View Full Version : Do you get greif if your Galaxy is shot down?

2003-03-07, 02:03 PM
I hoep you all are familiar with the grief system. I was wondering about this:

Lets say you're teh pilot of a galaxy and are flying across from continent to continent when you run into a platoon of mosquitos. THey easily outnumber you and shoot you down, along with the rest of your squad. IF you're the pilot, do you get greif points for getting your squad killed?

not sure, but im leaning more towards the NO side, because you cant help it if you're greatly outnumbered and outmanuevered. not sure though, give me some input.

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

2003-03-07, 02:07 PM
Terran Elite Airborne Regiment

There have been alot of threads bwt this and the answer is no cuz u really cant help getting shot down, plus getting shot down means that the guy who did it earns BEP so getting shot down isnt anything you should be worried abour now crashing intently is another thing.

-Dark- CO [TEAR]

2003-03-07, 02:09 PM
awsome thanks man

2003-03-07, 04:33 PM


This means there's a way to grief in the game.

2003-03-07, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by Moleculor


This means there's a way to grief in the game.

How do you figure? If I take out a galaxy, I (and those in my squad) should get BEP for everything inside.

If I'm piloting a Galaxy, and I smash into the ground for whatever reason, I'm getting grief points for everything inside that not a part of my squad.

So where's the problem?

2003-03-07, 05:11 PM
I belive there still tweaking this.