View Full Version : MAXes gunning the Libs

2012-06-05, 08:22 PM
The first time I saw it on the live cast I thought it was a mistake.

The second time it happened though....evil thoughts started running through my mind.

How would you like to be the Mossie that just about killed a Lib....and then the 2 gunners bailed out and they are AA Maxes?

How would you like to be the AA Max that just bailed out of your Lib and WTFPWNed that Mossie that just shot it down?

2012-06-05, 08:24 PM
Not a feature for launch, just there for the Demo. That was stated a few times in the stream. Only Galaxies (and Sunderers?) can carry them.

2012-06-05, 08:24 PM
They explained, that it's only E3 thing. MAXes won't be able to pilot anything.

2012-06-05, 08:24 PM
The first time I saw it on the live cast I thought it was a mistake.

The second time it happened though....evil thoughts started running through my mind.

How would you like to be the Mossie that just about killed a Lib....and then the 2 gunners bailed out and they are AA Maxes?

How would you like to be the AA Max that just bailed out of your Lib and WTFPWNed that Mossie that just shot it down?

They're taking that out... they just didn't want to "handcuff" the press during the demo.

2012-06-05, 08:25 PM
Confirmed Sunderers and Galaxies only for MAXs.

Them in anything else is purely an E3 feature.