View Full Version : The proper use of SW with PS?

2011-07-31, 07:02 PM
I am using personal shield now, and have looked at adding second wind. From the descriptions I've read SW will activate when my heath reaches a given point, and it will give me 25 more health and stamina. To me this means that after my PS is gone, and I am about to die, it will kick it and let me activate PS for another 25 stamina.

If correct this sound great. However, I have found contrary views stating it does not always kick it/work/etc...is this true? Is the method I am describing the most effective use of this combnation? More importantly, is it worth giving up dark light to use it?

I have tried to test it myself, but I have yet reached the point where I've noticed SW "saving me" in time to reactivate PS for another round. Normally I am to focused on the center of my screen when in a fight. I'm thinking with time I can correct this, but am unsure if it's worth the investment before I start...

2011-07-31, 07:39 PM
I've tried using it and noticing it several times and never found it to work.

2011-07-31, 08:10 PM
I used it some, It gives you 25 HP and 25 stamina. so basically an extra medkit (and more p-shield juice) but the cooldown is way too long to be effective.

my implant setup is Pshield surge and enhanced targeting.

2011-08-02, 04:59 PM
There is some probability of it kicking in each second your health is below some level. Sometimes you'll get the boost instantly, other times you make have to wait several seconds for it to kick in. It also has a ridiculously long initialization timer, which, when combined with the unpredictability of activation, makes it a rather unpopular implant choice among players.

2011-08-05, 05:34 AM
There is some probability of it kicking in each second your health is below some level. Sometimes you'll get the boost instantly, other times you make have to wait several seconds for it to kick in. It also has a ridiculously long initialization timer, which, when combined with the unpredictability of activation, makes it a rather unpopular implant choice among players.

Weird, I've never had SW delay it's activation, at least not that I've noticed. For me either it works or it doesn't.

But Taro, you heard correctly. There are times when SW should have kicked in but did not. It's supposed to activate if your health falls below 20. But there have been times when I've been at <20 health after a firefight and noticed when healing/repping that SW is still in a "charged" and ready state (as a side note it takes ~3 mins 20 secs to charge).

As to whether it's worth it or not, I guess that depends in part what empire you play for and what weapons are usually equipped by your opponents.

For example, if you're VS and you use HA, then darklight is for the most part redundant since you can use the Lasher's lash to find cloakers. So you could ditch DL for SW and not lose much... :cool: (btw plasma works well for finding cloakers too hehe).

In addition, SW is largely ineffective against shotgun weapons since even if SW does manage to go off (which it will only do if you get hit with exactly 22 or 23 pellets with a JH, or 24 pellets with a Sweeper), the next JH/Sweeper shot will probably do so much overkill damage that SW won't matter. So if you play NC then SW will by default be more effective for you than it would for the TR/VS since you won't be facing as many shotguns as they will.

For me, I find SW to be worth it on occasion since it's basically a free, extra medkit boost that I don't have to think about, that kicks in automagically when I'm near death, and that doesn't take up precious inventory space (especially handy when in Agile armour). :cool: