View Full Version : Lets find some bad comments about planetside!
2012-06-07, 09:01 PM
I personally like reading ignorant comments about planetside so I can laugh at how un-educated they are. Lets throw some links up of bad rep or weak arguments/Hateful ignorant comments against planetside to pass the time, in a so called hall of shame thread.
2012-06-07, 09:04 PM
Click on any one of the threads in this forum :rolleyes: (I KEED I KEED)
2012-06-07, 09:07 PM
Vanu tanks look like covanant, you can clearly see they copied halo in their design.
Tanarus: 1997
Halo: 2001
The evidence is clear that SOE is copying halo.
2012-06-07, 09:10 PM
Vanu tanks look like covanant, you can clearly see they copied halo in their design.
Tanarus: 1997
Halo: 2001
The evidence is clear that SOE is copying halo.
2012-06-07, 09:10 PM
Vanu tanks look like covanant, you can clearly see they copied halo in their design.
The evidence is clear that SOE is copying halo.
Covenant and Vanu are both purple, seeing as Halo invented the color purple purely for the Covenant it is clear that SOE stole it.
2012-06-07, 09:17 PM
Ask MrBloodworth, he has tons of things he hates!
2012-06-07, 09:25 PM
Vanu tanks look like covanant, you can clearly see they copied halo in their design.
Tanarus: 1997
Halo: 2001
The evidence is clear that SOE is copying halo.
WOW TANARUS! I had forgot completely about that game. I had so much fun playing that game. It like playing that old atari tank game but in 3d.
2012-06-07, 09:29 PM
Bloodworth went rogue? I used to bad mouth PS1 and SOE's stupidity on other forums and that guy would literally troll the web looking for me, register on that forum, and defend PS1.
Guess he is not happy that most of the things I have been talking about for years look like they are coming to PS2.
I'd be pissed too. He must feel so betrayed.
2012-06-07, 09:29 PM
Planetside Players and Players of some non so known games like tribes etc are so easy to troll lol.
That easiest troll is the is a halo copy.....Then we get a bunch of Elitist hipster comments against halo.
The other troll that works, is comparing it to COD and saying COD does certain things better......Then we get a bunch of elitist hipster comments on COD
Shade Millith
2012-06-07, 09:39 PM
From IGN Live: Planetside 2 Demo - E3 2012 on Youtube
I dont even think a 1000 people will buy this
No one is going to listen to these 'coordinated' attacks. There isn't going to be battles with hundreds of players. It's not gonna work.
Horrible game!
2012-06-07, 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by DrummerRidley101
I dont even think a 1000 people will buy this
I think he might be right! infact, 0 people will buy it.
2012-06-07, 09:41 PM
Everything totalbiscut said about the NC, TR or VS respectively :P
2012-06-07, 09:45 PM
I think he might be right! infact, 0 people will buy it.
Baha very good Exile
2012-06-07, 09:48 PM
theres a lot of ignorant comments on this youtube video. set em straight bitches.
2012-06-07, 09:48 PM
Everything totalbiscut said about the NC, TR or VS respectively :P
Pshh maybe every thing he said was 100% true VS do eat 1 serving of small child a day to keep there strength up.
2012-06-07, 10:01 PM
This game is an exact ripoff of halo. PS2 is so casuazed, none of the PS1 players will enjoy it! Zebra and bacon camo makes this game into a porn simulator! WTF THS IS BF3 WIT LAZERS. HOW COME THE BASES AM TOO BIGG. VS LOOK LIKE TRILOBITES AND LOBSTERS. ZOMG 0 RESOURCE BFRS. THIS GAME SUCKS.
2012-06-07, 10:12 PM
Ignorance on an IGN don't say?
"Looks like a BF3 knock off"
"yawn, another generic shooter"
"Planetside 2 is Battlefield 3 on Mars."
2012-06-07, 10:47 PM
Ignorance is bliss apparently :lol:
2012-06-07, 10:50 PM
"Ha, Planetwhut2? Lol looks easier than Touhou. And dat female model is looking ugly. Need moar bullets!"
Sorry couldn't resist =)
2012-06-07, 10:55 PM
When the only negative comments that look relatively intelligent are posted by people like "igladumad" you can be pretty sure it's a good game.
2012-06-07, 11:04 PM
Holy god those IGN comments make me cringe. I can't tell the trolls (cept igladumad) from the ignoramuses.
2012-06-07, 11:04 PM
When the only negative comments that look relatively intelligent are posted by people like "igladumad" you can be pretty sure it's a good game.
What are you guys talking about? The chat section during the IGN feed?
theres a lot of ignorant comments on this youtube video. set em straight bitches.
2012-06-07, 11:15 PM
LOL OK thanks I guess. I didn't see it on youtube yet. I watched it when it ran on IGN. Not sure I should look at these comments.
I'm not seeing the IGN comments...?
2012-06-07, 11:16 PM
From a forum I frequent...
