2011-04-13, 10:14 PM
This is the idea of applying engineer modifications to spawned vehicales. Wheather this would be an extenstion of a current cert for engineering or a whole nother CERT is up for discussion.
-Armor Plating:Apply extra armor for the vehicale, while slowing it down
This would increase vehicale armor while reducing speed by a bit, more favorable for the tanks and such
-Locking Jam:Vehicale disrupts locking weapons
Wheather this disrupts completly or gives the missle lock weapon a chance to miss it is up for discussion
-Stablizers:After a short duration of remaining still the vehicales weapons become have reduced recoil
Even more so than a non-moving vehicale
-Magnetic Barrel:Increases the vehicals projectile speed. Increases vehicales damage by a minor amount
This makes your bullets move faster while also in a minor way increase damage.
-Nanobite Hull:Vehicale heals at a very slow rate, increase repair rate from other sourses
In sense heals very little by itself but from base or player the repair rate is bit better
-Targeting Sensors:All players in vehicale driving or gunning have better lock ons
Okay for this read below for idea that would be cool to be ingame
Locking On HUD: You know in videos or some games where on your screen targets are locked on and little box surronds them easily pointing their location? In sense certain vehicales would have this as well. With the above upgrade it would make your vehicale visually lock on faster on its HUD for targets and at a further distance
-Armor Plating:Apply extra armor for the vehicale, while slowing it down
This would increase vehicale armor while reducing speed by a bit, more favorable for the tanks and such
-Locking Jam:Vehicale disrupts locking weapons
Wheather this disrupts completly or gives the missle lock weapon a chance to miss it is up for discussion
-Stablizers:After a short duration of remaining still the vehicales weapons become have reduced recoil
Even more so than a non-moving vehicale
-Magnetic Barrel:Increases the vehicals projectile speed. Increases vehicales damage by a minor amount
This makes your bullets move faster while also in a minor way increase damage.
-Nanobite Hull:Vehicale heals at a very slow rate, increase repair rate from other sourses
In sense heals very little by itself but from base or player the repair rate is bit better
-Targeting Sensors:All players in vehicale driving or gunning have better lock ons
Okay for this read below for idea that would be cool to be ingame
Locking On HUD: You know in videos or some games where on your screen targets are locked on and little box surronds them easily pointing their location? In sense certain vehicales would have this as well. With the above upgrade it would make your vehicale visually lock on faster on its HUD for targets and at a further distance