View Full Version : Planetside Nostalgia: First Outfits
What was your first outfit? Are you still with them, or are they long gone?
Emerald: First outfit I was ever in was the Hellfish. Had a bunch of fun times with them until I ended up playing TR on Markov. I'm guessing I was booted for years of inactivity, but I didn't rejoin them when I began playing again last year.
Markov: Menace II Society was where I called home. Always a bunch of fun, and never TOO serious. I spent a couple years here until patches rendered the game unplayable and I gave up the game for years. It's a shame that in the time that I quit PS, they seemingly disbanded and left no trace of themselves.
Werner: Played a bit here, but I can't remember the outfit's name at all. Bunch of really nice guys, but my stay wasn't that long mainly because it was a European server and I found it hard to play (plus I only like the VS for their mag and lancer). No idea if they're still around or what they're doing.
2011-09-03, 01:46 PM
emerald TR: TDC terran death company
2011-09-03, 04:17 PM
D2A Markov, the3are1 was a cool guy. I'm still friends with Baja and Albomius and crew to this day.
D2A Emerald was my first outfit on emmy after i came back after a while.
2011-09-03, 08:48 PM
I created my character, got invited to Dark Skyes, have been there since.
2011-09-04, 11:33 AM
Emerald NC, Army of One. Was great when I first joined, it was a mid sized outfit. We would get 1-2 squads a night, and while we didn't have the best players, we played well together and we were able to accomplish a lot. Then a lot of the cool people started leaving the game and the guy they appointed to be the recruitment officer juts started inviting anyone and everyone. So I went TR and joined The Overlords.
2011-09-04, 06:15 PM
Immortal Serial Killers, VS Werner, great guys, had lots of fun with them.
2011-09-05, 12:51 AM
Forgotten Soliders - Emerald NC
2011-09-05, 06:18 AM
VS Werner - RisK
2011-09-06, 11:40 AM
VS Emerald - The Forty Deuce
Like most outfits, they're fucking terrible now.
2011-09-06, 11:44 AM
I don't even remember the name of my first outfit anymore, I was a noob and joined the first outfit that invited me. Then I tried making my own outfit, "The Terran Inquisition." That failed after a month or so.
Archangels was my first real outfit, played with some good players on TS and learned how to really play the game. Then they all went to WoW, so I left that. Bounced around a bit, then ended up in Infamy which was the combining of LxG and the Overlords. That was a really great outfit except for the bickering which lead to it splitting into 3 outfits, some people staying in Infamy, some going to back to Overlords and some going to LxG. I led Infamy for a few days, then joined with the LxG for a week or so, then ended up with Overlords.
Overlords itself had a split for a while, so I ended up with Hells Rangers for a couple of months. Then Overlords reformed and I ended up back with them, and that's where I've been ever since.
There are a few other outfits I was in very briefly also in there. I guess I was sort of a collector of outfits for a couple of years, lol.
2011-09-06, 01:56 PM
My first outfit was the Dragon Wolves. I left them for a brief period due to inactivity. I think I left them because CDL was going to be going over to play this newly wicked game called World of Warcraft and I didn't want anything to do with it. Shortly after they left I left Planetside. Just didn't feel right playing with another group of people. So when CDL came back to Planetside, I want to think around 2007-2008, I quickly got invited back into CDL. And been here ever since.
2011-09-06, 02:24 PM
The Renegades. Not around anymore though.
2011-09-06, 04:23 PM
Only two main outfits that spring to mind...
Werner - The Outcasters - TR
Emerald - The Halibuts - NC (I think?)
2011-09-06, 04:24 PM
Dragon Wolves from Tribes till now, and forever. ;)
2011-09-06, 06:05 PM
Only two main outfits that spring to mind...
Werner - The Outcasters - TR
Emerald - The Halibuts - NC (I think?)
Awwwwww, the Halibuts were the shit dude. I used to love fighting against them, their names always made me crack up.
2011-09-07, 01:21 PM
KAAOS - Terran Republic
2011-09-07, 02:23 PM
TR Emerald - Armageddon Korps
NC Emerald - Armageddon Korps
NC Gemini - Praetorian Guard (Current)
All the old schoolers from AK are coming back for PS2, most likely will be remaking AK :)
2011-09-08, 03:45 AM
Markov TR- outlanders? outsiders? something with out in it. good times back when ps was its heyday. then switched to TR- Dark Side. apparently I'm still part of it, but it didn't look like anyone else was still playing but I'm still going to hold on to those memories by not quitting.
2011-09-12, 11:23 PM
Digital Marines TR - Emerald
Although I have to bring up the Emerald Alliance, LiquidForce, and KAAOS.
2011-09-13, 09:29 AM
My first outfit was Black Widow Company ( It has remained my only outfit in ten years of gaming.
2011-09-22, 04:59 AM
In open beta on Markov, I was in Draygo's Roughriders.
After release I was with Planewalkers for a spell, then created Enforcers, which went inactive after six months.
I've been in NC Spec Ops (twice), Hostile Takeover, and some others I don't recall offhand.
Only have been in Freedom Defenders. I was invited as a n00b and eventualy became XO. The outfit had some success for a couple years having 1 to 3 squads running a night depending on activity/recruitment levels. It was fun, but now its dead like 95% of the outfit out there.
2011-09-22, 01:21 PM
Prox 12. TR Markov. Probably the best multi-tasking outfit at the time. They literally had a division for everything.
2011-09-25, 06:14 AM
Optimus Prime - Founder of the Outfit "The Nemesis Enforcers"
Closed Beta and release.... Founding member of the then "U.L.T.R.A." Alliance....
Now a proud member of "The Black Widow Company"
Still getting killed and talking shit...
Nuff said....
2011-09-27, 05:39 PM
NC Emerald
My first outfit ever was "The Renegades" led by FishboneFisanick (not the original leader I don't think).
Shortly after I joined up with some RL friends in SuperTroopers led by BlackOpAgent and I was there for the rest of the time I played.
Big Bro
2011-09-28, 10:21 AM
I was the outfit commander of New Century Gamers in closed beta and release, also a founding member of ULTRA. Joined up with Firefly and Optimus with the Black Widow Company for PS and now again for PS2.
Really stoked about the prospect of PS2, would love to relive the excitement PS provided at release!
NC Emerald
My first outfit ever was "The Renegades" led by FishboneFisanick (not the original leader I don't think).
Shortly after I joined up with some RL friends in SuperTroopers led by BlackOpAgent and I was there for the rest of the time I played.
When and how long were you with the Rens?
2011-09-28, 07:57 PM
First outfit was "S1L3NT K1LL4Z!" got in via a random invite during one of my first days in open beta. I left a week or two later when I got an invite into The Final Stand and it was evident that out of the 3 members I was the only one regularly playing.
2011-10-03, 07:17 AM
When and how long were you with the Rens?
Not very long, maybe a month or so. FishboneFisanick and 3Roundburst are the two names I remember most, but I know I've always recognized your name as well.
Freedom Defenders had a alliance going on with the Renegades for quite a few years before all of them left for WoW, so I knew many of them including Fish. I cannot say I knew 3RoundBurst, so that must of been prior to me even getting into the game. I remember seeing you around a bit, but not in the Rens thats why I was curious.
2011-10-04, 01:57 PM
I.S.K Warner Vanu. Dont think its still going but I am in one, can the names be changed?
