View Full Version : Planetside Nostalgia (plus hi!)

2012-01-08, 12:26 PM
I've been playing PS from the early days, i even have an issue of a magazine with early 2001 screenshot of the game in developement...
I always followed PSU but never subscribed,mainly because my outfit is not english motherlanguage so...Great community ihmo.

with the latest news i see i'm not the only one thinking of resubbing (last time i played was september 2011, and i was glad i found my beloved TR soldier intact after 1 year off)
I know everybody is thinking exactly this: with a PS2 beta apparently on the way, how long SOE will keep supporting PS1?
Now watching a tribute like THIS i cannot resist to the bad feeling that those days are going to end soon.
I know PS2 apparently looks as a good sequel respectful of the original game mechanics,but that's not the point...you know,nostalgia factor for almost 9 years of unparalled gaming experience...

plus this is a mmo game, having server turned off will mean never been able to see it again,something all other games allow you to do even 20+ years later.

Do we know something about what will happen to PS1?
at least i will be able to say "I was there!".

cheers to all

2012-01-08, 06:35 PM
Great video. It brought back tons of memories from my time playing Planetside.