View Full Version : FPS mentality meets the Persistant world
2003-03-13, 11:33 PM
Thats the number one, most compelling issue at hand with PS. Period.
How will, the FPS gamer deal with a never ending war. I find it humorous to read posts asking why fight a war that wont end... after 3 years of 20 minute maps in other FPS games a various flavors, I say BRING IT ON!
But the Average, everyday FPS gamer is going to be.. well overwhelmed I think, even I will, the first few weeks in game. Then, as the system shock wears off, new motivations will kick in.
As it stands, we play FPS games for one of three reasons, some times combined:
1. To be the 1337 top scorer
2. To accomplish the "goal"
3. To have the best stats w/particular weapon, say the AWP in CS or a knife kills...
Now, watch out, here comes PlanetSide! You yes, could still be top in "kills" as per the web based stats, and yeah the weapon based kicks in...
But the goal.. the goal cannot and will not be achived by the lone gunman. Taking a base will not be a 5 minute affair, rather time will be measured in hours, if not days.
The WAR itself is immaterial really, for its just an excuse to fight. Since tottal Domination cannot be achived, humilation of your opponents is the name of the game. I dont mean that as cruel as it may sound, but really, to be on the side that "wins" most of the time will drive players to succed.
Many players have played, as I have, FPS games for YEARS. All for what? 2 week old stats, 5 minutes of fame...
Now we are going to be confronted with life long stats... and for some, that maybe thier end. How many players you know will change thier names jsut to keep a bad day, or round from reflecting on thier stats?
I have NEVER changed my name, because stats mean little to me, even if I am often a leader on the "boards"
In the end, after a few months of playing, I think that "winning" the war will not be a consideration, as players get used to the idea of the never ending battle. And will be very very thankful for that.
2003-03-13, 11:34 PM
I give thee the TROUT SLAP
2003-03-13, 11:44 PM
I think one of the most interesting features persistance v non persistance in a FPS is the larger role that tactics will play.
In most team FPSs, battles are very unbalance if one team has as little as 2-3 mor players than the other team.
In planetside there will be no resetting so that both teams are at a equal position and no opputunity to make teams equal. This will mean tactics will be more important than in any other FPS.
You will have to learn how to effectively defend a base with less numbers than the attackers. You will need to learn how to take bases with a manpower disadvantage.
2003-03-13, 11:47 PM
...I play games for fun, not to be 1337, not to accomplish goals (though that is what occurs), and not to be best at anything in particular.
2003-03-13, 11:47 PM
I can personaly say that I'm gonna go in there and just have a blast. I'm a gamer. There's no one genre I like, I've done it all. Your gonna get a lot of counterstrike internet cafe junkies coming in thinking this is the next koo FPS wondering why they cant start their own server for clan matches. I think the game will weed out people on its own. Some people might think "hey this is pretty rad, cause theres always somehting more to do." The rest will be annoyed and leave. And although I wish the game much success, it's good that it will get rid of alot of the stupid people who only care about stats.
It will still have its idiots, but I think the game will just separate people on its own. MMO games aren't really for jumping in to have a quick fight and leave. That might happen in planetside sometimes, as it happens in DAoC. But on average your going to want to sit down for a while and actualy set some time when you play this game. I think just as counterstrike brought non-gamers into the world of PC gaming, planetside will bring a few of those new counterstrikers into the full world of gaming.
edit: typos
2003-03-14, 12:00 AM
I think those people who have never played a persistent MMOG before are going to be at a loss in the beginning.
In some ways it is like CounterStrike -- you log in, grab a gun, and hop into a battle. But in many ways it isn't -- the round won't be over in 20 minutes, you'll have to develop your character as well as kill people, etc.
I have no doubt that there will be a learning curve to PS, in fact I'd be worried if there wasn't one.
Also, don't count out all the FPS'ers -- there are a lot of us trapped in MMORPGs right now, just dying to play a persistent FPS. I'm sure you'll see a lot of us ditching our swords and shields for punishers when the time comes.
I, for one, will see you in the field. :nod:
2003-03-14, 12:11 AM
Originally posted by Fire_Monkey
...I play games for fun, not to be 1337, not to accomplish goals (though that is what occurs), and not to be best at anything in particular.
Yep. Sure it's gratifying to become good at a game, but I play more for the actual experience itself - I need no arbitrary overreaching goal to play toward ... every battle should be a different experience to be savored, to really "role play" your character and suspend your disbelief and play war in a cool alternate reality.
2003-03-14, 12:34 AM
yeah, i agree with Dravz, even tho i owned him on daoc ;)
i got bored with the 20 minute FPS and went to mmorpgs for an answer, but they get so boring so fast with all the lvling to 50 bs... PS doesnt have that crap and i cant wait
Things i don't wanna see in PS:
"Dude i'm so [insert abuse of some kind of drug] i can't fire straight" (god i hate this lame attempt to appear cool)
"Omfg!! I shot him but he didn't die. He's cheating!!"
