View Full Version : 9Chat Questionnaire: Games that let you down...
2012-05-23, 01:23 AM
So, we’ve been recording podcasts for the past few weeks. They’re called 9Chat. They deal mostly with Planetside2 but they often take a sideways segue talking about all sorts of other games and topics as there's precious little game to talk about as of yet.
But I need your help. I’m typing to you, the guy with the opinion on everything; I need some.. opinions that is. Below is a list. If you felt like it, fill it out and go into detail about your answers if you were so inspired. Feel free to answer as many or as few as you desire. During our next few episodes we’re including a special segment called ‘Stuff that isn’t PS2’ that deals with the topics below and I’m sure everyone has some interesting stories we could chat about.
9Chat Questionnaire
Answer as briefly or as verbose as you want.
Be silly, or serious.
1 Your favorite game of all time (only one)
2 A game you took a chance on and loved.
3 A game that took a dump on you. Something you put faith in, wanted badly, and was just terrible.
4 A game you waited the longest for, from hearing first word of it to going gold.
5 A game that everyone else in the world just loved and you could not stand.
6 A game you loved and went back to play and was just not the same.
7 A game you loved and they tweaked it and made it unplayable for you.
8 The most you ever paid for a single game. You may include buying special hardware like mice, wheels, gamepads for that specific game.
9 The most time you put into a single game.
10 What do you consider your greatest gaming achievement? (thanks to Capt for that one)
If you play planetside and like to promote your outfit, have a decent sense of humor and a tendency to talk too much, we’d like to get you on the show. If you think a PS2 Podcast is a stupid idea, hell I’d love to get you on just so you could yell at us and we could fight about it for a half hour, that might be fun as well.
Note: if you post your answers here you are in effect allowing us to use them on the podcast and perhaps bring you on for a future show if you were willing to participate. We use MUMBLE to record our shows. Thanks for your time. (
2012-05-23, 03:01 AM
1 Your favorite game of all time (only one)
Not the game so much but the clan I got into. Took me from being socially awkward to being able to run circles around some people. The pleasure of working together with large groups of players to complete a common goal is addictive.
2 A game you took a chance on and loved.
Cthulhu Saves the World.
Completed both campaigns and built up a massive amount of good will. It's an RPG in the 8-bit style with amazing amounts of character. Looking forward to their next release.
3 A game that took a dump on you. Something you put faith in, wanted badly, and was just terrible.
Black and White
Camera control, miracle hand movements, and creature raising required a degree of mastery that I didn't have.
4 A game you waited the longest for, from hearing first word of it to going gold.
Planetside 2
A decade beats out anything else I've waiting for. If I had waited for Duke Nukem Forever then that obviously would be the longest but I was never into any of the originals.
5 A game that everyone else in the world just loved and you could not stand.
Plants vs Zomb- (check that, it's Angry Birds)
Warcraft 3's custom map smörgåsbord of various tower defenses made me see PvZ as a very bare bones tower defense with some exceptional artistry. Similar story with Angry Birds (which I actually like less now that I think about it) though it was my trawling of Newgrounds which showed me the style of game that Angry Birds leverages. What annoys me about these games is that they really only stick out artistically but the bones of the games have very little meat on them especially when stacked against other forms of the game I've played. (please note that this did not stop me from 100%ing PvZ)
6 A game you loved and went back to play and was just not the same.
I have a bad habit of picking up a game once and after beating it I move on and don't come back. If I had to pick one it would probably be from the Command and Conquer series. Unless we're allowed to comment on game sequels in which case Modern Warfare 2 killed the massive amount of good will that CoD4 built up in me.
7 A game you loved and they tweaked it and made it unplayable for you.
Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning.
The first expansion really forced me to confront what I would have to undergo in order to make myself competitive in PvP long term. I really enjoyed the game and broke parts of it over my knee in my travels (all screen shots of said back breaking were deleted when I uninstalled the game :(). To better enunciate the the problem, I enjoyed the PvP part of the game a ton but in the end game to be effective you needed to have the best gear which required a stupid amount of effort put in to get. When they added the expansion they kicked the can down the road even farther to get the best type of gear. I saw that this would not be the last time they did such a thing and decided to stop playing instead of being chained to the millstone.
