View Full Version : PS the first MMOFPS?
2003-03-06, 02:41 PM
i dont know so much about that cause i played 10six and it was primarily a FPS iot had some RTS and RPG in it but most of the game was FPS. Or am i wrong here?
2003-03-06, 02:47 PM
I doubt any other game has had thousands of people shooting each other at the same time. :D
2003-03-06, 02:51 PM
true the most i had fighting in one camp in 10six was 16 i think and that intense so this is different i am not sayin other wise but its still the 2nd mmofps not the first.
2003-03-06, 02:55 PM
and other fps that is...
2003-03-06, 02:56 PM
rofl, not its not. then rainbow 6..rogue spear..ect would count. MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER = 1000's of people. Not 16 at max.
2003-03-06, 02:57 PM
i would say 10six is the first mmofps then PS built on it and improved the concept 10 fold no more sittin around build money and more action with larger groups.
2003-03-06, 02:58 PM
not really cause you didn have a persistent world in RS
2003-03-06, 03:03 PM
Massively Multiplayer = THOUSANDS or more
2003-03-06, 03:05 PM
not true MMO means to have a persistent world or UT and Quake and RS and well damn near any online game is then MMO.
2003-03-06, 03:10 PM
Thousands online all at once I meant
2003-03-06, 03:15 PM
did RS have 1000 players servers? it has been a long damn time since i played that and the largest server i ever saw for standard FPS was for tribes2 i think it 64 max. and what server is you outfit planin on startin on Des
2003-03-06, 03:17 PM
rs had like 64 max. I'll be on Eastern server.
2003-03-06, 03:20 PM
ah crap i believe [2nd] is gonna start in the central and i am a west. i sappose i can edit my comment and say that PS isnt the first persistent world MMOFPS i have played then :)
2003-03-06, 03:25 PM
lol, we'll you need to find an outfit in the west, or just don't join one.
2003-03-06, 03:30 PM
What about World War II online? It was pretty much a launch failure, but it is an MMOFPS.
2003-03-06, 03:34 PM
WWII Online is typically thought of as a sim, not an FPS
2003-03-06, 03:42 PM
i describe a MMO game as being Persistent world other wise its just online game it may have 1000's of players but when you finish a map or beat a clan it changes nothin and means nothing.
2003-03-06, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by The|{ingi describe a MMO game as being Persistent world other wise its just online game it may have 1000's of players but when you finish a map or beat a clan it changes nothin and means nothing.
That doesn't make any sense. It could be an Massively Multiplayer Online game, and not be persistant. That's why its called MMO intead of Persistant. It just happens to be that persistance makes more sense in MMO games. I don't want to sound like I'm flaming or trolling or anything though, so I apologize for any offenses made.
Originally posted by Duritz
That doesn't make any sense. It could be an Massively Multiplayer Online game, and not be persistant. That's why its called MMO intead of Persistant.
2003-03-06, 08:15 PM
im not following ya here, the ing is saying that Q3 is MMOfps? And what is world war2 online?
2003-03-06, 11:07 PM
i have never heard UT2k3 called a MMO because it aint its just a online game if you wanna call any online game with 1000 ppl a MMO then i guess you could call MSN Bridge MMO or Chess online.
i am sayin that PS is not a first of its kind as ppl have pointed out WW2 and 10six came before it, and as others wanna argue that UT and Q3 and T2 are all MMO which is BS.
and another thing that defines a MMO is Massive players on ONE server, not 4000 players on 3500 servers (or some combination of numbers) but all in one server.
MMO is not UT or any other FPS out there, but 10six and all the other persistent world 1000 or more player server games are.
2003-03-06, 11:10 PM
i missed a few words in there but you should get the jist of it if you passed grade 4 english.
2003-03-06, 11:14 PM
Yep, massive multiplayer only if its capable of holding thousands of people on one server simultaneously, so games like Quake, etc. wouldnt classify as one.
As for what was first ... ive given up on figuring it out myself. WWIIOnline was the first, then people said PS was in the making before it then Endless Ages pops its little head up.
In the end : does it matter? People thought about MMOFPS games before ANY were in the making, so its not like its a new idea.
2003-03-06, 11:17 PM
Good lord, why are we arguing over this? There is no set definition of MMO, but we all know what it means. It's kinda sad though that some people actually think that T2 is a MMOG. We know that an MMO is an online game that is run on servers controlled by the company, and that they release patches every week or so and oassionaly alter the world in some way, like an earthquake or something. Other games don't do that ( they do patch though). Often the game is persistant and goes on 24/7, except when a server does down. Although, the idea of calling MSN hearts an MMO is an interestin perspective. I wouldn't call it that, but it would make sense...
2003-03-06, 11:30 PM
lol i was just wonderin if anyone really knew what was the first MMOFPS first iheard of such an animal was 10six but hey i only think i am a game god :)
2003-03-07, 04:31 AM
To be classed as an MMO you need to be MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER.
Calling the games you mention MMO is like trying to call George W. Bush sane, its just not possible.
By your logic I could quite easily class Dungeon Master or something as the first MMORPG! Try engaging your brain before you open your ass.
Now, lets not feed the trolls.
Edit: removed reference to 10six cos I didnt know what I was talking about :D
2003-03-07, 04:41 AM
uhm 10six was MMO, it was suppose to be the first million player game.
one world, one server, 1million plots of land(bases) that you could own
each camp could hold a max of 32 players each (any more and it would be too crowded) but there could still be thousands of people playing in other camps on the same server, so yea
it was a persistant world 24/7 etc, it was an MMORTS/FPS.
before you say it wasnt an MMOG, read up on it first, thanks.
Of course that doesnt take away the fact that king has no idea wth he is talking about..... o_O
2003-03-07, 04:53 AM
ok nerve, editted my post :D
Yeah u know what I meant anyhow :D
2003-03-07, 05:18 AM
Tell you what why dont we just define MMO as being the following...
1. No of players > 150 per server
2. Managed Servers (i.e. Centralised non independant)
3. Persistant world
If these are deemed to be the definition of an MMO game then its easy to see the difference between something such as RtCW which can have 64 odd players but no persistant world and no developer dependant servers
whereas PS has > 150 players per server, a persistant world and servers run by the software house.
With thes then WWIIonline is the first MMOFPS, although it could be classed as a SIM so maybe its the first MMOSIM?
But whatever if PS is a sucess then it definatly wont be the last... bet ya ass that everyone will jump on the bandwagon, in fact i am pretty sure that alot of other companies have ideas ready to go but are waiting to see how PS goes...
2003-03-07, 08:37 AM
hahaha, everyone keeps telling the ing MMO-MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER ONLINE but I dont understand why.
2003-03-07, 09:23 AM
2003-03-07, 10:53 AM
lol love the chart drav. i never called any of those games MMO i said they werent MMO learn to comprehend written text dumbasses. the only games i said were mmo were 10six and ww2.
2003-03-07, 02:38 PM
actually there is another one Aces high which is a ww2 combat sim....can be infantry but can be boats planes tanks etc...and its a persistant world
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