View Full Version : When did you start playing Planetside 1?
2011-08-26, 03:56 PM
Just trying to get a general feel for the vocal minority here and how it's made up. This poll just concerns when you created your account and started playing. This isn't about how much you played, just when you played pretty much. (Also not for bragging). I notice some of the names from the game, but some of them must have played on different servers so it's hard for me to know everyone.
I made this when I saw the following comment and realized I don't know who that person is other than probably a halo fan.
I'm starting to think 90% of the people on these forums have never played the game, or have only played it within like the past year and have no idea how the game worked in the past.
// edit It has come to my attention that "vocal minority", aka those who post online about a game, can be derogatory. Title changed... nvm it won't change the real forum title. Just pretend.
// edit2 Also I always read ranges like beta-2005 as [beta, 2005) as in not including 2005 in case someone reads them differently.
2011-08-26, 04:12 PM
Think this is my very first character. Was created on a trial account, thats why i cant access it anymore. Would have been deleted anyway. :P
I started in late summer of '05. Played almost every day until summer of '07, where I jumped ship to WoW with some friends. After '09 I have resubbed the odd month here and there. I've been subbed since PS2 was announced.
2011-08-26, 04:40 PM
First joined shortly after launch. It was either late May or early June of 2003. (memory a little hazy from beer hops and bong resin) Stayed subbed pretty much ever since. Just got lucky with the timing because I just heard about it from a friend. Looked it up, and bought it the very next day.
2011-08-26, 04:59 PM
hmmm I am the original bitter vet and I remember you when you were a tadpole swimming around dads happy sack
I started in October 2004.
2011-08-26, 05:59 PM
It seems like SOOOO long ago. Oh 2003. I was young and stupid back then - Im not young anymore.
2011-08-26, 06:17 PM
Started in Beta. I think late 2003 to mid 2004 was Planetside's prime. Some awesome gaming during that time period.
Release had some funny quirks (like when spawning drained NTUs - a base fight would go neutral in a few minutes), but was otherwise still quite good. Back in the day of 10 minute vehicle timers and no repair/rearm pads when pilots went around with glueguns and extra ammo in their agile armor w/ pistols. When the mosquito's gun had a CoF bloom that made it little more than scout aircraft. When Phoenix ammo boxes had 3 rounds in them. When the TR AI max was the pounder (and when it was the DC in beta)....
Lets see, I believe I started playing around 2004, though I didn't create this character until later. Not sure when that was. I remember reading the official forums every night before I subbed to the game, I just couldn't get enough. PS was only my second ever subbed game, and certainly played a large part in my acceptance of such a format.
2011-08-26, 07:30 PM
I started early 2007
It's a funny story actually, I got into the WoW open beta but after installing it and playing it for only a few hours, my Radeon 9600 died denying me the ability to play anything. While I waited for it to be repaired under warranty, which took an agonizing 30 days, I browsed the beta forum, where I accidentally stumbled upon a thread where people were talking about other MMOs, and someone mentioned this intriguing "MMOFPS".
Suffice to say, I never logged back into the WoW open beta when my card finally arrived...
So basically Fate led me from WoW to Planetside
2011-08-26, 07:33 PM
Started 2 months after release(Conflicted with the release of EVE). Played a few months. Quit. Played again a year or so later. Quit again due to dial up. Played again. Quit again. Played again. Quit again. Last log in january due to PSN hype.
End of beta through fall of 2004. Those were great 16 hour summer days :D
viva Johari!
my friend got beta
so i went over to his place & proceeded to jump into a reaver.
i was hooked 4 life!
2011-08-26, 09:59 PM
I started in late 03' or early 04'
2011-08-26, 11:44 PM
Started in Beta. I played untill the sun came up the first day. I first unsubbed in like 2008 then subbed off and on untill 2010. Resubbed in Mid Feb of this year and have been subbed since. I still have my PS discs and box from when PS was released.
2011-08-26, 11:48 PM
Started in open beta. Played on and off since then. Jumped into BF2 when it came out. Still, there was something about PS1 that brought me back. Times have changed since open beta and super excited for PS2!