"lolwut.. giving game of show to some generic space marine dudebro fps"
The youtube one currently just has a troll talking about 'copied ideas.' Some of the other comments were from the live stream earlier today. But give it time, I'm sure the IGN youtube will be feeding more trolls very soon :lol:
2012-06-07, 11:29 PM
Don't feed the trolls.
2012-06-07, 11:38 PM
*gets out troll bait*
2012-06-07, 11:52 PM
*sounds pretty awesome but the lack of having a big media/publicity dept means this game will most likely fly under the radar.
KujoJotar0 3 hours ago*
2012-06-08, 12:21 AM
The youtube one currently just has a troll talking about 'copied ideas.' Some of the other comments were from the live stream earlier today. But give it time, I'm sure the IGN youtube will be feeding more trolls very soon :lol:
Taru is a player in my outfit who couldn't hit a stationary troop if he had 10 orbital strikes in a row!
Oh wait..... this is supposed to be about finding silly comments about PS2 on the internet. Dang it! I messed up again! Nobody let my outfit know.... oops:
Red Beard
2012-06-08, 12:48 AM
This game is an exact ripoff of halo. PS2 is so casuazed, none of the PS1 players will enjoy it! Zebra and bacon camo makes this game into a porn simulator! WTF THS IS BF3 WIT LAZERS. HOW COME THE BASES AM TOO BIGG. VS LOOK LIKE TRILOBITES AND LOBSTERS. ZOMG 0 RESOURCE BFRS. THIS GAME SUCKS.
You gotta be more believable on your trolling, lol
2012-06-08, 01:39 AM
The sad thing is that there a lot of people who look at this game as its a pile of rubbish. I know that they are called trolls, elittest or what ever you name them but the points is that it puts negativity towards the game.
For a fact a big clan i know from my country (kind of the biggest) is not interested at the PS2 in the slightest. I and my friend tried many times to persuade them to at least watch some videos but they dont listen. I bet that there are many other big clans which are not interested in PS2...
2012-06-08, 01:55 AM
Are they all from France?
I lol'd.
I've seen so many stupid comments by people who never even played the first one that at this point I can't wait to see the back-peddling they do when the game goes live lol.
2012-06-08, 02:03 AM
I've been posting on that video since it went live trying to spread some knowledge. Some people though man... so ignorant.
2012-06-08, 05:02 AM
BTW it was me trolling the youtube video:D...ImgladUmad
I stopped after I got a couple of long responses....I felt tired to respond to each one and use my troll logic to keep it going, which Im sure I would.
Im sorry if I offended you guys, I did it for the lulz....Some people came up with some good arguments which is good because they should be prepared to counter a troll and make the game look good.
It was quite easy to troll planetside, I know the game and the fanbase...I know which buttons to push.:D
2012-06-08, 05:07 AM
The sad thing is that there a lot of people who look at this game as its a pile of rubbish. I know that they are called trolls, elittest or what ever you name them but the points is that it puts negativity towards the game.
For a fact a big clan i know from my country (kind of the biggest) is not interested at the PS2 in the slightest. I and my friend tried many times to persuade them to at least watch some videos but they dont listen. I bet that there are many other big clans which are not interested in PS2...
These are generally WoW guilds or COD clans (as in the ones that play NO OTHER GAMES). Generally a very ignorant type of "gamer", they think of themselves as the pinacle of video gaming but have never played anything outside the one single game they feel overpowered in. They are generally not worth the time to talk to because of their own arrogance and belief of self importance.
2012-06-08, 05:09 AM
When the IGN livestream happened, there were people going "PS2? Did we time travel?" and "F2P MUST BE BAD, NO CARE" (which funnily later changed into - same poster - "WOW THAT ACTUALLY LOOKS GOOD". Including caps and all.
That IGN livestream had a lot of ignorant comments.
2012-06-08, 05:11 AM
Well IGN posted on their site the planetside 2 would be released 1969/ December 31. So the time travel thing makes sense.
2012-06-08, 05:25 AM
Arguing on youtube is the most pathetically futile activity that exists. It's a cesspool of frustrated teens, white power boneheads who still blame **** for all their failures, conspiracy weirdo's, and delusional Ron Paul supporters who think it's still the 19th century.
Pretty much yet I trolled Planetside this afternoon....But yeah you are right I don't want to get that pathetic.
2012-06-08, 05:33 AM
I don't know what it is... but places like the youtube comments are so much fun sometimes. I can't help myself... I have to troll and I bet I'm the victim of trolling just as much.
What is this failure in social behaviour and human nature?! I tihnk a proper scientifical study have to be made on this...
2012-06-08, 06:05 AM
What is this failure in social behaviour and human nature?! I tihnk a proper scientifical study have to be made on this...
2012-06-08, 06:29 AM
Often, I am left wondering if some people aren't actually paid by SOE competitors to bad-mouth and tank PS2's rep on public videos with unsubstanciated critics.
If they do it on Amazon, they can do it on Youtube. Commercial Warfare 2.0 !
