View Full Version : Gen killing and when not to do it
2011-09-03, 11:01 AM
This is spurred by something I kind of got fed up with last night. Genkilling for the sake of 'moving the map' when its a front line base... is stupid.
Everyone does it, though last night, the VS seemed eager to do it at every base they were at. My outfit retaliated and did it a few times in return at Itan on Cyssor and before that with the TR at Bomazi. (Hi, Graywolves)
Heres the thing, fights suck these days. Don't kill the gen/tower tubes if:
You have obscene pop. (defined as: 60-70%+)
Its the last base on cont and we have equal pops.
Its your second base on cont and you have <20 percent pop advantage.
Especially if its a biolab in relation to any of the above.
Those are my personal points on it and when I don't do it or condone it. Others will of course vary, but honestly... doing it in those situations especially is fucked up and makes me want to kill bunnies and puppies.
Yes, thats right, I'm suggesting you actually fight for such bases and actually earn it.
There is only one time I advocate dropping gens and that is on home conts. If I am fighting there I just want to get off the damn cont before the empire gets double teamed. At that point I can care less if some TR or VS want to have a nice K/D at a Biolab. Trust really doesn't work in this game or any game when attempting to play fairly. One player out of a hundred can drop the gen himself, so it is impossible to prevent it all the time. Besides the gen is a vital point in the base it should be defended if the enemy does not want it going down. My favorite hate tells are dropping gens when the enemy doesn't even bother placing one player to defend their gen too.
2011-09-03, 11:45 AM
I like it when their are Black Ops Gendrops, as it is a viable tactic.
Its not so much that the gen fighting is the problem, its that the population as a whole is really low, making such tactics incredibly easy.
Besides, most VS are *******, so it makes sense they'd do something like that.
Besides, most VS are *******, so it makes sense they'd do something like that.
All I remember back in the old days is Emerald VS dropping every single gen or back hacking at any moment they could.
2011-09-03, 12:01 PM
There is only one time I advocate dropping gens and that is on home conts. If I am fighting there I just want to get off the damn cont before the empire gets double teamed. At that point I can care less if some TR or VS want to have a nice K/D at a Biolab. Trust really doesn't work in this game or any game when attempting to play fairly. One player out of a hundred can drop the gen himself, so it is impossible to prevent it all the time. Besides the gen is a vital point in the base it should be defended if the enemy does not want it going down. My favorite hate tells are dropping gens when the enemy doesn't even bother placing one player to defend their gen too.
and see, thats my exception: Homeconts go by slightly different rules to me. I'll drop ikanam's gen with 80 percent pop at the slightest hint of resistance, doubly so if theres a cavelock to it that isnt ours.
otherwise only reason ill do it is to cut off a cave/tech link to give the NC a slightly more even or upper hand.
I like it when their are Black Ops Gendrops, as it is a viable tactic.
Its not so much that the gen fighting is the problem, its that the population as a whole is really low, making such tactics incredibly easy.
Besides, most VS are *******, so it makes sense they'd do something like that.
I love your sig. Snatch is the greatest movie of all time.
2011-09-03, 12:12 PM
I agree with goku.
When the TR hit Tumas on Amerish every time we wipe their dirty asses off a continent, I could care less about a fight, I just want to show them the exit door.
Otherwise, I only drop gens for tactical reasons (hitting an abandoned base to cut off their tech) or if I'm getting really tired of an interfarm.
2011-09-03, 04:58 PM
Because taking bases from 20% pops is hard
In addition to the above, P0intman:
- Any interlink where there isn't a 2/1 population advantage.
It's impossible to draw the zerg away from the farm once they arrive, it really is. And considering the fact that the TR and VS have no qualms about farming it up for hours, yet tiptoe their way around NC farms, it's only fair. Unless they also enjoy staring at a doorway that nobody is entering, while flails rain down outside.
2011-09-03, 06:14 PM
Because taking bases from 20% pops is hard
No, it isnt, I just don't care to entertain any fight on a homecont, no matter the pop. If I can kill it quick, I will.
2011-09-03, 08:44 PM
Hope gens either get the boot or are 60x harder to destroy in PS2
2011-09-03, 08:58 PM
Hi there!
Gen dropping does more harm than good alot in my opinion. Drains NTU, slows down the movement from that base to the next, etc.
2011-09-03, 11:47 PM
You solo a base, tubes go down and put some CE out. Then guard the CC. Always take out tubes but never the gen. Gen is very last resort needed. Of course unless you're trying to break a link to a cave, mod, or tech benefit.
There are several good reason not to kill the gen.
For one, when you take out the gen the NTUs get drained from the base faster. This can be bad if the NTUs are too low and no one brought an ANT. Another thing about taking out the gen is your empire's adv. hackers can't hack the base terms to get out equipment and vehicles needed. Two really good reasons to only take out the gen when absolutely necessary.
