View Full Version : SOE Store Release Date
2003-03-14, 07:30 PM
2003-03-14, 07:42 PM
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO thats a month and a half past what they were shooting for ahhhhhhhhh
2003-03-14, 07:52 PM
they need to at least open up the beta for us now :p
2003-03-14, 08:01 PM
This is utter harshness. I am saddified.
2003-03-14, 08:05 PM
2003-03-14, 08:11 PM
as soon as I read those lines I said to myself "aaahhh fuck"
2003-03-14, 08:12 PM
no. NO. NOOO!!! This can't be! How could they push it back by that much?! :mad: They can't do this to us! We have feelings too! Someone will pay :furious: :flamemad: aw... who am I kidding :tear: Oh well, I guess it gives me more time to wait for the price of the Radeon 9500 Pro to drop, and they can lower the min specs some more... BUT I WANT IT NOW!!!
2003-03-14, 08:28 PM
You guys are hilarious. Anyone who has actually been keeping track of this release date stuff has known they would be pushing back the release date. Welcome to the real world!
And let's face it, would we really want it released too early and suffer growing pains that could be corrected by a slightly locker beta? Of course not!
2003-03-14, 08:30 PM
ahh, dangit... this SUCKS! at least lift the NDA, for crying out F***ing loud...
2003-03-14, 08:52 PM
Well now we have a date though, and we don't have to wonder. Also remeber open beta will start soon, and your chances are pretty good to get in as long as you have a decent system, I'm sure alot of us will be playing this game before May 19.
2003-03-14, 09:16 PM
yeah and its better to wait a month than have them shove it out the door buggy as hell to meet a release date. Like ww2 online or anarchy online.
2003-03-14, 09:17 PM
I submitted a quote that sums up my feelings completely...
PSU: MAY 19TH!?! *sob*
2003-03-14, 09:20 PM
.... .. ok im still holding on to a thread of hope. i will only beleive a release date if it is explicitly put on (and only there!) !!
Hey Smokey you better send me a beta CD asap or you might just wake up with a horse head next to you...
2003-03-14, 09:39 PM
Sigbot will munch the hell outta that sig diluted... Its nice tho :chomp: :chomp: :chomp: :chomp:
and WHAT THE H3LL.... MAY 19th?!?!.... all i can say is i better get in the damn beta pretty soon, Hey didnt they say 1000 people in beta by like this week... I dont think that many are in.
2003-03-14, 09:40 PM
This really doesn't bother me much. I need to upgrade my comp and then sell the old parts, and my old sytems on ebay. Yet this means wasting away more of my life on PSU. Oh yeah, and I have Riven and Myst III to beat:D
2003-03-14, 09:54 PM
god hates us.
2003-03-14, 10:05 PM
:angel: has become :evil:
Dave G strikes again
This is just Fu*ked up. how can you be off by 2 months on a projected release date?
2003-03-14, 10:43 PM
they just let 720 or so in...
once they have 5000 testers on a server and have 500-1000 people on the same continent, they can go to open beta. (no NDA for open beta! w3wt@g3!)
2003-03-14, 10:44 PM
I could understand April 19th, but May 19th seems a little long. Two more months of beta testing for a game that was fully feature functional? Eh
2003-03-14, 11:10 PM
I'm posting this smiley on every topic on the new unnoficial release date... it sums up my feelings even more than this one:
Seeing we are making Smiley's I thought I would add one i think is fitting
Made this just for dave :|
2003-03-14, 11:46 PM
well this gives my sorry ass some time to get a job...
Note to Dave (in case your reading this) :
Sorry bout them Dave, we don't all hate you just because you think your (amazing) game isn't ready yet. I, for one, am grateful you prefer to push the date back knowing well that people will be mad than release a faulty product. (I'm also sad but i'd be sadder if they released it tomorow and it's crap)
/me patiently waits for PS realease (well as patiently as i can :D)
2003-03-15, 01:10 AM
If we should do anything its thank Dave for putting the time and extra testing in to make this game a stable, bug free release.
