View Full Version : E3 Resource Map + Resource Uses

2012-06-10, 06:07 PM
So it was mentioned that resources are specific to certain hexes, and that if you can take a lot of one resource, you can deprive the enemy of this resource. While talking with a friend, I decided to see where you'd have to go to take resource monopolies, and made this map using the view on the iPad they showed at E3 (day 3 stream, 1:03:33):


I know the bottom right side is a bit wonky, that's because it's nigh on impossible to see the boundaries there. I interpolated the sizes from another video that TB did though, so the shapes should be right.

Xyntech has made a fantastic, clear version, which is a lot easier to see and a lot more regular: http://www.planetside-universe.com/showthread.php?p=727055

AWP has already made a thread describing the resource over time system, which is quite intriguing: http://www.planetside-universe.com/showthread.php?t=40730

In terms of what each resource provides:
Alloys (yellow) = Flash(10), Sunderer(150), Grenades(10)
Polymers (green) = Lightning(80), Mosquito(125), Reaver(125), Scythe(125)
Catalysts (orange) = Prowler(100), Magrider(100), Vanguard(100), Liberator(150)

Hope this informs you!

2012-06-10, 06:09 PM
a legend would help.

2012-06-10, 06:11 PM
Interesting that only the major facilities seem to award Auraxium, while all of the other resources are dependent upon smaller outposts.

2012-06-10, 06:13 PM
The issue with the idea of denying your enemy the resources seems to be that not only do you gain resources for all hexes your empire hold, but you also gain the appropriate resources merely for fighting over a hex. So, if you have all the Alloy hexes, an enemy empire could attack one of them and either capture it, or gain the resource simply through conflict over it; most likely a combination of both.

Interesting that only the major facilities seem to award Auraxium, while all of the other resources are dependent upon smaller outposts.

Here's why: You can also trade Auraxium for other resources if you happen to have a small supply of any. http://wiki.planetside-universe.com/ps/Auraxium

2012-06-10, 06:21 PM
a legend would help.


2012-06-10, 06:30 PM
Very cool resource. Thank you for creating that.

2012-06-10, 06:32 PM
ugh this is going to be so cool. I can't fucking wait.:cry:

2012-06-10, 06:42 PM
I really see the resource system as being the 400lb gurilla in the room. We have very little data on it. Personally i see more potential flaws then benifits to the system (as in understand it). More or less I have just acepted it as a big way sony plans to make money. Cant blame em there lol.....

2012-06-10, 07:30 PM
You have to practically lock the VS out to deny them their green polymers. :lol:

btw, what do Galaxys need? I would guess Catalysts.

2012-06-10, 07:35 PM
btw, what do Galaxys need? I would guess Catalysts.

Actually, I'm guessing alloys, because they're troop transport vehicles.
Seeing as we haven't seen one spawned in proper yet though, I'm not sure.

2012-06-10, 07:35 PM
a legend would help.

You called?

2012-06-10, 10:06 PM
gw Craftyatom :thumbsup:

2012-06-10, 10:10 PM
I anticipate racking up huge stockpiles of polymers.

Also, does the Flash look too cheap to anybody else? Sunder: 12 players carried for 150. Or, buy 12 flashes for 120 expenditure! Uh...

The way I figure it, greater aggregate firepower + not 12-kill bullet-magnet probably counterbalances the high armor of the Sundy pretty evenly, if not slightly in the Flash swarm's favor.

2012-06-10, 10:21 PM
Also, does the Flash look too cheap to anybody else? Sunder: 12 players carried for 150. Or, buy 12 flashes for 120 expenditure! Uh...

Sundy also has useful secondary jobs, and can transport MAX units, and is beneficial simply to keep everyone together.

Its good that the ATVs are pretty much disposable. Not having a basic vehicle people could use to get around with would suck.

Red Beard
2012-06-10, 10:45 PM
Awesome map.

...I can't tell though; is there any auraxium that isn't in a major base section of the map?

2012-06-10, 10:53 PM
I really see the resource system as being the 400lb gurilla in the room. We have very little data on it. Personally i see more potential flaws then benifits to the system (as in understand it). More or less I have just acepted it as a big way sony plans to make money. Cant blame em there lol.....

