View Full Version : The most broken things from PlanetSide1
I'll include what I think is relevant, but I'm sure there's more.
2011-12-20, 07:42 AM
gal gunships, NC AA inc phoenix, the lasher, elite or whatever hacking it is, black ops, the stryker, flail, wasps, THE WHOLE FUCKING EMERALD SERVER AND ITS FUCKED UP HIT DETECTION...ill think of more soon, i could login and get a refresh...
2011-12-20, 08:03 AM
gal gunships, NC AA inc phoenix, the lasher, elite or whatever hacking it is, black ops, the stryker, flail, wasps, THE WHOLE FUCKING EMERALD SERVER AND ITS FUCKED UP HIT DETECTION...ill think of more soon, i could login and get a refresh...
why is this not an option? :)
2011-12-20, 09:45 AM
TBH none of the above.
If I was to pick something vaguely adjacent I'd say Scattermaxes simply as they're op.
However, broken? I'd say hit detection.
2011-12-20, 09:58 AM
I miss "Other", as MAXes are not a problem, many MAXes are. Which is the fault of the certification system changes over the years. Adding more certs in the eyes of those devs (read: Brewko) meant requiring more cert points to spend. Without ever changing the cert cost of 'interesting' things to compensate for more points.
Then BR40.
Also missing surgile and TR manpower efficiency. Multiple heavy units covering eachother making it impossible to kill any: BFRs and Gal Gunship in particular.
Some other lighter problems from then: no stamina drain in vehicles (Darklight), special Oshur rules. Clustering of the Oshur islands.
2011-12-20, 10:24 AM
None of the above...
IMO it would have to be:
1) Base capture mechanics (15 minutes sitting around doing nothing is stupid)... It was just too simple of a mechanic and needed to be more dynamic.
2) Orbital Strikes
2011-12-20, 11:10 AM
Voice chat was the most broken thing, for the simple fact that it was in the game, but did not work. :)
2011-12-20, 11:27 AM
The minesweeper grenade. Doesn't even do anything.
2011-12-20, 12:14 PM
1. lag and hitdetection
2. never fixed bugs (like terminals stuck in big fights,getting yellow vehicleseat symbols on locked vehicles,jammers not working on mines and boomers)
3. too many balance changes that made everything worse
4. orbital strikes when everybody went to cr5
2011-12-20, 12:52 PM
From the list, it's Aircav, but overall I'd say the cert system or hit detection.
Why Aircav? Even relatively noobish pilots can get large killstreaks. I was told repeatedly by "elite" pilots that I really suck as a reaver pilot. I could easily get 40-0 streaks with a reaver. Since I apparently suck, the better pilots do even better I presume. There is no other weapon/vehicle that you can consistently get such a high k/d ratio with. The reaver is just too powerful. It's good against pretty much everything (infantry, armor, and air!), and the only thing that can reliably take it down (the wasp) is hated to hell and back, even though truly skilled reaver pilots can take on a wasp and win if they know what they are doing. The reaver should do almost no damage to infantry and air, and be anti-armor only. That way you need mosquito and wasp escort to be effective instead of being a one-man army.
I don't see the big deal with BFRs. After they were nerfed to hell, they are pretty useless. They take forever to kill anything, and can be killed by one agile with mines and a jammer. The NC particle cannon is the lone exception, being completely OPed.
2011-12-20, 01:09 PM
Instant Action....
2011-12-20, 01:11 PM
^^^ Good one. I loved how it would throw you to a cont with one hotspot and 3 other empire members when the majority of the player base was fighting on another cont...
2011-12-20, 01:16 PM
almost forgot the worst thing...
vs players whining about every OP item that is not vs exclusive
(and devs reacting to that whining by nerfing)
2011-12-20, 01:21 PM
For me, none of the above. The Most broken thing was the game crashing when you load a new continent. Happened to me nearly every time I played.
And Q, AirCav is countered pretty easily by a single AA Max. I know because I've spent a fair amount of time as an AA Max and I could deny a large area to the enemy all by myself. The only problem is, you usually don't see many AA Maxes so air gets the advantage. The same is true with real combat, when there is no AA, you have air superiority.
