View Full Version : Ressource colection % based on players population and contestation !
I would like to see a ressource colection % based on the actual players base of the servers ur playing on and on the actual contestations of each regions if a regions take like 6 hours to cap and almost 20000 people die to get it so the % of the ressrouce colection will be higher and if the based as been taken with no contestation the ressource collection % will be very low !
So big Figth Big chalenge = Big reward
No figth No chanlenge = almost no reward
thats can be a idea to fix bankroll silly tactics from people who already talk about been rich in Low pop servers !
Dont get me wrong i dont want to punish anyones in any way i want to fix a issue thats can be a unfair and silly for those who actually play figth and die for lands and those who try to exploits empty regions !
so I would like people wo understand this ans also put up some more idea to balanced thing to encourage players to figth big battle or full population servers or regions !
Lets say a servers is low population so the figth thats take place in a regions like lets say 50 vs 50 vs 50 will reward players as the same as servers who have 666 vs 666 vs 666 but those who try to cap empty regions with NO contestation will only get a fractions of the ressources normally offers !
So thats way people will want in order to suceed and figth to figth in the same regions of the continents
So when the population cap is low the IN GAME MISSION SYSTHEM give a mission for all 3 empire to capture a certain regions and only this one or FEW regions will allow players to harverst a decent amount of ressource and allow them to get awesome reward !
this will prevent regions farming and FREE ressources farming !
2012-04-25, 09:43 PM
Resource gain is split between things like actively fighting (i.e. more active fights with more going on will always get you more resources) as well as dividends from the territory your empire owns. So, this sort of takes care of itself! In a big fight, you'll get large rewards - win or lose, once the dust settles the empire that wins will continue to get base resources for that region, but the folks that participated in the battle will be getting a lot more up front.
2012-04-25, 09:48 PM
Resource gain is split between things like actively fighting (i.e. more active fights with more going on will always get you more resources) as well as dividends from the territory your empire owns. So, this sort of takes care of itself! In a big fight, you'll get large rewards - win or lose, once the dust settles the empire that wins will continue to get base resources for that region, but the folks that participated in the battle will be getting a lot more up front.
Roughly how effective is the resource gain from fighting? Is it enough to give someone a few handouts or is it enough to sustain them regardless of the rest of the continental situation?
Is the resource gain from fighting limited to the resource type offered by the territory being contested or are all resources awarded?
Resource gain is split between things like actively fighting (i.e. more active fights with more going on will always get you more resources) as well as dividends from the territory your empire owns. So, this sort of takes care of itself! In a big fight, you'll get large rewards - win or lose, once the dust settles the empire that wins will continue to get base resources for that region, but the folks that participated in the battle will be getting a lot more up front.
Thats nice but if there any mechanics thats will make (( empty regions ))to not worth it in the (( dead zone hours )) of a certain servers ?
So i mean no contestation will take a way to much time to cap the regions so that will not worth it so players will be concentrate mostly on regions thats actual figth take place ?
2012-04-25, 09:55 PM
Thats nice but if there any mechanics thats will make (( empty regions ))to not worth it in the (( dead zone hours )) of a certain servers ?
So i mean no contestation will take a way to much time to cap the regions so that will not worth it so players will be concentrate mostly on regions thats actual figth take place ?
If dividend payouts are based on relative population then it sorts itself naturally. If no enemies are on the continent your payout is terrible. If its even or better then its a lot more.
And if fighting increases resource rewards then no population => no fighting => no resources.
With those mechanics I think it could balance itself naturally.
2012-04-25, 09:59 PM
Sounds good
2012-04-25, 10:04 PM
Roughly how effective is the resource gain from fighting? Is it enough to give someone a few handouts or is it enough to sustain them regardless of the rest of the continental situation?
Is the resource gain from fighting limited to the resource type offered by the territory being contested or are all resources awarded?
Plan right now is you gain resources based on the region you're fighting in. One of the main objectives is to allow you to sustain a fight when you're 0-based on the continent. You won't be cashing any fat checks, but ideally you'll be able to keep yourself equipped in vehicles, etc., when you're assaulting a region that gives you lots of resources. It also makes it so it's not an all-or-nothing thing with winning and losing, if you are participating actively in a defense or an assault, regardless of the result, you'll get some benefit for being involved, especially if it's a large scale battle.
2012-04-25, 10:15 PM
Thats nice but if there any mechanics thats will make (( empty regions ))to not worth it in the (( dead zone hours )) of a certain servers ?
So i mean no contestation will take a way to much time to cap the regions so that will not worth it so players will be concentrate mostly on regions thats actual figth take place ?
You're pretty caught up on what goes on during off-peak hours. You will ALWAYS have the late night crews that go around taking everything they can before a large amount of people are logged back on. On the other hand, it's likely that all three empires will have people like this. If there's a fight between them they'll get more resources than if they were to simply have taken the hex and gone onto the next with no fight at all. If they DO just go around taking hexes without anyone to stop them? Sure, they're going to get resources for it even if it's no where near as much as it would be during a fight. TBH it feels like you want resource gain to be turned off during off peak hours, which won't happen lol.
Plan right now is you gain resources based on the region you're fighting in. One of the main objectives is to allow you to sustain a fight when you're 0-based on the continent. You won't be cashing any fat checks, but ideally you'll be able to keep yourself equipped in vehicles, etc., when you're assaulting a region that gives you lots of resources. It also makes it so it's not an all-or-nothing thing with winning and losing, if you are participating actively in a defense or an assault, regardless of the result, you'll get some benefit for being involved, especially if it's a large scale battle.
Sounds good
2012-04-25, 10:25 PM
I like where this is going. Helps address a multitude of issues elegantly and simply. Seems to me the only way to make resources matter but not completely make it one-sided. Sounds like those fighting would need to still be efficient with resources and manage them appropriately but they wont' be gimped.
This concept of "region" is new, which I expect is a set of territories. How many regions per continent? Is it one-facility-per-region, sort of like little capitals?
Since a given resource means different things for empires it makes sense that you would bundle the resources together into regions for the purpose of defining proximity and participation-based rewards.
Sort of like the old PS1 experience system and capture system. More people around and fighting = more xp for the capture/resecure. I always liked that concept, it scaled nicely and made those hard fought bases worth more. Awarding resources over time for participation in such battles makes sense too, otherwise we'd exhaust our supply and the battle would wind down to a lot of footzerging.
2012-04-25, 11:48 PM
Yes, would love a definition of Regions... following Malorn's assumption, it is more than a Hex and less than a Continent
Are resource nodes based on a per hex basis? If this is the case, then fighting on and holding all the hexes of a certain region would perhaps provide a few different types of resources and plenty of resources in general.
An army assaulting this region might be making just enough resources from gameplay bonuses to keep pulling tanks if they are needed, but would have to be careful to balance thier K/D etc...
As they gain a foothold and eventually take more hexes in that region, they will start to gain resources faster through the addition of the automatic region generation bonus.
One thing i don't understand is... how do you gain resources while you are off-line then? I thought that was part of the system?
Yes, would love a definition of Regions... following Malorn's assumption, it is more than a Hex and less than a Continent
I think regions will be multiple HEX thats are influenced by a base ,outpost, facility, towers etc..
but each regions are going to have many differents zize in the HEx counts !
But the topic is more about having Empty Hex with no populations hard to cap and rewards less or NULL !
And higby seams to said that the regions where most thing are going on will be the place to be !
So in low populations hours or servers the ressource colections will be proportional of the players count actually figthing in the zone and also based on whats thing going on !
2012-04-26, 01:38 AM
No need to nerf the rates of resource accumulation from Hex's owned at different time's of the day (peak vs offpeak)... because it's going to be pretty damn boring sitting in a non-contested area, just so that you can farm resources!
If PS2 is anything like Planetside in terms of off-peak battles (and for the love of god i hope it isn't), then no-one is going to waste their time sitting idly somewhere to collect resources, they will be scouring Auraxis for any action they can! Even if it means ignoring regions of strategic benefit to their empire!
No need to nerf the rates of resource accumulation
then no-one is going to waste their time sitting idly somewhere to collect resources, they will be scouring Auraxis for any action they can! Even if it means ignoring regions of strategic benefit to their empire!
Do not underestimate Exploiters as long as this game is a free to play theyr will be tons of palywers up to farm ressource from empty regions if they are allowed to do so !
2012-04-26, 04:21 AM
Resource gain is split between things like actively fighting (i.e. more active fights with more going on will always get you more resources) as well as dividends from the territory your empire owns. So, this sort of takes care of itself! In a big fight, you'll get large rewards - win or lose, once the dust settles the empire that wins will continue to get base resources for that region, but the folks that participated in the battle will be getting a lot more up front.
This sounds like a really cool system. I just hope there are some measures in place to reward the people who leave a big fight to stop back-hacks and rogue forces.
Either way, I'm excited to hear that players will generally be encouraged to head straight for the biggest fights. While some of the most memorable Planetside experiences are simple last minute hotdrops and drawn-out tower cap scenarios, the massive fights are what is really going to bring in new players in droves.
2012-04-26, 06:44 AM
Are resources earned passively whilst you're logged out?
Do you receive half your empire's tick rate whilst offline?
Or will there be a cap for how many resources one can earn whilst off-line? only 3 hours at 50% of your empire's total earnings or something.
Because then having some good groups of people go around off peak-time and grabbing some hex's will lead to people logging in with a nice jump in their resource count.
2012-04-26, 07:06 AM
Plan right now is you gain resources based on the region you're fighting in. One of the main objectives is to allow you to sustain a fight when you're 0-based on the continent. You won't be cashing any fat checks, but ideally you'll be able to keep yourself equipped in vehicles, etc., when you're assaulting a region that gives you lots of resources. It also makes it so it's not an all-or-nothing thing with winning and losing, if you are participating actively in a defense or an assault, regardless of the result, you'll get some benefit for being involved, especially if it's a large scale battle.
Doesnt that take away the entire "assault ressource X to take away enemys ability to get certain stuff" mechanic?
2012-04-26, 07:57 AM
Doesnt that take away the entire "assault ressource X to take away enemys ability to get certain stuff" mechanic?
Not really, because if you take the bases you don't want the enemy to have, your entire empire will benefit from the base as long as it's in their hands. The enemy will only benefit during the battles for the land in question.
Meaning less overall resources for the enemy empire as a whole.
If I am understanding everything correctly that is.
2012-04-26, 08:29 AM
Thats nice but if there any mechanics thats will make (( empty regions ))to not worth it in the (( dead zone hours )) of a certain servers ?
So i mean no contestation will take a way to much time to cap the regions so that will not worth it so players will be concentrate mostly on regions thats actual figth take place ?
The problem with this is time zones. If I live in a country where my usual play time is during the "dead zone hours", then I'm going to go online only to find that there is a separate set of rules for my gaming experience then for someone who lets say, lives in America and logs in during peak times.
Also the fact is actively trying to prevent this just goes against the warfare aspect of this game. Its restricting tactics and restricting certain peoples play-styles. Though personally I would not indulge in capping empty region (as that sounds boring as hell), I do think that it is an inevitable aspect of the game which shouldn't just be killed off out of hand.
Like it has been said, all Empires will be doing this so its not just a case of everyone capping NC lands whenever you're asleep, so it will even itself out.
2012-04-26, 10:21 AM
I only have one concern with the system Higby described. It sounds like it'll encourage people toward a handful of huge battles, which is awesome... so long as the engine can handle it.
Anyone who remembers the years of EVE after the POS expansion would be familiar with mechanics that push together more players than the game can handle. In order to assault a player owned starbase you needed a large fleet, which forced the enemy to gather a large fleet to stop you, so you called for reinforcements and made an even larger fleet and so on. Eventually everyone would find themselves in the same star system, a huge fight would break out between the two sides and less than a minute later the server node would collapse. Sometimes it didn't even get that far, the node would collapse as one side was jumping in.
So in the end a server cluster that worked perfectly fine when 50,000 people were spread out across the single shard failed miserably when just 300 of them came together for a fight.
Anyway I'm sure the team has thought of this already, but it's an extra challenge because it means you can't count on the population of a map being spread across a wide area. Actually I'd be really interested to see how they set up the server clusters to do load balancing in a game like this.
2012-04-26, 10:42 AM
I only have one concern with the system Higby described. It sounds like it'll encourage people toward a handful of huge battles, which is awesome... so long as the engine can handle it.
Back in 2003, we where having 2 or 3 way fight with more than 250 people per team in the same area without any real problem. I don't think i'll be an issue in PS2.
2012-04-26, 12:45 PM
I kind of read Higby's explaination as regions = hexes, since some "hexes" are actually multiple hexes combined. But I've been known to be wrong about alot of things.
2012-04-26, 01:31 PM
Prime Time is directly relational to where you live and the amount of population that in RL exist to play the game. So there are three Major Prime times right off the bat. Europe's, East Coast USA, West Coast USA, and if allowed on the Server, The Chineese.
Which is ok by me they helped the overall pop on the PS 1 Server during slack time and were good players to fight against. They just used different Tactics.
The only real difference though with battles during Prime Time amd battles during slack time is the amount of battle choise. More people = more battles over a greater area.
While some battles are epic, and some not, the fact is no battle is exactly alike.
Back in 2004 and 2005, when people did not have good computers they played in the backwaters to stay away from the lag from the big battles. But those who know me, know, I have played all the time zones on every day of the week cause my RL schedule turns around like a clock. Well it did not so bad now. :evil:
I always found a good battle to get into no matter what time it was.
So resources will always be coming in for those involved with battles.
Prime Time is directly relational to where you live and the amount of population that in RL exist to play the game.
I always found a good battle to get into no matter what time it was.
So resources will always be coming in for those involved with battles.
The goal is certainly not to punish anyones for whats hours thay are playing on the goal is making sure thats some silly people dont try to exploits the game ( when the servers is in the Low pop hours )
Saying thats no ones will try to do thats if their is no systhem to denied them to do it Its the same thats saying People will not hack so we can let the game run whiout an punkbuster like anti cheat systhem !