2011-10-04, 03:00 PM
I remember Freedom Defenders but weren't The Renegades also running with "The Fluffy Bunnies"? Lol or at least I think it was something along those lines.
Yes The Fluffy Bunnies lol. Hazardous and FCWAG. Made quite the tank team. WAG was a former top killer on NC emerald and was hated for his plasma use. I was more then happy to tag with him in base assualts lol.
2011-10-04, 06:25 PM
I was TR, but it's been such a long time that I don't remember which server. Emerald, I think. The Bastard Batallion.
2011-11-01, 01:15 PM
I remember Freedom Defenders but weren't The Renegades also running with "The Fluffy Bunnies"? Lol or at least I think it was something along those lines.
The good ole days, Yes my Renegades were always running with Wag and his group, Fred and his Freedom Defenders always paired up with us as well, Hopefully PS2 can reunite us once again.
The good ole days, Yes my Renegades were always running with Wag and his group, Fred and his Freedom Defenders always paired up with us as well, Hopefully PS2 can reunite us once again.
That you Fish? Good to see your around here.
2011-11-01, 02:17 PM
That you Fish? Good to see your around here.
LOL it is me, was just bored today wanted to see what I could find. Getting that vibe to see if I can start rallying the troops in preperation for PS2.
2011-11-01, 02:45 PM
NC Emerald
My first outfit ever was "The Renegades" led by FishboneFisanick (not the original leader I don't think).
Shortly after I joined up with some RL friends in SuperTroopers led by BlackOpAgent and I was there for the rest of the time I played.
I was the second leader to run the Renegades, the original leader Colonel went MIA after the game came out and lost interest but rejoined us a couple of years later.
2011-11-01, 05:14 PM
Sup Fish!
LOL it is me, was just bored today wanted to see what I could find. Getting that vibe to see if I can start rallying the troops in preperation for PS2.
Glad to hear that. Love to see some of you form a outfit again in PS2. Are you in contact with any of the old members much these days? I have HeHatesMe and Esquared in FD at the moment. Woowee played with his brother over the summer and SoClose just got back form deployment over seas. I saw a few rens like Aleksey and Jaden2 over summer as well.
2011-11-01, 06:33 PM
Glad to hear that. Love to see some of you form a outfit again in PS2. Are you in contact with any of the old members much these days? I have HeHatesMe and Esquared in FD at the moment. Woowee played with his brother over the summer and SoClose just got back form deployment over seas. I saw a few rens like Aleksey and Jaden2 over summer as well.
Nice, Zorachus is reachable by email, AngryMason is too
Solonor, Dregor, Dragonscourge, Gosnell, Brentx, and a few others are on my facebook page, last I knew Shadowfaxs was on Xbox live friends list, So I probally could get ahold of a good handful of the old guys.
How have you been ?
2011-11-01, 06:35 PM
Sup Fish!
Hey Crator, How are you doing these days ? are you planning on reuniting once we get PS2 up and running ?
Nice, Zorachus is reachable by email, AngryMason is too
Solonor, Dregor, Dragonscourge, Gosnell, Brentx, and a few others are on my facebook page, last I knew Shadowfaxs was on Xbox live friends list, So I probally could get ahold of a good handful of the old guys.
How have you been ?
Wow so many old names there :eek:. If you can get most of them going for a outfit that will be a great core group. When the time comes and you if you do get anything together PM me here.
I have been good. Just trying to get through college at the moment. Fred is good as well. We are playing BF3 together actively at the moment.
2011-11-01, 08:27 PM
Hey Crator, How are you doing these days ? are you planning on reuniting once we get PS2 up and running ?
You bet I'll join back up with you guys! I'm still holdin' it down here in Houston...
2011-11-02, 08:37 AM
Wow so many old names there :eek:. If you can get most of them going for a outfit that will be a great core group. When the time comes and you if you do get anything together PM me here.
I have been good. Just trying to get through college at the moment. Fred is good as well. We are playing BF3 together actively at the moment.
That's cool, Tell Fred hi for me.. Ive been playing BF3 on the PC just the signle campaign though.
2011-11-02, 08:38 AM
You bet I'll join back up with you guys! I'm still holdin' it down here in Houston...
That's cool Crator, will be looking forward to the game whenever it comes out, I see it's still a TBA release date but trying to keep up with all the latest news.
2011-11-02, 12:37 PM
That's cool Crator, will be looking forward to the game whenever it comes out, I see it's still a TBA release date but trying to keep up with all the latest news.
No release date announced yet. If they did, you would see a thread on these forums pretty quickly and then followed by everyone posting "HURRAH" on the thread. :)
2011-11-03, 07:44 AM
shit im trying to remember, i had a PSstats Darkwraith to findout it was smoke and mirrors. way to casual for my liking. i then joined ballium aternus, to military...and bad...then i found greendragon4 and FC, never looked back.
2011-11-04, 11:06 PM
Started with Clowns on Werner :D Casual outfit but learned everything there, some inspiring leaders who really took time out to teach me stuffs. Had a go at running my own outfit (Vanu Exiles), was fun for a while but way too much stress :P Eventually joined FaNG (Furious Angels after the renaming debacle) after a long stint solo'ing and been member ever since. All Werner should know FA :D Alot of us itching to get back and can't wait for PS2 so see you all on the field :D
2011-11-05, 05:48 PM
Immortal Serial Killers, VS Werner, great guys, had lots of fun with them.
yay :D
2011-11-05, 09:02 PM
yay :D
Me 2, Thunderhawk and the lads!
2011-11-05, 09:13 PM
Haha a video I made when I was in ISK.
ISK Unrealtournament 2004 RAZWORLDPRODUCTIONS - YouTube
2011-11-19, 06:47 PM
On Werner:
!!X][D][T!! - NC - my first main outfit
Mercenarys - NC - my second main outfit
RisK - VS - My first side outfit
Soul Reapers - TR - My second side outfit
Delta Triad - VS - my third main outfit through to the current day
Brutal Deluxe - NC - 'cause Figgy.
And many many outfits I've played with but never really joined. technically I've only been in 3 main outfits, but RisK and SR on werner were also main [while I played with them a lot less than the Mercs] in my eyes, everything else since is just for my own fun.
2011-11-19, 07:17 PM
Started as TR, outfit was Ruffnex if i remember correctly. Player there for a while, dropped the game for a bit, came back and went to VS
Druckwelle there for quite some time, then left DW and went to Outlawz, just to later hop onto the Vanu Corp Train of pain, and stayed there since forever.
Emmy/Mark: Lots. Dont really remember, never sticked around long, till i hooked up with GOTR. :)
2011-11-28, 04:16 PM
Emerald NC
NCSF in da house!!!! their were my 2nd outfit just cant remember the first one
2011-11-29, 03:14 PM
my ps career started with Druckwelle and i stayed there for a long time. good times...
on gemini i joined Ruffnex on TR and Made in Germany on NC. my VS toon ended up in ...isAwesome a small inactive outfit
2011-11-29, 04:50 PM
Started gaming in 1998 as a Dragon Wolf. Came into PlanetSide as a Dragon Wolf. Will leave life as a Dragon Wolf.
My first outfit was some random one I joined the day I purchased the game in June 2003. Coming from games like StarCraft and Soldier of Fortune 2, I didn't have experience with a built-in clan/guild/outfit system so I accepted the first invite I got without understanding what it entailed. I left that outfit soon.