So I'd be happier with more AA options in PS2 instead of a major nerf to Air.
2011-12-20, 01:52 PM
The Most broken thing was the game crashing when you load a new continent. Happened to me nearly every time I played.
You know what's interesting about that. I recently bought a new vid card and this issue started happening to me on a regular basis. Before then, on same rig mind you, this issue was rare.
2011-12-20, 01:55 PM
I ate AA maxes for breakfast in a reaver. In fact, most of my kills were AA Maxes. All you do is note where they are, come in from a different angle, and kill them. Only way you die is if you get really greedy or there are multiple MAXes in the area. AA Maxes are not a good counter to reavers at all. Only the starfire stands any chance against a reaver because it can jump, but after the reaver armor buff (why?????), the starfire has to reload to get the kill, which makes it reaver bait.
NC AA MAX = LOL free kill
TR AA MAX = free kill if it's not locked down and shooting at you. But even if it is, you'll probably kill each other.
2011-12-20, 02:26 PM
I've said this before, but I believe one of the most game breaking things in the game was the prevalence of towers, mainly how they changed gameplay.
You had these wide open landscapes to fight over, awesome fights in forests, over bridges etc. Instead, almost all the fighting, for the most part, especially nowadays is condensed in these tiny little towers scattered all over the map.
It really diminishes the scope of the game when you have these gigantic maps and yet the majority of the action takes place in these little towers. It just makes for boring stale gameplay. It's always the same. One side spamming down, one side spamming up. To make it worse, so many pseudo "killwhores" favored ToDs the best. Don't get me wrong, a ToD here and there is great fun but when it's multiplied to the consistency you see them now, where all the action is based on if you have a tower in the proximity of an enemy base. It's lame, it's really fucking lame and I hate it.
The most fun I got out of PS was footzerging with nothing but my Pulsar/Lancer and engaging all enemies I came across and eventually pushing to the next enemy base. Most people regarded footzerging at noobish because it was so much more efficient to pull a Reaver and kill armor or pull a tank and do the same.
News of the new "territory control" mechanic really warms my heart. It sounds more like we'll be fighting over vast tracks of land, rather than whoring in a tower so we can stroke at our awesome KDs in a dead game. Everyone wants a good KD, of course. But Jesus Christ, some people go to the ends of the earth to make sure they have one, it sort of dimishes the point of a KD when you're trying so hard to get one. Isn't K/D just a statistic to show your ratio from kills to death? Not an obligation to never die and play like a complete doucheba- Fuck it, too late now, it doesn't matter.
But yeah, fuck towers. I guess they aren't really broken per se, but they certainly change the gameplay for the worse.
2011-12-20, 03:06 PM
I voted AirCav. Devilcraft always ruined my day
2011-12-20, 03:46 PM
Almost everything in the game could have been changed in some way (minor changes mind you) and the game would have vastly improved. But overall, planetside's layout while fun, is poor. The best example of this is the claustrophobic base layouts.
2011-12-20, 03:50 PM
You had these wide open landscapes to fight over, awesome fights in forests, over bridges etc. Instead, almost all the fighting, for the most part, especially nowadays is condensed in these tiny little towers scattered all over the map.
But yeah, fuck towers. I guess they aren't really broken per se, but they certainly change the gameplay for the worse.
No, you're first statement was correct. Towers are too much of a focal point. I do understand why. It's because of the spawn mechanics... Those are changing as far as what they've told us it seems...
2011-12-20, 05:25 PM
I ate AA maxes for breakfast in a reaver. In fact, most of my kills were AA Maxes. All you do is note where they are, come in from a different angle, and kill them. Only way you die is if you get really greedy or there are multiple MAXes in the area. AA Maxes are not a good counter to reavers at all. Only the starfire stands any chance against a reaver because it can jump, but after the reaver armor buff (why?????), the starfire has to reload to get the kill, which makes it reaver bait.
NC AA MAX = LOL free kill
TR AA MAX = free kill if it's not locked down and shooting at you. But even if it is, you'll probably kill each other.
