View Full Version : A Case for Not Knowing Release Date
2011-04-15, 07:27 PM
So, there has been some talk about when the release date will be, and it getting pushed back, and is it going to be this year or next year, and we already know the release date of other games (i.e. Battlefield 3).
Now, of course, we are anxiously awaiting this game, but there are some really good up sides to not announcing the release date too early. 1 quick example, is that now you are beholden to that date. So the company big wigs will tell the developers, just make sure the game is on the shelves. Then we get a game that is filled with bugs at release because it was only half baked. (Anyone who got COD: Black Ops for the PC should have this fresh in their memory)
Now, if you don't set a release date in stone, that gives the developers more flexibility to make sure the game is done right and running correctly at release. Now, if PS:N gets released without any bugs, I think it would be the first mmo in history to do that. However, I think almost all of us would rather wait a little bit to get a great game, then get a half baked game early.
Am I smoking 7 gram rocks, or do you agree?
2011-04-15, 07:41 PM
Just about every game gets released with bugs. It happens. I would be ecstatic if this were the case with PS:N but hey, can't have the world on a platter unless you own a few nukes.
As far as a release date: look at the trolls on this board who threw a hissyfit at the whole March/not-March thing. Or the producer's letter. I mean, the fucking CEO of SOE was on this board engaging in banter and chatter. T-Ray. Virrago. They frequent the boards. No, that's not good enough - commit to a release date, haters gonna hate, and SOE will be crucified if they're off by five seconds.
You know Minecraft is probably the best example to use for how long the gaming community is willing to wait or even pay for a half finished buggy game. It was a stroke of genius for Notch to sell copy's of the alpha for a reduced price to help fund the game and I believe this could be adapted to help developers make better games even with larger companies like SOE.
Minecraft has sold over a million copies now from what I've read. At 20-30 dollars a copy. That's not bad coin for a half finished title. Why aren't more developers doing this?
I don't need a release date (ever) if I can play the game now. I'll even pay full price for it and give you real time feedback on the features you add to help you make a game that won't suck.
2011-04-16, 01:34 AM
You know Minecraft is probably the best example to use for how long the gaming community is willing to wait or even pay for a half finished buggy game. It was a stroke of genius for Notch to sell copy's of the alpha for a reduced price to help fund the game and I believe this could be adapted to help developers make better games even with larger companies like SOE.
Minecraft has sold over a million copies now from what I've read. At 20-30 dollars a copy. That's not bad coin for a half finished title. Why aren't more developers doing this?
I don't need a release date (ever) if I can play the game now. I'll even pay full price for it and give you real time feedback on the features you add to help you make a game that won't suck.
Very, very few games would ever attract a following like Minecraft; and they're mostly geeks that don't care about bugs (hell, most people don't even 'play' the actual game) I mean that in the nicest possible way
2011-04-16, 02:28 AM
Yeah, I think people will have a different level of expectation for PS:N. If Planetside was just made by 1 guy, we'd all cut it alot more slack too. It's not exactly comparing apples to apples.
2011-04-16, 02:29 AM
I still can't play CODBO....
I predict Q2/Q3 2013. I don't see it coming out earlier than that. There should be at least another year of development. When you add in the buff to the staff, they will probably want to beef up what anything they already did, adding another year or so. I suspect SOE wouldn't want to butt heads with the big holiday titles, yet 2014 seems a bit far off for a remake. So that's where I'm coming from. At first, I thought they were just going all stealth mode, to prevent competition. Now, I find it obvious, they just haven't done a whole lot yet.
I don't know why people cry about dates though. Sometimes companies change their minds, it's a fact of life.
2011-04-16, 03:22 AM
Look at just what BW are doing with TOR, they still haven't announced a release day yet either and that game has been public knowledge far, far longer.
People will always piss and moan forums wanted what they think is their right, yet it's been proven that all their threats of leaving and bluster is simply hot air.
They'll wait till the game company is ready, as it should be.
More over the Game Company should wait till the GAME is ready, as you can no doubt see by forums that the average gamer is a far more fickle and A.D.D inclined, not willing to stay with a broken game for long than they were a few years ago.
I'm fine not knowing the release date until it's ready to be released.
Honestly I'm just happy knowing that PS-N is a reality :)
2011-04-16, 04:05 AM
I would be a lot happier just knowing the year they are aiming for...
2011-04-16, 04:41 AM
I predict Q2/Q3 2013. I don't see it coming out earlier than that.
I don't know. I think even though they probably want to make the best game they can, it is still a business. If SOE is now only developing PS:N and EQ:N, then they can't wait forever. 2013 sounds pretty far off, but maybe I'm just being optmisitic.
2011-04-16, 10:46 AM
This game is not like other games, it doesnt need a 2013 release. Its FAR simpler. There is no PvE, you dont need to have quests and npc's and cut scenes and long story lines and complex talent trees with classes etc etc. You need a world to fight in, vehicles, the obvious certs. And a system to bring it all together. Its 100's of times less dev time than a normal MMO.
Yes its much deeper than any other multiplayer FPS game by far, but as far as dev time, its still not even in the same galaxy as SWTOR, its far far away..... (ok, sorry, that was bad)
But thats smaller dev time is very good. It means its cheaper and less risk, which is why we even get a sequel.
As far as a release date: look at the trolls on this board who threw a hissyfit at the whole March/not-March thing. Or the producer's letter. I mean, the fucking CEO of SOE was on this board engaging in banter and chatter. T-Ray. Virrago. They frequent the boards. No, that's not good enough - commit to a release date, haters gonna hate, and SOE will be crucified if they're off by five seconds.
I don't think you have any idea what trolling is. Being upset isn't trolling.
2011-04-16, 11:59 AM
I don't think you have any idea what trolling is. Being upset isn't trolling.
Cry me a river, Justin Timberlake.
2011-04-16, 06:16 PM
This game is not like other games, it doesnt need a 2013 release. Its FAR simpler. There is no PvE, you dont need to have quests and npc's and cut scenes and long story lines and complex talent trees with classes etc etc. You need a world to fight in, vehicles, the obvious certs. And a system to bring it all together. Its 100's of times less dev time than a normal MMO.
Yes its much deeper than any other multiplayer FPS game by far, but as far as dev time, its still not even in the same galaxy as SWTOR, its far far away..... (ok, sorry, that was bad)
But thats smaller dev time is very good. It means its cheaper and less risk, which is why we even get a sequel.
Other games seriously neglect pretty much everything PS does. That's why PS is so unique. So, it's not the same as just subtracting things from the to do list. They still have to make a full and functional game.
2011-04-17, 12:06 AM
Are any of you guys familiar with consumer trends in the MMO industry? I tend to play games in March-July. If they aim for next holiday season and delay it a bit that would be perfect for my trend, but that's just me.
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