View Full Version : North Korea
2003-03-03, 06:09 PM
Crazy MOFO's (
This senario could get real ugly real fast.....
2003-03-03, 06:16 PM
yea... its getting pretty scary over there
2003-03-03, 06:18 PM
:blowup: :ugh:
2003-03-03, 06:32 PM
North Korea routinely threatens the U.S. whenever they want something, however I think they're going to end up biting off more than they can chew this time...Bush=militant like woah.
2003-03-03, 06:37 PM
This is absolutely nothing, it's just CNN trying to make you think that there is some kind of threat out there, even though there isn't. North Korea wouldn't attack the US because it is completely foolish and useless, USA has no natural resources that you can't find anywhere else. This is just a little nudge trying to get the people to support the ever-so imperialistc Mr. President George W. Bush.
2003-03-03, 06:42 PM
I wouldnt say its "absoluty nothing" derfud. There are still alot of tensions going on right now, and as you read, North Korea has started up one of their nuclear reactors. I doubt that have a reason to use other then to build nuclear weapons. I wouldnt be so fast to think that somthing terrible could come out of this. To bad they dont show the love like we do around here. :love: :love:
2003-03-03, 06:46 PM
This could get very bad.....
:scared: :scared: :scared:
at least they dont have neutron bombs yet, only nukes.
2003-03-03, 06:53 PM
Maybe we could all ban together here at PSU and start sending N Korea e-mail after e-mail containing :love: not :mad:
Like always 2 sides of the same coin. I have to say it could get ugly. Not that N Korea would last long in a real war with us, even if they could get a nuke over here. I would be more concered about NK's friends, China and Russia. Not to mention the Arabs that hate us.
That would be great have not only Arabs hating us but all the Asian people as well.
2003-03-03, 06:55 PM
North korea has limited outside contact through the internet.
There crazy, you guys think saddam is a problem, hes a pussy cat compared to northg korea, now that scares me, and im not easily scared;)
2003-03-03, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by Revolution
NK's friends, China and Russia. :rofl: :rofl:
Those are OUR friends...or at the very least, enemies of our enemy.
2003-03-03, 07:06 PM
The scray part, is that N. Korea thinks the that Dubya should do what his predeccesor did, give concessions in the face of threats. Instead, Dubya is a man of Character, who rightly has said "Sure, will hook you up, just as soon as you shut down your nuke program like you said you would"
The really REALLY scary part, the N.Koreans don't live in our world, they live in thier world, and the thought of war doesn't scare them, near as mch as it does us, because to them, a life is not important.
A war breaks out over there, and it will make WWII look pretty in terms of deaths per minute.
2003-03-03, 07:18 PM
Maybe I was up on that mother ship too long but when did China become a US ally??!? Yes we do business with them but....
In any case lets say N Korea lights up a nuke. Course it will be OUR fault because the US takes the shit. I would think that if NK hit us with a nuke, Bush gonna lay a smackdown on NK. Now you got a radiation cloud dancing close to China. I dont think they would be too happy. Atually everyone would get pissed at us including the UN. Not to mention, did it ever occur to you Why China needs a 200 Million man Army?
2003-03-03, 07:21 PM
if we went to war with NK china,russia,sk etc etc, would be side by side cause pretty much no one likes NK there nuts
2003-03-03, 07:26 PM
isnt it funny,everyone agrees on this topic:D im sure if saddam was browsing these boards (big ps fan) he'd be like " oh yeah them bitches be nutz" ;)
2003-03-03, 07:34 PM
Here is a link to the CIA's World Factbook . Just select which country you would like to know about pp:D
CIA World Factbook 2002 (
Originally posted by Arshune
North Korea routinely threatens the U.S. whenever they want something, however I think they're going to end up biting off more than they can chew this time...Bush=militant like woah.
They're the only country ever to beat the American war machine and you think they will be biting off more than they can chew?
2003-03-03, 08:15 PM
Good point Mtx, except we would be destroying key points with guided missles, not trying to defend SK.
2003-03-03, 08:17 PM
How did NK beat the USA?? No, China entering the war, forced us to back off, or use nukes.. we backed off....
