2002-11-13, 01:53 PM
Simple question right? You're a part of a squad/platoon/group and the sarge is barking orders over Gamevoice (or whatever).
You've joined the group...you're supposed to work as a team.
Can you follow orders without question, even if it's sure death? or maybe you simply don't agree or have your own adjenda in mind?
This inevitably comes up in any team combat game. You get a team rolling and ready to go....everyone is gung ho, ready to hit their positions and wait for orders........yet you have one (or more) loose cannons that want to snipe from that hill over there (drawing fire right to where you want to gather for the attack or your landing zone) or they want to tank rush to the center of the base while everyone else is getting into position for a coodinated "sneak" attack.
So, my question is...will/should a group leader have the option to...oh, I dunno....shoot the offender in the base of the skull for the sake of the team? (or maybe at least have them removed from the mission).
Griefing takes many forms. Some are purposful peckerheads with a fondness for getting people pissed off. Others are just too untrained/stupid to work in a group or recognize that being part of a team means acting AS a team....so, with the last group in mind....
Can you follow orders? What recourse does a team have for someone who doesnt or wont?
(mostly just want to hear ideas concerning uncooperative/purposefully disruptive team members and what you'll do/what you did)
"Colonel, did you order the code red???"
"Yer damn right I did!"
You've joined the group...you're supposed to work as a team.
Can you follow orders without question, even if it's sure death? or maybe you simply don't agree or have your own adjenda in mind?
This inevitably comes up in any team combat game. You get a team rolling and ready to go....everyone is gung ho, ready to hit their positions and wait for orders........yet you have one (or more) loose cannons that want to snipe from that hill over there (drawing fire right to where you want to gather for the attack or your landing zone) or they want to tank rush to the center of the base while everyone else is getting into position for a coodinated "sneak" attack.
So, my question is...will/should a group leader have the option to...oh, I dunno....shoot the offender in the base of the skull for the sake of the team? (or maybe at least have them removed from the mission).
Griefing takes many forms. Some are purposful peckerheads with a fondness for getting people pissed off. Others are just too untrained/stupid to work in a group or recognize that being part of a team means acting AS a team....so, with the last group in mind....
Can you follow orders? What recourse does a team have for someone who doesnt or wont?
(mostly just want to hear ideas concerning uncooperative/purposefully disruptive team members and what you'll do/what you did)
"Colonel, did you order the code red???"
"Yer damn right I did!"