2003-03-15, 01:12 AM
btw, what makes you people think its dave? For the most part dave didnt screw up tribes 2, he simply didnt make it tribes 1 ona pretty engine thus pissing off all the elitists.
If you are gonna blame dave for this push back, please leave PSU and come back when you can see the big picture. Game development is a rough process, unfortunatly most average gamers dont see that process and they want the game NOW and not when its finished. ;)
2003-03-15, 01:15 AM
All release dates are estimates only and are subject to change. Please review the FAQ for further details.
This makes me think they are setting a tentative, bare bones release date just so they can put a date out and accept pre-orders.
Originally posted by Hamma
If you are gonna blame dave for this push back, please leave PSU and come back when you can see the big picture. Game development is a rough process, unfortunatly most average gamers dont see that process.
Some of us do Hamma. :)
/me :hug: Hams
2003-03-15, 01:17 AM
btw I know i edited that post like 30 times. I need to start proofreading :p
btw I didnt mean to come off as harsh, but its just aggrivating. :(
could be worse
could be cancelled outright. wouldnt be the first 'highly anticipated game' to go down the flushola before suck it up folks. professional software development is a fickle bitch and can turn on you like a rabid pit bull.
2 months aint so much.
Well the thing is they are having problems with their servers.
I think i know the problem (
Originally posted by Dio
Note to Dave (in case your reading this) :
Sorry bout them Dave, we don't all hate you just because you think your (amazing) game isn't ready yet. I, for one, am grateful you prefer to push the date back knowing well that people will be mad than release a faulty product. (I'm also sad but i'd be sadder if they released it tomorow and it's crap)
/me patiently waits for PS realease (well as patiently as i can :D)
Will you stop kissing his ass. Don't apologize for me BTW thx. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Hamma
If we should do anything its thank Dave for putting the time and extra testing in to make this game a stable, bug free release.
Hamma thats good and all BUT the game took 3 years as is and he still can't come close to a release date. I am starting to understand why Sierra shit canned him. This waiting period would be easier if I was in the Beta like you are but I have nothing until this game is released now. :(
Originally posted by Hamma
If you are gonna blame dave for this push back, please leave PSU and come back when you can see the big picture. Game development is a rough process, unfortunatly most average gamers dont see that process and they want the game NOW and not when its finished. ;)
No Offense bro but others opinions are just as good as yours. I see your point but T2 was really messed up. It is one of the most patched games in the history of online gaming. I am not even speaking about when classic came about I am saying bug fix after bug fix.
I understand they want it right but 3 years seems to be the breaking point here. Also like I mentioned before. If a lot of us where in the beta like you and a few others here i bet "we" would be more easy going too. Your playing the game and getting a taste of the game. 95% of us still have nothing but a 6 month only reciept for the pre-order of PS.
:love: to hamma don't take what I say personal by anymeans just want people to realize that there is more then just one view on this issue.
UDT Snake
2003-03-15, 09:27 AM
No Offense bro but others opinions are just as good as yours. I see your point but T2 was really messed up. It is one of the most patched games in the history of online gaming. I am not even speaking about when classic came about I am saying bug fix after bug fix.
:jawdrop: STFU. Just...stfu.
If you had any sort of concept about what went into creating an online game, maybe you can talk. They had little basis for this game, it has a large number of original ideas that probably took forever to deal with and work out. Now, yes, it's been in developement for three years. Have you recently cared to read over the pages and pages of things this game has? Perhaps looked at the graphical interface and pictures? Oh, how about you glance at the complexity of the many systems used?
They also have to make accomodations for servers. They have to set up deals, contracts, terms of use. Legal things to deal with the game. I recall when other games were released it took six months ALONE to deal with legalities and technicalities.
Three years is not a long time. Concept art alone may take a year. The formation of battle concepts. Constant tweaking. Creation of a surreal online world. Honestly, if you're that impatient then do something else. I think it's sort of hypocritical to blame the makers of the game for the delay just so you'll like playing it. Maybe they SHOULD release it now, just for your whiney ass, so you can sort out the bugs it might have.
Christ, I hate when stupid people don't think before they post.:stupid:
2003-03-15, 10:05 AM
So... a lot of people get mad because they decided to push the release date back so they could finish polishing the game... that's smart.