Tubes might be questionable to take out if you know there's a lot more of your empire in the base then the enemy. If you want to have some fun, and get more XP for base cap, keep the tubes up. Killing tubes in towers has always been considered lame.
2011-09-04, 07:22 AM
No, it isnt, I just don't care to entertain any fight on a homecont, no matter the pop. If I can kill it quick, I will.
2011-09-04, 07:50 AM
When the base is a stalemate I advocate dropping the gen.
Stalemate could be because you don't have the troops or its an interlink, or you hit a facility behind enemy lines to cut benefits to a front line base.
You're having fun farming? I cannot say I have ever enjoyed assaulting a enemy interlink. I will be more then happy to drop your gen to get back to enjoying my game.
2011-09-04, 10:37 AM
Just yesterday my platoon and I decided we were gonna go to the caves because we were fed up with the terran's maelstrom spam (It seems they only know how to use MCG's and maelstroms). So we were deciding between byblos and supai, and chose byblos because it would kill the terran cavelock on cery (where we were fighting for some god forsaken reason) and it would give the cave benefits to esamir, where we only had an equipment mod.
So the only way we could get in, was through Vidar on esamir, and what do you know? The terran's back hack us on an interlink to get an advantage on cery. So the NC being the slow responders they are, take too long to help out, and we're stuck at an interfarm for the next hour, until we finally take back the base. All that pissing around getting maelstrom spammed was NOT fun and absolutely nothing was gained, except the TR were now pressuring one of our bases on cery.
Interfarms suck
Terrans are gay
They suck on oshur cuz they dont have their MCGs
2011-09-04, 12:35 PM
They suck on oshur cuz they dont have their MCGs
I'm sure this has nothing to do with the majority of TR gear is complete garbage
2011-09-04, 02:27 PM
You're having fun farming? I cannot say I have ever enjoyed assaulting a enemy interlink. I will be more then happy to drop your gen to get back to enjoying my game.
i enjoy farming very much but most of the time i am inside the base defending. i rarely go with the zerg
2011-09-04, 07:59 PM
TR suck on Oshur for not having MCG but always controls it....
TR suck on Oshur for not having MCG but always controls it....
Seeing as how most people dislike fighting there its not a shocker.
2011-09-05, 12:40 AM
I'm sure this has nothing to do with the majority of TR gear is complete garbage
Only when compared to the MCG, which is the best weapon in the game as far as versatility is concerned.
Sure the gauss is better than the cycler as a general rule, but it's still a very effective gun close range.
2011-09-05, 12:50 AM
I hate to say it but recently I'd rather fight the NC than VS. With their staggering overuse of MAXes and "straight to the generator/tower tubes" mentality in every single fight they're just nauseating to go up against. I don't understand where the fun is in sitting around watching little circles change color.
2011-09-05, 01:47 AM
I hate to say it but recently I'd rather fight the NC than VS.
I resent that, what's wrong with the NC?
2011-09-05, 10:25 AM
I resent that, what's wrong with the NC?
ScatMAX? Agile Jackhammers that won't fight you until they've thrown at least nine plasmas?
2011-09-05, 10:46 AM
Only when compared to the MCG, which is the best weapon in the game as far as versatility is concerned.
Sure the gauss is better than the cycler as a general rule, but it's still a very effective gun close range.
The MCG's only advantage is range and that range is easily outclassed by a the gauss/pulsar (especially after they buffed the pulsar) and the mcg is the HA weapon with the highest possibility of losing a 1v1 fight against pointblank MA, whether it be a sweeper/MA rifle. The sweeper vs. agile TTK is actually faster then the MCG vs agile TTK when medkits are taken into account. The MCG very simply is a jack of all trades weapon. The jackhammer is a much better as long as you aren't being dumb and attempting to fight at ranges where you should have a gauss rifle.
The cycler on the other hand has no real advantages besides a "fast" ttk, which is worthless when taken into account how ridiculous the COF can get and the armor absorption of a rexo that reduces damage to armor, while pulsars/gauss's are taking chunks of health out per shot.
ScatMAX? Agile Jackhammers that won't fight you until they've thrown at least nine plasmas?
I can confess to that :thumbsup:.
2011-09-06, 03:35 AM
I hate to say it but recently I'd rather fight the NC than VS. With their staggering overuse of MAXes and "straight to the generator/tower tubes" mentality in every single fight they're just nauseating to go up against. I don't understand where the fun is in sitting around watching little circles change color.
VS use MAXes too much? Pick up a Lasher and try taking some people down with it next time you see one. Then imagine choosing between that and a MAX every time you spawn.