Good point. I had a different perspective though being NC. The VS AA maxes were bitches to take out using air because most of the time they are up in a tree or an antenna which makes the rockets useless, and trying to take them out with guns is suicide.
But yeah, the TR Maxes, especially locked down, were easy, except they were compensated by every TR and his mom carrying the Stiker and I never liked sticking around in an area long with a "Lock On" flashing on my screen.
As an NC AA Max, I always had to make sure I was on a ridge where I could drop down in 2 directions and keep my head on a swivel. But if I did that, I could chase planes away without ever firing a shot. Just lock on and many will turn and burn.
But like you said, if you had multiple AA Maxes, or better yet AA BFRs, then you really could deny a large area to air. So that's why I don't think AirCav was broken. Their counter was just underused. So even though I'll likely be flying mostly, I really want to see much much more AA in Planetside 2.
2011-12-21, 04:46 AM
Here's my top 5:
If I could only choose one I'd say BFR's. Even though they're not the monstrosities that they were when first introduced, the damage was done long before they were nerfed to their present state, and they still have a few characteristics that make them really hard to balance, quirky, nonsensical, and incredibly annoying. Rechargeable shields, being a flying tank, vulnerability to infantry, the camera shake effect on nearby units, faster shield charge when sitting still, ability to run underwater, etc. Their addition fundamentally changed the way ground battles were fought for the worse, and PS never really recovered from the damage they did.
SOE's horrendous development, support, and anti-hacking efforts since.... oh, 2006.
3rd Person view for infantry. Camp camp wallhumpwallhumpplasmaplasmaplasmaboomerboomer. blah blah blah...
Air Cav. With Air Cav you can either annihilate (Reaver) or bypass (Mossie) just about everything between you and your objective. They're way too versatile, and made a lot of other playstyles/tactics obsolete.
BR40. Actually, anything above BR23. 23 is borderline.
Here's a bunch more in no particular order. None of these are as bad as the top 5 though.
Radar and drain viruses. Way too much power in 1 person's hands given how widespread their effect was and the required hard counter (Expert Hacker, IMO any Hacking cert should've been sufficient).
The wasp, at least the lockon range (400m? Really?) and the AB duration/top speed (it needs higher top speed and much shorter duration so it can actually intercept things)...
AI Maxes, although the ScatMAX was by far the worst.
HA's dominance indoors, more specifically the fact that they're the most damaging and most accurate weapons once you've fired a few rounds or have taken damage. This could be blamed on MA's Max CoF
The ease with which gens can be taken down.
Lack of effective air counters for infantry. Cerbs, ESAV, jammers, flaklets were all just weak enough that a skilled/determined pilot could basically farm infantry with impunity. Air Jammers + killing a Mossie in 2 phoenix or 5 striker/lancer shots would've gone a loooooong way.
Giving one empire most of the 0s0k weapons and the best equipment for CQC where all the objectives are
The maelstrom
The current lasher
2011-12-22, 06:25 PM
But like you said, if you had multiple AA Maxes, or better yet AA BFRs, then you really could deny a large area to air. So that's why I don't think AirCav was broken. Their counter was just underused. So even though I'll likely be flying mostly, I really want to see much much more AA in Planetside 2.
AA BFRs were the most useless AA of all. As a frequent BFR pilot (yes, I'll admit it), I rarely got AA kills in a BFR (especially the POS VS one, but that's a whole other rant). As a liberator pilot, it is possible to take out a FV BFR with AA in a 1v1 battle with the nosegun, even with the BFR landing every hit. The AA just does so little damage. You had to land basically every shot from both arms to kill a mosquito, and almost never kill a reaver.
The NC AA MAX is the easiest to take out. You get a lock-on warning, and get tracers on the minimap to see exactly where they are. The ROF is so slow that you can AB away and survive. The TR MAX gives neither of those. Skilled sparrow users can time their shield just right to take enough rockets so that it can kill a reaver while it's reloading, but it's hard to do.
In any case, there are very few things that are a hard counter to a reaver. Most counters that exist require multiple players. While the reaver is effective at killing everything in the game with one player. It just doesn't make sense.
