View Full Version : Screenshots from GDC Videos, Station shop, Vanguards, Reavers, Night fighting

2012-03-07, 10:32 PM
For the larger images go to:

Grabbed a few of these from the high-res videos for our fellow vanguard lovers.

Enjoy mi amigos!

http://img571.imageshack.us/img571/455/airtogroundnightfightin.th.png (http://img571.imageshack.us/i/airtogroundnightfightin.png/)
This is one of some air to ground night fighting

http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/7186/nightweaponfireinducedb.th.png (http://img171.imageshack.us/i/nightweaponfireinducedb.png/)
This one is about nightfire induced blindness. Note: Looking directly into VS tank fire may be harmful to eyesight.

http://img853.imageshack.us/img853/3254/reaverloadoutatvehterm.th.png (http://img853.imageshack.us/i/reaverloadoutatvehterm.png/)
Here is the reaver loudout at an air term

http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/5141/reaveruiandrocketstrike.th.png (http://img337.imageshack.us/i/reaveruiandrocketstrike.png/)
This is a screen of the reavers UI and a rocket strike on its target.

http://img696.imageshack.us/img696/4861/stationshoppage2.th.png (http://img696.imageshack.us/i/stationshoppage2.png/)
This is a scroll down of the Station shop page.
Can you spot the Lancer?

http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/2244/stationshop.th.png (http://img42.imageshack.us/i/stationshop.png/)
This is the top of the Station shop page for weapons.
Can you see the NC Chaingun!!?

http://img703.imageshack.us/img703/9166/vanguardactionshot.th.png (http://img703.imageshack.us/i/vanguardactionshot.png/)
Vanguards in action!

http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/9636/vanguardcerttree.th.png (http://img408.imageshack.us/i/vanguardcerttree.png/)
A look at the Vannie cert tree.
Important note: The vanguards starting cert is a Vehicle Shield! This then branches out into other certs. This may give clue to why Vanguards are the toughest tanks. Perhaps we are the only ones with Shield tech on our tanks?
Also note:
The #2 from left to right cert is a slow auto-repair for vanguards.

http://img841.imageshack.us/img841/6153/vanguardmuzzleflare.th.png (http://img841.imageshack.us/i/vanguardmuzzleflare.png/)
A great look at how much muzzle flare vanguards will have. And how much it will obscure the players FoV

http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/8048/vanguardui.th.png (http://img69.imageshack.us/i/vanguardui.png/)
A great look at the Vanguards UI.

Ok! Hope you enjoyed, plenty more to come =)

For the larger images go to:

2012-03-07, 10:45 PM
Nice Work Corax! The devs love it when we break stuff down like this. :)

2012-03-07, 10:47 PM
haha, honestly its just an excuse to watch the videos over and over again, as if I needed an excuse that is.

Also is there any requests for anything specific?

I want to tackle anything that others find more important.

Until then ill just go with whatever seems like good eye candy or interesting theory-side fodder.

2012-03-07, 10:54 PM
http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/6348/ccbarracksfirstlook.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/220/ccbarracksfirstlook.png/)

Our First look at the CC of the Barracks!
For those that dont know. The barracks are an external spawn point (a building in its own right) in a base that can be captured separate from the base itself. In game it is referred to as a "Facility"

2012-03-07, 10:54 PM
Nighttime is really neat, I love how the tracers and beams are flying everywhere, it just adds a whole new feeling to the game, and is just plain awesome!

I'd request more night photos because that's my favorite, but maybe some pictures showing off the terrain?

2012-03-07, 11:04 PM
On it switch! =)

2012-03-07, 11:36 PM
http://img404.imageshack.us/img404/9162/tkkillcamandncrexo.th.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/404/tkkillcamandncrexo.png/)
This is a simple view of the kill cam. In this case Higby was TKed. However it does give me a chance to show off the NC Rexo armor, rocking a Heavy Gauss Rifle

http://img854.imageshack.us/img854/6281/deathscreenwithrevivere.th.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/854/deathscreenwithrevivere.png/)

This is how the death screen/respawn screen looks, with a revive request.

http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/5958/vistaview.th.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/42/vistaview.png/)

A nice view of the overarching vista from an aerial vantage point.

http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/4272/nightimerocketlight.th.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/401/nightimerocketlight.png/)
I want people to notice how the passing rocket actually gives off its own light source (note tree) otherwise a great shot of a vanguard at night.

http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/8358/nightimeonfoot.th.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/18/nightimeonfoot.png/)
A nice walk at night.

