View Full Version : z68-G45 B3 bios stuck at entering setup
No pc problems, going to OC my cpu, but bios locks up every time...
just sits at entering setup... 92
i just installed a bunch of windows updates, did those break my pc?
... and now my pc won't boot past the fucking login screen god fucking damnit windows updates broke my pc...
edit: nm booting just took like 2 minutes after I hit login, i hada black screen for 2 mins
Have you tried accessing the bios prior to installing the updates? I don't think those could corrupt the bios tbh.
Have you tried accessing the bios prior to installing the updates? I don't think those could corrupt the bios tbh.
I haven't had to use my bios since I installed windows back in December.
Have you tried reseting the cmos?
Have you tried reseting the cmos?
No idea how to do that on my mobo.
Check the user manual or online.
Okay, I shall do that later. playing Gw2 with some friends atm.
Okay did that, got into bios, bios locked up, rebooted, won't let me in bios again.
stuck at entering setup
maybe is hould just use OC genie?
2012-06-09, 07:19 PM
Have you checked to see what a code 92 is?
best way to clear CMOS=plug the mains plug pull the battery from the board,wait around 10 mins job done.
I got back in when I rebooted, so yay.
Anyone got a decent guide for OCing? I had a video for my mobo and a 2600k, and it said the guide would work for the 2500k, but he keeps changing settings I don't have. Like, there are 0 guides for my motherboard, I have been googling for hours! They say to change CPU PLL voltage but my mobo doesn't have that.
2012-06-09, 08:01 PM
If your new to overclocking, go find a guide on how to overclock using your bios software (not necessarly your mobo, many mobos may have the same BIOS), then on your CPU model. All CPU models have different OCing characteristics all motherboards have slightly less extreme but still present differences.
The guide on your BIOS will help you get used to the pages of features of your BIOS, the CPU guide will get you used to the limits and techniques on how your CPU should behave under OC. Put them together and you should have a successful OC. If you BIOS doesn't support at least adjusting frequencies, voltages, multiplier and CPU features, don't try to OC from your BIOS, try software, if that doesn't work, get a new MOBO with a BIOS made for OC like an EVGA or Asus or something along those lines.
If your new to overclocking, go find a guide on how to overclock using your bios software (not necessarly your mobo, many mobos may have the same BIOS), then on your CPU model. All CPU models have different OCing characteristics all motherboards have slightly less extreme but still present differences.
The guide on your BIOS will help you get used to the pages of features of your BIOS, the CPU guide will get you used to the limits and techniques on how your CPU should behave under OC. Put them together and you should have a successful OC. If you BIOS doesn't support at least adjusting frequencies, voltages, multiplier and CPU features, don't try to OC from your BIOS, try software, if that doesn't work, get a new MOBO with a BIOS made for OC like an EVGA or Asus or something along those lines.
I've been reading a bunch of guides, but they all mention different things and a lot of the things don't exist on my mobo's bios.
My mobo has some OC genie auto thing so I'd assume it would be good for OCing.
S'funny, I was told SB was easy to OC but every guide is different so I guess not since people can't decide how to do it.
When I was overclocking on my MSI motherboard (I think the mATX version of yours) I only was adjusting the cpu voltage and multiplier. What exactly are these other ones telling you to adjust?
When I was overclocking on my MSI motherboard (I think the mATX version of yours) I only was adjusting the cpu voltage and multiplier. What exactly are these other ones telling you to adjust?
Things like the CPU PLL Voltage, individual core ratio limits, power saver adjustments, long/short duration power limit... stuff like that.
also it doesn't have cpu voltage it had like "CPU core voltage"
I really haven't touched any of that as I haven't been looking for a 24/7 stable clock. During the winter I playing around trying to hit 5 GHz, but topped out at 4.8GHz around 1.4 volts. All those other options I don't believe have any major effects as to whether the clock is stable or not.
So just change the multiplier to like 40 and the cpu core coltage to 1.3 and play around those settings until I get the highest clock with the lowest voltage that runs a stress test for hours without crashing?
Yeah get that sorted. Just be sure to keep the voltage below 1.45 V max. I wouldn't go above 1.4 V though. All that other stuff is extreme fine tuning. If you get really bored you can do that afterwards.
2012-06-09, 10:21 PM
what do you have cooling your cpu?
I wouldnt recommend going over 1.4v as I have a hard time keeping my temps down on my 2500k @ 4.8ghz with 1.4v under a megahelm megashadow.
if youre new to overclocking I wouldnt go above 1.35v on the cpu, provided you have adequate cooling, and then just up the multiplier as has been previously suggested.
