View Full Version : Hacking Control Points

2012-06-08, 08:16 PM
Probably a minor gripe here but I kind of wish the control points were only hackable with a REK-like tool, and that it took a bit longer than it did. It was fun defending the hacker against the oncoming enemies. Also a dislike is that the hacker can look around, aim, and shoot while he's hacking it... maybe they're doing something about it already?

What do ya'll think?

2012-06-08, 08:18 PM
Probably a minor gripe here but I kind of wish the control points were only hackable with a REK-like tool, and that it took a bit longer than it did. It was fun defending the hacker against the oncoming enemies. Also a dislike is that the hacker can look around, aim, and shoot while he's hacking it... maybe they're doing something about it already?

What do ya'll think?

I think this will be shared by all the Planetside 1 players. This could be something that gets tweaked in beta?

2012-06-08, 08:20 PM
I've been thinking the same thing but didn't want to be flamed like the reload animation thread, cheers for bringing it up :)

2012-06-08, 08:25 PM
Why are their no doors on Auraxis????????? I know when i want to keep somebody out ,I need a door with a lock

2012-06-08, 08:26 PM
I'm quite sure it has been said that shooting will cancel/interrupt the hacking process.
I do agree with the other points you make tho.

2012-06-08, 08:28 PM
I am guessing that control points are not hackable objects. They are just "balance of power" objects that get flipped over when enough non-MAX bodies are closeby.

I know there's a hacking skill, and I think I've heard mention that you can use it to hack equipment terminals, maybe something else too. But I don't think there's any hacking going on at these control points. Just my speculation.

2012-06-08, 08:30 PM
I agree, does feel like the vulnerability of the hacker, and bodyguards being required is actually a good gameplay mechanic their potentially throwing away. A REK tool would being pulled out when you press E to start the progress instead of holding E down would make me happy, although its potentially just a PS1 vet nostalgia thing =X

Seems like something easy to fix in beta though.

2012-06-08, 08:36 PM
Using a REK to hack is another one of those things like vehicle enter/exit animations: it makes sense visually (you can see if someone is actually hacking), it adds a little bit of extra polish to the game flow.

2012-06-08, 08:56 PM
Absolutely agree with this, and I wouldn't really consider it a minor gripe. Hacking should involve both a visible sign that you are hacking, such as a REK-like tool being in use, and it should make you quite vulnerable to attack much like in Planetside 1 so that you need someone to watch your 6. I can see this being something easily added during the beta.

I'm hoping that there may already be other base types planned that will involve this more traditional style of hacking, whereas the one we're seeing right now is designed to be a different type of capture more akin to BF/CoD control points.

2012-06-08, 09:00 PM
I completely agree with this. Bring REK or some hacking like tool back.

2012-06-08, 09:04 PM
I'm hoping that there may already be other base types planned that will involve this more traditional style of hacking, whereas the one we're seeing right now is designed to be a different type of capture more akin to BF/CoD control points.

I hope this is the case. Either PuurfectStorm or ArcLegger had mentioned on the E3 livestream that they have other types of capture mechanics as well.

2012-06-08, 09:07 PM
agreed with all, especially the doors. granted I'm fully aware the e3 demo was set up specifically for that show just to have something to play so I'm not bitching too much. it is kind of scary though the whole "just walk right on in to the control point" mechanic

2012-06-08, 09:10 PM
Keen to see how this all plays out in beta before pushing for a change.
With more than one terminal to hack at a base the current set up might just be the best.

I like the idea of a REK tool but I guess then it would aslo require some cert points. Might not be all that popular early on. Which could be a good or bad thing.

Perhaps you could consider it balanced out in that you can hack it back just as fast as per the current information we have.
I think it will work out ok.

2012-06-08, 09:11 PM
Yeah, that would definitely be good. It's a cool feeling staring at the CC and hoping the gunshots you hear behind you don't end up in your head. Plus when you're being all sneaky-sneaky, you hear the hacking sound and know you're free to walk right up and kill them. And finally it legitimizes the role of an infiltrator/hacker.

2012-06-08, 09:13 PM
I also don't like that you can rotate around while hacking with your gun out.

2012-06-08, 09:25 PM
On the subject of the Speed of the hack, I can't remember where but I thought I heard they made it short for the E3 demo. Just so they weren't standing there for a minute doing nothing. I could be wrong though.

2012-06-08, 09:36 PM
Hacking atm reminds me too much of settings/defusing an MCON in Battlefield...

The Degenatron
2012-06-08, 09:38 PM
I've always said, since the early days of PS1, that hacking should be an infiltrator ability only.

For PS2, I could see it being an infiltrator or light assault ability.

It should require a tool that takes up the secondary weapon slot and you should be able to cert up in it - increasing the speed at which you hack.

The point is to make "Hacker" into a specialization and to encourage team-play where squads work together to get their hacker to the terminal. The hacker becomes a "living flag" that must be protected on the way to the control point.

I agree with the point of the doors. One of my favorite moments in PS1 is waiting in a coridor looking at the back door, waitingfor the enemy to come pouring in. It always reminds me of the opening scene from starwars.

2012-06-08, 10:51 PM
I find it goes by fast at the zurvan amp station.

Also, will there be a cooldown in game of how many times a base can be contested in a certain time limit

2012-06-08, 11:54 PM
Hacking atm reminds me too much of settings/defusing an MCON in Battlefield...

It reminds me of it too :lol: not why I'm against how it currently is though... you just have too much ability to defend yourself while hacking atm... and anyone can do it. I'd kind of prefer it to be an infiltrator-only ability.

2012-06-09, 01:02 AM
I also don't like that you can rotate around while hacking with your gun out.

Are you fucking with me? :ugh:

I really shouldnt ask cause Im likely being Punk'd but WHY?

Well... this guy can hack with his gun out.


2012-06-09, 01:10 AM
I want to try the current system first (assuming the devs still like it by the time beta starts), but I would also like them to test out limiting hacking to a certain class at some point in beta as well.

I agree with The Degenatron on some points. I believe that they already intend Infiltrators the be the hacking class, so I'd like to see that variation tested. I wouldn't mind if every hacker, even the snipers, had the option to hack control consoles by default. It would be different than the REK system, but similar in some ways, and still equally as interesting IMO. Limiting it to the infiltrator class and requiring them to cert into it at the cost of other options would probably be a little bit too limited. Not having a hacker along was an occasional mistake in early PS1, but it would become a frequent problem if it were too restricted. Bad idea for something as important as hacking a base.

The very importance of hacking a base is a pretty strong argument in favor of allowing everyone to hack actually. Limitations are usually better left to peripheral gameplay elements, not core elements that you need to do to progress the game.

But I think that allowing all infiltrators to hack CC's could potentially be a good middle ground still. You could make it an extremely limited hacking tool, that could only hack control points. Hacking anything else would then require certification specialization.

I also don't like that you can rotate around while hacking with your gun out.

I like that you can rotate around. It's like if you were able to peek over your shoulder while hacking. Maybe the process doesn't require your full attention at every second of the hack. Being locked to the one view was kind of annoying. Maybe if it were more like freelook in vehicles, with a limited range that you could rotate your head, while your body stayed motionless.

But I agree with having the gun out being lame. Someone coming in should be noticeable if you have your head turned in their general direction, but the attacker should still have the upper hand for a moment, as the person stopped hacking to pull out their gun. Lone wolfing a control point should be possible, but be made 10x better with team work, as most game elements should be.