View Full Version : Reason why Planetside will SUCK (and how I will fix the problems with my SUGGESTIONS)

Sir Lucius
2003-03-10, 05:14 PM
There are many reasons why Planetside will be the worst game in the universe EVER in the enitre HISTORY of time, including all future games. It would be a HUGE task to list out all these flaws but I will do it anyways becuase I am so deicated to the well being of humanity.

First off I should introduce myself. I am an expert gamer, and I have been on a top ten team of the best ladder of every competetive game I have ever played. This includes counterstirke, quake 1 2 and 3, tribes and tribes 2, rtcw, sof2, starcraft, warcraft3, and I have been in the top rated guilds for ever quest and dark ages of camelot. Not only am I paied to review games for a living, I also develop them. So let's make it clear right now that I know more than you do about gamming and all things computers in general. In addition to that I also do all maintance on my car, all the electric and water works of my house, and I do my taxes myself. I know what the fuck is going on in the world while you're still trying to open up a fucking can of pudding.

Now that I have introduced myself I would like to go into the reasons why Planetside will suck, AND why it will fail. Let me make it clear right now that it WILL suck AND fail -- there is no alternative. I never eat my words so if you argue against these 2 major points the one eating their words will be YOU.


The weapons of this game are the worst I have seen designed in fuctionality and aesthetics in the ENTIRE history of game mechanics AND vision.

The AMP:
What the fuck is this? It looks like a god damn garden hose attachment. This gun is designed for close range combat but no one is EVER going to use it b/c they know it will be weak as HELL. Perhapes its only advantadge would be to trick the enemies into thinking you were just the gardener watering the flowers and MABYE they won't kill you. Of course if you could do something as fun as watching vitural plants grow I don't know WHY the FUCK you would be playing Planetside. MOVING ON!

Fucking worst idea EVER. "Let's have a snip0rz gun in our 400 ping game!" Assuming you ever hit someone with this they're not even going to know their dead till tomorrow. Why even bother? Please replace this gun with a Ham Sandwhich. DON'T ASK FUCKING QUESTIONS!

So we're supposed to use this on vehciles? HA! Fat chance. The laws of nerfing apply. People will use this for quick kills on troop bodies and anything that one person does to a vehicle will be nerfed to pea shooter. Then you'll get people getting called rocket whores, and all the shit will get gayed up and look -- don't even bother with this gun, it's going to end up as worthless anyways (LIKE THIS ENTIER GAME).

About all this has going for it is its name -- oh wait: IT HAS A FUCKING GAY ASS FRENCH PANSEY ASS HOMO NAME. This weapon has "I surrender" written all over. Please modify it SO YOU CAN FUCKING SHOOT YOURSELF IN THE FACE -- ASS.

Uhhhh....this sounds, and looks like a fucking machine. All it needs is the "insert ass here" arrow. Didn't know this game's working title was Planet SEX WITH HOMOSEXUAL MEN's SIDES.

Ok, dead serious now -- who the fuck picked the name on this one? Any firepower this gun MAY have delivered is offset by it's gay ass Willy Wonka name. Jesus fuck, I really didn't think they could get this fucking stupid.

How many guns that are all the same do you really fucking need? Jesus christ.

Omfg your kidding right? I'm sorry but there's no way it's coincidence now.

What the gay shit ass shit are these? They look like they were fucking designed after a super soaker. And could you get any more dinky than the force blade? The thing barely even LOOKS like a weapon. It'd proabably go well with the AMP aka gardenhose. Gotta trim those hedges sometime!

God damn, plz rename this race to: "Stolen weapons designes"
I see the Quake2 shotgun, the Q3F flame thrower, the UT pistol, and a pastery froster. Plz include an easy bake oven into the loadout, thx.

New Conglomerate....naw fuck it why bother. Blah blah blah, more gay weapons. Let's move on.