I like to use coretemp to check my temps and then run prime95 to check cpu stability.
what do you have cooling your cpu?
I wouldnt recommend going over 1.4v as I have a hard time keeping my temps down on my 2500k @ 4.8ghz with 1.4v under a megahelm megashadow.
if youre new to overclocking I wouldnt go above 1.35v on the cpu, provided you have adequate cooling, and then just up the multiplier as has been previously suggested.
I like to use coretemp to check my temps and then run prime95 to check cpu stability.
Yeah I have an aftermarket cooler, not expecting more than like 4.3-4.5 ghz. What voltage should I start at?
and is CPU core voltage the same as CPU voltage?
2012-06-09, 10:37 PM
provided you didnt get a cpu from a bad batch Im sure 4.3 with 1.35v or less should be relatively easy to pull off.
yes the core voltage is the same as cpu voltage.
2012-06-09, 10:47 PM
also not sure how MSI does it, but lately Ive been doing alot of builds using Gigabyte Motherboards and they do not enable XMP Profiles for your memory if your memory should happen to use them. I have some G.Skill memory with 9-9-9-24 timings @ 1600mhz, but default to 11-11-11-26 @ 1600 until I go in and enable the xmp profile in the bios manually.
can usually check with cpu-z if you have xmp profiles and what your memorys timings are set to. if you recently reset your bios it might not be a bad idea to see what they are currently set at. The peformance difference is negligable but might as well get what you pay for.
also btw since I dont believe it has been mentioned before I would leave your memory at stock clocks and simply up the multi on your cpu. the days of getting huge gains from memory overclocks are pretty much over.
Yeagh, my ram is supposed to be 9-9-9-24 and it's showing as 11-11-11-28. I've known this since day one (my original mobo of this build was bad), but I thought the ram being set to the proper speeds might have caused the issues, so I left it alone.
Forgot to make them right...
2012-06-09, 10:59 PM
Yeagh, my ram is supposed to be 9-9-9-24 and it's showing as 11-11-11-28. I've known this since day one (my original mobo of this build was bad), but I thought the ram being set to the proper speeds might have caused the issues, so I left it alone.
Forgot to make them right...
check and see if there isnt just a "enable xmp" or something along those lines in the memory section in your bios.
should be able to boot in fine. if not simply reset your bios and leave them @ the 11 for now. Id be willing to wager if you could enable xmp in bios they would boot without any problem. You can test your memory and memory controllers stability with programs like memtest86.
Okay, changed the ratio to 4.3 and voltage to 1.35, booted, turned on cpuz and prime 95.
CPUZ says my 2500k @ 3.30 ghz, and the highest multiplier it goes to with prime 95 running is x 34.
Also, enabling xmp didn't do anything.
2012-06-10, 03:43 PM
You should be able to set the number manually in bios.
but meh, ram timing hardly matters anyway.
You should be able to set the number manually in bios.
but meh, ram timing hardly matters anyway.
Yeah, I've done so in the past. Still odd that my OC didn't do anything.
There are some drivers that are newer than when I built my pc:
Intel Management Engine Driver
Intel SandyBridge Chipset Driver
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver
Maybe this is why my OC isn't working?
2012-06-11, 03:05 AM
There are some drivers that are newer than when I built my pc:
Intel Management Engine Driver
Intel SandyBridge Chipset Driver
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver
Maybe this is why my OC isn't working?
those are drivers that help within windows. your overclocks should be done via bios and be independant upon drivers (unless youre using program like clockgen to overclock which I dont think is the case).
when you click on cpuz, under the memory tab what do you see for your DRAM Frequency and FSB:DRAM ratio?
Im not familiar with MSI Motherboards, but on ASUS and Gigabyte if you attempt to boot and fail during bios post it will simply reset the motherboard with factory (failsafe) defaults upon its next startup. this can sometimes happen rather quickly and seem like the pc just booted normally with the clocks you entered in the bios.
You want to leave your fsb and memory ratio alone and simply adjust the cpus multiplier inside the bios and if needed add some voltage for stability. Your basic goal is to overclock the cpu while leaving the rest of the sytem at stock clocks. In the past you would have to raise the fsb to overclock a cpu as it had set multipliers and as a result would sometimes need to adjust your memory ratio to keep your ram running within specs or at least within the limts of a stable overclock.
also when running prime you might want to run coretemp and just see what your max temps under a full load look like. I try to keep mine under 70c under full load.
Im about to head out the door, but Ill check into your model mother boards bios when I get back here in a bit and then I can be more help with just what the various settings are called for your particular mobo.
when you click on cpuz, under the memory tab what do you see for your DRAM Frequency and FSB:DRAM ratio?