2011-12-22, 08:05 PM
From the list, it's Aircav, but overall I'd say the cert system or hit detection.
Why Aircav? Even relatively noobish pilots can get large killstreaks. I was told repeatedly by "elite" pilots that I really suck as a reaver pilot. I could easily get 40-0 streaks with a reaver. Since I apparently suck, the better pilots do even better I presume. There is no other weapon/vehicle that you can consistently get such a high k/d ratio with. The reaver is just too powerful. It's good against pretty much everything (infantry, armor, and air!), and the only thing that can reliably take it down (the wasp) is hated to hell and back, even though truly skilled reaver pilots can take on a wasp and win if they know what they are doing. The reaver should do almost no damage to infantry and air, and be anti-armor only. That way you need mosquito and wasp escort to be effective instead of being a one-man army.
I don't see the big deal with BFRs. After they were nerfed to hell, they are pretty useless. They take forever to kill anything, and can be killed by one agile with mines and a jammer. The NC particle cannon is the lone exception, being completely OPed.
Depends on your playstyle the killstreaks you, get, if you want to go air - air then your K/D is going to be lower...especially in a reaver, but if you're like me and really dont give a fuck what people think and spam whatever moves then 40/0 can be rather easy to get in the right circumstances.
Anyway, K/D is a rather meaningless stat, says more about your class and play style rather than skill level.
2011-12-22, 08:36 PM
Depends on your playstyle the killstreaks you, get, if you want to go air - air then your K/D is going to be lower...especially in a reaver, but if you're like me and really don't give a fuck what people think and spam whatever moves then 40/0 can be rather easy to get in the right circumstances.
Anyway, K/D is a rather meaningless stat, says more about your class and play style rather than skill level.
LOL Well duh, of course your K/D is going to be lower if you're attacking enemy units of the same type as your own. :p
Whether it's Amp vs Amp, Reaver vs Reaver, GGS vs GGS, etc. A test of how unbalanced a piece of equipment might be is how well it does against everything else, not against another piece of the same equipment. So your comments don't really address Quovatis's complaints about the Reaver except to say that it's fairly balanced in air-to-air against Mossies.
But then, he is right. So really, what could you say? :D
You're right tho that K/D is a pretty meaningless stat under most circumstances.
2011-12-22, 09:12 PM
I would like to see them eliminate all tracking of kills whatsoever.
Making solipsistic killwhoring a nonexistent issue would encourage teamwork. If the majority of players weren't solipsistic killwhores. In which case they will go play some other game that glorifies killwhoring, and avoid Planetside.
I mean, let's face it, if people were teamwork-oriented, goal-driven, self-sacrificing types, they would be in the military or somewhere in the real world that rewards that. It isn't like PS players are like the zenith of human evolution or anything, so I guess in order to make money, you have to appeal to the killwhores.
2011-12-22, 10:09 PM
I would like to see them eliminate all tracking of kills whatsoever.
Making solipsistic killwhoring a nonexistent issue would encourage teamwork. If the majority of players weren't solipsistic killwhores. In which case they will go play some other game that glorifies killwhoring, and avoid Planetside.
I mean, let's face it, if people were teamwork-oriented, goal-driven, self-sacrificing types, they would be in the military or somewhere in the real world that rewards that. It isn't like PS players are like the zenith of human evolution or anything, so I guess in order to make money, you have to appeal to the killwhores.
Removing stats from a video game is dumb and would not prevent "killwhoring". People like to see how well they're doing in terms of kills/deaths and other statistics.
2011-12-23, 09:39 AM
Kill stats are something that's fun for the players. No reason to remove them. However, let's add other performance stats to the pool and make them more desired then the kill stats. Stats that are related to the team work aspects of the game such as daily battlefield victories for each empire, outfit/squad/platoons, etc.
2011-12-23, 07:52 PM
Not being punished by having lower XP for a capture when running back and forth with the AMS/whatever they use in PS2 would be a bonus, too.
Guys in the base getting 5,000 XP for a capture, and the only guy running AMSes back and forth, without whom they would have lost the assault: 2,000 XP, or 943, or something.
