View Full Version : What is the plan to get new players in the game and make them grow as a GOOD teamPlay

2012-03-24, 02:37 AM
From the start i have to say that most of you at least the major part of this forums is composed of Old planetside players like i was but stop playing it for quiet a while now havent play the original since 5 years now !

But ..
I was wondering whats you guys and whats the dev team are going to do to get people in the games ...

In orders to suceeds the veterans and people who know a lots about team works and leadership have to do something to get new players interested and well assisted in this kinda games ...

people will say we dont need COD like players etc.. But your wrong because those guys are numbers and sometime they are really good at shooting and have good infantry reflex etc...

I will say thats we need something a planned to train all thoses guys to show them whats is team work whats is big strategies in an MMo games and to SHOW them how fun it could be ;)

I would like to see the vets helping cod kids who want to try out this game not trash talking them and making them quit !

in order to succeed we need quantum numbers of players and cosmetics buyers !

so i hope the dev team and the big clans out there have some planned to help the new commers in this game

So they will not feel lost and not important !

whats you guys think ?

2012-03-24, 02:57 AM
lots and lots of trolling, but with love. huge hugs, punch and pie and big ol' shiny gold sticky stars. truth of the matter to me seems that's what outfits are for. the ones that want to get involved and play as a team will. the rest well, it's a ftp game and there are going to be a mother butt ton of typical snert kids. especially in the beginning. it's a game, have fun with it and do what you will.

2012-03-24, 04:42 AM
It won't take long before the more dominant outfits start flexing their muscles and showing off.

Then all the little zerglings will want to be part of that. Then we'll end up with the bloat outfits that have "zergy" crew and the hardcore "special ops" crew who are all promoted based on how much they suck up to the outfit leader and not on ability.

Then the guys with the ability but not the nepotism will splinter off and make their own "invite only" outfits who'll get things done.

seen it a million times before.

2012-03-24, 05:08 AM
A: Outfits.

2012-03-24, 06:16 AM
I would like to see the vets helping cod kids who want to try out this game not trash talking them and making them quit !

Wait, sorry but: You foresee US trashtalking THEM?

I get the mental image of a father leading his son to his favourite hangout place when he was young only to have the kid start screaming at how much it sucks and how much of a homosexual the father is and how he should go and have sexual intercourse with a rake and then how his mother sucks a huge... etc etc

I guess we can only wait and see, I have my finger on the mic-mute button just in case.

2012-03-24, 06:25 AM
what i think will happens is the same thing that happened with BF3

the game will release and the cod players will come test the water.
the first few weeks the game will be filled with people with no clue about tactics and you will see lots of players just rushing round doing nothing of value, getting shot over and over since they have no concept of patience and cover.

after a short time the cod players with either
A: get pissed of that this is not cod with bigger maps and go back to cod
B: adapt to the game and get interested in the tactics of it and turn out to be your regular ps2 player

2012-03-24, 06:33 AM
The best way for PlanetSide "vets" to help get new players in is to drop the shit attitude. PlanetSide 2 will have far more in common (in terms of gun-play, etc) with CoD/BF3 than it does with PlanetSide 1. The original PS peaked at about what... 60,000 subscribers back in 2003? CoD and BF3 both have millions. The "veterans" will be minorities and judging from the way the game is being designed they will be treated as such.

If this game is a success it will have more people playing who've never even heard of the original PlanetSide. The only way you're going to help get the type of players you want is to have a strong and organized outfit that has a clearly defined set of goals and a clearly defined play style that you enjoy.

2012-03-24, 08:23 AM
The first step, at least for me, is as soon as open beta hits and confirms this is a game I want to play (for indeed, to jump out on ledges pushing the game to the BF community BEFORE that is confirmed would be foolish), is to start making posts and videos explaining what PS2 has that BF3 has failed- such as in-game VOIP, proper squads, large maps(by the very definition of the game, this should be taken care of).

A good bit of BF players are against future theme even if they aren't CoD meatgrinders, so that's a concern too.

And then once these people get in the game, they need training and help from PS vets so that they don't get overwhelmed. A lot of them need to see the Outfit system with outfit chat and everything, because that is kind of clan support many people have been advocating from Battlefield for a long time and don't receive.

