View Full Version : K/D ratio fix?
2011-07-30, 01:37 AM
Ok so I'm not a pro at fps's let alone planetside...I do fairly enjoy the game alot. Its a game I can usually pick up and leave when I please and still get some good action. Its one of the very few games where if I get killed time & time again I can say "lets do it again"
I am a very avid mmo player and WoW I've been playing since 2005 so I know my stuff.
I have always had a problem with my k/d ratio since I started back in 07. For example last night after 2 hours or so my k/d ratio was 2/10 and the 2 kills were wasp vs reaver/mosq kills. I love the air to air combat I love the single pilot air feel in this game. If I can shoot a gun in any air vehicle I love it and will do it happily. As for ground work I'm a terrible vanguard driver and lightning I feel is to weak to do any good damage.
So I mean can someone give me some good hardcore tips for air vs air & air vs ground combat. Tips for missle lock avoidance anything. I love the game but when I see my k/d ratio after 4 hours of playing at 7/30 I feel extremely useless compared to people I see at 30/0
2011-07-30, 01:53 AM
Against TR, avoid flak, go around locked down MAXes, and when somebody launches a missile volley you just afterburner away after about 2-3 seconds.
Against VS, I really have no idea. I never fly aircraft around them since they're weapons are adept at killing most everything equally well.
2011-07-30, 05:34 AM
1st, don't trip too hard over the K/D. In an mmofps like Planetside, you can get killed in soooo many different ways.
Having said that, here's some things I try to keep in mind:
- If you are worried about the ratio, focus more on not dying than killing. Sometimes it's better to let a half dead mosq go free if it's at it's base, because trying to finish it off will expose you to AA. You may get the kill, but you will likely die. Over the stretch of a gaming session, those deaths add up.
- Be aware of where you are. I like to keep the Self Waypoint set near an active friendly base. That way, if I'm in a dogfight or something and lose my bearings, and I need to escape quickly, it's clear which is the best direction to go. There have been so many times when I run away from the immediate trouble only to find myself way behind enemy lines. Also, if you are being pursued, your friendlies will naturally target your attacker which in turn saves your ass. Teamwork doesn't always need to be coordinated to be effective in the chaos of battle.
- Try to ambush the enemy. The best place to ambush somebody for a kill is between the front lines and where they repair. You have to come way around on their flank like the Schlieffen Plan so as not to be noticed then keep your eyes peeled for those targets that are low on health.
- Know your enemy. Like any game, if you know the strengths and weaknesses of your target, then you increase your chances of success. For example, if you are in a Reaver, and you are attacking a Skyguard, you better already be on the way out before your first rocket hits it, and then come at it from a different angle.
- Avoid lock-on? There's only 2 ways I know. 1) Fly low and fast, map of the earth style, and try to get hills, trees, rocks, friendlies, anything in between you and your attacker. 2) Get up high and fly in 1 direction as fast as you can go, watch your radar, and when the rounds get close, turn about 10-20 degress and keep going straight. Generally, by then you will be out of range and the lock on will break. Of course, this pretty much just works with ground AA.
If you focus more on not dying than killing, your K/D will improve simply due to the fact that the kills will come if you stay alive.
2011-07-30, 07:28 AM
focus more on not dying than killing
This. Patience, kills will come.
Also, this isn't really a tip, but not every one of your deaths is from what you like todo. so even though you are 7/30 just remember that not every death is from doing something you like(flying), IE indoor fighting. So don't get too hung up on your K/D.
2011-08-01, 09:19 PM
Just don't worry about ratios, and in a game like PS I don't think it matters very much anyway. As a cloaker who does everything to offer but shoot people I've more then made my impact without getting many kills.
But if a good ratio is how you enjoy the game then pick up med and engi, don't go back into the fight lower then the other guy.
2011-08-01, 11:14 PM
Just like any online shooter game, the highest k/d ratios are reserved, like the Bentleys in banana republics, for the worst cheaters/lawbreakers.
I drive an AMS much of the time, but AAmax also. Highest k/d are always with AAmax, for me, not so much from the CE I lay down. I focus on my overall positive effect on my empire more than on how many kills I get. I support the killers. On almost infinitely rare occasions, some of them have actually expended some effort to defend the spawn point.
But, I don't let their lack of teamwork affect what I do. I enjoy doing what I do, regardless of the k/d ratio.
2011-08-01, 11:55 PM
Don't be afraid to retreat and attack from another angle. I tend to use my HSR outdoors so if someone is shooting at me sometimes I'll run away and heal then turn around and kill them at range when they've forgotten about me. Also don't go for pop shots. Go for units you know you're going to kill. If you can't get a kill move to a place you can.
Also turn on darklight like a madman. I can't tell you how many cloaker kills I get by being paranoid. They're everywhere always!
