View Full Version : Pretty Official Release Date: SOE
2003-03-13, 03:12 PM
Notabley, may 19th projected release.
2003-03-13, 03:16 PM
Keep in mind they are saying if you pre-order, you get a hintbook with the software. This leads me to believe it's a small assistance once you get the game, but while you wait for the full guide.
In short, expect the game first.
2003-03-13, 03:26 PM
I hope you're right, though I've seen a lot of games where the Prima guide is released before the game.
2003-03-13, 03:27 PM
And that's just disturbing salad.
2003-03-13, 03:28 PM
2003-03-13, 03:35 PM
Salad: ....
2003-03-13, 03:38 PM
You notice how the kid has one hand on the protection guard and one hand on the guy's shirt?? I'll bet you that kid pulled away the guard and pulled that guy down into that blade as soon as the pic was done.... just my two cents :D
2003-03-13, 03:55 PM
That release date is for the strategy guid ONLY. Still looks like early May for game release...
2003-03-13, 04:03 PM
2003-03-13, 04:05 PM
I always see strategy guides out before the game. I only hope that's not the case:(
2003-03-13, 04:14 PM
Go find somthing better to do ;)
2003-03-13, 04:16 PM
The word is 'official'...
2003-03-13, 04:17 PM
lol salad, so true. This place gets more nazi every time I visit. If anyone thinks the admins are unfair, they get banned. Uh oh... I'm next :eek:
2003-03-13, 04:21 PM
Its really annoying when Beta-Boy Hamma has only this to say as us unenlightened blowhards conjecture about the release date...
Big Bro
2003-03-13, 04:58 PM
Maybe I'm missing something here, but I don't see anywhere the "Official Projected Release Date" for PlanetSide. I see such a date for the Prima Official Strategy Guide. I read where if you buy the strategy guide, you'll get a bonus hint book. I don't see where if you buy software you get a bonus hint book...
It is a bit disturbing to me that the guide will come out in May. Like everyone's saying, usually the guide comes out first. I'm crossing my fingers that this time, the game comes out long before the guide. If not, my head will explode. :(
2003-03-13, 05:23 PM
I know when its gonna be released, what do I get if I tell yea?
2003-03-13, 06:17 PM
i'd prefer to start with what you won't get. people lining up outside your house piteously whining all night long, and leaving before the cops arrive.
2003-03-13, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by Sando138
i'd prefer to start with what you won't get. people lining up outside your house piteously whining all night long, and leaving before the cops arrive.
:rofl: :D
also, if you don't tell us, your probabaly gonna get help hostage by the MIB and MIY and MIP. Also, if you refuse to tell us. whatch 'The Hunted' commercial and then run.
Hollow Monkey
2003-03-14, 02:43 AM
And I will force you to touch my pet monkey......
2003-03-14, 11:00 AM
Cmon guys read the older post about this in which i said:
Most if not every MMOG i have seen, the guid comes out 1-2 months after the game. The author has to fully play through most elements of the game in which to be able to actually have something to write about. Dont stress over the release date please. I remember the devs saying it takes 2-3 months for one to play through the game with normal play times, if the author is to write the guide hes going to need at lease one month from release or late beta to start playing and writing.
my (absolutly true) 2 cents. :D
2003-03-14, 01:17 PM
The author is probably in beta or aloud to play with the Devs. That allows 90% of the stuff to be written, save the last 10% for any after beta changes.
2003-03-14, 01:27 PM
DarkTide, that's true for most games, but I'm not sure it still holds true for this one. I don't see how you could write an effective strategy guide without a lot of people playing, which isn't possible until very late beta. Any small scale strategy (I know the 'strategy' in most 'strategy guides' is almost non existent, but bear with me) would be almost useless once you multiply the number of people in the area by a factor of five.
Just trying to throw out a glimmer of hope for those that seen scared the game is never coming out. ;)
2003-03-14, 01:50 PM
I know the 'strategy' in most 'strategy guides' is almost non existent
You hit the nail on the head right there. That's why I think the strat guide is being made right now. Any strat guide for these games is pretty much a super in depth manual that states obvious things (like use AP on MAX, find a rock to hide behind with a sniper rifle, etc etc).
Wish they'd just announce a date and put us out of our misery. Or at the very least say [insert time here][insert quarter here].
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