8 The most you ever paid for a single game. You may include buying special hardware like mice, wheels, gamepads for that specific game.
If we include monthly payments then I'm $1620 into Planetside roughly. Otherwise, probably 60 bucks for MW2. I'm fairly cheap.
9 The most time you put into a single game.
Warcraft 3 or Planetside. I'm not sure which.
Xfire says I have 2298 hours into WCIII:TFT and 2239 into PS. However, I know that I Xfire didn't exist when PS first came out.
Reason for the time into WC3TFT was for the custom maps. Massive number of games with a ton of variation. Personal favorites were the Wintermaul Wars maps with all the crazy different Tower Defense types. If you're interested in what it was and have SCII check out Mercy TD. It was like that but balanced and had about 10 times the number of races.
Breakfast Race! Best race ever! You will fear my Big Breakfast Tower!
(To be fair breakfast race didn't have any slow towers which made the race as a whole weaker than other races like the melee race or mini-tower race.)
10 Greatest Gaming Achievement.
Beating God Of War 2 on Titan mode.
2012-05-23, 03:51 AM
1 Your favorite game of all time (only one)
I'd have to say Planetside if only for the amount of comraderie you build with other players. You really were a part of a team working together to defeat other teams as well as random scrubs. No other game really delivered that.
2 A game you took a chance on and loved.
Valkyria Chronicles, it was a lot more fun than I expected. I don't think I ever beat it though, might try it again soon.
3 A game that took a dump on you. Something you put faith in, wanted badly, and was just terrible.
SWTOR, I didn't even really put much faith in it or expect much but thought I would get an experience of sharing the story with some of my friends in some quests and flashpoints. Overall the game was pretty dissapointing to me and the way some things were advertised and other things not being brought in until after a couple subscription cycles really made me feel like I was robbed our of something I was expecting to tide me over for a few months. I really don't want to go in depth on why I hated this game so much.
4 A game you waited the longest for, from hearing first word of it to going gold.
Planetside 2. I've been interested and followed the Killzone titles a bit, maybe see if some other things are coming up now and then. But I've never followed anything as closely as PS2 before in my life.
5 A game that everyone else in the world just loved and you could not stand.
League of Legends. A friend got me in to it and I had played DotA in the past but never was that great at it. After playing for a week another friend who ended up hating the game (and happened to be close to pro at it) did some games with me and tought me everything. Now I'm not going to say I hit the skill ceiling or understand everything in LoL, but it just seemed too easy and dull for me afterwords. But so what, the game is easy and catered to casuals, big deal right? Well ALL MY 'REAL-LIFE' FRIENDS ARE IN TO IT NOW AND ALWAYS WANT TO PLAY AND KEEP GETTING ON MY ASS WHEN I DON'T WANT TO! I CAN'T STAND PLAYING THIS GAME ANYMORE AND GET NO JOY FROM IT BUT IT'S ONE OF THE FEW THINGS MY FRIENDS AND I CAN ALL DO TOGETHER RIGHT NOW AND IT MAKES ME WANT TO PULL ALL MY HAIR OUT! Then I tried getting in to DotA2 and all I do is suck at it even after watching videos and doing research.
6 A game you loved and went back to play and was just not the same.
I don't go back to play most games. I guess I could say Planetside for this as the populations are not as big as they were before and some things were added but overall the game still felt the same just without the full platoon double galaxy drops and massive max crashes and such.
7 A game you loved and they tweaked it and made it unplayable for you.
I really liked Bloodline Champions, my friend and I had some good times on there but they've altered it to add player advacement and stuff. I really liked just walking into arenas with a couple other people and having just our champions against theirs and levels not meaning anything out of it. Now there's an actual power gain from playing, bleh.
8 The most you ever paid for a single game. You may include buying special hardware like mice, wheels, gamepads for that specific game.
I'm trying to build a new computer for Planetside2.
9 The most time you put into a single game.
Maybe Planetside or WoW. Maybe a Final Fantasy game. I have no idea.
10 Greatest Gaming Achievement.
I think Killzone 2 or 3 had a weekly ranking thing based off points or something. I don't think I ever quite got into the highest one (my best friend did so I think I'd remember us bragging about it) but I did make it really high in one of those recognition things....Long time ago man.
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