Soon thereafter, I became a founding member of the TR SPECIAL FORCES on Emerald. To this day, that period of time was the most enjoyable for me in PS. Unfortunately, the outfit was always s{height}mall and died out when many of the players left for Final Fantasy XI.
2011-12-02, 08:36 PM
SOL Navy-k: First outfit on Koriend --> Emerald on TR. Was outfit leader for 2 months. Massive nostalgia on this one, <3 all SOL Navy guys.
Future Crew: Switched to VS Markov in Jan 05, joined Future Crew Feb 05, became outfit leader June 06, haven't looked back.
Other outfit associations:
The Overlords - been in and out for 5 years
The Balance - AC/FC altfit on VS
aeroPhalanx - DT/FC experiment that went wrong
Liberty Reborn - 1 month
2011-12-04, 01:47 PM
I never really stuck with one outfit for long. One outfit I remember joining took the game VERY seriously. They were a medium sized outfit that focused on going behind enemy lines and destroying gens and then camping out in the basement waiting for the opposing faction to come repair their gen. We would hold the basement until the zerg rush came and took over the base and then we would speed ahead of the zerg rush and do the same thing at another enemy base.
I remember that when ever we were camped out in the basement everyone had to be in a certain spot and if you weren't in your spot they would yell at you and cuss you out on team speak.
Anyways I got tired of this and spent the rest of the game squading up my 2 brothers and we would just tag along in zerg rushes, etc.
2011-12-06, 11:26 AM
Soul Reapers from '03 - '11
Unleashed '11 and current, although SR is still my home. :)
2011-12-06, 12:00 PM
TR - BRTD since first few days after release
NC - EZ Company and more recently If Carlsberg did Outfits (old werner altfit on gemini)
VS - FAnG for a few months around outfit wars but had to leave cos i wouldnt commit to playin VS only =(
2011-12-06, 03:15 PM
TR all the Way.
Started out in Terran Death Company, stayed with them a year and got heavily addicted to tank driving. When they broke up and Salous formed the Cohort, i went my own way and jumped around for awhile. Spent time with Dark Skyes, Shadow Assassins, and Black Ravens. DS and SA got quite a few good people in them, but ended up sticking with Zero and the Black Ravens, mainly because I really enjoy playing with them and Zero is a sneaky bastard who knows how to make a good tactical decision. Yar, still really enjoy playing with the SA/DS crew when i catch them on, but Zero's sneaky bastards and the Ravens be me home now.
2011-12-07, 12:59 PM
TR all the Way.
Started out in Terran Death Company, stayed with them a year and got heavily addicted to tank driving. When they broke up and Salous formed the Cohort, i went my own way and jumped around for awhile. Spent time with Dark Skyes, Shadow Assassins, and Black Ravens. DS and SA got quite a few good people in them, but ended up sticking with Zero and the Black Ravens, mainly because I really enjoy playing with them and Zero is a sneaky bastard who knows how to make a good tactical decision. Yar, still really enjoy playing with the SA/DS crew when i catch them on, but Zero's sneaky bastards and the Ravens be me home now.
Just say the name Chainfall in his presence and he will go nuts.
2011-12-08, 08:32 AM
I was apart of Terran Death Company for the entire time I played Planetside, unfortunately things started breaking up and I stopped playing for quite awhile. I've always preferred Terran though. Guv you might remember me or my good friend MarkHit who got me into Planetside.
2011-12-08, 12:58 PM
Sardukar together with Sal and WarPath , no longer around.
Had a blast playing with those guys and doing spec ops and raining on NC and VS parade
2011-12-08, 11:10 PM
Never belonged to an outfit. The good ones would pick *you*, and the rest didn't seem to last longer than three weeks. I mostly just followed whatever my favorite commander told us zerglings to do -- and on TR Markov, we had some good once. Ahmad Shah Massod was one, I recall, and..... ARGGGHHH, can't remember, but he was openly gay and his signature motto was ROCK WITH YER CAWK OUT! HE'd draw big cartoony roosters on the campaign map, with big arrows explaining what he wanted you to do.... and as cheerleader/organizers with big megaphones go, he was a goddam genius. And I can't remember his name. Someone help me.
2011-12-11, 02:52 AM
The Enclave.
21-Back In The Day.wmv - YouTube
Still alive and well. Playing BF3 & (Unofficially) TOR - Will be playing PS2 on TR.
2011-12-11, 05:33 PM
The Enclave.
21-Back In The Day.wmv - YouTube (
Still alive and well. Playing BF3 & (Unofficially) TOR - Will be playing PS2 on TR.
Agreed, the NC days were the height of our power and dominance in Planetside.
2011-12-26, 08:53 PM
Strategic fun times being part of Anarchy 99 since launch on Emerald TR, and bloodsoaking the battlefields TR red.
2011-12-26, 09:23 PM
VS - Johari(later merged to Markov)
First outfit was Vanu Elite Forces. Members broke off from there to form the core of the outfit that I'm still in today.
2011-12-26, 09:58 PM
I can't remember my first outfit. I do know that it left a bad taste in my mouth. I was outfitless for about two months as a very young player because of the experience I had in that first outfit. All I ever wanted to do was drive a Thresher.
Over a couple weeks DeSade of The Lost Minions kept asking me to join his outfit. I kept telling him I wasn't interested. He told me they did Thresher groups and were taking out BFR's pre nerf. (I later realized this was a lie) I had a lot of fun in LM, the organization was done well and DeSade was an entertaining SOB to be around. I liked being the civil one in vent when he was cussing people out. I met alot of cool people in that outfit and I value the time I spent there.
When LM desolved I joined Juggernauts and I guess I can say I'm still with them, don't know how much that means when I haven't played in over a year. I have to say, I laughed more in Juggernauts than I did in LM, and I think that's because Juggies was simply a "good ol boy" outfit.
Paint it Pink!
Austin Powers
2012-01-08, 09:31 PM
I can't really remember my very first, as I only stayed in for like 3 days, but I know my second outfit was USKTA, Terran, Markov, and I stayed with them up until I stopped playing.
2012-01-09, 01:11 AM
NC Emerald - Aqua Shock.
After Heitai left, it kind of fell apart if I remember correctly (very long time ago.)
I only remember 3 other guys from it, Silverfish and another stopped playing and I heard Aled joined TRx. Not sure. Was a fun outfit though.
2012-01-09, 10:29 AM
Death from Above - Markov was outfit leader from 04-06? close enough. 40 active member at any given time. We ran a big vanguard/Reaver column. 14 vannys every night/double that with reavers. Was a great time.
Squad X- joined up with them in 06 to present. Some of my old outfit mates from the previous group moved over there with me. Absolute blast. Great group of guys. Some of the most fun I ever had playing this game. Shout out to Twista X and the guys :)
I started off on my old character Chalnoth that was in Blood Legion on TR Werner. When markov and emerald merged I jumped over there on my VS guy Chal in Bad Blood (the outfit we used for Vs event nights) which is all I play now, so I'm kinda still in my first outfit...but not.