Go teamwork! And they wondered why it took me so long to make CR5. I was running back to the base to get more AMSes, quite often, so my CEP for captures was laughable.
2011-12-23, 08:07 PM
I don't see any of the listed voting options as any of the big problems.
big problems to me were;
#1 and it is the biggest goddamn problem in the game for the whole 8 years was the damn term bug,
there was also a wall hack where you didn't take damage as long as you hugged the wall
all the router exploits,the shit you couldn't defend against like the black out bug or doors not being open on your screen but you are being hit by ppl outside the door
it was crap like this that were the broken things in PS,the voting list is more about crying about other ppl's playstyles
2011-12-24, 12:23 AM
Cheater definition for anyone who notices: "you just suck"
Person who farms using overpowered stuff in the game: "Everyone who doesn't love this is a crybaby."
2011-12-24, 05:26 PM
I would like to see them eliminate all tracking of kills whatsoever.
Making solipsistic killwhoring a nonexistent issue would encourage teamwork. If the majority of players weren't solipsistic killwhores. In which case they will go play some other game that glorifies killwhoring, and avoid Planetside.
I mean, let's face it, if people were teamwork-oriented, goal-driven, self-sacrificing types, they would be in the military or somewhere in the real world that rewards that. It isn't like PS players are like the zenith of human evolution or anything, so I guess in order to make money, you have to appeal to the killwhores.
Perhaps you should stick to MMORPG's f you dont like kill tracking, where everybody is awarded a "kill" (read:assist) if you're in the general area of something dying.
PS2 is going to be an FPS, every FPS has stats, if you dont like that, its not the genre for you.
2011-12-24, 05:37 PM
I would like to see them eliminate all tracking of kills whatsoever.
Making solipsistic killwhoring a nonexistent issue would encourage teamwork. If the majority of players weren't solipsistic killwhores. In which case they will go play some other game that glorifies killwhoring, and avoid Planetside.
I mean, let's face it, if people were teamwork-oriented, goal-driven, self-sacrificing types, they would be in the military or somewhere in the real world that rewards that. It isn't like PS players are like the zenith of human evolution or anything, so I guess in order to make money, you have to appeal to the killwhores.
Removing stats from a video game is dumb and would not prevent "killwhoring". People like to see how well they're doing in terms of kills/deaths and other statistics.
I agree with Effect.
You do know that they did technically remove stat tracking in PS1 right? You know how the website no longer keeps track of your kills and Planetsidestats isn't up anymore? Yeah, and people still ToD and camp the spawn tubes. That's just some people's niche. It's fun to get kills.
Also, removing stats in an FPS? Okay, get out.
2011-12-24, 06:56 PM
I agree with Effect.
You do know that they did technically remove stat tracking in PS1 right? You know how the website no longer keeps track of your kills and Planetsidestats isn't up anymore? Yeah, and people still ToD and camp the spawn tubes. That's just some people's niche. It's fun to get kills.
Also, removing stats in an FPS? Okay, get out.
afraid people will comment on their negative K/D, lawls? ps1 never tracked deaths andways, the probably got that k/d was a worthless stat.
should make it so your profile link is mandatory when posting on the of tanks forums are great for that reason, no anonymity.
2011-12-24, 08:37 PM
Cheater definition for anyone who notices: "you just suck"
That's how I generally respond when someone calls me a hacker. :lol:
2011-12-25, 02:28 AM
That's how I generally respond when someone calls me a hacker. :lol:
I find it amusing that so many people run into cheaters in Planetside, i see very few.
when i do get a hate tell i respond with "Future Crew" now, i used to waste my time and talk to them, but they will never learn, this is why they suck.
2011-12-25, 03:15 AM
I find it amusing that so many people run into cheaters in Planetside, i see very few.
when i do get a hate tell i respond with "Future Crew" now, i used to waste my time and talk to them, but they will never learn, this is why they suck.
I know cheaters exist (I've recorded several of them), but I don't believe there's as many cheaters out there as folks like traak seem to think there are. They seem to call anything that has a shadow a cheater, and it's always annoying to see claims and no proof.
