View Full Version : Planetside 2 and the fate of Planetside 1
I've been wondering for awhile now if we've seen any information about what will happen to Planetside 1 after Planetside 2 is released. Barring any official info, I'm curious about what the community here thinks will happen to it.
I apologize if this has already been brought up in a different thread, but I couldn't find any information on the subject.
2011-08-25, 03:46 AM
Depends on PS2 entirely. If it fails, I will play PS1.
On a side note, check my cool sig...
Even if SOE doesn't shut down PS1 right away I imagine PS1 will die unless PS2 completely flops right out of the gate.
2011-08-25, 04:18 AM
They haven't really mentioned anything about it, have they.
I never really assumed that they would close down the PS server after the release of PS2, mainly due to the way EQ was still supported after EQ2 was released, however these are two very different games.
I assume they will wait to see how successful PS2 is before they stop taking peoples money for PS.
2011-08-25, 05:16 AM
Either way planetside 1 is dying
PS2 is a success: everyone plays it
Ps2 flops: everyone hates SOE and stops playing PS1
2011-08-25, 05:44 AM
I agree, PS1 is a dying game, and has no future.
the fact that its still going is impressive
2011-08-25, 05:54 AM
the fact that its still going is impressive
Yeah agree. Granted that they have done several server merges but still impressive imo. :)
2011-08-25, 09:06 AM
Doubt they will keep servers up for PS1 if there are no players on the servers. No reason to keep them running if that happens.
2011-08-25, 10:06 AM
I imagine PS1 is done either way after PS2 releases. Even if people personally say they aren't leaving, enough people will be leaving to kill it anyways. And I imagine in the rare event PS2 flops, people won't be beating down the doors to spend $15 a month still playing the original. I'm sure their are quite a few scenario's that could play out, but I'm pretty sure they all end with PS1 ending.
In fact, they'd be smart to kill PS1 the day before PS2 releases to help push the last few lingering people into PS2. No sense really in running both games. As a company, why bother competing with yourself? The more people playing PS2 the better for SOE, anybody left playing PS1 just cuts into PS2's population. PS1 is the past, it's dead once PS2 comes out. They need to pour all their resources into it, and not even bother trying to keep PS1 alive.
2011-08-25, 10:28 AM
^^^ Ya, but this is SOE. A company that is still running, and producing new content, for the original EQ1. But, they haven't produced any new stuff for PS1 so ya might have a good point there.
2011-08-25, 10:39 AM
Different games, PS needs a large pop to survive. EQ and games like that you can roll out some new PvE content once in a while and be fine.
2011-08-25, 11:54 AM
I think PS1 will be shut down because of the way they are branding PS2. EQ1 was supported after EQ2 was released because they marketed those as separate games all together.
They are marketing PS2 as more of a re-image of PS1, not a separate game so it makes since for there only to be one PS universe.
my .02
2011-08-25, 12:07 PM
Planetside 2 will plain and simply be awesome and will not flop.
PS1 will shut down eventually due to insufficient player numbers.
---The End for PS1 is nigh---
2011-08-25, 01:51 PM
I agree that PS1 is "dead game walking". It kinda has been for a while now. What are the chances they'd leave it up for a while and use it as advertising for PS2. Not sure how they'd do it tho, even if they make PS1 no sub. Game advances, from what we've heard, are huge and it's gonna be a completely different experience so it can't be a teaser for PS2. And you'd have to justify the resources to maintain the current PS1 servers by showing enough people are moving from a free PS1 to PS2.
Also, life expectancy of PS1 depends on the business model that PS2 uses. If it's F2P for limited content, levels, etc then noone would play PS1 anyway.
Even in the best of circumstances, PS1's main problem is to maintain the population as there's no PVE. How boring would it be to have just a few dozen people running around on the multiple continents/planets spending all of your time trying to find each other? To keep battles going with low pop would require scaling back the size of the landmass or maybe reducing hack times or something silly. But then it just wouldn't be the same.