I do miss the old prowler zergs and having enough people in a platoon to beable to do gal drops and such. Still, I'm having plenty of fun these days just going around in a Mag with my gunner. It's always fun to see people I knew from TR, aslong as they are on the right side of the killspam. ;)
2012-01-19, 02:41 PM
Emerald ~ Red Viper Ops
Emerald ~ Shadow Dynasty
Emerald ~ TDC Got CR5
Emerald ~ Liquid Courage 3000
LC Merged with DS
Emerald ~ Dark Skyes -
Emerald ~ F.E.A.R
Emerald ~ Adult Enterament
Gemini ~ Shadow Assassins
Gemini ~ Wolverines
Gemini ~ Dark Skyes
my time in planetside was with 3 outfits
Purple Valor - Unsure if there around or not had a good time with them and learnt a few things about Planetside to start with
Purple Saints (not around anymore :()
And my current one being ISK Brilliant load of guys there and still around today!
2012-01-20, 11:53 AM
Dragon Wolves from Tribes till now, and forever. ;)Ditto
2012-01-20, 07:24 PM
I have only joined a single Outfit.
Planetside - MERCENARYS 2 - YouTube
One and only outfit,
MAP: Myriad Apocalypse Project TNGC (terra nova gaming community)
Great bunch of guys, still hang with them today. I lost contact for a couple of years they went to wow and i went to Lineage2. Just started hanging with them again last year during the launch of BF3. Been working on our assault skills, working out the kinks and cobwebs. I myself am a little rusty hanging up my +8 long sword for a M4 :) getting ready for the release of PS2.
See you on the battlefield gentlemen
2012-01-28, 01:09 AM
I was in a New Zealand/Aussie based outfit called DVDA on TR from memory before I then joined PcP. I also spent time in Future Crew, and also Hostile Takeover.
2012-01-30, 08:13 PM
Johari - Vanu Elite Forces under original leadership then under Bloodstar, moved onto Yakuza Vanu.
Markov/Gemini - Hayabusa which is just the active remaining members from both previous outfits. We're still together gaming and waiting for PS2 to release.
2012-02-01, 08:56 AM
I have had several outfit during my time, all of them sucked but one... The Bridgeburners which was an engineer oriented outfit. I played a young self proclaimed Vanu Combat Medic on Werner server and I'm desperately trying to find members from that old outfit.
Am kinda hoping to have a reunion or a sequel in PS2 :P
My search continues!! :D
2012-02-06, 04:21 PM
NC- Emerald
The Renegades- Back in the day with fishbone and mophugger
NC- Emerald
The Renegades- Back in the day with fishbone and mophugger
I have not spoke with mophugger since like 2008ish I think. I enjoyed playing with him back then though
2012-02-06, 05:04 PM
NC -markov 7th corps/M7
2012-02-06, 09:36 PM
My main outfits have been: Weapons of Mass Destruction (Tr/Emmy; 2003-start of '04) -> Anarchy 99 (TR/Emmy; early 2004) -> DARK (VS/Emmy; mid 2004 -onward)
I've bounced around/had alts in several other outfits (though rarely for any great length of time): Norfolk in Chance (on Werner), Hells Ranger's (on Gemini), Blue Fist (Werner), I'm forgetting the names of a couple of Konried outfits I was in, and there were 2-3 on Markov/NC that I ran with but never joined..
OUTFIT: SMF - Suave Mutha Fuckers
MAX members: 50
2012-02-15, 09:24 AM
I think i spent most of the year before PS came out sitting in Dreamscape Virus, they seemed to be huge before launch but folded very soon after it came out, don't think it was as tactical as they were expecting, after that SR till now
2012-02-15, 10:08 AM
- Everlasting Release03 - April 05. Great bunch of guys.
- Renegade Legion April 05 - July 05. Great guy just not my play style
- Mercenarys July 05 to present. Home
TR/VS - Mercs
MercenaryS for Life
I have only joined a single Outfit.
Planetside - MERCENARYS 2 - YouTube (
2012-02-15, 06:09 PM
You guys are lucky, I never joined a outfit for long due to poor leadership and immature members. I think I'm unlucky when it comes to that So I've gotten used to rolling alone.
2012-02-16, 12:25 PM
Tr Werner
TRA on joining, unfortunately they just recruited me (as I found out) to keep the name going ... Was recruited to Last Line of Defense (LLoD), we moved on to LotRo and eventually parted games (me to WHO), but planning to be back.
Love to see that we will meet again DW/Mercs/SR etc...
2012-02-17, 07:25 AM
I was in an outfit when I used to play and enjoyed the experience immensely but got the message that it didn't exist any more when I signed back in so can't remember who they were.
Looking for a temp outfit until PS2 comes out if anyone on VS fancies throwing me an invite, I'm a good supporting player by role. Player name is Histeria (s'what happens when you're a unimaginative 15 year old and the right spelling is already taken :p )
2012-02-19, 05:32 PM
First outfit was Collision Force on TR Emerald. Now, CDL.
2012-02-22, 11:20 PM
First outfit was NC on Emerald K4h ,second was Gnomish Marine Corps
2012-02-23, 12:32 AM
TR Emerald. Started off stomping around with BuzzCutPsycho and company in The Enclave then joined up with RL buds Asperante and AlliBloodworth in Black Widow Company.
2012-02-23, 07:02 AM
Mastachief, I was in Everlasting. I can't remember if. I played as Catfart or Dogbreath Any others from the outfit still around. Been lurking here since I heard about PS2. Look forward to seeing you on the battlefield
- Everlasting Release03 - April 05. Great bunch of guys.
- Renegade Legion April 05 - July 05. Great guy just not my play style
- Mercenarys July 05 to present. Home
TR/VS - Mercs
MercenaryS for Life
Badly typed on my phone.
2012-02-24, 03:09 AM
I was in some sort of TR outfit on Markov, but bless it if I can't remember what it was called.
2012-02-25, 11:03 AM
Phoenix Royal Guard, VS Emerald. Got a little Vanu in me, I suppose. :devilwink
Obviously not with them anymore - even deleted my VS character. ^_^
2012-02-25, 12:18 PM
Phoenix Royal Guard, VS Emerald. Got a little Vanu in me, I suppose. :devilwink
Obviously not with them anymore - even deleted my VS character. ^_^
Who you with now?
2012-02-25, 02:07 PM
First outfit was Collision Force on TR Emerald. Now, CDL.
And we're happy to have you still Dizzo!
2012-02-26, 03:40 PM
Pandion Knights on Werner. I think Nexero was in that outift for a while (check the leaderboards). I remember Daredevll really pwned as well.
Great little outfit. Aldor, Alchal, Sultan Of Ping, and the crazy Swede whose name I can't remember but was an ace gunner in a mag.
Talk about nostalgia - I've even resubbed for the last month or so (I guess it will be!) of the old lady. Still some good battles to be had, surprisingly enough!
2012-02-26, 03:51 PM
Mastachief, I was in Everlasting. I can't remember if. I played as Catfart or Dogbreath Any others from the outfit still around. Been lurking here since I heard about PS2. Look forward to seeing you on the battlefield
Badly typed on my phone.
I remember you!
Last people i saw were error404, brune and honeymonster
They do still have forums i believe at
2012-02-27, 04:43 PM
I remember you!
Last people i saw were error404, brune and honeymonster
They do still have forums i believe at
Forgot my password for the forum, I'll have to contact someone.
I'd forgotten error404. Ps2 could be bringing a lot of old friends back together. Good to talk agin, look forward to seeing you on the battlefield.
2012-03-03, 12:40 AM
My first outfit: Terran Republican Guard (TRG) - MARKOV
When: Release day, May 2003
Still with? Check my sig :)
2012-03-05, 05:02 AM
Pandion Knights on Werner. I think Nexero was in that outift for a while (check the leaderboards). I remember Daredevll really pwned as well.