2012-03-24, 08:53 AM
BF and CoD didn't completely lack tactical play, did they?

2012-03-24, 09:02 AM
BF and CoD didn't completely lack tactical play, did they?

not when played competitevly, but they did lack these aspects in general server play.
in ps2 you need to be tactical to win so its constantly there.

the thing is that the zerg wont notice these tactics so much if they dont pay attention, yet they will still be using the tactics as they will be doing the missions set by the commanders.

2012-03-24, 09:07 AM
BF and CoD didn't completely lack tactical play, did they?

I can't speak for CoD...as for BF, BF3 has taken away in-game VOIP, shrunk the maps so that there's a lot less point in using tactics other than CHARGE! And the game is filled with 3D spotting, killcam, and audiospotting, which cause players to go off playing deathmatch even in Conquest, which is a game mode in which you are supposed to cap flags.

Now, BF3 also mangled the commo rose and minimap but that actually might change in the upcoming patch. It's part of the patch notes.

One other important thing missing in BF3 is the Orders Rose. In BF2, the orders rose allowed you to order your squad to ANYWHERE, with orders such as attack/defend/destroy/repair. BF3 lets you do only one thing: Issue an order to go directly to a flag. If you own the flag it is a defend order, if not it's an attack order. That's it. You can't order your squad to do anything else. If you know there's a tank or infantry concentration on the other side of a building or other hard cover? Too bad, you can't issue a waypoint to your squad to go attack that spot. You either have to beg your squad to go into teamspeak with you, or you have to type to them in chat. And even if they are in teamspeak with you, it still would have been easier if you could issue a waypoint.

2012-03-24, 09:22 AM
The most foreign concept I see for other FPS players joining are the objectives, the mass organization, continental tactics.

I think the mission system is one of the tools intended to teach new people. Instead of just finding some people to shoot, they can pick a Mission from a Commander.

And the best way to get a lot of team play, is an outfit.

2012-03-24, 10:46 AM
It's not the responsibility of old players to make new players interested. It's the responsibility of the game, the key being that the game has to engage and hook the player within the first ten minutes of play.

The key this is intuitive, the game has to get the player into the action and knowing precisely what they're doing and why as quickly as possible, provided it does this there'll be absolutely no problem.


2012-03-24, 10:54 AM
Know what's funny about this thread? Go back in time to 2003 and replace CoD/BF3 with Counter-Strike and it'd be virtually the same. PS1 was no shining pinnacle of PUG team work and organization. It took outfits to find and bring together the team-play oriented players not the game. Hell, the game for the longest time favored individual game-play over organized team-play.

Also modern games such as BF3 actually have more (and better) team-play elements than the orignal PS1 did. Sure it's 9 or so years later but please don't paint these modern games with your shit covered brush.

2012-03-24, 11:09 AM
Know what's funny about this thread? Go back in time to 2003 and replace CoD/BF3 with Counter-Strike and it'd be virtually the same. PS1 was no shining pinnacle of PUG team work and organization. It took outfits to find and bring together the team-play oriented players not the game. Hell, the game for the longest time favored individual game-play over organized team-play.

Also modern games such as BF3 actually have more (and better) team-play elements than the orignal PS1 did. Sure it's 9 or so years later but please don't paint these modern games with your shit covered brush.

BF3 may have more team play elements than the original PS but it clearly has less than BF2 and 2142.

2012-03-24, 11:29 AM
people will say we dont need COD like players etc.. But your wrong because those guys are numbers and sometime they are really good at shooting and have good infantry reflex etc...

I will say thats we need something a planned to train all thoses guys to show them whats is team work whats is big strategies in an MMo games and to SHOW them how fun it could be ;)

I would like to see the vets helping cod kids who want to try out this game not trash talking them and making them quit !
Why is it our responsibility to help these people? If they come in with the stereotypical COD additude, they probably aren't going to bother to learn the game's mechanics, get bored and quit after a short time. I really don't think the game needs those kinds of players. However, those that come and are truly intrigued by the game and want to get better, they're probably smart enough to figure out what they need to do; starting with finding a good outfit to join up with.

2012-03-24, 11:33 AM
A: PlanetsideTV. We will be exploring every nook and cranny of the new world of Auraxis. Just like we are still doing with Planetside 1.