798.2mhz and 1:6
Im not familiar with MSI Motherboards, but on ASUS and Gigabyte if you attempt to boot and fail during bios post it will simply reset the motherboard with factory (failsafe) defaults upon its next startup. this can sometimes happen rather quickly and seem like the pc just booted normally with the clocks you entered in the bios.
I noticed nothing out of the ordinary when I hit "Save and reboot" in bios.
You want to leave your fsb and memory ratio alone and simply adjust the cpus multiplier inside the bios and if needed add some voltage for stability. Your basic goal is to overclock the cpu while leaving the rest of the sytem at stock clocks. In the past you would have to raise the fsb to overclock a cpu as it had set multipliers and as a result would sometimes need to adjust your memory ratio to keep your ram running within specs or at least within the limts of a stable overclock.
Yeah, I changed voltage to 1.35v and the ratio to x43.
Im about to head out the door, but Ill check into your model mother boards bios when I get back here in a bit and then I can be more help with just what the various settings are called for your particular mobo.
Note: the only way I can get in bios at the moment is to reset cmos by shorting the battery with a screw driver as per MSI's manual for my mobo. Is this a problem? I shorted CMOS, booted up, loaded bios, made the changes, saved and restarted, and then I load up and no OC.
2012-06-11, 04:57 AM
Im not able to find any screens of the uei bios that board uses, but if you simply up the multiplier and give it a little more juice that should be all that the cpu needs to run at higher clocks. Sounds like youve found those settings already so we just need to find out why your mobo isnt keeping the new settings through a reboot.
when youre first booting up do you see a post screen or MSI logo of any kind? Most motherboards let you see a post screen by pressing tab while their company logo is being displayed or you can just spam del while first booting and will usually get you into bios most times. of course most mobos Ive worked with also have a dedicated clear cmos jumper that I cant seem to find when looking at pics of your particular board.
is your full model the z68a-g45 b3? just want to make sure its the full sized atx board and not the micro version.
Yeah, I get MSI's mobo logo for military parts
The thing on the box.
And yeah, I miss typed. It's Z68A-G45 B3.
2012-06-11, 05:03 AM
Yeah, I get MSI's mobo logo for military parts
The thing on the box.
And yeah, I miss typed. It's Z68A-G45 B3.
the Z68A is the full sized atx and the Z68MA is the Micro. the picture is the micro is that the board you have? Sure both have almost identical bios, I was just curious to know as I was looking over on the egg at pics to see how there couldnt be a clear cmos jumper on the beast.
the Z68A is the full sized atx and the Z68MA is the Micro. the picture is the micro is that the board you have? Sure both have almost identical bios, I was just curious to know as I was looking over on the egg at pics to see how there couldnt be a clear cmos jumper on the beast.
I have the fulsized, I was posting that picture for the box. Posting a video as we speak of my boot for clarification.
Manual information about shorting jbat:
Here's me booting:
2012-06-11, 05:55 AM
ah I see what they did now. Probably put a small blue jumper in with IO Plate and other mobo accessories.
when you clear the cmos and reboot does it boot you into the bios automaticly? if not how are you entering the bios the times when you are able to get into it after clearing the cmos?
if you havent tried yet, I would recommend just casually tapping the del button once per second from time you hit power button on your machine till bios or login screen come up.
on a side note is this what your uefi bios looks like? MSI Click BIOS - MSI Version UEFI - YouTube
No, my bios looks a lot like Overclocking Guide 4.6Ghz For Msi Z68A-GD55 & Z68A-GD65. - YouTube
Wen I restart cmos it asks me upon booting to either enter setup or to continue, and I can get into bios that way.
If I reboot afterward, and hit delete, it just locks up at "Entering bios... 92"
2012-06-11, 02:02 PM
Had the exact same issue on my MSI,
Need to change to IDE mode from ACHI. Not sure if that was already mentioned here, but I didnt notice it
/whoops didnt realize it was the bios :(
Had the exact same issue on my MSI,
Need to change to IDE mode from ACHI. Not sure if that was already mentioned here, but I didnt notice it
Can you explain this in more detail?
2012-06-11, 02:33 PM
Can you explain this in more detail?
ahci setting in bios will cause your computer to crash and restart while booting into windows if you dont have ahci driver installed. it should not effect your getting into bios before any of your windows files have even begun to load.
basicly if you have motherboard in non ahci and isntall windows, windows will not install the ahci driver. if you then switch to ahci in bios when your computer attempts to boot up it will try to run your hdd in ahci mode and will then crash and restart. Youre not having any problems with crashing on windows load, just trouble entering bios if Im not mistaken.