2011-09-06, 04:39 AM
I hate to say it but recently I'd rather fight the NC than VS. With their staggering overuse of MAXes and "straight to the generator/tower tubes" mentality in every single fight they're just nauseating to go up against. I don't understand where the fun is in sitting around watching little circles change color.
That isn't VS, that's AT
2011-09-06, 07:14 AM
VS use MAXes too much? Pick up a Lasher and try taking some people down with it next time you see one. Then imagine choosing between that and a MAX every time you spawn.
Funny you should say that because I do enjoy looting Lashers when I get the opportunity and I seem to just fine killing VS with their own hardware.
That isn't VS, that's AT
It's more than just AT. I realize AT won't let you in the outfit unless you have unimax, but there are far more VS that spam MAXes then just them.
2011-09-06, 10:58 AM
That isn't VS, that's AT
Was on tr last night (Hi graywolves and tigersmith, saw you again!) and the vs went straight to the gen on almost every base.
the logic seems to be something along the lines of..
"Can't earn it? KILL GEN NAO!"
Its pretty pathetic and I can't respect the VS outfits that have been doing it. So if its AT, GotR or whoever... stop it, it makes you look terrible.
P0int how is the general population at the moment? I haven't been subbed for about a month now and I considering coming back now that I am back to school.
2011-09-06, 03:26 PM
VS use MAXes too much? Pick up a Lasher and try taking some people down with it next time you see one. Then imagine choosing between that and a MAX every time you spawn.
While I do agree that the lasher is difficult to use and could use a minor buff (decrease max COF, increase magazine to 40), the lasher is not impossible to use. VS have ALWAYS used tons of maxs. It's not just AT.
2011-09-06, 04:09 PM
I'm pretty sure the difficulty of a lasher goes out the window when you consider it doesn't actually have to hit the target to do damage.
2011-09-06, 05:01 PM
I'm pretty sure the difficulty of a lasher goes out the window when you consider it doesn't actually have to hit the target to do damage.
The damage from the lash is now next to negligible. I'm sure one of the PS professors will chime in with actual damage numbers. Regardless, you now need to land your orbs to be effective.
2011-09-06, 05:10 PM
P0int how is the general population at the moment? I haven't been subbed for about a month now and I considering coming back now that I am back to school.
its actually not bad. a few really old names came back, that I remember from emmy. ICEVIPER was on the other night, as was Hypoxiax and Blackopwarrior. Talked to Atsushi as well.
Hmm sounds fun. I may resub this weekend then. Otherwise I would be playing PS instead of doing my work. Still not into school mode yet ;).
2011-09-07, 12:02 AM
Gens have always dropped too easily i think, has always been a broken mechanic - almost like an "i win button". Saying that, if a defending empire has dug in just to farm hallways (ie interlink) or even to keep an empire occupied so they're unable to defend another front/continent then blowing the gen shouldn't be frowned upon.
IMO camping tubes is worse, i feel disgusted when i see 30 or 40 friendly CN MAX's doing this with the tubes not even being touched.
It even reached the stage one time when i was TK'd for shooting deci's at the tubes while they were camping them - In that instance i dropped the gen to stop that from happening, and was crucified in comms for doing it. Still think it was the right thing to do. And would do it again given the circumstances.
2011-09-07, 03:24 AM
Hi there!
Gen dropping does more harm than good alot in my opinion. Drains NTU, slows down the movement from that base to the next, etc.
Yet when a base is about to go neutral, the best thing to do is drop the gen. Because it uses less ntu.
2011-09-07, 05:15 AM
Yet when a base is about to go neutral, the best thing to do is drop the gen. Because it uses less ntu.
Never heard of doing that....I think the base is going to go neutrol within 15minutes at 10-20% even if you drop the gen.
2011-09-07, 11:04 AM
Yet when a base is about to go neutral, the best thing to do is drop the gen. Because it uses less ntu.
V-V-N. You drop the gen AFTER it goes neutral so that they can't kill you while you hold the gen while they're capping the base.
2011-09-07, 01:09 PM
ScatMAX? Agile Jackhammers that won't fight you until they've thrown at least nine plasmas?
your wrong prism lol
im kiddin. thats all we see now :| pretty sad.
Lately it's been tower tubes before CC lol?
and yes to be honest VS do this more then any other empire it's sad
its actually not bad. a few really old names came back, that I remember from emmy. ICEVIPER was on the other night, as was Hypoxiax and Blackopwarrior. Talked to Atsushi as well.
Any chance there wise a spike with the recent ramblings about beta? :D
2011-09-13, 12:13 PM
Any chance there wise a spike with the recent ramblings about beta? :D
Dunno, haven't paid mind to it beyond that fights still happen, bases still get camped and generators are still frequently killed by Basteg and friends.
make of it what you will.
oh and lolwaawaa is still around.
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