View Full Version : First time playing Planetside
2012-01-23, 08:01 AM
I got it for $10 on D2D and just finished the subscription (came with 30 days free). I doubt Ill resubscribe due to PS2 being so close but I got it to play with the outfit I am in who are still doing ops.
What are some things I should know?
2012-01-23, 09:11 AM
So, you already played 30 days, but said you wont resubscribe, yet you ask for more tips? Either I misread/understood or then just confused for why exactly you need to know anything if you arnt playing anymore?
That said, you should probably specify the question, Planetside is STILL probably one of the more complicated games, or perhaps not complicated, but it has so much one would have to explain you unless you specify :D
2012-01-23, 11:00 AM
I have a question for you:
What are your impressions of the (almost) 9 year old game after 30 days?
I'm just curious to see what you think of it now since you didn't play it in its prime.
2012-01-23, 11:55 AM
Crazy, I started back in 2010 myself, except for graphics, the game is still unique and unmatched. Just sad the populations are too low to really have the game in full glory anymore, that said I'm still subbed and still enjoy the game regularly.
2012-01-23, 12:58 PM
Oh shit, I meant that I haven't played yet. When I said that I finished the sub I meant that I am able to begin playing today.
2012-01-23, 04:29 PM
Oh shit, I meant that I haven't played yet. When I said that I finished the sub I meant that I am able to begin playing today.
Lucky you, I remember the first day where everything was brand new and shiny and I spent 2 minutes covering from a menacing deathmobile that turned out to be an unmanned Lightning :D
Anyway, if you give us your name I'm sure someone will be there from your empire to show you around
2012-01-23, 04:30 PM
Cert aircav, fly reavers and mosquitos exclusively, win game.
2012-01-23, 05:55 PM
Turn off the flora
2012-01-23, 07:52 PM
Well TacKLed, you should know that you level throughout the game known as BR (Battlerank) and CR (Command Rank). Max is 20BR and 5 CR.
You earn bep for BR by capturing bases & killing enemies. You earn CR for simply leading a squad or platoon while capturing bases.
As you earn BR, you get rewarded with certifications which you spend on any vehicles, weapons, etc
Thats pretty much the basics. The game used to have so many people playing back from 2003-2007.
2012-01-23, 08:12 PM
CR (Command Rank). Max is 20BR and 5 CR.
Actually the new BR is 40. CR is still 5
2012-01-23, 08:50 PM
Edit: Nm, someone posted about BR40 already.
2012-01-23, 09:20 PM
Does anyone know why my download is stuck at 110.1 mb when I download from the launcher?
2012-01-23, 09:36 PM
woops youre right BR40. Havent played in a while
2012-01-23, 10:09 PM
Ok, it downloaded and I played for the first time. Someone asked what I thought of it seeing as how I am 9 years late to the party. To be truthful. it is a good game but the magic that you guys had when you first played it isn't there for me in a sense. When you played it. the mechanics were fresh, the graphics good, and the concept explosive. What you guys experienced in the first game will probably what I experience in PS2.
With that aside, it's fun. I sneaked into a base as the TR and killed someone. The battle was small but interesting nonetheless. There is an Op tommorow with the outfit I am in and I am sure it will be fun since that is the way it is meant to be played.
2012-01-24, 01:34 AM
You're quite right there mate. It is much more fun when you are in a good outfit that communicates through voicechat while playing the game rather than just play solo which will get you bored much quicker
2012-01-24, 12:39 PM
Cert aircav, fly reavers and mosquitos exclusively, win game.
keep telling yourself it was ever that easy.
2012-01-24, 05:38 PM
keep telling yourself it was ever that easy.
Beat me to it.
That being said.
Always have engineering certed regardless of play style, it's simply too useful a cert.
If you plan on doing a lot of fighting indoors, medical goes a long way to increasing time on the field without returning to an e-term for fresh kit, though you can still get by with just medkits.
Speaking of. ALWAYS have medkits, even if you have medical certed. You can adjust the medkit function key to be something more comfortable that you can pop in the middle of a fight to increase the amount of time you stay alive.
Implants. When you hit BR6, implants are basically interchangeable perks. I recommend Audio Amp as your first implant, simply because being able to KNOW where an enemy is at, can either get you a kill or help prevent you from dieing.
Join an outfit, I recommend GotR from VS (look for their listed squads), good bunch of guys.
There's a lot more stuff out there, planetside in it's own way, is fairly complex. It takes time to realize what does and doesn't work. And do not compare it to any other FPS you've ever played, you will only burn yourself.