Also, it's always fun to see someone go "I've played for x amount of years, I know cheaters when I see them"
2011-12-25, 03:31 AM
I know cheaters exist (I've recorded several of them), but I don't believe there's as many cheaters out there as folks like traak seem to think there are. They seem to call anything that has a shadow a cheater, and it's always annoying to see claims and no proof.
Also, it's always fun to see someone go "I've played for x amount of years, I know cheaters when I see them"
Yea I see some, like blatant speed hacks and guys gibbing everything, teleporting, recorded afew myself. But there's chronic bads like M0AB, inspector, popgun and tsunami(something) who send a hate tell to everything that straifs accusing them of hacking, never had one from traak, but i guess hes one of them.
2011-12-25, 08:51 AM
I've never hacked the game but have also gotten hate tells before.
Here's one accusation made against me but I swear I didn't hack:
So I went to resecure Bitol on Hossin on my TR character. There weren't too many TR there and there were a few VS far as I could see. I did see one VS max but there was another one. Anyways, I dropped out of my mosq at BD and rushed to tubes to repair. As I'm repairing the last tube a VS max shows up and kills me. He then promptly killed the tubes again. I hadn't seen many TR around either mind you even though the pop was like 75% TR to 25% VS. TR had the tower at the base but the tubes were down there. I spawned at Mulac to get an AMS and brought it over to the BD at Bitol. I rushed in the BD then took the back way, away from the tubes, towards the CC. I was using surge just as I entered the room right before the CC. I didn't see anyone so I rushed to the CC and hacked the door. No one in CC. I hacked the CC then surged out on the other side. I saw one of the maxes but as he saw me i ran through the door and up the middle stairs towards to top of the base. As I got to the top I was accused of teleporting into the CC and they had both doors covered. Here's the transcript. Oh, forgot, they had a virus installed and couldn't see anything on radar. Why I thought no TR was there. I did take virus off and noticed a few TR there who took care of the VS maxes btw
2011-12-25, 09:52 AM
Yea I see some, like blatant speed hacks and guys gibbing everything, teleporting, recorded afew myself. But there's chronic bads like M0AB, inspector, popgun and tsunami(something) who send a hate tell to everything that straifs accusing them of hacking, never had one from traak, but i guess hes one of them.
shit, go fight KoJ,all you get is hacker tells spammed at ya the whole time,it was actually funny making them so mad.
2011-12-25, 05:45 PM
no surpiuse about KOJ...they rage so hard in /c all the time.
lol Crator that ones heaps good, he's like interrogating you.
2011-12-25, 11:20 PM
shit, go fight KoJ,all you get is hacker tells spammed at ya the whole time,it was actually funny making them so mad.
Funny thing is, you're the last person in the entire game who anyone would think is hacking. You bringing 30 MAXS to kill 2 Agile holding a CC. Maybe got you a "you're a nub" tell but I doubt it was a hack tell.
And please, I tell people this time and time again, all the hack tells are coming from 1 guy in my outfit. We've tried to tell him to stop, but he insists on doing it day in and day out. It's like he enjoys hate tells more than actually playing the game. But please don't hold the rest of us responsible for that.
Also, SgtMAD on a side note, I've been lurking on here for a while now and not posting. I just wanted to let you know you come off extremely hostile when people are talking about anything. It's like you are trying as hard as you can to start trouble. Time and time again you jump in with derogatory comments and non stop ranting about how great you and your playstyle is. Ease up. You give new meaning to "U MAD?"
Just have a conversation.
2011-12-25, 11:25 PM
Exploits like the router trick, ADADAD strafing to induce warp and other little glitches that ruined the game are bad, but nothing beats the overall mess that is clientside hit detection.
If I had to choose from the list, I would agree AirCav. From people using a mozzy to get a second life to the over powered Reaver mopping up everything on the battlefield.
The caves + air : sadly never addressed by the DEVS and I think it kept alot of people out of those great maps due to frustration.
2011-12-26, 04:07 AM
Exploits like the router trick, ADADAD strafing to induce warp and other little glitches that ruined the game are bad, but nothing beats the overall mess that is clientside hit detection.