2011-08-02, 02:08 AM
I have played TR exclusively for about the last 6-7 years. I pick up burster here and there and i currenlty have it certed. From experience using the burster i usually see enemy aircraft just afterburn away as soon as the flak starts hitting them. I have seen many reavers/skeeters get away with a sliver of health by doing this.
For Nc the terrain is your friend when you have a lock. Drop down. go behind objects, weave through trees. basically anything to get in the way of the missle. I find Sparrows the most annoying to lose lock on because it seems they track you forever and go around objects.
I find VS maxes easy to escape lock on. They have to stay locked on you to kill you and its simple to break most locks. Just fly behind stuff that will break LoS.
I think i am a decent pilot but still am learning a lot. If another wasp has a lock on afterburn in the direction the lock is coming from to not get hit. i find most pilots in the wasp to be really bad in the air and if they don't kill you with missles they are an easy kill. I enjoy killing them a lot. If another aircraft gets the jump on you its helps if you constantly change altitude or spiral up/down.
2011-08-02, 05:44 AM
The wasp is extremely squishy, if you do enjoy flying I suggest trying the Reaver, it has a lot more armour and you will be able to actually take out ground AA with a little bit of thought and fancy maneuvering. Especially if you are taking on the TR whose MAX units can't jump away or activate a shield.
The Wasp is only good at taking on other aircraft, but if a Reaver manages to spot you first or manages to avoid your missile lock those 20mm will chew you up.
2011-08-02, 03:47 PM
Don't worry mate. I'm right there with you. Although, I have to say that I'm not a huge FPS player myself. I come from the MMORPG genre. Still, Planetside is the only FPS I've ever actually enjoyed. And your k/d ratio is pretty much the same as mine.
Here's something I've thought about doing that I heard someone do in another FPS: If your computer can handle running FRAPS in the background, record one of your sessions; like maybe an hour or so. Now just start playing the game. When you get ready for a break or you think you've recorded enough footage, go back and review what you have. Look at your deaths and see if you notice yourself doing something you shouldn't be doing or something good you did and should practice doing that more.
I've only had this thought recently and not sure if it would help, but I've noticed myself doing some really stupid things and dying and then later forgetting and dying again. Sometimes watching yourself do something stupid is a good way to learn if you're like me and are into bad habits.
I also think that joining an outfit is a really good start to improving your game if you're not already in one. I personally have yet to get any answers from the VS leaders that say they are recruiting. And I prefer to play my MMO's with other people, and not solo, so I've been thinking a lot about saying goodbye to my BR22 VS soldier and joining up with TR or NC just to get into an outfit that actually wants to help you out and give you some tips.
The only thing keeping me personally from joining TR to hope into BWC is the currently population of PlanetSide. TR holds a very large pop it seems. I don't like being on bandwagons. That being said, my only issue with hitting up NC is I don't really know of active outfits that are actually recruiting and that use team based strategies.
So with an outfit in mind, I can personally say that I've had too much trouble flying solo that I just dropped the cert today. I spent more time dying and flying back to the battle only to get AA locked immediately that I never really got to shoot at anything.
2011-08-02, 04:33 PM
Yeah finding an outfit will always help.
If you are on TR I can offer you an invite to a very newbie friendly outfit, we have a pretty big group of decent people. We have some kill whores who can go on 100 kill days to a fraction of the deaths and we have some players who might only get 3 or 4 kills in an hour, but we work as a team with plenty of support certs spread between us and we have a lot of fun.
2011-08-02, 07:55 PM
3 or 4 kills in an hour sounds about like most of my days. Seems I spend more time just getting to the fight than I do actually fighting.
2011-08-19, 11:42 AM
It's weird thing to get down but something that'll help you in doors:
Strafe back and forth with the occasional crouch uncrouch in there. I'm not saying spam A and D as fast as you can to try and cause warping but being a moving target instead of standing there or running at them in a straight line will help a lot.
2011-08-19, 04:11 PM
It's weird thing to get down but something that'll help you in doors:
Strafe back and forth with the occasional crouch uncrouch in there. I'm not saying spam A and D as fast as you can to try and cause warping but being a moving target instead of standing there or running at them in a straight line will help a lot.
I lol at the strafe/ crouch tards. I find them very easy to kill.
2011-08-20, 11:45 AM
Wasps are deathtraps if you are doing anything remotely useful.
2011-08-20, 09:20 PM
Spend some time playing quake live
If you stand stil in planetside you will die alot
Use your head dont just follow the sheep always look for a way to stack the odds in your favour.
If you use your head and can aim on an average level with a decent BR (excluding cloaking) you should see a positive k/d at the end of all sessions
2011-08-21, 12:24 PM
Get a friend on TS or Vent and go sniping. Call out a target, shoot at the same time, find a new target. Your spot gets hot, move.
I've thrown up 2 hour sessions with 50+ kills <10 deaths.
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