2012-06-08, 06:43 AM
I don't know what it is... but places like the youtube comments are so much fun sometimes. I can't help myself... I have to troll and I bet I'm the victim of trolling just as much.
What is this failure in social behaviour and human nature?! I tihnk a proper scientifical study have to be made on this...
I don't care what people say about hating trolls...They love em.
They love to hate them...They love to use trolls as an excuse to express their opinions.
Each time I troll, I know I'm helping some stress out guy or opinionated guy to give out his opinion and feel as he doing a difference.
Trolling is good for mankind.
2012-06-08, 09:45 AM
BTW it was me trolling the youtube video:D...ImgladUmad
I stopped after I got a couple of long responses....I felt tired to respond to each one and use my troll logic to keep it going, which Im sure I would.
Im sorry if I offended you guys, I did it for the lulz....Some people came up with some good arguments which is good because they should be prepared to counter a troll and make the game look good.
It was quite easy to troll planetside, I know the game and the fanbase...I know which buttons to push.:D
was thinking about giving you a Infraction for that, but then again, you are a nice dude here, and punishing you for whatever you do on youtube isnt really the way to go. ;)
But seriously, dont you have better stuff to do? Youtube comments are pretty much useless these days thanks to the trolls. Every time a video gets a bunch of views, trolls appear and just break the comment section, making it useless for everyone else. :(
2012-06-08, 09:47 AM
Ask MrBloodworth, he has tons of things he hates!
I don't hate anything. I'm giving Constructive feedback. It helps if people read what others write instead of stereotyping them, and attacking that stereotype.
2012-06-08, 10:07 AM
I don't care what people say about hating trolls...They love em.
Trolling is good for mankind.
If you were to act like a troll in person in any given situation, at best you would be an anathema. At worst you would get your ass beat.Thus it only occurs in a environment of total anonymity.
Any activity in which someone must utterly conceal their actual identity from the public is usually not a very healthy one, like serial killings. :rolleyes:
2012-06-08, 10:53 AM
i say there is no such thing as bad publicity.
if i hear someone say "oh man game X really sucks!"
that has never stopped me from looking it up and trying it out if it looked good to me.
i believe this game will draw its playerbase more from the older gamers, and from the more tactically oriented younger ones.
pretty much like planetside 1 did :)
the annoying thing here is that the biggest voice is usually the 10 - 18 y/o that thinks he is a gamer, but never used a pc for more then facebook and never used his console for anything other then *insert generic shooter here*
2012-06-08, 11:59 AM
The best comment I've seen so far was:
*blahnothingblahspecialblah*Only an idiot will buy this game.
I'm not sure if was a troll or an ignorant person, but I like the wording...
2012-06-08, 12:05 PM
i for one am gonna buy the shit out of this game :D
2012-06-08, 05:16 PM
was thinking about giving you a Infraction for that, but then again, you are a nice dude here, and punishing you for whatever you do on youtube isnt really the way to go. ;)
But seriously, dont you have better stuff to do? Youtube comments are pretty much useless these days thanks to the trolls. Every time a video gets a bunch of views, trolls appear and just break the comment section, making it useless for everyone else. :(
Well I just started trolling youtube...The only reason I did this video was because you guys were looking at it so I thought it will be funny. I got way too many responses and I didn't wanna waste time so I just stop...
Well youtube comments are full of trolls or hard headed people so I think the comments suck for discussions..Some of them are funny however.
and what happens in utube stays in utube so no infractions plz.
BTW Im still getting notifications that people are replying to my comments in youtube....Is kind of crazy that people read all the comments just so they can comment.
If you were to act like a troll in person in any given situation, at best you would be an anathema. At worst you would get your ass beat.Thus it only occurs in a environment of total anonymity.
Any activity in which someone must utterly conceal their actual identity from the public is usually not a very healthy one, like serial killings. :rolleyes:
Well I say trolling is good for the internet.
As in real life, well trolling can also be good. Some people like arguing, sometimes I just disagree with people and play devils advocate, countering every point.
They still talk to me the next day, and you know what?....I learn stuff from trolling...I learn a lot about new topics by challenging people. They tell me why I am wrong and I just listen.
A long as you don't go full troll in real should work.
2012-06-08, 05:32 PM
These are generally WoW guilds or COD clans (as in the ones that play NO OTHER GAMES). Generally a very ignorant type of "gamer", they think of themselves as the pinacle of video gaming but have never played anything outside the one single game they feel overpowered in. They are generally not worth the time to talk to because of their own arrogance and belief of self importance.
Huh...I know some Planetside 1 people like that..
Mr DeCastellac
2012-06-13, 04:21 AM
If I ever need to be cheered up, I can just check out any Planetside 2 gameplay video and get a good laugh from the 2003-testicle-spelunkers.
I love it when these kids try to troll, but they suck at it. It's hilarious!
One comment I found funny: "This game looks like $#!7."
So simple, yet so much of it could be corrected. It's such an obvious troll, considering PS2's graphics are much better than most modern games I've seen, and on par with the rest.
Makes me laugh every time.
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