I disagree. The resource system allows a lot of balancing that previously could only be attempted using cooldown timers, which were primitive attempts at best, and hardly accomplished the best...

2012-06-10, 10:57 PM
I disagree. The resource system allows a lot of balancing that previously could only be attempted using cooldown timers, which were primitive attempts at best, and hardly accomplished the best...

It also gives me a reason to take your base and kill your doods other than cool territory bro i'll take it.

2012-06-10, 10:58 PM
I disagree. The resource system allows a lot of balancing that previously could only be attempted using cooldown timers, which were primitive attempts at best, and hardly accomplished the best...

Agree. You can really fine tune the balance by controlling how much people get, how fast, what things cost and cool down of thing that can be bought with resources. :groovy:

2012-06-10, 11:02 PM
Very nice map, I was wondering something like this myself.

But keep in mind those hex-resource combinations probly aren't final. Plus this is something they could easily change in beta, or even a weekly/monthly schedule (which I would LOVE)

Red Beard
2012-06-10, 11:06 PM
Very nice map, I was wondering something like this myself.

But keep in mind those hex-resource combinations probly aren't final. Plus this is something they could easily change in beta, or even a weekly/monthly schedule (which I would LOVE)

Actually...now that you mention this...this really does look like an emerging Risk-like meta game! :lol: :cool2:

The commanders can play RTS-Risk while we're shootin' stuff!

This is like the Unified Theory of gaming! :rofl:

2012-06-10, 11:13 PM
Interesting that only the major facilities seem to award Auraxium, while all of the other resources are dependent upon smaller outposts.

Because it is the main resource, bipoth interchangeable with the other ones and if I remember well needed to unlock weapons in consecuence the key point.

If the map stay like this I already know what I have to aim to muhahahahaha:evil:

2012-06-11, 02:18 PM
I really found that resource map interesting and inspiring, so I decided to work on something similar.

I wanted to have a clean hex grid to play with ideas on, so first I made one based off of the E3 footage, and from there it was relatively easy to duplicate your resource layout Craftyatom. I hope you don't mind me using yours as a cheat sheet.

While it's still an approximation, I did use the best information I could gather from multiple sources, including (mostly) Craftyatom's map, as well as some E3 footage and an older hex map screenshot I had used previously for other things. Some of it is speculation as well, but overall this should be pretty accurate to what the current layout is (layout subject to change).

http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/7782/resources.png (http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/7782/resources.png)

Alloys (yellow) = Flash(10), Sunderer(150), Grenades(10)
Polymers (green) = Lightning(80), Mosquito(125), Reaver(125), Scythe(125)
Catalysts (orange) = Prowler(100), Magrider(100), Vanguard(100), Liberator(150)

Legend provided from Craftyatom's post on the first page, again all credit to him. I just wanted to provide an even cleaner version of concept.

2012-06-11, 02:28 PM
Judging from the map, the VS will most likely have a surplus of the green resources, while NC has a surplus of the orange one.

TR's frontyard seems pretty balanced out resource wise.

2012-06-11, 03:00 PM
Judging from the map, the VS will most likely have a surplus of the green resources, while NC has a surplus of the orange one.

TR's frontyard seems pretty balanced out resource wise.

VS get to run a ton of Scythes, NC get a bunch of Vanguards. Sounds like what a lot of those two empires members will want to have anyways :p

2012-06-11, 03:03 PM
Prowlers and Sunderers are the most important things... they can have their stinking fighters!

2012-06-11, 03:14 PM
Handy info for speculation, thanks.

2012-06-11, 03:30 PM

2012-06-11, 03:54 PM
I decided to work on something similar... this should be pretty accurate to what the current layout is (layout subject to change).

Thanks for cleaning that up, I quite prefer your version :D
(I realized that the very bottom right orange is a triangle and the green extends one further, but that's my bad oops: )
Definitely linking to this in the main post.

Prowlers and Sunderers are the most important things... they can have their stinking fighters!

Take your stupid tanks, I'll blow you up with my Mosquito!

2012-06-11, 03:58 PM
Judging from the map, the VS will most likely have a surplus of the green resources, while NC has a surplus of the orange one.

TR's frontyard seems pretty balanced out resource wise.

Depends, I think, on whether or not payouts are balanced with area.

