View Full Version : Will I be able to get certified for EVERY vehicle?
2003-03-08, 09:59 PM
My goal for my character would be to get a certification for each and every vehicle in the game. That way I can help my team, squad, platoon, empire at any time in any way they need.
Other than agile armor and a basic rifle certification, the vehicles are all I want.
Will this be possible?
Or will there be some I won't be able to get.
I know the devs said that at the most you can only get about 1/3rd the total certifications, but I figure that a cert for all vehicles will add up to about 1/3rd the total, so it should work, right?
Any thoughts?
Also, do you think this would be a poor way to go? Or a smart choice?
2003-03-08, 10:03 PM
No, there are to many. Most cost 2 or 3, and some have prereqs. Youd need wraith, basilisk, buggy, empire buggy, lightning, empire tank, misquito, reaver, galaxy, deliverer, sunderer, and AMS. Thats 12 and i probally missed some. if they only cost two each you wouldnt get them all, and thats without guns or armor.
However, you could probally get agile armor, medium assualt, reaver, APC, AMS, Galaxy, and Empire buggy. That pretty much covers anything your squad could want.
2003-03-08, 10:10 PM
well damn. That's not cool. I mean, it is I suppose, because it's balanced and all, but I was hoping to get them all.
As long as I can get:
medium assault
little 4 wheel 1 man ATV
ground APC (either one)
Mosquito/other slightly larger flying one
then i'll be OK.
I'd like to be able to get all the flying ones at least but we'll see.
Thanks for the help!
2003-03-08, 10:11 PM
I think in the AGN chat dave said that all air vehicles cost 3 cert points... not 100% sure tho
2003-03-08, 10:14 PM
how does the cert points thing work again? Like, how many can you get total in the game?
2003-03-08, 10:14 PM
That sounds about right HF, and I agree. Even if you didn't get any other certs at all, you most likely wouldn't be able to get all the vehicles in the game. I'd assume that the only vehicle that costs 1 cert point is the basilisk, and maybe the wraith or buggy too. 2 cert points is most likely the average for vehicles with some even costing 3. Will you be able to get every vehicle in the game? Yes, but it's probably going to take 3 characters to do it.
Besides, you'd be a much better help to your team if you had agile and at least 1 extra weapons cert, a pure vehicle-based character wouldn't be much use during times that your squad doesn't need vehicles (like inside a base) or when you get shot down.
2003-03-08, 10:16 PM
Originally posted by LiquidThunder
how does the cert points thing work again? Like, how many can you get total in the game?
At most, with a maxed out character, you can only get 21 points to spend (at this time anyways, it's entirely possible this number will change pre-release or even post-release, like with an expansion). Note, that's 21 points, not 21 certifications. Some certifications take more than 1 point to purchase them.
2003-03-08, 10:23 PM
Hmm, so...
Agilie: 1 point
Medium Assault: 1 point
ATV: 1 point
APC: 2 points
galaxy: 3 points
mosquito: 3 points
tank: 2 points
Those are pure guesses, but that adds up to 13 total points. Which means even if you add one more point to each of my estimates, I can still get all those. and have 1 left over.
So I think I'll be fine, because I'm sure some of those estimates are accurate, so I'll have points left over to get a second weapon cert or a hacking cert or something.
Thanks for the assisance guys you've been great
2003-03-08, 10:31 PM
wraith is like basilisk, just no weapon and less armor (maybe less armor), but it will cloaks if the driver has a infiltration suit.
And for ur question, u would b able to get almost all ground vehicles certs, and all air vehicle certs,
anyway im planing on having a character with basilisk, harrassre, empire specific buggy, lighting, empire specific tank, deliverer, sunderer, medium wepon cert, agile armour, reinforced and repair. That might work.
Tho u can get all air vehicles, im pretty sure on that. If all dont cost more than 5 points :D
also try this calculator, its a total guessimator but I think they guess pretty well
2003-03-08, 10:31 PM
2003-03-08, 10:34 PM
My estimates for what you want are.
Agile - 2
Medium assualt- 2
ATV - 1
APC half squad - 2(full squad per req)
APC Full squad - 2
Galaxy - 3
Misquito - 2
Lightning (light tank) - 2 (Empire heavy tank pre req)
Empire heavy tank - 3
That comes out to 19, unless its later then i thought, so you have enough for alittle more for ATV or misquito. Hell, maybe im right and youll be able to get urself some reinforced armor too.
2003-03-08, 10:37 PM
Agile and Medium assault are probably only 1 cert. Reinforced and Heavy/Special assault are more likely to be 2.
i tried it here:
and you can have all the vehicles except one 3 sert vehicle, but with NO other certs. check out the site for a prefect explanation.
2003-03-08, 10:42 PM
what code does it use because mine doesn't work?
2003-03-08, 10:48 PM
all vehicle certs but one? HOW? Tho u can get all ground vehicles, one agile and one medium assault, tho u cant rely on that
2003-03-09, 12:17 AM
Nope, and with agile and the standard rifle you will be far from it. With only vehicles you could get most of them.
2003-03-09, 12:20 AM
Ignore this, I accidentaly posted here thinking it was another thread, then when I posted say may mastake, and could not delete this...admin kill this post, kill it before it becomes to powerful and destroys us all!
2003-03-09, 12:39 AM
I pretty much agree with the skill calc's assumptions, except for vehicles and equipment. This is more like what I think it'll be:
Wraith - 1
Basilisk - 1
Harasser - 1
--Empire buggy - 2
Lighting - 2
--Empire tank - 3
Deliverer - 2
--Sunderer - 3
AMS - 3
Mosquito - 2
Reaver - 3
Galaxy - 3/4
Medical - 1
--Advanced medical - 2
Hacking - 1
--Advanced hacking - 2
Repair - 1
--Combat engineering - 2
I'm also thinking the MAXs will be 3 instead of 2.
That is my *personal* guesstimate.
2003-03-09, 12:47 AM
Based on what the battle rank ten guy had in the new screen shots, I think the certs are more expensive, not less. So figure on that cert calculator that you can only get up to battlerank 17 and I think you will get better accuracy. This means you will _not_ be able to get all the vehicles and you will have to be more specialized. Which I personally think is a better idea.
2003-03-09, 06:31 AM
Just so you know it won't reall matter unless during one day you want to play every single one because you can FULLY change were your certs go BUT you have to wait 24 hours for them to change
2003-03-09, 11:33 AM
I always figured it went like this:
You can have one account per bought game and server, on this account, you can have 4 characters in total, meaning:
Character one:
The Galaxy pilot and the medic
Fairly defenceless but the most supportive of the 4
Character two:
The Reaver pilot and the sniper
Can whip a pounding or two even outside the vehicle
Character three:
The mosquito and the hacker
Where stealth and speeds is the deal, for quick hit n' run
Character four:
The tank/jeep driver and the mechanic
Can take a good gunner anywhere and repair when needed
This is how I hope and how I want to arrange my account if the possibility presents itself. Whenever you wish to choose another angle to play the game from, you simply switch characters.
PLZ, correct me if I am wrong, but refrain from flames and/or negative critique about why I choose to arrange them the way I do.
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