2011-08-27, 03:28 AM
Beta wasn't in 2005, I played beta for planetside in 2003
The poll says from Beta to 2005, from 2005 to 2007 etc... :rofl:
My first ever screenshot,
2011-08-27, 04:15 AM
I started in June 2003, about 2 weeks after release.
I'd heard about the PS1 open beta on the forums for a game called SubSpace (now Continuum) - which was an MMOASWS (Massively Multiplayer Online Asteroids/Space War Simulator :p ). However, most of my game-time back then was already occupied between SubSpace and MOHAA so I chose not to participate in PS1's beta and instead waited until the finished product was available so I could see if it was worth shelling out a subscription for or not.
Needless to say it was. :D
I rage-quit for a year in early 2005 after I could no longer stomach the Rape of Auraxis by hordes of 1st edition BFR's and only came back once BFR's were nerfed to a tolerable level. And I quit again due to burnout for several months right before the 1st rendition of the AP Lasher was introduced. Otherwise I've been subbed the whole time.
2011-08-27, 04:30 AM
2003 here. Got my invite on my birthday. One of my favorite presents to date.
2011-08-27, 04:34 AM
I remember getting Planetside in the mail, my dad ran a few fan sites for SOE back in the day and they'd send him stuff every now and then, a mug here, EQ expansion there.
One day they sent him Planetside and we tried it out. He didn't like it but I feel in love with it and played it up until the "Reserves" and WoW became super popular, had myself an all access pass becuase I played EQ2, Planetside, SWG, and every once in a while I'd try something else.
Once my dad and friends all switched to WoW I switched just to stick with them but never really liked it much, from there I went from MMO to MMO searching for something as good as Planetside.
I found EVE but just couldn't invest the time to really do anything so I stopped playing that, I'd almost given up hope on ever finding something to hold my attention when SOE anounced PS2, I thought about resubing Planetside but decided against it simply because I'd have none of my friends to play with...... That lasted all of about a week I think before I said screw it and re-subed, well actually I had to make a new account because I dont remember any details from my old account.
2011-08-27, 05:04 AM
Some friends of mine were in Planetside beta and told me about it. I bought and played since the day it was released. I played a lot from 2003 to 2006. Ive been on and off again ever since. I resubbed and been playing ever since I found out about Planetside 2. Cant wait for the Beta.
2011-08-27, 05:52 AM
Aug 1st, 2003.
2011-08-27, 11:15 AM
Open Beta. NC Markov.
The first time i tried planetside was on a 1 week trial that a friend told me about. He actually brought his computer and we had a mine LAN party with another friend to give PS1 a go. It was in 2004 during the Super Bowl and the famous wardrobe malfunction (yep I missed Janet Jackson's titty because of PS1). I only did the trial period and I knew that I needed to wait until summer break from college to get back in knowing that it was going to suck my life away, hehehe. I'm very stoked about PS2 and expendablecrewmember should be making his return.
2011-08-27, 05:32 PM
Just trying to get a general feel for the vocal minority here and how it's made up. This poll just concerns when you created your account and started playing. This isn't about how much you played, just when you played pretty much. (Also not for bragging). I notice some of the names from the game, but some of them must have played on different servers so it's hard for me to know everyone.
I made this when I saw the following comment and realized I don't know who that person is other than probably a halo fan.
// edit It has come to my attention that "vocal minority", aka those who post online about a game, can be derogatory. Title changed... nvm it won't change the real forum title. Just pretend.
// edit2 Also I always read ranges like beta-2005 as [beta, 2005) as in not including 2005 in case someone reads them differently.
Yes I'm a Halo fan, is that a problem? Am I on these threads saying how the game should become more like Halo? Of course not. And I've never heard of and/or seen a "Sirisian" in game, do you still play or is your character's name different from your forum one?
Oh also my name has a popular video game character in it so I must know jack shit about PlanetSide. Even though I have about 10000+ more hours invested in PlanetSide than anything Halo related combined.
I'm also not sure how effective this poll is going to be. No one is going to come out into the midst of veterans and blatantly say they started playing a year ago, and then try to argue for some of the changes they are advocating.
2011-08-27, 08:13 PM
2006... It was a wonderful year.