Great little outfit. Aldor, Alchal, Sultan Of Ping, and the crazy Swede whose name I can't remember but was an ace gunner in a mag.
Talk about nostalgia - I've even resubbed for the last month or so (I guess it will be!) of the old lady. Still some good battles to be had, surprisingly enough!
Hey Mechz, I was in PK for a while, NoobBoy is the scandinavian that comes to mind (Norwegian if memory servers), he was a blast.
2012-03-06, 01:21 AM
Like many others, I was with The Renegades under Fish, and I stuck with them.
I was their psychotic galaxy pilot, guns didn't get the job done sometimes... I'd only do that AFTER the drop though. Doubt anyone remembers me, but back then we galaxy pilots were RARE! And needed too!
It's almost been a whole decade..... gonna be great to serve with you fellow Emerald NC once more. All our hope and none of our expectations.... who'd a thought we'd get the chance to return right?
The Renegades getting another site together for this? I think most of us are still trying to find each other.
2012-03-06, 02:47 PM
Like many others, I was with The Renegades under Fish, and I stuck with them.
I was their psychotic galaxy pilot, guns didn't get the job done sometimes... I'd only do that AFTER the drop though. Doubt anyone remembers me, but back then we galaxy pilots were RARE! And needed too!
It's almost been a whole decade..... gonna be great to serve with you fellow Emerald NC once more. All our hope and none of our expectations.... who'd a thought we'd get the chance to return right?
The Renegades getting another site together for this? I think most of us are still trying to find each other.
You were the guy that flew gals into shit a lot ;)
2012-03-06, 03:47 PM
Well, after a drop I had to do SOMETHING with that giant chunk of metal.
And for the record, I mostly ran it into PEOPLE, with quite a high success rate - I survived a lot too. I like to think I became quite a highly skilled dropship pilot. I am SO digging the new uses of a dropship in PS2. A galaxy can spawn players midflight, become a ground base AMS, ect. With their reportedly massive skill trees, I don't think The Renegades will think twice about calling me back in.
Can't wait till airships come after my spawning galaxy, just to watch me ram them!
2012-03-06, 04:46 PM
Well, after a drop I had to do SOMETHING with that giant chunk of metal.
And for the record, I mostly ran it into PEOPLE, with quite a high success rate - I survived a lot too. I like to think I became quite a highly skilled dropship pilot. I am SO digging the new uses of a dropship in PS2. A galaxy can spawn players midflight, become a ground base AMS, ect. With their reportedly massive skill trees, I don't think The Renegades will think twice about calling me back in.
Can't wait till airships come after my spawning galaxy, just to watch me ram them!
I recall several good killspams involving a certainly busy vterm being hit by a rather large flying object.
Like many others, I was with The Renegades under Fish, and I stuck with them.
I was their psychotic galaxy pilot, guns didn't get the job done sometimes... I'd only do that AFTER the drop though. Doubt anyone remembers me, but back then we galaxy pilots were RARE! And needed too!
It's almost been a whole decade..... gonna be great to serve with you fellow Emerald NC once more. All our hope and none of our expectations.... who'd a thought we'd get the chance to return right?
The Renegades getting another site together for this? I think most of us are still trying to find each other.
Fish posted in the early part of this thread. Looks like there is a possibility that this may happen and he has a contact list of a lot of the guys from the outfit too. There isn't a site as far as now right now.
2012-03-07, 03:19 AM
Oh, I know there isn't a site, because I do one hell of a lot of research hunting down the members and such to see if it's around again. Planetside with The Renegades was my first true mmo experience, so I'm excited to relive it. I'm just wonder if Fish and the guys are going to start another site soon.... I am actually wanting to find all the guys who remember me and see if they can help me find out what rank I had in the group, I have completely forgotten. I remembered ALL these names up till about a year or two ago. Now I only really remember Fish and some names bring back recalls, and flashbacks, I think I have PTAD - Post Traumatic ADRENAL disorder. I get excited every time I remember a bit more of the old Planetside in the first few days, weeks, months, and years.
2012-03-07, 01:31 PM
Was watching the PS2 GDC stuff and decided to google "renegades planetside outfit" to see who all is still around. If anyone remebers, I was Hack1690 in PS1. Hoping to play with all the old Renegades people in PS2. I talked to Fish on facebook a few weeks ago and seemed keen on putting the outfit back together.
2012-03-07, 07:02 PM
My first Outfit was Natural Selection on Werner.
I learnt a lot from the guys in that clan.
Good times!
2012-03-07, 08:06 PM
fuckin gayest name and group of players I've ever played with.
2012-03-08, 09:00 AM
My first outfit: Terran Republican Guard (TRG) - MARKOV
When: A few months after release, Aug 2003
By far TRG has been the best outfit I have ever been apart of in any game and we work together to accomplish every task.
2012-03-08, 09:18 AM
Werner - Etheral Enforcers - TR
2012-03-08, 09:38 AM
My first outfit: Terran Republican Guard (TRG)- Markov
When: I joined in winter of 2003
Planetside was the first online video game I had ever played. Prior to that I was a single player console player, mostly just sports games. My real life friend could not stop talking about how cool Planetside was, so I finally succumbed to the pressure and joined up.
I will never forget sitting at the bar with my friend, Dwizzle, and drinking beer after beer while he was diagramming base layouts on bar napkins for me. I had never seen dedication to a game like that, and after a short time I was hooked.
I played Planetside up until the BFR's came out and ruined the game. I then came back when they upped the BR to 25 as well.
2012-03-08, 09:56 AM
So many memories here...
I was all over the place when I started, mainly in some underdog outfits until I got caught up in Army of One. First real outfit I ran with for a decent amount of time. Eventually we uh... parted ways... Since then I've been leading my own crew.
I have to say though, when it comes to PS nostalgia I love thinking back to PlanetSide's glory days and running with a large-ish outfit. One of my favorite memories is fighting on Hossin watching a column of vannies rolling out of the courtyard as some reavers strafed the nearby tower. It will be sad to see the original PS go as I'm sure it will... I hope that on that last day we can all have an epic war over some god-aweful base we've spent years of our life fighting over. When that day comes, I look forward to seeing every one of you on the battlefield.
To my fellow NC, it has been irritating to fight with you sometimes, but an honor all the same. I hope to see you veterans in PS2.
To the enemy, you have all made excellent adversaries. Best of luck to you all. You'll need it in the future. ;)
2012-03-08, 02:00 PM
Markov, Vanu Sovereignty, Bellum Aeternus, 2Clueless
The community is still alive and kicking, and we will be back to give the rest of you a run for your money!
2012-03-15, 10:56 AM
Markov - Vanu Sovereignty - Divine Ordnance
First outfit I was in, also pretty sure I was in Bellum Aeternus for a bit before my friends and I made our own outfit.
Anyone know if DarkFate is still around and going to PS2? I want to join whatever server he does, he was our best CR5. Always had fun in the Reading Rainbow Squad.
