. :)

2011-04-14, 03:52 AM
Like it, I think I have something similar buried in my upgrade project somewhere.

I would make these unlockable via merits and purchasable as certs.

I would also not include any that did not have a downside in someway. The ones that modify the gun barrel may have to reduce turret turning speed for example.

2011-04-14, 09:27 AM

thank you lol

2011-04-14, 11:49 AM
I know. Don't most browsers have a built in spell check in them? I'm not normally a spelling nazi but wow... too many in a row for me to ignore.

2011-04-14, 03:16 PM
Ya I'm bad at spelling some words......

I agree with slowing the turret speed on the "Vehicle" for the barrel as suggested. And yes Engineers are limited to how many "Vehicles" they can upgrade and only 1 upgrade per "Vehicle".

2011-04-15, 05:56 AM
moved to buggies post