View Full Version : Voice chat channels

2012-06-07, 10:12 AM
Is it me or does it seem like there are too many voice chat channels?


Don't get me wrong I <3 voice chat. But that may be overkill considering it only takes 1 tard in your channel to mic spam away. Also how do they plan to sort out the voice stacking so there isnt 3 people trying to talk over each other with 2 other channels talking to each other.

Yes they could add a mute player option but I didn't see on the e3 live-stream a location where names are showing up on who is talking.

Proximity voice chat to me needs to defiantly be added in. because at this point I already plan to have voice chat limited to

Outfit 1km radius
Squad (no limit)

anything more than that I think is just going to a garbled mess.

Oh and for names on screen of who is talking please do two things
1. Color code boxes holding the names based on what channel their speaking so you know if its someone in your vehicle talking to you
2. ON SCREEN right click mute. this is to catch those people who make ASCII names or IlIlIlIlIlIl names to make it hard to ignore them

2012-06-07, 10:49 AM
I'm not sure what global means for voice, it sounds bad.

Other than that I think it'll be ok as long as you can mute people and if you can shut channels down if things get hectic.

2012-06-07, 10:52 AM
Presumably global = ps1's local chat?

Heck, as long as TS3 / Mumble auto mutes the other channels I'm happy, I don't need to hear bob the 13yr old with his prepubescent voice raging because he got fragged, we already have Ironmole for that.