And that's the point to try and get the word out there! :)

(regardless of what a few may think, that is the point in PTV)

2012-03-24, 11:35 AM
Why is it our responsibility to help these people? If they come in with the stereotypical COD additude, they probably aren't going to bother to learn the game's mechanics, get bored and quit after a short time. I really don't think the game needs those kinds of players. However, those that come and are truly intrigued by the game and want to get better, they're probably smart enough to figure out what they need to do; starting with finding a good outfit to join up with.

It's not your "responsibility" but you're also the minority. As much as we want to believe PS2 is going to be tailored towards the original fan-base that's simply not the case. It makes sense from a business point of view to appeal to the CoD/BF3 crowd because they make up the majority of the shooter market. The original 60,000 or so thousand people who played PS1 will play PS2 regardless of whatever "next-gen" changes SoE puts in. The 13,000,000+ CoD/BF3 players who never heard of let alone played PS1 might not unless the game looks like an upgraded version of the game they are currently playing.

Remember - PS2 much like PS1 is a game that's only as fun as the amount of people playing it. The higher the population the more fun the game is, if it's an exclusive good ole' boys club the ship will sink before it even sails.

A: PlanetsideTV. We will be exploring every nook and cranny of the new world of Auraxis. Just like we are still doing with Planetside 1.

And that's the point to try and get the word out there!

(regardless of what a few may think, that is the point in PTV)

That's good. The more people who know about PS2 (or even PS1) the better. This game needs mass appeal and mass market to bring in those initial numbers to ensure success.

2012-03-24, 11:39 AM
A: PlanetsideTV. We will be exploring every nook and cranny of the new world of Auraxis. Just like we are still doing with Planetside 1.

And that's the point to try and get the word out there! :)

(regardless of what a few may think, that is the point in PTV)

Planetside TV eh? A PS news site?

One of my ideas for "victory" conditions was not a victory condition per se, but simply, news sites could follow the battles and report on major victories over a continent, that kind of thing. Pick out a few outstanding commanders and players, etc.

Although, if the game has multiple "shards", I don't know how you could focus on all of them at once...

Still, is something like that part of your plans? The fact that you could earn a mention on a news site for your efforts could bring new players in. KDR is one thing, public glory is another :)

2012-03-24, 11:55 AM
As many have said before, its the outfits. I THINK the devs understand this, and are going to provide more funnels into outfits than before. We shall see.

2012-03-24, 02:24 PM
It's not the outfits and its short sighted for people to think this. Outfit (guild/clan) play is one facet of gaming that people enjoy but the vast majority of people are solo players or play in their small cliques of friends, often those that they actually know.

If Planetside only focuses on the community and over tips the game towards outfits then it will ultimately alienate the majority of people. The key is to allow all people with all styles of play the ability to enjoy themselves.


2012-03-24, 02:44 PM
I think that the lead by example will be the only method to encourage teamwork. They will either be wtfpwnd by an organized group or they will see that these organized effort save the day, make the breakthrough, turn the tide of the battle, whatever.

They will either join an outfit or get fed up with it and quit.

There are some outfits who has always worked with large numbers and lot's of recruits. They mean a lot to the game and the playerbase. With helping the recruits learn the ropes they help maintaining the population. These outfits are often left behind and their "students" join another, generally more skilled outfit (without the ballast of the recruits), and these outfits are often disrespected for their lower average skill (though the core is at least in par with any hardcore outfit).

And we should not forget, that we will be a minority, so we will need inter-outfit coordination. When 400 vs 400 are zerging somewhere and you take your 20 man platoon into the meatgrinder, it won't make a difference. But 4-5 outfits bringing 20-20 man will make an impact.

2012-03-24, 02:49 PM
Is it actually known that that many people are not outfit players?

As for Battlefield players, since there is no direct link between clan and squad, it's hard to say, but speaking only of squads, what many people do is play casually when their friends are not online, but when their friends are online, they play as a tight squad.

I don't know but I guess it's similar in PS? When your regular friends/outfit aren't on, you just jump in with the zerg?

2012-03-24, 03:53 PM
Is it actually known that that many people are not outfit players?

As for Battlefield players, since there is no direct link between clan and squad, it's hard to say, but speaking only of squads, what many people do is play casually when their friends are not online, but when their friends are online, they play as a tight squad.