http://img577.imageshack.us/img577/2466/nightimeexplosions.th.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/577/nightimeexplosions.png/)
Again I want to call to attention how much light explosions do provide a night..... freaking forgelight man!
Also note to the left that the Vanguard is in fact on fire but still alive. (Heavy damage results in model changing as devs have mentioned.)

http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/24/nightfightjumpack.th.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/21/nightfightjumpack.png/)
A goodview of the battlefield at night from a jumppackers perspective.

http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/5482/loadingscreenforindar.th.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/405/loadingscreenforindar.png/)
This is the Indar loading screen! = Awesomesauce

2012-03-07, 11:41 PM
http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/1604/tacticaloverlayofcontin.th.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/195/tacticaloverlayofcontin.png/)
Here we have the tactical overlay for Indar continent. I personally really like the hexagonal map control system.

http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/9158/respawnscreen.th.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/52/respawnscreen.png/)
Just a look at the respawn screen.

2012-03-08, 01:37 AM
Hmm, interesting.

My OCD kicked in big time as a result of this thread, I can't stand the angled perspective of the TV.

Sooooo, I made 30 screenshots of my own. I've edited all of them to correct the images (more or less) to a proper square perspective. They're also slightly higher res.

I won't embed them all here, I'm too lazy. Here's the full album link: http://imgur.com/a/xrjCD

For larger images just hit the little magnifier in the top right of the images in album view. They're all around 1500x1200. Didn't bother with the shop, though every other still menu screen is present. The most interesting image of them all in my opinion is the graphics options image, there's a bunch of things set to low there, I would have expected them to be running in as high quality as they could for GDC, surprised me.

Being new to the forum, figured I'd contribute. Enjoy. Any requests and I'll be happy to take them/edit the perspective too.

2012-03-08, 02:11 AM
Corax, the NC guy with the heavy gauss isn't the NC REXO. I'm 100% sure that it's the NC Engineer. Take a look at when higby is at the class select screen. I'm pretty sure he clicked on medic and engineer in addition to LA which he was already playing.

2012-03-08, 02:18 AM
Corax, the NC guy with the heavy gauss isn't the NC REXO. I'm 100% sure that it's the NC Engineer. Take a look at when higby is at the class select screen. I'm pretty sure he clicked on medic and engineer in addition to LA which he was already playing.

I would have to agree, I asked T-Ray on his twitter about the other Empires Heavy Assault classes and when we'll get pics and he said not for a few weeks. Now I'm not sure if the HA can only use the heavy rifles but it seems if only they can then this model is probably a placeholder.

Also please forgive me if I have this totally wrong or something for I am a tired man. :doh:

2012-03-08, 02:44 AM
I would have to agree, I asked T-Ray on his twitter about the other Empires Heavy Assault classes and when we'll get pics and he said not for a few weeks. Now I'm not sure if the HA can only use the heavy rifles but it seems if only they can then this model is probably a placeholder.

Also please forgive me if I have this totally wrong or something for I am a tired man. :doh:

Ah not a problem my friend!
Let me clarify my statement as to why I am inclined to believe it is the NC Rexo, and we got ourselves a sneak peak here. However, to T-Ray or any other dev, if you would like me to pull that pic please PM me.

Now, according to the Kill Cam. If you look above kalyper's head. You will actually be able see his loadout.

Here is the situation. Higby was popped in the back of the head by Kalyper (TK) and because of that we are able to see via Kill Cam his killer. In the kill cam view we also gain the info of the killers load out.

From left to right:
Box 1:
Empire symbol, Name, and Battle Rank (7) and current HP

Box 2:
Heavy Assault Class and symbol for HA class. (3 vertical bullets surrounded by a box)

Box 3:
Weapon Name that gave the kill (Heavy Gauss Rifle)
Image of Weapon

Awesome Man! I look forwards to checking out what you have up!

Check my other thread of the GDC Video with Timestamps
The only classes he clicked on were, Medic, Engineer, and Light Assault
He skipped cloaker, Heavy Assault, and MAX (I was yelling at my comp for him to choose MAX if only for a second....true story)

As for whether the guy I think is a REXO or just a placeholder. My biggest indicators are these:
1. His Helmet (No guarantee it is a REXO only helmet though)
2. The full belly/body/forearm armor
3. Leg Armor
4. No bulky engineer backpack.
5. Later on you can see his shin armor too.

Also during this particular scene, you actually get a great view of the Engy class fighting next to Kalyper

Also note in the background of this particular screenshot is a:
NC cloaker: Luperza
in other scenes:
Engineer is: Frank
Medic: Pinkypoo