2012-01-24, 11:01 PM
To add to what I said earlier. The mechanics of this game are also outdated to me at least. When I grew up past the Pokemon and Yu Gi Oh stage of my child, I migrated to the regular Xbox and played Halo 2 and Battlefield 2 Modern Combat on there before I came to PC and catch up on all the games I had missed (I'm 18) so when this game was in it's prime, I was sitting in a clan lobby in some random Xbox game. (I wish the fucking console devs would put clan support back into their games but that is another discussion). The TTK in this game is foreign to me since I've been playing the Battlefield games and Halo for the better part of a decade. I've played Quake Online and some older type games like Tribes Ascend so I welcome the changes that PS2 will bring to the table.
Simulations games are also a must if you are a PC gamer.
2012-01-25, 12:02 AM
keep telling yourself it was ever that easy.
this one time i killed a rexo and i only had to fire 43 rockets.
2012-01-25, 04:14 AM
this one time i killed a rexo and i only had to fire 43 rockets.
Sounds horribly much like my flying lol.
Well ill give you some pointers this may help you get a feel for the game.
1. Stay in sanctuary, get the xp for running around and playing with the equipment.
2. Spend your certs wisely, though they can be reassigned, find out a good combination.
3. follow the zerg, get a feel for large scale combat, well what battles are still going on. I dont know how populated the game is lately.
4. Find an outfit, Im sure there are outfits that have went inactive, have gone active looking for new recruits for PS2.
5. listen to your squad leaders during the fight, makes for lots of wins and lots of wins means more xp.
6. once you get use to the different bases, and know how they work, volunteer to lead, you should not ignore Command Rank (CR). Nothing like calling down the wrath of god :)
7. Most of all have fun, I made alot of online friends and we still hang out online to this day.
I started in 2003 and stopped in 2008, now I just log in periodically, and run around. Alot is going to change when PS2 comes out so dont get to used to the michanics of PS1, but the large scale combat and the team play will be there im for sure.
2012-01-25, 04:52 PM
keep telling yourself it was ever that easy.
Reaver/mosquito pilot spotted.
2012-01-25, 05:13 PM
Reaver/mosquito pilot spotted.
Someone who doesn't know the concept of "Anti-Aircraft" spotted
2012-01-25, 06:04 PM
Someone who doesn't know the concept of "Anti-Aircraft" spotted
lol, he probably has no situational awareness.
One of those guys with MA sitting on a base wall and you straif him and he does not even move.
2012-01-25, 08:07 PM
Rocket spamming was so 7 years ago. It's all about jumping out of a phantasm on top of people now.
(you would still kill someone faster with a reaver)
2012-01-25, 08:25 PM
Reaver/mosquito pilot spotted.
No matter what, you will be always be one of those players that comes to complain about your own shortcomings on the forums of games you will not take the time to learn to be good at. Piloting alone did not make you "good" at PS1, but it was a skill that was learned by the vast amount of good players.
I've seen your kind before, especially in the PS community. One that has zero concept of how game mechanics work on even a basic level. You play "support" without ever exploring how to also assist your team by killing another player. I know for a FACT that one play style does not just win planetside. This game is about how effective you can be in your own style of play, I've seen players across the board be exceptional at very specific play styles - pure grunt, support players, engineers, and even ATV drivers. All of them, however, have basic talents at every other aspect of the game and can help when needed. These players also have a tendency to not blame the limitations of their play style on other aspects of the game or members of the community who have a direct counter to them. They work their way around these limitations by becoming more flexible and gaining a deep understanding of how this game works.
Yep, I fly the reaver/mosquito - in fact I greatly enjoy that aspect of the game. Do I personally agree that there is too much AA? Absolutely. However, I've worked my way around it STILL to this day. It was said best by a friend of mine in this community: "No matter how much you complain on the forums, and how much you get things changed or nerfed for your personal enjoyment, we WILL always find a way to wipe the floor with you." My play style is effective, but I'm effective at almost every other aspect of the game as well. In fact, I'm willing to bet I'm more effective at your own particular play style than YOU are.
Sure, there are imbalances in the game - I can even admit that. Aircraft USED to be very over powered, but they are so held back by the amount of AA these days it's silly. Not that I mind, I'm still playing 100% more effectively at any role than you ever did at just one.
2012-01-25, 09:06 PM
To support Shock: while I do hate good TR/NC reaver/mossie players with a passion, I love them when our VS pilots join the battle.
Honestly, as a skyguard driver, I always found it fun to play vs. good reaver players (when I had a good gunner with me).
I do hate reaver/mossie bailures for all those times I was not in my SG though.
love/hate relationship much ?
2012-01-25, 09:26 PM
words words words
Oh, okay. Well that was interesting.
Anyway, if you as a new player want to use a powerful vehicle which doesn't require you to find someone to gun for you, use a reaver or a mosquito. If you want to be a crazy weirdo who writes huge blocks of text to people he's never seen in Planetside before, do what this ShockFC guy just said or whatever.