I don't know but I guess it's similar in PS? When your regular friends/outfit aren't on, you just jump in with the zerg?

No you just don't play at all. :P

2012-03-24, 03:59 PM
Helping new players in no way means more teamwork. I've seen it a lot in all the Battlefield games. No matter how much teamwork helps you, they'll refuse to work with anyone else.

I'll go out my way and take the time to help new people if they arent total douchebags.

2012-03-24, 04:01 PM
I think you will find yourfelves in different outfit squads/platoon when your regular mates are not present. I mean, those outfits that you often work together with. We usually refer on these outfits like allied outfits, officers are often registered in each other's forums, teamspeak etc.

Sometimes we made mixed platoons (3*10 players max), and if we had like 20+ people, our allies had like 6-7 online, our outfitmates filled the spots in their squad. We could still cooperate pretty well (shared TS, platoon chat channel+outfit chat channel).

But you can pick a random squad and see how they fit your expectations.

2012-03-24, 04:06 PM
The game doesn't need to promote teamwork to entice players to play the game, and doing so would probably be detrimental to its success. Realistically, most people don't want to deal with any of that; the nature of CoD/BF3 public servers is evidence enough of this reality.

Most people just want an objective that will lead to good fights, and they don't care about working with other people to actually accomplish that objective (they probably don't care about accomplishing the objective at all); they just want to be where the action is at. Ideally, the mission system will get this type of player into the battles that their respective empires want to win, and that'll be as good as it gets as far as getting everyone on an empire to "work together."

Expecting anything more is a pipe dream. The minority that wants real teamwork will join outfits composed of like-minded individuals.

2012-03-24, 04:11 PM
I do not think it will be too large of a problem AS LONG AS teamwork will almost always prevail over solo.

Players will adapt on incentives, as long as there are incentives to work as a team and have tactics, we do not have to worry too much about kill whoring. In games such as BF or CoD it might still be true that teamwork there is better than solo work and you are likely to lose if you're fighting with a solo-team against a team that works together.
HOWEVER, that is only IF you are fighting against an enemy that works as one unit. As all fights are separate rounds fought on separate servers, the likelihood of you fighting against a clan is quite low. In Planetside 2 there will ALWAYS be some outfits that are carrying out their tactics, resulting in total slaughter of strategic-less players.
So in order for the solo-players to stand a chance against well organized teams, they have to organize as well, thus creating teamwork.

So again, the devs have to make sure that there are enough incentives to work as a team instead of playing as a lone wolf.

2012-03-24, 04:31 PM
If the Devs do not wake up and realize that it is OUTFITS that kept PS alive...

If they ignore the Outfits, like they are doing now...

....this game is going to be a zergling clusterfrak.

2012-03-24, 04:43 PM
Tutorial to start with. After that people can get placed into a general Outfit (much like EVE starting corporations) - they can choose not to of course, but providing some starting point would be great.

2012-03-24, 05:21 PM
Tutorial to start with. After that people can get placed into a general Outfit (much like EVE starting corporations) - they can choose not to of course, but providing some starting point would be great.

Probably not a good idea to place them into an outfit that doesn't work like an outfit. They'll have bad impressions.

2012-03-25, 02:43 AM
A lot of my friends who did not play Planetside1 will be playing PS2. I welcome new players because like you said, numbers are important. I want planetside2 to succeed, I want it to become the next big thing, so that the idea behind planetside can reach its potential of being truly massive, and totally awesome!

Outfits are definitely important, I learned alot from joining my first outfit, but outfits dont have to be as big as some people think. Like someone mentioned earlier, some outfits will appeal to the zerg, then become "zergfits" as I called them. Certain groups of good/organized players from that outfit would break off and form their own outfit, that or there would just be a part of the outfit who ran together while the zerglings, although technically in the outfit, would run around mindlessly as though they were not part of a group.

I personally had the most fun with the game when I played with my own outfit, even though we typically had at most 15-20 people online at our prime. It will be up to the new players to find outfits that suit their styles. We Planetside 1 players will have to learn the differences between PS2 and the original, but we will definitely have an idea of how the game works already and we can pass on our knowledge to new players.