For instance, they all have around 16 hex spaces worth of orange in close proximity to the foothold, even though there are different numbers of orange territories.

2012-06-11, 04:03 PM
Depends, I think, on whether or not payouts are balanced with area.

AWP's thread (http://www.planetside-universe.com/showthread.php?t=40730) shows that, at least according to the calculations there, each area gives the same number of resources, no matter how many hexes it covers.

2012-06-11, 04:08 PM
Take your stupid tanks, I'll blow you up with my Mosquito!

But I'm on your side! (Prowler?)

2012-06-11, 04:16 PM
Thanks for cleaning that up, I quite prefer your version :D
(I realized that the very bottom right orange is a triangle and the green extends one further, but that's my bad oops: )

Oops, yeah. My bad as well. Was trying to figure it out based on a few different sources, but clearly that on green and orange hex area need to swap that one hexagon, since there are other zones on the map with an extra hexagon sticking out, but none that squiggle like I have that green one doing.

Maybe I'll fix it a little later.

2012-06-11, 04:20 PM
But I'm on your side! (Prowler?)

Sorry, lost my head in the heat of the moment. I just want to pilot a mosquito so badly, I'd blow up just about anyone to get there.

2012-06-11, 04:23 PM
Very useful post, thanks bud! This is making me see how the foothold mechanic will work well in PS2.

If the any empire is deprived of its access to resources and beaten back, they'll be totally unable to mount an offensive and will head to another continent. Their foothold will be pretty meaningless if they can't finance battles on that continent.

2012-06-11, 04:29 PM
Their foothold will be pretty meaningless if they can't finance battles on that continent.

People over here (http://www.planetside-universe.com/showthread.php?t=42601) are saying that resources are based on servers, not continents (because you can warp between them at any time), so as long as they control resources on at least one continent, they should be fine. Not to mention the small passive resource gains from fighting.

2012-06-11, 04:48 PM
People over here (http://www.planetside-universe.com/showthread.php?t=42601) are saying that resources are based on servers, not continents (because you can warp between them at any time), so as long as they control resources on at least one continent, they should be fine. Not to mention the small passive resource gains from fighting.

I was aware of the passive gains, but not that the resources were continent-wide. I guess that server-wide resources makes sense...I'm back to being a bit irked by footholds then, I suppose haha. Oh well. Beta will clarify how well it works.

2012-06-11, 05:02 PM
Oops, yeah. My bad as well. Was trying to figure it out based on a few different sources, but clearly that on green and orange hex area need to swap that one hexagon, since there are other zones on the map with an extra hexagon sticking out, but none that squiggle like I have that green one doing.

Maybe I'll fix it a little later.
I think the stray hex on the yellow triangle on the top right edge probably belongs to the 4-hex line next to it -- all the other 7-hex regions are perfect "circles" of hexes and contain full-fledged bases. Given that, and the fact that that's an area that doesn't give a good view of the hex lines in any of the shots I've seen of the map (including watching videos from various sources), I think it's a safe assumption to make.

When I get home, I'll compare the work you two guys did to the work I did when counting hexes and region sizes for the Scale of Map thread, see if there's anything else I estimated differently from you two.

2012-06-11, 05:32 PM
I think the stray hex on the yellow triangle on the top right edge probably belongs to the 4-hex line next to it -- all the other 7-hex regions are perfect "circles" of hexes and contain full-fledged bases. Given that, and the fact that that's an area that doesn't give a good view of the hex lines in any of the shots I've seen of the map (including watching videos from various sources), I think it's a safe assumption to make.

When I get home, I'll compare the work you two guys did to the work I did when counting hexes and region sizes for the Scale of Map thread, see if there's anything else I estimated differently from you two.

It's pretty hard to call some of them. The little resource indicator symbol seems to be at the center of each hex zone, which leads me to think some of the shapes may be kind of wonky.

But there is certainly room for improvement, as we get better data. For now, I'm not going to fix mine, as I feel there are two many little errors where I don't want to fix some and miss others. I'll make another rendition when I feel more confident about where the lines are drawn. Even if we are given a perfect picture of the hexes, I'm still going to make one for my own use.