"STFU n00b, go suck your mom's cock instead of wasting our time asking about the MAX."
"Man my new [insert new PC and/or connection here] is great!" (this is cool if people are talking about it, not cool when the guy sez it over and over again trying to get some lame response :))
And other false/lame crap like that.
2003-03-14, 01:38 AM
but you know it's gonna happen Dio.
2003-03-14, 02:17 AM
Those of us coming from MMORPGs probably aren't in for much of a shock at all.
On the "asshole" factor note, I would really like to see a "role-play" style server added to each coast, ala DAoC. Although there isn't a lot of roleplaying to be done, it would be nice to just have a server with stricter:
1. Naming rules
2. Chat rules
3. Griefing rules
That way it gives both types of players a place to call home. Currently, I am not looking forward to a persistent world occupied by the average FPS player, but we will see.
2003-03-14, 02:20 AM
Originally posted by AcidCat
Yep. Sure it's gratifying to become good at a game, but I play more for the actual experience itself - I need no arbitrary overreaching goal to play toward ... every battle should be a different experience to be savored, to really "role play" your character and suspend your disbelief and play war in a cool alternate reality.
You win.
Thread over.
2003-03-14, 06:47 AM
I say AMEN to that Vic!
MMOG vets are gonna be sooo at an advantage for a short length of time. BRING IT ON! :)
2003-03-14, 07:04 AM
*sniff* *sniff* beautiful
You just about summed up what i've always though the every time i read those threads. It's about the fight and the kill on a massive scale and being able to brag about owning a MAX with a knife. Since when did FPSers give a damn about the story or their characters motivation, we just want an excuse to frag our friends.
edit:actually, that smiley doesn't really fit there
2003-03-14, 10:33 AM
Terran Elite Airborne Regiment
All bad days can be evened out by good days, my stats are unnatural. I have good rounds and bad rounds. but in PS my stats will glorify me as a pilot and as a guy that dies a lot when he goes pistol. Knife, never! Infiltration suits, oh yeah i'll kill the most cloaked people.
What is my life?
My life is immortal.
What is my fate?
My fate is what i choose.
What is my fear?
My fear, i fear nothing.
What is my reward?
My reward is the destruction of my enemies.
What is my craft?
My craft is Pain and Destruction.
What is my pledge?
My pledge is to the darkness within my soul.
What am I?
I am DarkDragon, I live off ur fear!
-Dark- CO [TEAR]
2003-03-14, 04:30 PM
Hi, my name is Airlift and I'm a stat-whore.
"Hi Airlift."
I love getting points. Experience points, credits, coins, stars, hearts, clovers, horse-shoes, pie, whatever you got, I want to count mine. I am all about capturing anything that isn't locked down. I revel in fragging everything that isn't a green dot. I must accomplish goals, I must outsmart my enemy, I must park a loaded Galaxy on your head. I cannot rest until I have gained my next level at the expense of the weak. These things are the keys to bliss. I am not satisfied until the bitches call me a cheater. Yes, I am a stat-hoor and that is why I was an instant PSfanboy.
2003-03-14, 05:07 PM
2003-03-14, 05:35 PM
I think alot of people need to own up and admit it. You play for the adrenaline rush. That feeling when you know its just you and your enemy. You know you have little to no back up, and that you have to give it all or nothing. Your heart races, you lean closer to the screen, you hear nothing except your footsteps, gun fire, and the fire from your opponent. You seen nothing except the game. You dont feel the keyboard or the mouse or the joystick. You feel the game.
Thats why i play FPS. Its the only genre(except maybe some adventure games) where i cant "feel" the game.
2003-03-14, 06:21 PM
I don't play competitive games for any other reason than to kill people and make them feel bad, because well... that makes me feel good. One thing I love is when people think im using cheats because i am owning them so bad, but im actually not. Its just the feeling of complete and total domination over your enemies. I believe that will be achievable in planetside, so I know I will love it :D
2003-03-14, 06:40 PM
I don't understand why complete domination is so fun; in my opinion winning when your opponent is just as good as you is more fun. I love it when I have a really close battle, or if I make a comeback - much more fun than when you just constantly win over and over.
PS should be great! :D
I'm hoping planetside will help to anwser that question that I'm sure is on most people's minds.
"Is my outfit the best?" or even "Am I the best?"
What better way then to put 1000's of people together in a cheat free (hopefully) enviroment. That reason alone is why I'd pay to play this. I have alot of respect for skilled gamers, but cheaters have ruined game after game for them.
I'm looking forward to making some great allies and enemies.
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