Shade Millith
2012-03-25, 03:15 AM
And we should not forget, that we will be a minority, so we will need inter-outfit coordination. When 400 vs 400 are zerging somewhere and you take your 20 man platoon into the meatgrinder, it won't make a difference. But 4-5 outfits bringing 20-20 man will make an impact.

20 organized players could wreak havoc. Get a flight of Liberators or ground attack craft and pick out targets one by one. Instead of firing willynilly, you'll take out tanks left and right quickly and efficiently.

Or 20 AV all firing at the same target.

Or 20 tanks all heading the same way, firing on the same target.

Choosing a primary and picking them off 1 by 1 is a very powerful ability.

2012-03-25, 06:03 AM
It's not the outfits and its short sighted for people to think this. Outfit (guild/clan) play is one facet of gaming that people enjoy but the vast majority of people are solo players or play in their small cliques of friends, often those that they actually know.

If Planetside only focuses on the community and over tips the game towards outfits then it will ultimately alienate the majority of people. The key is to allow all people with all styles of play the ability to enjoy themselves.


It is absolutely the outfits ..... non-outfit players are/were mostly zergers, no tactics at all.

Some random squads did do a little tactical play but without compare to that done by the organised outfits.

I do however agree that there should be scope for all play-styles.

I know my outfit will be taking in new players and doing our best to get them up to speed and to provide fun for all. Some will not find us to their taste but some will.

2012-03-28, 12:14 AM
what i think will happens is the same thing that happened with BF3

the game will release and the cod players will come test the water.
the first few weeks the game will be filled with people with no clue about tactics and you will see lots of players just rushing round doing nothing of value, getting shot over and over since they have no concept of patience and cover.

after a short time the cod players with either
A: get pissed of that this is not cod with bigger maps and go back to cod
B: adapt to the game and get interested in the tactics of it and turn out to be your regular ps2 player

If this happen and if this you wish to happen to this game the game will die fast and the suport will be a thing from the past this game required a huge player based to justified is existance ! If there is just a few Ps1 vets the money will not be there SOE will have to cut the game and soon the game and the servers will be shut down SOE enployee will loose their job etc.. so

I guess u take back whats u just said ;)

2012-03-28, 12:21 AM
A: PlanetsideTV. We will be exploring every nook and cranny of the new world of Auraxis. Just like we are still doing with Planetside 1.

And that's the point to try and get the word out there! :)

(regardless of what a few may think, that is the point in PTV)

it can be good if your site is accesible but i talk mostly about In game elitist people who have to act as leaders and teachers more than just people dissing saying go back to COD etc.. cod is a simple game planetside isnt for people who dont have experienced in thats sort of game whith multiple objective etc.. its complex and hard to get in the first week or so !

2012-03-28, 01:10 AM
Considering the devs are pushing for beta rather than release per T_Ray's interview, I think it is fairly safe to say that a lot of the mechanics of the game will be in full force by release. Hopefully outfits will shine during the beta and shape the requirements of successful play. Imagine if PS2 has even 1/4 of the player base of the popular FPS titles actually functioning as a community. If the majority of those players were in active outfits the battles would totally epic. Hopefully SOE is aiming for a team tactics > individual skill mindset. If that is their angle, I don't really see how any player would be able to take the game seriously without at least joining up a basic outfit.

It will pretty awesome if SOE really works with the community during the beta to make sure outfits/team play really gets some spotlight time. I don't see how anyone could turn down gearing up for an OA and seeing small armies pushing out to dominate.

2012-03-28, 03:19 AM
As someone who played PS1 for about 10 hours total, I would consider myself a new to Planetside player.

Why do I want to play, PS2?? Tactics, Strategy and Dynamic fields of battle. Large maps, lots of elements in play and some pretty well defined goals and consequences beyond just racking up kills and taking a flag. The people who are going to be most attracted to PS2 are likely in the more mature "Big-Picture" minded group. We like team play from the outset, we like that we are part of a bigger strategy and we like that there is a huge potential for Sandbox play (even if not at launch).

I think people will get it pretty quick that PS2 is about working together. I will say this though... we NEED the casual zerg players, they may have low retention, they may never get that they are taking a base because it will bolster resources for a big push in a weeks time... let the cannon-fodder play however they want, let them Deathmatch in bases and crash Mozzies into each other. I can use that, any good commander knows how to use that. :p