2012-03-15, 03:21 PM
Emerald NC -> D2A
Man I miss those days, hope to rekindle the flames with PS2
2012-03-15, 08:34 PM
Werner Trouble NC - my first outfit (vanguard driving for Starcore was fun fun fun)
2012-03-16, 09:51 AM
My first outfit was Iron Fist, but that was short lived since they all left to go play WoW. :doh:
Shortly after I was "recruited" by a few folks to help create the NC Death Company (NCDC), and ended up there until 2007'ish when the outfit sort of fell apart (due to folks leaving for other games). :(
Definitely have great memories of our "Tower of Power" nights where we'd find a random tower on a continent that wasn't immediately being contested, setup shop and hold it until the continent gathered so many enemy forces trying to recapture it that it would become the "new" battleground for the evening.
Great times! :D
(its Friday - that's my explanation behind all the smileys. :lol: )
2012-04-12, 09:37 PM
Emerald - NC
Started with Novus Ordo then The Renegades
2012-04-12, 10:49 PM
Markov - Vanu Sovereignty - Divine Ordnance
First outfit I was in, also pretty sure I was in Bellum Aeternus for a bit before my friends and I made our own outfit.
Anyone know if DarkFate is still around and going to PS2? I want to join whatever server he does, he was our best CR5. Always had fun in the Reading Rainbow Squad.
Darkfate is in Future Crew, out website is
and he's a shit CR5 and a worse human.
I regret the day i invited him to Future Crew.
2012-04-13, 01:09 AM
Darkfate is in Future Crew, out website is
and he's a shit CR5 and a worse human.
I regret the day i invited him to Future Crew.
Oh yah he's still around alright.
2012-04-13, 05:23 AM
Werner VS - Started in VS Loyalists but joined up with ISK when they stopped playing
2012-04-15, 01:51 PM
Emerald - TR - Dragonwolves
CDL FTW :rawr:
2012-04-16, 08:15 AM
Werner was my first server and I was with Fate because it was the first outfit I got invited to. After that I moved to CLOWNS with Macmore. I remember some other outfits like Risk which RAS was a member. The Big One which went defunct after his death (not talking in game death here).
Now I am with Long Forgotten Soldiers which is still up sometimes. Other outfits I squaded with were Azure Twilight. Yes they are all Vanu.
2012-04-21, 09:20 PM
God Dam Mongolians (
2012-04-23, 08:12 PM
Started as VS back in 2003 on Emerald.
After a day or two I did a bit of research and found the Xen of Onslaught outfit. Been with them in Planetside ever since.
We are greatly diminished in our Planetside activity, but other game divisions are running strong and we do have a squad (sometimes two) running most nights of the week. If you want to play VS and don't mind using Teasmspeak look us up.
2012-04-23, 10:01 PM
Randomly got an invite to Total Oblivion, a TR armoured outfit, as a member on Werner in 2003, and now in 2012 I'm still here and I find myself leading Total Oblivion. Couldn't ask for a better bunch of gamers to call my friends.
I had an alt in Battle Marines of Chaos, on TR Werner. Ostekake's outfit, where I learnt a lot about tactics and strategy on a grander scale in PS1.
I attempted to join a VS outfit on Emerald, called Immortal Sovereign, but due to time constraints, I could not meet with their timing requirements, but I do want to say they taught me quite a lot about air cav combat and tactics, which I will forever be grateful for.
2012-04-23, 11:02 PM
Anyone used to be in Draygo's Roughriders on Markov?
2012-04-23, 11:06 PM
On Emerald, Forty Deuce (VS, of course!)
2012-04-25, 02:12 PM
First and Only outfit i played for and eventually ran, was Warrior Nation (WNx), a Vanu outfit on Markov.
Running the Sentinels this go around with damn near the entire old crew minus two who have sadly passed away.
2012-04-29, 09:35 PM
Jumped around a bit between VS outfits, then finally ended up with Xen of Onslaught after I saw that awesome video. Been with them ever since.
2012-05-01, 07:46 PM
Anyone used to be in Draygo's Roughriders on Markov?
Back in Beta.
2012-05-04, 12:25 PM
The Vanu Generals on Werner was the last outfit we had.
This really does bring back the memories. Guess we are all grown up, with families now (I've got 3 little feckers).
The ol' trouble and strife said I had to ditch the old gaming PC (warcraft), which I did and went console bashing on CoD ever since.
The announcement of PS2, made my loins tingle with excitement and I'd love to see some familiar names from the days on Werner, Vanu in particular those from TVG which were some of the highlights of the gaming 'career' ;-)
2012-05-06, 07:16 PM
Werner Outfits
Started off in ISK (Immortal Serial Killers) - VS
Then dabbled with Vanu Corp for a little while - VS
Ended in TVG (The Vanu Generals) - VS
In our spare time a lot of players from the community (Official Forums) from different factions decided to Team up in one Outfit (for a laugh) started up The Halibuts (NC) - Funniest names possible was obligatory :)
Those were the days :(
2012-05-07, 02:51 AM
The ol' trouble and strife said I had to ditch the old gaming PC
I took the alternate route and ditched the trouble and strife.
Life, eh?
2012-05-18, 04:39 AM
I can't for the life of me remember what my first outfit was. It died within the first couple months of the games release, then I ran with FC for a bit and they asked me to join.
<---- HimuraBattousai btw
2012-05-18, 06:55 PM
My first outfit was a pretty much useless outfit on Emerald VS called The Black Tower. Then after resubbing I spent most of my time in Ghosts of The Revolution and remain in that outfit now, though I'm not subbed now.
2012-05-19, 04:46 AM
Well I was in the Facepunch outfit but unofficially I hanged out with the Blue Lions most of the time because they always had squads and platoons running and let pubbers in on the fun.
2012-05-19, 09:08 AM
I was on NC Markov i played a character named 9mm.
Outfits: We Ourselves, Gothic Terror, and Hostile Takeover
Im going to need to find an NC outfit for ps2...
I was so addicted to ps1 on release i was on leader boards for awhile. Check out the old leaderboards from back in the day lol.
2012-05-20, 03:13 PM
My first was Boys from the Dwarf. Ended up in The Vanu Generals. Great days - in that outfit, we really did change the course of continent wars! Some people may remember my amazing Sunderer skills where I would either park on top of a tower, over the edge of a bridge or simply come to a quick stop with the assistance of a tree.
2012-05-21, 08:39 PM
My first outfit was called the Nightstalkers on Emerald TR, relatively small. My first major outfit though was HMX-1, that was alot of fun.
2012-05-25, 06:53 PM
VS Johari - Vanu Elite Forces
2012-05-25, 07:43 PM
I was on NC Markov i played a character named 9mm.
Outfits: We Ourselves, Gothic Terror, and Hostile Takeover
Im going to need to find an NC outfit for ps2...
I was so addicted to ps1 on release i was on leader boards for awhile. Check out the old leaderboards from back in the day lol.
Pretty sure Ht is moving to PS2.
My first (and only) outfit was the Shadow Assassins (Emerald TR). Rose through the ranks with them and became the armor division leader. SA is most definitely going to be active in Planetside 2!
2012-05-27, 02:46 PM
=C22= I miss gen droppin.
After awhile most of them moved on so I did a short stint with AT, Franko is pretty cool dude, but I miss hearing Walmart be an asshole over TS and GeneralCondom's crazy accent.
2012-05-28, 07:30 AM
Though I've wandered around quite a bit I only consider myself to have been in 3 main outfits:
!!X][D][T!! Was the first outfit I joined way back when who were a part of the NCWA but after activity dropped I joined...
MERCENARYS and learned how to not be a noob for some time after which I left for reasons I can't actually remember to well and joined...