The vehicles in this game look stupid and are gay. I don't need to play it -- they are gay. You are also gay if you think otherwise. Good job being gay you ass thumpers.
Looks like you've got your jeeps and your tanks and your school busses -- and looks like most of your time will be spent trying to figure out how to get someone to ride one! Either they'll blow up too easiily, or they'll have no place to go. PLANETSIDE MAKES A GREAT DRIVING SIM! Shut the FUCK up! I'm sick of your shit. Either player unit combat will suck or vehilces will suck. Granted both can suck as well -- in fact this is expected; amazingly tho, one will suck even MORE than the other.

All right! All the fun of Team Fortress without the actual fun! Do I want to be slow and suseptable? Or do I want to be weak and stupid? In the end it really doesn't matter what you pick b/c you're just gonna spend all your time hiking back to battle from the closest respawn before you even got to fire a shot. Why did you buy this game again? Oh that's right, b/c you're a dumbass.

Ah finally, a reason to play this game. Of course you know there will be absolutly no reason to play other than to get your rank up? Then you can boss around the newbs and bark out orders all you want! Not to mention higher ranks increase your penis size! It's kind of like getting cool loot without the satisfaction of actually having anything. SOUNDS LIKE A BLAST!

Worthless unless you're a hot chick.

Grow up and take it you fucking whining pussies!

This is a critical topic for everyone involved. I'll let you all in on a little secret tho -- the world suck, and gameplay sucks. The enviorments are bland looking washed out foggy pieces of shit. Trees have some fucked up gay ass looking giant square leaves that look like fucking cell phone towers at best. It's uninspired, ugly, and best of all you'll get to see it at 10 fps with a 700 ping.

Why would you want to bother capturing more terrortory in this game? So you can say: "My faction owns the ugly gray place AND the ugly brown place!"? I suppose you think it will be fun killing all those people! It won't be. You won't be able to hit them. If you could they would just hit you first and you'll end up dead anyways.

Save yourself now and just forget you ever head about this game. It's not worth your money. If you buy into this crap they'll just keep dishing out more. I'm trying to help your dumbass here so please try to take this seriously.

That's all I really have to say on the issue. I know SOME people will try to flame me. I'll preaddress that now: You're wrong, I'm right, live with it. You're also not as smart as me so don't bother trying to prove you are. I'm right b/c I'm the best -- you're wrong b/c you suck at everything ever. End of discussion.

2003-03-10, 05:19 PM
Its actually kind of sad that u signed up at psu just to bitch about this game. Im sorry your such a sad lonley man. But your right the amp does look like a hose attachment.

2003-03-10, 05:19 PM
Are you joking? Just yelling "this sounds gay and only da n00bs use it" isn't an argument. You're just a troll who doesn't read any info. Sounds like an AWP user talking to me.

2003-03-10, 05:21 PM
Wow, I'm not gonna bother with this load of crap. The fact that you spend a paragraph trying to convince us that you are in the top 10 of over a dozen games just really ruins everything. Even if you were on every team you mention, you probably joined for one day ad got kicked out when they saw what a bullshitter you were. You insult everything like a two-year-old, so you obviously aren't paid to write mindless shit. Go get a life and quit spending loads of time on a lost cause.

2003-03-10, 05:21 PM

boy this guy is full of himself :eek:

oh well let me finsh reading.

2003-03-10, 05:22 PM

2003-03-10, 05:23 PM
HAHAH it seriously is going to suck

did you see the video? the game looks so slow its not even funny...

who wants to play a FPS thats slow... the trailer usually makes games look better then they are and this made it look worse.. so imagine how bad it really is..

anyone want my beta account?

2003-03-10, 05:24 PM
Woah, AkumA definately isn't Sir Lucius. How could he be? He has different name!

2003-03-10, 05:26 PM
im not allowed to talk about the game.... i wont get into specifics.. i too have a long gaming history of top 3 clans and won numerous contests. I currently help develop some other games on the horizon too. I dont like half the ones im part of honestly and i dont need to sell the game to keep my job. I call it how it is. Plantside sucks.