For now, I think we have a pretty clear picture of what the map currently looks like. A minor hexagon being misplace won't change the outlook too significantly. I'm working on some other map projects that I had wanted to do but lacked a proper grid to work from. They will include the errors, but again, hopefully they wont be too big a deal.

2012-06-11, 08:51 PM
Awesome map rundown there Xyntech!

2012-06-11, 10:31 PM
While it's still an approximation, I did use the best information I could gather from multiple sources, including (mostly) Craftyatom's map, as well as some E3 footage and an older hex map screenshot I had used previously for other things. Some of it is speculation as well, but overall this should be pretty accurate to what the current layout is (layout subject to change).

http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/7782/resources.png (http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/7782/resources.png)

Alloys (yellow) = Flash(10), Sunderer(150), Grenades(10)
Polymers (green) = Lightning(80), Mosquito(125), Reaver(125), Scythe(125)
Catalysts (orange) = Prowler(100), Magrider(100), Vanguard(100), Liberator(150)

Legend provided from Craftyatom's post on the first page, again all credit to him. I just wanted to provide an even cleaner version of concept.

Okay, just since this seems like as good a spot as any to refine this, and you've gone to more trouble highlighting the outlines than I did in my quick-and-dirty counting aid...

Okay, I'll just attach them here since it's quick and easier than trying to remember my photobucket account info, lol.

The first two files are the ones I was actively working on. The first iteration shows the breakdown of the regions that I estimated. Now, I kind of screwed up, here, because I forgot to work on a separate layer for that step, and so I don't have the original screen-grab for that one, and my work there kind of gets in the way of clearly seeing the validity of the first step I did, which is shown in the second image -- here, I found a convenient brush size and just marked each individual hex. About two thirds were easy to pick out definitively, either because they were on the edge of the map, or because their borders were easily recognizeable. For the rest, I used the regularity of stacking hexagons to inform their placement. As such, I'm highly confident in my hex count. From there, I worked with that overlay to identify which hexes were paired together.

I used two other reference screen grabs, which I've included here as well just so we've all got the same stuff to look at if we want.

So, now.. Stepping back and looking at things, I think I might've been wrong about that Vanu region near their Sanc.. it pretty clearly does appear to be a non-round 7-hex region. Lame. ;) So I'm conceding what I've got directly east of the Vanu foothold in favor of your orange and yellow territories, though I'd argue with the devs that that hex should be forfeited to either the orange or the green region adjacent to it.

However, I do have one you guys seem to have missed. It's a onesie yellow in the northwest corner of the map, just south of the 3-hex yellow on the top edge, that you've included as part of the orange 5-hex region.

In addition, my hex-counting seems to be short one; I conflated one of the green resource icons with unused hex space along the top edge of the map, and couldn't make sense of the two remaining hexes. You guys' identification there makes way more sense than what I was trying to come up with.

The orange and yellow 5-hexes you guys marked differ from my 4-hex and 6-hex parallelogram regions, but looking at them again, I think your divisions center the resources better, so I'll concede that, too.

Take another look near the TR foothold. You guys have 1 4-hex orange, 1 4-hex green, and a 3-hex green there that I divided differently. Double-checking my reference material, it looks like I've got one too many regions in that section, but I'm pretty sure I'm right in that the green icon is smack dab in the middle of that hex two west of the TR foothold's northwest corner. As such, I don't think that's a 4-hex region that you've got colored green, but either a 3-hex or a 1-hex, with the leftover green ones you've got to neighboring hexes.

All in all, though, the rest of the map checks out between my completely independent work and the job you two have played off each other to create. So I'd say that we're probably pretty well spot on aside from those discrepencies.

2012-06-11, 11:09 PM
Cool, thanks. I'll take a look at it. I'm not sure when I'll get around to revising it, but I'll try to get it as close as possible when I do.

2012-06-11, 11:13 PM
Oh, definitely. I mean, hopefully, we'll be in beta before we get many more shots of the map to improve our data, so... ;)

2012-06-11, 11:32 PM
Take another look near the TR foothold. You guys have 1 4-hex orange, 1 4-hex green, and a 3-hex green there that I divided differently. Double-checking my reference material, it looks like I've got one too many regions in that section, but I'm pretty sure I'm right in that the green icon is smack dab in the middle of that hex two west of the TR foothold's northwest corner. As such, I don't think that's a 4-hex region that you've got colored green, but either a 3-hex or a 1-hex, with the leftover green ones you've got to neighboring hexes.

I know that on Xyntech's map (and mine as well, I messed up in that area), the extra orange hex branching off from the nose-down orange triangle was supposed to be a part of the green parallelogram to its left in my original diagram.

As you can clearly see in the ipad demo, however, there are in fact 2 green markers, which I apparently did not take into consideration. Looking at the way they're displaced, I personally would split the clump in the old map into a nose-down triangle and a 2-wide line to the left, though that entire green clump could go a few different ways.

However, I do have one you guys seem to have missed. It's a onesie yellow in the northwest corner of the map, just south of the 3-hex yellow on the top edge, that you've included as part of the orange 5-hex region.

That onesie is hidden by the menu in the ipad demo, too high up for the higby-TB image I have, and just not clear in the others. It does seem like combining it into the orange is a bit odd though, so you're probably right there.

I'd argue with the devs that that hex should be forfeited to either the orange or the green region adjacent to it.

Agreed, that part is just ugly. Transferring that one hex would make a nice big yellow triangle :D

All in all, there are 2 things to be taken away from this thread:
1.) The outlines of territories need to be bold and one pure color. I would really like an easy-to-see map on release (though to be honest I am not in any place to make demands, what the ps2 team has created for us is AMAZING).
2.) Devs, pretty please can we have a territory map soon? Just post up a jpg with all the shapes on it, we don't need anything fancy. We'd fill in the resource colors and everything for you.

2012-06-11, 11:40 PM
I think the devs mentioned somewhere that the Empires would use resources differently (i.e. VS might use Polymers for Tanks but TR use Alloys).

2012-06-12, 04:25 AM
I think the devs mentioned somewhere that the Empires would use resources differently (i.e. VS might use Polymers for Tanks but TR use Alloys).

This is an impression I've gotten as well, and I kind of hope it's the case. It would multiply the strategic factor of each resource 3 fold. What can my empire use it for, and what can the two other empires use it for?

2012-06-12, 08:47 AM
Its good that the ATVs are pretty much disposable. Not having a basic vehicle people could use to get around with would suck.
And I wouldn't make them *not* disposeable. But 15 or 20 resources wouldn't break the bank, either.

All in all, there are 2 things to be taken away from this thread:
1.) The outlines of territories need to be bold and one pure color. I would really like an easy-to-see map on release (though to be honest I am not in any place to make demands, what the ps2 team has created for us is AMAZING).
I'm kind of crossing my fingers and hoping it's more a matter of the vagaries of lighting and filming an LCD screen, often from odd angles, than problems with the way the map looks in person.

But yeah, if it's not pretty darn clear, there's a problem. The shots of the NC areas generally look great. So long as the VS and TR borders look as clear in person, we're fine.

I know that on Xyntech's map (and mine as well, I messed up in that area), the extra orange hex branching off from the nose-down orange triangle was supposed to be a part of the green parallelogram to its left in my original diagram.

As you can clearly see in the ipad demo, however, there are in fact 2 green markers, which I apparently did not take into consideration. Looking at the way they're displaced, I personally would split the clump in the old map into a nose-down triangle and a 2-wide line to the left, though that entire green clump could go a few different ways.
Yeah, I think that looks good, if I'm understanding you correctly.

2012-07-01, 05:43 AM
Here is an updated map:

http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/1001/resourcesg.png (http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/1001/resourcesg.png)

Red, Blue, and Purple = Empire Footholds
Cyan = Auraxium, only found in hexes containing base facilities (9 Hex Zones)
Yellow = Alloys (22 Hex Zones)
Green = Polymers (22 Hex Zones)
Orange = Catalysts (21 Hex Zones)

Everything is based on the information visible in this image:

http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/1903/ps2ipad1341012853.jpg (http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/1903/ps2ipad1341012853.jpg)

2012-07-01, 06:15 AM
That doesn't seem very balanced at all.

It would be way more interesting if there weren't those damn footholds though. An empire interested mostly in air would put all of their efforts into the northern part of the map, instead of it being handed to the vanu and being practically impossible for the other factions to take.

2012-07-01, 10:35 AM
That doesn't seem very balanced at all.

