View Full Version : need planetside...

2011-05-13, 12:11 AM
So in 2004 at the young age of 14, I had found out about this PC game called Planetside from a friend of mine at school. "You get to choose between three different armies and it's cool!" was as far as his description went. I picked up the game at my local gamestop/EB games etc. and bought a month prescription and played away. I chowe NC because I was fairly left winged at the time and... they fit the bill; freedom fighters and all, right? My shitty video card could barely run the damn thing, and I would struggle through lag and black screens, and timeouts, and forever loading screens, and crashes. But I was hooked! The thrill of driving a tank through a dense forest or barren desert with tank shells and grenades and bullets being exchange overhead was just... unlike any other video game ever! For some reason or other after a few months of play I didn't renew my subscription. I don't remember why: maybe I got grounded for being a shitty kid and my mom wouldn't renew my sub, or maybe I just got sick of the lag and stopped playing.

7 years later, and at age 21 I was at chilling with my cousin one night and sure enough our conversation moved to video games and I heard word of "Planetside 2/Next". Memories of foot slogging across bridges and Gal dropping on towers came back to me instantly. I forgot the reasons why I ditched the game in the first place.

That night we both started characters, TR this time: I'm a more right winged economically anway, they seem to fit the bill better. I found myself immersed in the thrilling battle that I had once knew and I wondered why I spent all these years away from planetside haha. I soon found out of the free Rexo for 5-year old accounts, so I recovered my old account and started playing my NC character. About two weeks into the best video game experience of my life, and after getting my brother to subscribe to start a character on NC, I find myself staring at a "Customer Service Notification".

FML. I want planetside

2011-05-13, 01:56 AM
I picked up the game at my local gamestop/EB games etc. and bought a month prescription and played away.

Best freudian slip of the week. I'm with you though, dude. I need my fix too.

2011-05-13, 02:07 AM
yes i need me some Planetside. It has not been too bad so far. Most of the people i played PS with , i am playing with them in BFBC2.

2011-05-13, 02:13 AM
Right there with you. I could never convince any of my friends to play Planetside though, either their computers weren't good enough (mine barely was) or they didn't want to cough up the subscription. But now I just got one of my friends interested just as the servers went down, so we're gonna have to wait until they're back up to get started. Ugh, it's going to be so awesome playing though and using skype. BFBC2 has been amazing so far and it seems to be holding us over well enough for the time being...but I miss Planetside so much.