How can you play a fps with a 120 ping if not higher? Think about it. Also.. ever notice how much this looks like T2?

Dave G... good buisnessman horrible gamer with no idea on what makes a game.

Sir Lucius
2003-03-10, 05:27 PM
Uhh...I'm not Akuma.

2003-03-10, 05:29 PM
C'mon guys, have a sense of humor. Great stuff, I was laughing for quite a while... good material, SL.

2003-03-10, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by Nightmare
Woah, AkumA definately isn't Sir Lucius. How could he be? He has different name!

How can i be him? We arent the same person. In all reality.. answer me this.

Sir Lucius is using humor but hes saying its going to suck. Fine. Whatever.

How about we argue the facts?

Gameplay is SUPER slow. ... ok who wants to travel in worlds this slowly? Not me...

Ping? Lets snipe with a 200 ping.. and die for hours.. yeah ok...

Did you see the trailer? answer me that? i cant discuss the beta but im honestly pissed at this game.

I had my hopes up, but the whole industry is going to shit...Its all about the $ and not about the experience.

Camping Carl
2003-03-10, 05:29 PM
I don't think I've ever seen so much stupidity, arrogance, and ignorance a single post.

Got Haggis
2003-03-10, 05:29 PM
lol akuma...yeah your "warez" beta account.


Sir Lucius makes some good points about the weapon design....there is some humor thrown in there too you know, heh.

The fact is, most of us here have not played it...so we can't really say if it will be good or not...let's hope it is...but....i'm not going to blindly say "OMG YEASSSSSSSSSIIIR THIS RIGHT DARE IS DA BESTEST GAME IN THE WHOOOOOLLLEEEE WIIIDEEE WOOORLLDDDDDDDD>>>>>>ONLY RETARDS THINKKKKKKKZZZ IT SUCKORS!!!"

2003-03-10, 05:30 PM
uh huh

so there's 2 total morons and not just 1

i can handle that

2003-03-10, 05:31 PM
Guys you are wasting your time repling to his post, that's just making him important.

/me moves on

2003-03-10, 05:32 PM
wow, a couple of tribalwar visitors.

How could we be so lucky ;)

Sir Lucius
2003-03-10, 05:32 PM
I am important tho :)

2003-03-10, 05:32 PM
ok it didn't look slow at all and the only reason it did look slow is either a guy was going backwards or he is in a max
and that is pretty stupid going into the forums just to bitch about a game you dont' even like

2003-03-10, 05:33 PM
im not even going to bother with this fool, its not like he has to play the game...
BTW, hamma you should just lock this thread...

Sir Lucius
2003-03-10, 05:34 PM
People bitched at me when I discusssed planetside flaws elsewhere. They said, "WHY DON'T YOU GO SOMEWHERE WHERE PEOPLE WILL ACTUALLY CARE!?!?!?!!!"

2003-03-10, 05:35 PM
Ok.. rather then call names... stick to the facts... im winning this arguement solely based on your answers.

I played the freakin game... bleh

And no i dont HAVE to buy or play the game.. im just pissed that games come out as slow as they do, and they still suck.

2003-03-10, 05:36 PM
Quiet, "Recruit"!

2003-03-10, 05:36 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
wow, a couple of tribalwar visitors.

How could we be so lucky ;)

Ah that explains it.

2003-03-10, 05:36 PM
excessive swearing and general idiocy isn't going to get you any respect no matter where you discuss it. if you wanted to make an anti ps statement you could have done so without making a total fool out of yourself but you had to go ahead and show your lack of iq to the entire psu community.

2003-03-10, 05:36 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by AkumA
[B]Ok.. rather then call names... stick to the facts... im winning this arguement solely based on your answers.
Something like self-proclaimed victory to glorify yourself... :rolleyes:

2003-03-10, 05:36 PM
if you don't like the fucking game then why the hell did you make a account just to bitch about it