2003-03-03, 08:18 PM
Originally posted by Mtx
They're the only country ever to beat the American war machine and you think they will be biting off more than they can chew? Vietnam did too, I don't care that China helped 'em, they still did it...and the Korean War ended in a bloody stalemate, not a defeat.
2003-03-03, 08:29 PM
They need such a large army so that once they come to the throne as a competing superpower, the US will think twice about challenging them. China is going to be a real problem in the decades to come. Perhaps the US will go the way of the Romans...
Rest of you:
North Korea is a big problem. China, Russia and the rest of NATO have already stated that any action taken by NK deemed hostile without US provocation would mean immdiate retaliation by the aforesaid nations. NK won't chance it. If they are foolish enough, let them try. I've had enough communistic-like rule that side of the world.
NK should be concerned about a nuclear equipped Japan and Taiwan. US officals may use this as leverage in negotiations.
2003-03-03, 08:33 PM
North Korea has 50 years of economic woe and a huge technology gap to overcome before it can even think about mounting the kind of expansionist campaigns necessary for it to become a world power. After all, soldiers don't fight very well when they have to pick through cow crap for undigested corn to get their daily ration.
2003-03-03, 08:37 PM
I infered China. Perhaps we were on a different tracts. Your right about NK regarding them becoming a world power.
2003-03-03, 08:41 PM
Oh, er...yeah, so you did. Need more sleep.
A NK soldier is a lot tougher than you think. These soldiers will cut your throat twice and watch you die without remorse. You've never seen what these people can do. They aren't soft like Americans. They don't need to eat big meals and they are well disciplined and adapted to their enviornment.
As much as China and Russia talk.. they wont do anything if NK makes a move. They hate America and the enemy of my enemy is my allie.
2003-03-03, 08:46 PM
It seems the like the us is wearing itself thin right now, if I was an enemy I would take this chance to strike, that could be what nk is thinking
2003-03-03, 08:50 PM
Are not American troops disciplined?
Soft like Americans? You mean, ethical and moral like Americans? From what you describe they seem to be brute animals; not humans.
Adaptation to enviroment can be compensated for by superiror technology.
China and Russia had better act as they declared they would; or they face numnerous critisicms. Besides we don't need them; it just looks better.
Your idea of my enemies enemy is my ally idea is interesting. However, unpractical. China and Russia can't take the chance to severe their relations with us. They need us; espcially Russia. They won't turn their backs on us...yet.
Originally posted by Confectrix
Are not American troops disciplined?
Soft like Americans? You mean, ethical and moral like Americans? From what you describe they seem to be brute animals; not humans.
Adaptation to enviroment can be compensated for by superiror technology.
China and Russia had better act as they declared they would; or they face numnerous critisicms. Besides we don't need them; it just looks better.
Your idea of my enemies enemy is my ally idea is interesting. However, unpractical. China and Russia can't take the chance to severe their relations with us. They need us; espcially Russia. They won't turn their backs on us...yet.
You don't understand how the world works. People say one thing and do another all the time. The biggest mistake you make is underestimating the abilities of a worthy foe.
2003-03-03, 09:03 PM
China worthy.
Russia no.
Both has severe problems.
They need us.
To do one thing and say another would mean severe consequences.
Consequences they can't afford. It's in their best interests ot side with us. If they don't they risk being alienated from the western world.
I bet that Kim Jong Il knows that he needs resources and food, so he probably wants to attack a weak country near to gain these things. However, he knows that if he does this he will have the US up his ass, as was the issue in N Korea, although it was also to uphold democracy in that war. Maybe what Jong Il is thinking is that he might as well just go right to the source, and attack the US in the first place, because he knows that he will have to fight us in the end.
"I don't know when, I don't know where, but something bad is going to happen." - Donald Rumsfeld
Kim Jong Il is a whackjob. I read about how he created 'swedish pleasure teams' for himslef and his father. (Although that might not be as bad as I make it sound :D) He loves crappy horror movies where teenagers get maimed by a freak with a chainsaw. Most of his time, when he was younger, was spent partying, his age has hardly changed a thing. Despite the dismal state of his nation, when Madeline Albright came for a diplomatic conference, he threw a huge parade that strained the recoures of his broken nation.