2012-01-25, 09:27 PM
Some great advice in here, also make good use of your minimap, and 3rd person view
2012-01-25, 09:43 PM
I'd like to give Planetside a try but I can't figure out a way to buy and make a subscription. I went to Direct2Drive and found out it was bought by Gamefly so I try to buy from Gamefly but it can't find it. I downloaded the Gamefly Client and I can find Planetside on it but no option to purchase. Just wondering how you did it lol.
2012-01-25, 09:52 PM
I'm not 100% certain but i think you can create an soe account and just subscribe from that then download the planetside client
Just checked
You can create a free account at soe,com then if you go to free to play games an scroll down you can see planet and purchase it for £12.99 which will include a 30day subscription. Once thats done go to this address to download the client
2012-01-25, 09:57 PM
I downloaded the Planetside client and pressed the Subscribe button but it only takes me to a page that says "Oops! Where did the page go?" and the option to close the page.
2012-01-25, 10:04 PM
See my post above yours.
Create the SOE account and purchase the game all through the browser. You login for the planetside launcher will be the same as your login for
2012-01-25, 10:12 PM
The UK site must be different because I can see it under the PC games tab and it only sends me to the planetside website. No option to purchase.
2012-01-25, 10:16 PM
what about here
2012-01-25, 10:25 PM
Ok that works. Now it says it's $20 and when I choose a subscription it's $14.99 a month. Am I only paying for both or just the sub? Since the OP got it for only $10 just 2 days ago I'm wondering If this isn't a good deal.
edit: I went ahead and bought it. It does come with 30 days free so I'll see you guys on the battlefield. Loyalty Until Death.
edit2: Thank you Mastachief for your help! I very much appreciated it!
2012-01-25, 10:27 PM
Un sure on the game cost says £12.99 for me and this includes the first 30day then you would be paying $14.99 a month sub
2012-01-25, 10:51 PM
have fun, remember if you get stuck ask question on this forum or send someone a /tell playername and ask them.
Most people are glad to help a new person
2012-01-25, 11:21 PM
Anyway, if you as a new player want to use a vehicle that's instantly going to die once it enters combat due to everyone in the game having some form of AA certed, use a reaver or a mosquito.
Fixed that for you
2012-01-26, 12:37 AM
Oh, yeah, dudes have AA. Okay, pro tip #2: Look up the button for "Afterburner" in your hotkeys.
2012-01-26, 03:57 AM
Getting my ass handed to me. Pretty frustrating :lol:
2012-01-26, 07:06 AM
Getting my ass handed to me. Pretty frustrating :lol:
You need to find a newbie friendly outfit to join, they will show you the ropes.
There is alot to take in and understand before you can become an effective player. Remember some of the players you are up against have played for the past 9 years so they should know the in's and outs of the game mechanics.
2012-01-26, 07:16 PM
Oh, yeah, dudes have AA. Okay, pro tip #2: Look up the button for "Afterburner" in your hotkeys.
Because afterburners really let you rape everything unscathed
2012-01-26, 08:21 PM
Oh, yeah, dudes have AA. Okay, pro tip #2: Look up the button for "Afterburner" in your hotkeys.
Keep pretending you have any idea what you're talking about. The density on these forums disturbs me.
2012-01-27, 12:18 PM
Here is a nother tip to Jak if you new to PS the main ps forums have info on them as well for new players as well as outfit listings for outfit. like here as well
PS. hey shock at least its beter than the main PS Forms LOL
Keep pretending you have any idea what you're talking about. The density on these forums disturbs me.
2012-01-27, 07:41 PM
Keep pretending you have any idea what you're talking about. The density on these forums disturbs me.
I, too, am deeply disturbed by Internet forums. The Internet is disturbing. It throws off my chi.
You jerks aren't taking Planetside 1 beginner tips seriously enough and I will not stand for it!
2012-01-28, 06:53 PM
I, too, am deeply disturbed by Internet forums. The Internet is disturbing. It throws off my chi.
You jerks aren't taking Planetside 1 beginner tips seriously enough and I will not stand for it!
Now back to the classic cop out "omg internetz are serious" argument. This is the most active PlanetSide forum on the internet and we are discussing a game that most people here are serious about in some way or another.
IIRC you were the one who was butt hurt about aircraft and came to whine about them in a newbie tips thread. I read what you wrote and disagreed with you. I didn't want to give a new player the wrong impression about aircraft being easy, because they aren't - especially in the state of today's game.
You sir, need to shut the fuck up.
2012-01-30, 02:49 PM
When your mom reads this, you're going to get grounded. :O
omg I'm gonna go tell her and link this right now!
2012-01-30, 04:48 PM
This place, at least this thread, is arguably worse than the OF.
2012-01-30, 07:45 PM
This place, at least this thread, is arguably worse than the OF.
2012-01-30, 08:18 PM
When your mom reads this, you're going to get grounded. :O
Nah, I'm not really that angry, more surprised that you think anybody posting on a forum about an 8 year old game would be a kid.
Common sense, not so common.
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