We all know some people will try to exploits the game so we need systhem build from the ground up to reward people who actually figth and achive objective in the fair way !
And higby as said thats the game will provide a way more ressources in huge battle thats logic because big battle = more chance to be take down more ressource need to be spend to achive ur goal so the reward is bigers !
A systhem that denied people to (( farm ressource )) whitout a figth during low pop hours is more than needed ive already saw many people planning to do such thing to bank roll tons of ressources ! So i want to denied them to do it !
2012-04-26, 02:50 PM
Then go on at that time and stop them
2012-04-26, 06:21 PM
Well a big difference between PS1 and 2 is there will be MANY more servers available (certainly this is true at launch) and you off-hours or nether region guys should obviously try to congregate on just the busy ones.
I agree. Recent popular MMOs have picked up a million or more players around launch time. If we divide that among servers with a 6000 active player capacity, I expect the popular servers to be nearly full at all times.
Sure, there will be some servers with low populations, but you could always start an alt on one of the heavily used servers if you'll be playing during non-peak hours.
2012-04-26, 09:48 PM
A systhem that denied people to (( farm ressource )) whitout a figth during low pop hours is more than needed ive already saw many people planning to do such thing to bank roll tons of ressources ! So i want to denied them to do it !
Do we even know if resources are tradable? If they are not... how does farming in off-peak times actually even become a problem?
Obviously if there is a way to farm resources freely, without ANY opposition then the system is flawed... But i still doubt that situation will arise.
If players are playing 16-20hrs a day, and gaining massive amounts more resources than the average players who only logs on for an hour or two after work, during peak-time... then hell, i don't really see a problem there?
Well, except that they have an addiction and will probably get very sick...
Then again, I might feel this way simply because i will probably play PS2 for 16-20hrs a day...
Regardless Stew, we don't fully understand the system yet, and nothing has been said to elude to the fact that farming without opposition will be a viable strategy, peak OR off-peak!
2012-04-27, 12:40 AM
I don't think players should be penalised for playing off peak times, because for example i live in New Zealand so at around my 5pm it is roughly US's midnight (give or take 1-2 for different time zones), so if i log on at that time i should be penalised because that's the only time i can play? That doesn't seem very fair.
I don't think players should be penalised for playing off peak times, because for example i live in New Zealand so at around my 5pm it is roughly US's midnight (give or take 1-2 for different time zones), so if i log on at that time i should be penalised because that's the only time i can play? That doesn't seem very fair.
You will not get penalise as long as you dont try to cap empty based having in mind to farm (( free )) ressources !
As long as u figth in a (( populated )) regions thats mean lets say their is 400 people in the servers and most combat take place in 2 regions as long as u figth in those 2 regions you will be reward the same as most players in full load servers !
The principe of the whole thing is Not reward people who try to be silly and FARM free ressource from empty regions or continents with 0 contestations on it !
in order to get ressource bonus you have to figth for it !
2012-04-27, 02:31 AM
You will not get penalise as long as you dont try to cap empty based having in mind to farm (( free )) ressources !
As long as u figth in a (( populated )) regions thats mean lets say their is 400 people in the servers and most combat take place in 2 regions as long as u figth in those 2 regions you will be reward the same as most players in full load servers !
The principe of the whole thing is Not reward people who try to be silly and FARM free ressource from empty regions or continents with 0 contestations on it !
in order to get ressource bonus you have to figth for it !
I don't mind not getting bonus resources for capping if no one is there, i would just like the option to cap bases so that my empire gets a little boost for when they all wake up from their nanite sleeps, or are we saying that capping a base with no one there should only give 10% of its normal output until more people log on?
I don't mind not getting bonus resources for capping if no one is there, i would just like the option to cap bases so that my empire gets a little boost for when they all wake up from their nanite sleeps, or are we saying that capping a base with no one there should only give 10% of its normal output until more people log on?
I think thats in Low population hours servers the empty regions must be discourage to be taken in another word it must take a way more time to get those so people will most likely dont want to do it !
Its a shooter game ressources give meaning and purpose and also the controle over regions if all thats can be exploits their is no more purpose in the game !
TAking regions after 6 hours to 3 day of figth worth it and deserve a reward !
Caping empty regions in no time with 0 figth Deserve nothing because it cost 0 ressources to get it u dont pay for equipement defense weapons and vehicules to get it so in this senarios those people deserve nothing not even to hold the regions !
lets say under a certain amount of players the (( unpopulated )) regions take 400 % more time to cap if they are no defended but in full load servers regions defended or not can be get in a normal way because its the responsability of those who pupulate the servers to reinforce those !
But in low population its impossible to defend to many regions at the same time in the opposite of full load servers
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