PS also helped me to sharpen my english skills.
2011-08-27, 09:30 PM
Well I never played before BFRs so I came in when they already existed. My entire PlanetSide career has been involving BFRs, and to be completely honest, I never thought they were much of a problem.
Personally, I think all the vets just bitch about the change and blame balance because they were new, but that argument wont get anywhere on this forum :D
Anyway, I started in late '05 when my friend showed me screenshots and I was like, eh, looks shitty.
Long story short he forced me to play it and I almost quit as soon as I started because he was on a continent and I logged on and started wandering around the sanc, got lost in the middle and wondered why there were no enemies. (I was only in fifth grade at the time)
But he showed me around, and I got into it and was hooked immediately.
My parents never endorsed gaming so I had to quit when the reserves ended D: and I've only recently gotten back into things.
2011-08-28, 01:40 AM
Started Late December 2010 Early January 2011, havent been un-subbed since
2011-08-28, 02:12 AM
August 2003
2011-08-28, 02:48 AM
Yes I'm a Halo fan, is that a problem?Nope. I actually liked the first Halo when it came out for PC. Not sure why you're bringing it up though. I shouldn't have called your post out. Sorry for that. I was just curious how many "veteran" players were posting compared to new players. (I kind of already knew it was the majority, but I was trying to point out to others that this is the case).
And I've never heard of and/or seen a "Sirisian" in game, do you still play or is your character's name different from your forum one?
I recently jumped back for the 45 days to play with a friend that also had it, but I haven't played the game in a while. I had my sub for a while, but I'd do bursts of playing for 7 hours straight on the weekends then stop for a few days. // edit yeah Sirisian is the name I used. Emerald originally.
I'm also not sure how effective this poll is going to be. No one is going to come out into the midst of veterans and blatantly say they started playing a year ago, and then try to argue for some of the changes they are advocating.
This is more for the names. That's why I made it public so I could personally see and relate "yeah he's probably a conservative Planetside player that wants to stick with the traditions".
The people that don't vote I'll assume are lurkers. Right now most of the main Planetside Universe posters have voted though.
2011-08-28, 10:01 AM
Nope. I actually liked the first Halo when it came out for PC. Not sure why you're bringing it up though. I shouldn't have called your post out. Sorry for that. I was just curious how many "veteran" players were posting compared to new players. (I kind of already knew it was the majority, but I was trying to point out to others that this is the case).
I recently jumped back for the 45 days to play with a friend that also had it, but I haven't played the game in a while. I had my sub for a while, but I'd do bursts of playing for 7 hours straight on the weekends then stop for a few days. // edit yeah Sirisian is the name I used. Emerald originally.
This is more for the names. That's why I made it public so I could personally see and relate "yeah he's probably a conservative Planetside player that wants to stick with the traditions".
The people that don't vote I'll assume are lurkers. Right now most of the main Planetside Universe posters have voted though.
Ah what empire was Sirisian on? I have been Emerald all along as well, NC. Alright I see the point of the poll now, but I don't think a lot of 1 year or less players will vote in it :D. Interestingly, I didn't know you could make polls public. /noob.
2011-08-28, 03:04 PM
I played first since the Reserves, and this year i subbed a couple months.
2011-08-28, 06:50 PM
Probably September 2003 I think, it was after I got back from Iraq. TR Konreid baby. TECHNICALLY my first character was a VS on Emerald but I only got to like BR8 then started playing TR Konreid and never looked back.
2011-08-28, 08:54 PM
May 21, 2003. VS Emerald.
2011-08-30, 03:13 PM
I started with reserves. Started after BFRs, so I've never really hated them as much as others as I never knew PS without them.
2011-08-31, 08:46 PM
Started after BFRs, so I've never really hated them as much as others as I never knew PS without them.
So sad lol
Started shortly after release in 03
2011-09-01, 09:19 AM
Beta and onward.
Sir B Smythe
2011-09-01, 12:35 PM
Beta, played fulltime until last year until I discovered my long term colleagues in the game were hacking, I left then until returning for the 45 days. I will be resubbing after this period as I still love the game and can't wait until PS2 is launched and myself and other exmembers of my last outfit will return as a viable unit.
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