2011-08-25, 01:57 PM
Yeah agree. Granted that they have done several server merges but still impressive imo. :)
Not really impressive... impressive would be UO or AC and AO still going after like.... 11 years? THAT'S impressive, AC4LIFE!!!! :D where the real PK is at.
2011-08-25, 04:11 PM
planetside 1 will be shut down once ps2 comes out
2011-08-25, 04:47 PM
^^^ Wow, breaking news? Source or it didn't happen! :rofl:
2011-08-25, 08:54 PM
It seems pretty obvious that PS1 will shut down when PS2 is fully operational. I mean, how many of you would pay subs for both at the same time (if that is the business model)? And why would they keep servers online for a decimated PS1 population?
2011-08-25, 09:03 PM
Beauty of All Access pass :)
2011-08-25, 09:30 PM
If PS2 crashes and burns, then PS1 might have some population for a bit.
They could make it a buy to play title, but they won't, Sony isn't smart like that.
Somebody could start a Emu, completely bend over SOE for the second time on the issue (see SWGEmu), but chances are that won't happen.
Its a good game, and it is depressing that they won't make some simple choices to keep it around. Btw, the game+expansion sells for 10$ on D2D, but the monthly fee costs 15$? What the fuck?
It seems pretty obvious that PS1 will shut down when PS2 is fully operational.
It won't even take that long. Assuming they mean what they say about current players getting priority in beta invites, once the PS2 beta starts, PS1 is done. If even half of current players go to the beta, the remaining population just won't be enough to sustain PS1.
Then, once beta is active, it'll still be a matter of 6 months or so before PS2 is even released. During that time, if PS1 hasn't been officially shut down, it will starve a slow death.
2011-08-26, 10:40 AM
We don't know officially what will happen with PlanetSide 1, at this point it's just speculation.
2011-08-26, 02:45 PM
We don't know officially what will happen with PlanetSide 1, at this point it's just speculation.
If I had 10 cents for every time I've seen you post something similar to, "so its just speculation", I'd have about.... 30 cents. :D :D
2011-08-26, 11:40 PM
You know what, I stopped saying that after I read enough posts to see that almost 90%+ of all PS2 forums posts are speculation.
2011-08-28, 10:27 AM
Well call me a geek but Planetside has many, many fond memories for me and has formed a very enjoyable gaming escape that will be sorely missed once it goes.
PS1 will naturally waste away from lack of population (reminding me of the last days of Werner - < 30 people online and massive population imbalance) so I really hope that SOE will be proactive rather than letting such a great game die a painful death.
My idea would be as follows:
- 1-2 days prior to the release of Planetside 2 have an event which would be akin to the "un-bending" (consolidation)?
- All continents are destroyed and condensed into a single continent - old Oshur (with no population locks)
- This is a fight to the death - first empire to take control of old Oshur 'wins' Planetside 1
...yeah I know it's cheesy but I'd love a decisive end to Planetside where we would be able to take screenshots of the dieing seconds of the game to remember it the way it was meant to be enjoyed - with large numbers of people.
I have screenshots of people lined up for a photo on the dieing moment of the Open Beta in the VS sanctuary, seconds before the servers shut down in preparation for release emotional end to one of my greatest beta gaming experiences ever :( *geek alert*
2011-08-28, 06:38 PM
I think within a couple months of PS2's release they should make PS1 completely free to get as many people playing again as possible. Make a big lead up to PS2, get people fired up about it. Get some big battles going on, have some events, really get people back into the fray. Then on PS2's release date close PS1 and watch the battle spill over into PS2.
2011-08-30, 12:41 PM
I think within a couple months of PS2's release they should make PS1 completely free to get as many people playing again as possible. Make a big lead up to PS2, get people fired up about it. Get some big battles going on, have some events, really get people back into the fray. Then on PS2's release date close PS1 and watch the battle spill over into PS2.
Hmmm good thinking batman...makes a lot of sense.
Could also use the in-game billboards to advertise PS2 (free in-game marketing for them)
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