View Full Version : Site Update

2011-12-22, 04:31 AM
Hey guys isn't it about time PSU got an update it's starting to look a bit dated. Also I'm sure your all ready on it but how about trying to get a link form the official ps2 site to here.

2011-12-22, 06:13 AM
I believe hamma has been trying with the link, i thought we would have seen one on the new site.

2011-12-22, 06:27 AM
I'd say wait on the link, till their done with the new forum layout.

Also, pressures on, beta might be out before new forum layout. :D

2011-12-22, 10:46 AM
The new site is in development as we speak - and I will try and get us listed as an official community site.. not sure why they didn't build a fansite portion into the original site.

2011-12-22, 01:45 PM
Buy me some more time in the day please and it will get done!

2011-12-23, 12:04 AM
Buy me some more time in the day please and it will get done!

You rock Gryphon. We're just impatient sometimes.

Waiting for Planetside 2 is taking all the patience some of us have, sometimes more than that. It makes waiting for anything else that much harder :D

The forums look great and are very smooth and intuitive. I'm sure the new site is going to be smooth, streamlined, modern, awesome, and full of PS2 goodness. Can't wait to get a look at it.

Rock on, Gryphon :rock:

Also, try and get some money from Duke. Make sure he's drunk at the time. ;)

Love ya Duke.

2011-12-24, 07:30 PM
Well pay him back 100%!!!!!!

2011-12-25, 06:54 AM
I still owe hamma 400 fackin dollars.

You care more about this community than I do ;)

And I love this place.

Just be careful not to promise marriage to anyone while drunk, eh? Those can be REAL expensive.