Okay, so don't bother with that then?
2012-06-11, 02:45 PM
I would leave it to the default setting that the bios uses when you clear the cmos for now, should be ide in all likelyhood.
if you choose to use ahci at a later date you can, you just have to go into windows and install the driver for it before switching bios over.
if you have it set to ahci and its booting into windows fine I would leave the ahci enabled as it can give small performance increase in certain situations.
here is what happens when I try to go into bios
I left it for 5 mins, came back, still there.
Hmm, I got in and set everything, ram times/oc took! 4.3ghz @ 1.35v and 9-9-9-24-2N for my ram.
running prime atm, after about 20 mins my temps maxed @
cpu -
C0 - 67C (avg between 65 - 68)
C1 - 72C (avg between 70 - 72)
C2 - 73C (avg between 71 - 73)
C3 - 71C (avg between 68 - 71)
Package - 76C (between 73 - 76)
motherboard -
TMPIN0 - 75C
TMPIN1 - 83C
TMPIN2 - 31C
Is this safe temps? It's the summer, and my parents are stingy on the AC, so it's about 5 - 10F hotter in my room than it is in Fall/Spring/Winter.
So should I stop it and aim for lower or let it run for hours? If I do the stress test for hours, can I do other things like steam chat while prime is running?
What are you using to monitor temps?
What are you using to monitor temps?
CPUID Hardware monitor
edit: now it's running at x41 with 1.336v
2012-06-11, 04:42 PM
load temps on cpu look ok. not sure what the various motherboard readings are showing for so cant really comment on those atm.
I usually run a hour or two of the small ftt, then inplace, and then a couple hours of blend. I will use my computer to surf web or play music while running prime as its basicly just doing math and checking the results against known correct answers.
there are other programs that can do similar calculations I just stick with prime95 because its always worked for me and Id been using it for 10 years now with great reliability. Just dont fall down the rabbit hole like I did and start running SuperPi 1m runs to get lower and lower times. I spent upwards of 80k on hardware from 2003-2008 benching competitively and freezing cpus with everything from dryice to multistage cascades trying to get lower and lower times. :eek:
Switched to inplace.
Avg'd around
package - 75
for small run over 2 hours
Bags you need a new monitor first off. Unless my skimming is this bad how did you solve your issue?
Bags you need a new monitor first off. Unless my skimming is this bad how did you solve your issue?
CPUID hardware monitor isn't good? Used "real temp 3.70" and they only differ by 2C.
And I didn't, I just reset cmos again and it saved my changes this time.
Anyway, temps are between 64 and 72 according to realtemp and CPUID hardware monitor for the second test via prime95, after an hour and 20.
Oops I meant LCD Monitor.
Oops I meant LCD Monitor.
It's the one my 23.5" acer replaced. I use it for steam/skype/monitoring temps and stuff.
It's like 10 years old but I don't need crystal clear 1080p goodness to use steam while in game.
Anyhow, I'm on the third prime test, and my temps are averaging between 65 and 70ish, with occasional spikes into the mid 70s.
Played BF3 for 30 mins, temps didn't go over 59C
2012-06-11, 11:24 PM
glad to hear you got it to hold the overclock settings and run stable @ 4.3
2012-06-11, 11:45 PM
The real question is "how many frames did you gain?"
In other words "is it worth it?"
The real question is "how many frames did you gain?"
In other words "is it worth it?"
GW2 ran like shit and Clegg keeps saying PS2 will be cpu heavy so I don't see how I could avoid OCing at this point really.
Thanks for the help everyone.
My brother just switched to a 3570K this week from his AMD Phenom II X4. He was expecting GW2 to run great, but it still ran like shit even though he has a 6950 2GB. That dev team really needs to work on their performance before releasing.
My brother just switched to a 3570K this week from his AMD Phenom II X4. He was expecting GW2 to run great, but it still ran like shit even though he has a 6950 2GB. That dev team really needs to work on their performance before releasing.
Yeah, with my pc specs in my sig on low the game runs at like 30 fps.
2012-06-12, 08:43 PM
Yeah, with my pc specs in my sig on low the game runs at like 30 fps.
GW2 = Guild Wars 2? Havent played it yet myself, but when I hear of a game bringing modern pcs to their knees I want to jump in and check it out lol.
GW2 = Guild Wars 2? Havent played it yet myself, but when I hear of a game bringing modern pcs to their knees I want to jump in and check it out lol.
Yes GW2 however the graphics aren't good really. Just the game isn't optimized at all from the devs and probably gpu driver (nvidia and AMD).
Yeah, the graphics kind of suck on ultra for how bad it runs.
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