It would be way more interesting if there weren't those damn footholds though. An empire interested mostly in air would put all of their efforts into the northern part of the map, instead of it being handed to the vanu and being practically impossible for the other factions to take.

The VS are the weakest empire, so they need the largest handicap in order to be even remotely competitive.

The way I see it, each biome represents a unique challenge to a different aspect of the game.

TR area limits maneuverability and emphasizes infantry combat.

VS area is all about mobility and long range conflicts, but that's a double edged sword.

The NC area has lots of cover and breaks up the fights a little more, encourages peak-a-boo tank fights.

I like what they did for resources in terms of making Auraxium bases only. It makes the bases the real prime targets, but also encourages taking the hexes around the base first fo sho.

2012-07-01, 10:59 AM
TR area limits maneuverability and emphasizes infantry combat.

VS area is all about mobility and long range conflicts, but that's a double edged sword.

The NC area has lots of cover and breaks up the fights a little more, encourages peak-a-boo tank fights.

A bunch of artificial bullshit in other words. Let the empires sort that kind of stuff out.

2012-07-01, 12:15 PM
Here is an updated map:

Fantastic find Xyntech!

2012-07-01, 06:26 PM
A bunch of artificial bullshit in other words. Let the empires sort that kind of stuff out.

Uhhhh, no? That's what game design is for? This ensures that each region is fought over equally, I don't see how that is a bad thing.

2012-07-01, 06:43 PM
I think the devs mentioned somewhere that the Empires would use resources differently (i.e. VS might use Polymers for Tanks but TR use Alloys).

This is an impression I've gotten as well, and I kind of hope it's the case. It would multiply the strategic factor of each resource 3 fold. What can my empire use it for, and what can the two other empires use it for?

There's this, and I believe SOE mentioned resources or hexes will shift with time as well? Like where we see alloys now, we'll see polymers some time later? This would spice things up, as then it wouldn't become an issue of, say, the Vanu knowing to always take (the purely fabricated) hex X-14 when engaging the TR on their turf to deny them a large chunk of their alloy income. Instead, the first time they fight that's the plan, then some hours, maybe even day(s) later they find they'll need to move further south to deny the enemy their alloys.

Before anyone panics, I'm positive SOE will have the resource allocation set so that every foothold region has all of the resources available to the occupying empire, the quantities of available resources will just fluctuate.

2012-07-01, 07:19 PM
Here is an updated map:

Everything is based on the information visible in this image:

http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/1903/ps2ipad1341012853.jpg (http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/1903/ps2ipad1341012853.jpg)

Strange, isn't that the NC blue in the top and VS teal in lower left? Everyone, myself included, thought it was the other way around. Is this an E3 image? It looks like it. Must be a place-holder image and not real time or something.

2012-07-01, 07:22 PM
Between angle, lighting, and camera quality, it's possible all colors are slightly skewed and/or brightened. If you imagine the colors being darker and bolder, it'll make sense.

2012-07-01, 07:24 PM
That could be, the image looks bathed in blue light of some kind.

2012-07-01, 10:49 PM
I also put VS at the top because those are the foothold locations we've seen for each empire on pretty much every other territory map they've released. The maps have also always had blue for NC and purple for VS, so I think it's a safe assumption that they haven't currently change the positions.

2012-07-02, 02:38 PM
though i commend SOE for hand crafting these continents, its obvious that a square area divided among 3 factions means 2 will get the shaft while the 3rd gets awesome placement. clearly the VS have more resources in small proximity. meanwhile, the NC and TR seem to be so close that VS will surely profit from sitting back and letting them fight each other while VS gain more hexes surrounding their home base.

2012-07-02, 06:47 PM
though i commend SOE for hand crafting these continents, its obvious that a square area divided among 3 factions means 2 will get the shaft while the 3rd gets awesome placement. clearly the VS have more resources in small proximity. meanwhile, the NC and TR seem to be so close that VS will surely profit from sitting back and letting them fight each other while VS gain more hexes surrounding their home base.

Eh... looking at that map, the areas are actually fairly equal, but regardless, more area to cover = thinner spread of forces. Plus, with three continents at the start, I'm sure each empire will have their chance at being the empire with a larger initial territory to occupy.