View Full Version : Good team oriented game

2003-03-08, 08:32 PM
I'm looking for a new game to play to tide me over for ps. I love games like Battlefield 1942 in the conquest mode, C&C renegade, Delta Force:BHD in capture the flag, and capturing spawn points and such.

I've gone through most games like this, and that is why I can't wait for planetside, it's like BF1942, on a MASSIVE scale.

I've been through the demos of (I'm looking for a game I can REALLY get into, and I just haven't found one) C&C Renegade, BF1942, Tribes 1, DF:BHD. any suggestions?

2003-03-08, 08:40 PM
Shouldn't Planetside do the trick? I've heard good things about R6 3, and if you have Xbox/Live, Ghost Recon is very good.

Camping Carl
2003-03-08, 08:55 PM
Red Faction for PC is awesome, UT2k3 is excellent. I personally like Opposing Force CTF.