Delta Triad which is still my beloved home today.
Though over the years I've played with [not necessarily been in for a few of them]:
Soul Reapers
Brutal Deluxe
1st Hotdrop Regiment
Renegade Legion
Fight Club
Metal Militia
Army of One
Praetorian Guard
2012-05-28, 10:56 AM
Digital Marines. Emerald TR.
2012-05-29, 03:41 AM
Mature Asskickers - Konreid NC
2012-05-29, 06:53 AM
VS Johari - Vanu Elite Forces
ahem. *cough*
2012-05-29, 12:57 PM
I was in a plethora of outfits during my time with Planetside. These are really the only ones I can remember.
TR - Terran Death Company and KWA are all I can remember. I feel like I was in Better Red Than Dead at one point too. I also ran with OzziKing for a bit but I think that was on NC. He was entertaining for a while, but then started to get super annoying.
NC - Blue Lions, KillerxGirlz (or somethin like that), KWA, and Obsl33t (basically joined cause the name looked cool after pops started dying down), might have been in the 666th at one point but that was just out of curiosity. TR was my real home so I was never really concerned with outfits on NC.
** I was also trying out for SG at the time that SGproph and the other dude got banned -___-
VS - I hate VS but I tried out GotR and Lost Minions
In the end I found that my playstyle was more geared toward smaller outfits that ran Spec Ops/Quick Response.
2012-05-30, 12:44 PM
TR either johari or markov, Dogs of War is the first I remember, organized tank group... loved rolling columns and everyone watching their firezones. Not sure if the lack of turret will even allow that rolling death style of gameplay anymore.
2012-05-30, 06:01 PM
Emerald NC, Army of One. Was great when I first joined, it was a mid sized outfit. We would get 1-2 squads a night, and while we didn't have the best players, we played well together and we were able to accomplish a lot. Then a lot of the cool people started leaving the game and the guy they appointed to be the recruitment officer juts started inviting anyone and everyone. So I went TR and joined The Overlords.
Holy crap. I remember you. I was also in AO1. I thought we were pretty good. We always did what we had too. - JeriksGod was my name.
Another first outfit I joined was TR on Emerald, they were one of the best at the time. THeir name was short and had C's in it. Like COC or something.
2012-05-31, 03:01 PM
ahem. *cough*
Lol what, it said "first", only joined 2.
Second outfit, Future Crew, after ignoring Darkwardlord's invites for over 2 years. Gotta play hard to get with these guys.
2012-06-01, 08:51 AM
Lol what, it said "first", only joined 2.
Second outfit, Future Crew, after ignoring Darkwardlord's invites for over 2 years. Gotta play hard to get with these guys.
we should have sent somebody not mexican.
2012-06-01, 12:41 PM
I had greendragon ask me to join.
2012-06-01, 08:44 PM
we should have sent somebody not mexican.
I am not sure I even knew he was mexican until after I joined. Though he asked a bit to much like a giddy school girl with ADD.
2012-06-03, 01:02 PM
KillerxGirlz (or somethin like that)
You're not talking about killaXgirlz, are you? That was a (tiny) VS outfit.
2012-06-03, 03:26 PM
we should have sent somebody not mexican.
Mexican picked up some strays.
2012-06-07, 03:41 AM
I remember getting my NC CR5 on Werner and some dude who ran the Mercs beckbond or something told me to respect him and his decisions as makes the calls for the NC. I forget exactly what he said and I didn't screenie it. That was one of the funniest tells I've ever had.
2012-06-07, 10:58 PM
You're not talking about killaXgirlz, are you? That was a (tiny) VS outfit.
These guys were NC. I think they were just a Markov alt fit and I joined for the fun of it.
2012-06-08, 03:42 AM
I ran Metal Guard Soldiers in PS1, will be creating in PS2 as well :)
2012-06-08, 09:32 PM
TR Markov - Platoon 3092
Probably the best gaming experience I've ever had.
2012-06-08, 10:59 PM
Allegiance. I saw Hounddog's prowler columns and I had to join
2012-06-09, 06:18 AM
I was in TR on Werner.
Started off in SarDuKar until they dissolved and then joined INI Elite where I stayed until i stopped playing in 2006.
Karmic Revenge
2012-06-13, 07:20 PM
My PlanetSide outfit was and is Renegade Legion (NC-Werner). Hell of a good outfit.
2012-06-14, 07:57 AM
my time in planetside was with 3 outfits
Purple Valor - Unsure if there around or not had a good time with them and learnt a few things about Planetside to start with
Purple Saints (not around anymore :()
And my current one being ISK Brilliant load of guys there and still around today!
I had the idea I remembered your name from somewhere :) I played with Purple Valor back in the days, but I did constantly make the 7 days trial, so I never had a fixed character.
Only a few month later I did end up monthly subscribtion and ended with a char named Hellsman5. I'd only stick around for a good 6 months or something, but I did play alot with Max65 if you by any chance remember him and not me :)
2012-06-18, 06:03 AM
Enemy Spotted werner VS but then onto Vanu Corp for the rest of my life :)
2012-06-18, 03:12 PM
Similar to some:
dont remember my first one, left after about a week to join
Raging Primates
That was on release and been one ever since :D
RP will be there in ps2! (alot of the oldschoolers are coming back)
2012-06-18, 03:39 PM
INI Elite from the day I started with Stell til the day I left ^^ Ran with a few others sometimes but only fleeting really.
Always TR of course ;)
Planning on it being the same come PS2.
I SandRock
2012-06-18, 05:23 PM
Werner: Purple Saints and then Purple Valour.
2012-06-19, 01:43 PM
Vanu Corp, still there.
2012-06-20, 11:51 PM
Nice, Zorachus is reachable by email, AngryMason is too
Solonor, Dregor, Dragonscourge, Gosnell, Brentx, and a few others are on my facebook page, last I knew Shadowfaxs was on Xbox live friends list, So I probally could get ahold of a good handful of the old guys.
How have you been ?
I'm on PS as of last week so is Shadowfaxs. I have been in contact with BrentX. We're signed up for the beta and ready for action.
2012-07-18, 04:55 PM
The one and only outfit on Werner
Last Line Of Defence (LLOD)
since May 15th 2003
2012-07-18, 05:12 PM
Haha a video I made when I was in ISK.
ISK Unrealtournament 2004 RAZWORLDPRODUCTIONS - YouTube (
I couldnt find that original video as it said you took it down, but found it elsewhere !!!
What I am particularly fond of is from 7mins onwards.........
I started out on NC and was in Hostile Takeover for quite a while. When I finally switched to TR I was in Psychedelic Clown Posse. Oh Johari, how I miss you.
2012-07-20, 01:19 PM
The Renegades. Not around anymore though.
CRATOR! We're reforming the Renegades! Fish, Mophugger and I so far are organizing. Zorachus will be playing and he's back in PS1. I'm hoping Aleksey/Goku will throw us an alt or main. Aleksey has seen Brentx and esquared in-game. I'm trying to get in touch with Warready and Angrymason.
NC Emerald
My first outfit ever was "The Renegades" led by FishboneFisanick (not the original leader I don't think).
Shortly after I joined up with some RL friends in SuperTroopers led by BlackOpAgent and I was there for the rest of the time I played.
Throw us an alt Lynx! We're reforming. Fish is coming back too. I didn't know of another original leader.