If I had to choose from the list, I would agree AirCav. From people using a mozzy to get a second life to the over powered Reaver mopping up everything on the battlefield.
The caves + air : sadly never addressed by the DEVS and I think it kept alot of people out of those great maps due to frustration.
hate to tell you(what am i loving tell you) that CSHD is making a comeback.
Derisive Laugh - YouTube
2011-12-26, 10:35 AM
now it's only one guy in KoJ that sends hate/hacker tells,shit i had you accuse me of hacking in a tell before, you are the ONLY person to ever accuse me of hacking which is what made it so damn funny and memorable.
hell one time in the caves you accused us of spawn camping in our own friggin mod building.
I can remember Cijid setting up a router pad in the spawn of the dagda tower while you guys were trying to farm it,we come out of the pad and it looks like we are spawning out of the tubes,LOL the amount of spam I got from you and Vinnie made it all worth while.
2011-12-26, 01:13 PM
now it's only one guy in KoJ that sends hate/hacker tells,shit i had you accuse me of hacking in a tell before, you are the ONLY person to ever accuse me of hacking which is what made it so damn funny and memorable.
hell one time in the caves you accused us of spawn camping in our own friggin mod building.
I can remember Cijid setting up a router pad in the spawn of the dagda tower while you guys were trying to farm it,we come out of the pad and it looks like we are spawning out of the tubes,LOL the amount of spam I got from you and Vinnie made it all worth while.
It's fun to watch you keep trying Sgtmad. Just keep trying. One day maybe someone else besides you will believe the drivel you have coming from that mouth.
Trying to troll on video game forums. A reason for getting up in the morning! :(
2011-12-26, 01:15 PM
hate to tell you(what am i loving tell you) that CSHD is making a comeback.
Well, I know that a new version of Clientside is coming back but they have said it won't be as horrible. We can only hope.
2011-12-26, 02:20 PM
I find it amusing that so many people run into cheaters in Planetside, i see very few.
I always hear people complaining about hackers, but honestly, I think I've only seen like 2 or 3 in the last year. I think people just need to come to terms that they are just average players, and there are people out there better than them. That's what I did. :lol:
2011-12-26, 04:10 PM
^^^ Ha, not to mention that PS1 was different and many didn't understand the aspects of the game right away... You have to play for a while or learn from people in game to understand how the battlefield operates...
2011-12-26, 06:27 PM
^^^ Ha, not to mention that PS1 was different and many didn't understand the aspects of the game right away... You have to play for a while or learn from people in game to understand how the battlefield operates...
many people just arnt used to planetsides coding, i get hate tells from having a high ping all the time. "WTF, FUCKING WALL HACKER, YOU KILELD ME THROUGH A WALL, FUCKING REPORTED" offcourse i respond with "lawl" n00b" and they keep raging about about hacks, how they know one when they see one, im going to get banned...etc...etc.
2011-12-27, 01:16 AM
oh yea...i jsut logged in for 10min...heres some more
i hate it how it changes my sensitivity everytime
how the game runs shit even on a good computer
i hate how it fucked up when loading on windows 7 and you have to reload it about 12 times
i hate that people can hack wall friendly wall turrets, shits just retarded.
the flight ceiling...i got kennwayed.
how fucking bad the lashers hit registration is.
not been able to bail form an aircraft because the game has random deemed it to damaged.
fucking cock suckers blowing up v terms.
2011-12-27, 01:19 PM
not been able to bail form an aircraft because the game has random deemed it to damaged.
I actually liked when they added this in. Before this was implented, people would always bail (understandably) but it made getting air to air kills extremely difficult. Then, once they bailed, they would often suicide with grenades or something in order to rob you of the kill. Personally, if they bailed out in the middle of nowhere, especially if they couldn't suicide, then I would just let them live, flash them a V-V-Z, and then leave them with a loooong walk home.
Although having the bailing mechanism fail didn't make sense logically since you'd think that is the 1 thing that would still work when the plane is going down, it helped with giving pilots their well deserved kills.
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