All the while 1000s die of starvation and 100's of thousands live in desperate poverty. Now he his screwing his people over even furthur by getting himself into international trouble that may cut off aid. How do people like this stay in power?!
2003-03-03, 09:36 PM
"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing"
Guess who said it and win a huge prize.
2003-03-03, 09:37 PM
Edmund Burke
2003-03-03, 09:40 PM
I was really hoping no one would get that. You get a row of borg smilies, because I have no other prizes.
:borg: :borg: :borg: :borg: :borg: :borg: :borg: :borg:
God, I love that smiley.
2003-03-03, 09:41 PM
I read too much. Have you read anything else of his? The quote is very famous. If you just know the quote, try a few books. Not exactly my stle or opinion but a good read none the less.
Thanks for the prize.
2003-03-03, 09:42 PM
If I was Fuk Sum Yung Ho Ill, I'd have a pact with Iraq and Iran, and the terrorist groups, and try to get China on my side for an massive coordinated attack on the US. And maybe a couple more countries that hate us. Now imagine having war fronts in Iraq/Iran, The Koreas, China, 1 or 2 other spots, and when the time was right, one on US soil, with a sleeper army marching up from S. America, through Mexico comes an invasion In Texas.
So what to do siege up in our country or maybe try to have the front line in Europe/The middle east, while China's 200 million lil soldiers start flooding all of Asia and the Middle East working over to Europe, occupying every country they want(with 200 million they could do it, just leave 2 +million troops in each one. Hell if say 50 countries they could leave 4 million per....(Minus war casulties of course)
*now the psycho babble*
Till someone pushes the button and a nuke goes off like in Israel or Japan? And then Israel nukes back, or we nuke back and vice versa, before you know it the environment is fucked and we are not playing PS but wandering around in a world like Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome type just trying to survive and eat, that is if you were one of the lucky, or unlucky, to survive.
The days of steak dinners and cold beer are a thing of the past, and your new favorite meal is fire roasted rodent on a stick. Hey I should take this over to the fiction forum..
-Nuff Said.....
2003-03-03, 11:41 PM
Revolution I think if America really had to it would be possible to fend off the chinese army. The American Army is actually being prepared over the next 20 years I think to be able to confront the Chinese because that day WILL come its just a question of When. The world is unstable now and before all great wars the world was unstable then. This Huge war we dread is not far off. This war will have no winner we have exhausted our resources to far to be able to rebuild. Countries we do not like are beginning to defy our Iron grasp on the world. If we our fought though those countries should know they will not be the victores even if they win. There will be no useful land to say they conquered nor will there own be useful. a Germ infested radioactive hell hole desert. This is the glorious future for our race:) I doubt I'll get my chance to buy my own sports car as an adult:(
trust me killing 1 billion people can't be too hard with todays modern marvels. Hopefully we can get a mega missile defense system going.:D
edit:OH YAH and remeber everyone felt like this during the times of the cold war maybe this can just be cold war II... hopeufully
Originally posted by Confectrix
China worthy.
Russia no.
Both has severe problems.
They need us.
To do one thing and say another would mean severe consequences.
Consequences they can't afford. It's in their best interests ot side with us. If they don't they risk being alienated from the western world.
What Consequences are you talking about? You know how much it would hurt the US to stop trading with China? Think Russia really cares? What about NK?
You act as if America is all powerful.. we aren't. We have a small military and we can't fight on two fronts. While our technology is superior it doesn't make up for the fact we would be hopelessly outnumbered.
I know you think Americas military is badass and it is but being badass and being Godlike are two different things. ;)
2003-03-04, 01:39 AM
Russia won't be a problem at all if you're bringing that up. China, possibly but not very likely. Also, US still has nukes to disuade any major attack but MTX is right. BTW, how is Korea supporting their military? Their population is small I thought and they have waht, 3 million in their army?...Hmmmm..
2003-03-04, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by Mtx
You act as if America is all powerful.. we aren't. We have a small military <twitches violently and seizes> We...we have the largest standing military in the world by a few million soldiers! The only bigger military is China, and their numbers are mostly in reserves. No country in the world could last in a one-on-one, all out military struggle against the United States unless we have another situation like Vietnam.
Two front war is another story though...
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