2012-07-20, 02:04 PM
Johari - NC- got into Shamat was moved up to spec ops officer and assault leader when we folded into markov the outfit lead who hadn't played in months came back and tried to restructure the outfit and it fell apart joined beach for a bit with a few friends who promptly quit so moved to Section 8 Blue had a great time with Colonel O'niel and the gang but in fighting made me leave currently in Legion of the Damned laid back get it done group of people
2012-07-20, 06:31 PM
This is hilarious, AWESOME, and a tribute to NC players/outfits! One empire - NC - one deactivated outfit - THE RENEGADES! - and we almost hijacked this thread in a couple pages. I guess we had a quite a special outfit.
Yes, The Renegades will be reforming in PS2. Many of us are playing in PS1 now. I'm currently in Blue Lions with AlekseyGV.
As far as remembering outfits, I remember the Blue Lions, Sturmgrenadier, Freedom Defenders, and The Fluffy Bunnies!
Nostalgia: I found this YT vid again of some of our black ops - The Renegades Black Operations - YouTube
Here is a Roster to summarize who's who. I'm hoping almost everyone will reform the Renegades, or at least throw us an alt (if there are alts).
"Fish" FishboneFisanick (willing to lead/organize PS2)
Timithos (playing PS1 w/ Blue Lions; willing to lead/organize PS2)
Mophugger (willing to lead/organize PS2)
AlekseyGV (playing PS1 w/ Blue Lions)
SS89Goku (playing PS1 w/ Freedom Defenders)
Zorachus (playing PS1)
Brentx (playing PS1)
HeHatesMe (playing PS1 w/ Freedom Defenders)
Crator (playing PS1)
esquared (playing PS1 W/ Freedom Defenders)
Shadowfaxs/Hotcakes (playing PS1)
Poeboy (playing PS1 w/ Blue Lions)
And... Angrymason, Warready, SoClose, Jaden2, Solonor, Dregor, Dragonscourge, Gosnell, MadMooseMilitia, Hackx, Yetiee, Zekeen, NCLynx
Tim with the Aleksey/Goku do you think we are the same person? We aren't if that is the case lol.
2012-07-21, 02:32 AM
Checo outfit hopper :D <3
2012-07-21, 02:59 AM
Tim with the Aleksey/Goku do you think we are the same person? We aren't if that is the case lol.
That's awesome! I discovered an extra person!
Started l33t on TR during the Closed Beta test of PS1. We rolled TR on Johari at release.
Deleted my TR toon before you could have multiple characters from different empires and switched to NC to join Nova, haven't left since.
2012-07-22, 03:57 PM
Perhaps you guys can help me with this question: why do people love living in the past so much?
2012-07-23, 09:41 AM
Perhaps you guys can help me with this question: why do people love living in the past so much?
'Cos the future sucks? :doh:
2012-07-23, 07:06 PM
Commander Ravner looking to mix it up with some of the old Shamat [Johari-NC] and Bloodstar [Markov-TR] crew. Send me a PM if you remember me, I'm trying to figure out whatever happened to the old guard.
If I'm doing Planetside 2 I want to do it in style, with the old best of the best. ;)
2012-07-31, 06:15 PM
Started my char, OneStep invited me to BRTD and I was there for awhile.
2012-08-01, 01:21 AM
ATF Clan on Markov... I think it was markov. On the Terran Alliance Side. some nice guys, great to play with. Wonder what they've been up to in the near decade since I've talked to them.
Funny enough shortly before I stopped playing I got kicked out due to a misunderstanding. My brother wanted to play and he wanted instructions so I just told him to mash buttons. There was apparently a button to just leave an outfit so they thought I just ditched without a word. It was all good in the end though.
2012-08-01, 04:58 AM
Perhaps you guys can help me with this question: why do people love living in the past so much?
It's about getting as many people from the great community of Planetside to pop up in here and say "hi" and get them involved in Planetside2.
Why ?
Because in 9 years, the best community I have encountered for a game has been the Planetside one, hands down....
2012-08-09, 05:42 PM
I have not spoke with mophugger since like 2008ish I think. I enjoyed playing with him back then though
Mophugger has his new system up and he's back on PS1 today!
Mophugger has his new system up and he's back on PS1 today!
My sub ended a couple weeks ago. :(
2012-08-10, 04:28 AM
Perhaps you guys can help me with this question: why do people love living in the past so much?
because our memories have helped to define the person we are today!
Now to the thread question.. Werner from the outfit 5th Regiment, hopefully will meet them again
2012-08-14, 12:12 AM
I think it was on Johari, but it was TR, Metal Militia. It was a fun time, but ultimately I moved over to Markov to join my brother with the NC, where I joined and became a member of the Black Hawks Air Calvary unit. I don't even remember what happened to that Corp but now I'm in Legion of the Damned and frankly I'll be Damned if I remember how I got there.
It's been too many years!
2012-08-14, 01:57 PM
My best times in PS1 were with the Renegades, circa 2005. Trying to decide on an outfit to join since PS isn't nearly as much fun solo. I think it may have just gotten easier.
2017-02-06, 10:31 AM
Updated with all outfits i was in and when i got Cr5...
Emerald ~ Red Viper Ops
Emerald ~ Shadow Dynasty
Emerald ~ TDC Got CR5
Emerald ~ Liquid Courage 3000
LC Merged with DS
Emerald ~ Dark Skyes -
Emerald ~ F.E.A.R
Emerald ~ Adult Enterament
Gemini ~ Shadow Assassins
Gemini ~ Wolverines
Gemini ~ Dark Skyes
Jimmy Karter
2019-09-23, 07:49 AM
two outfits i remember, but i forgot which one I used for the first time. It was..
either....VS Emerald - The Forty Deuce
or.....Werner - The Outcasters - TR
amusing game, i miss nowadays. it seems like people play more at Uudet Nettikasinot ( or hunt Kasinobonukset ( type of casino bonus ( offers instead of the old cool games... so sad.
2020-04-03, 09:32 AM
Créé il n’y a pas si longtemps, le site français a déjà pu gagner les cœurs de ses utilisateurs. Il promet l’accès facile aux divers sites de casinos en ligne et les revues aussi détaillées qu’actuelles consacrées aux établissements de jeu.
2020-05-02, 12:25 PM
My sub also ended a couple of days ago.
2020-06-29, 01:56 PM
Planetside 1 -> Emerald -> "The Elites" (NC)
We were a highly skilled group of players, with little command structure but usually consisting of random pro-level players.
Typically when our outfit decided to show up to an area, that base or tower fell within a few short minutes. 1 or 2 "Elites" members were usually worth about 10-12 normal players.
It was a pretty fun outfit to have around 20 of us showing up at a base and toppling it like a professional wrecking crew.
Like I said, no 'real' organization, but more like "The Expendables" in terms of skill and destructive power in all weapons, vehicles and character classes.
^ Typically me with the Jackhammer, grenades and a shotgun secondary
2020-11-07, 12:55 AM
My first was SturmG back in beta. Off hours to my play schedule to I joined Terran Rangers, who then turned into Hells Rangers on Konreid. Carried the OutlawSZ-K name for years. I miss those days.
2021-06-01, 04:15 PM
Started off on Konried - Blue Dragons. On Emrald joined the Forgotten Soldiers.
I loved this game so much. So many good memories and wonderful bridge battles. Nothing more satisfying than shooting down Reavers and Mossies with a Vanguard.
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