I'd much rather the game be done and near perfect and wait just a little longer. We've all seen totally crap releases where the majority of the original players leave.
Wouldn't that suck? After waiting all this time, they release to early, but you get to play. 5 minutes in it crashes. You get back on, crash. Rinse, repeat. 3 years, you finally get it, AND YOU CAN'T PLAY IT ANYWAY!! Worth it huh? NOT AT ALL!
So back off. Don't scream at them for doing things right.
However, it wouldn't hurt to rush open beta ;)
2003-03-15, 10:13 AM
Best Buy's Database still shows April 15th for their release date and a retail cost of $49.99
2003-03-15, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by Vauss
You guys are hilarious. Anyone who has actually been keeping track of this release date stuff has known they would be pushing back the release date. Welcome to the real world!
And let's face it, would we really want it released too early and suffer growing pains that could be corrected by a slightly locker beta? Of course not!
ya welcome to the real world, we have been keepin track of it, HERE not at gamespot or at gamespy where they say june?
Dave has said Q1 for a LONG LONG time, then when its 15 days left he says: u will get the game in 2 MOUNTHS!?
I wanna cry, but my tears is already fallen. To be honest, I want and lets face it, would I really want it realeased too early and suffer growing pains that could be corrected by a slightly locker beta? OFFCOURSE I want! But I Cant
:tear: "thinkin about suicide"
*remembering hammas words*
"walks away from PSU" :(
2003-03-15, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by CosmicBlend
Best Buy's Database still shows April 15th for their release date and a retail cost of $49.99
ya buddy, I wish that was true, but they dont have a clue :(
2003-03-15, 10:19 AM
No one wants to see a repeat of T2 and how it was released. That wasn't Dave's choice then either. He was ordered to release it even when he knew the game wasn't ready. Everything from system specs to game information has been on the conservative side with PS. Far better to overestimate things than the other way around. Take system specs for example - it was set high to make sure you had the system capable of playing the game "decently". Now it looks like that can be reduced some. While the May 19 date could hold firm, if things go well it might be released earlier. But I suspect May 19th was picked to make sure PS is a quality, finished game without the need for endless patches. Lets hope it can be wrapped up sooner and we all can get playing. :cool:
2003-03-15, 10:20 AM
Originally posted by UDT Snake
:jawdrop: STFU. Just...stfu.
If you had any sort of concept about what went into creating an online game, maybe you can talk. They had little basis for this game, it has a large number of original ideas that probably took forever to deal with and work out. Now, yes, it's been in developement for three years. Have you recently cared to read over the pages and pages of things this game has? Perhaps looked at the graphical interface and pictures? Oh, how about you glance at the complexity of the many systems used?
They also have to make accomodations for servers. They have to set up deals, contracts, terms of use. Legal things to deal with the game. I recall when other games were released it took six months ALONE to deal with legalities and technicalities.
Three years is not a long time. Concept art alone may take a year. The formation of battle concepts. Constant tweaking. Creation of a surreal online world. Honestly, if you're that impatient then do something else. I think it's sort of hypocritical to blame the makers of the game for the delay just so you'll like playing it. Maybe they SHOULD release it now, just for your whiney ass, so you can sort out the bugs it might have.
Christ, I hate when stupid people don't think before they post.:stupid:
yeah it takes 6 months, but then dave should have said may19th in the first place and not march31th
UDT Snake
2003-03-15, 10:42 AM
Oh, right, cause I'm sure a few weeks into beta they didn't find any bugs.:stupid:
Stop bitching and wait another month. We all knew it would happen anyway. We all WANTED it to happen. I want to spend my money on the BEST game possible. Not some half-assed piece of crap that was released because some babies complained about the time table. :mad:
2003-03-15, 11:08 AM
That they were not going to hit 1stQ 2003 should not be news to anyone.
Exclusive beta started Feb 22th
They have not reached the two exclusive beta milestones of
1) 1000 players on one continent (At 720 players now, they should reach this by next week)
2) 5000 - 10000 players on the server
They are going to have to notifiy all open beta players and distribute disks. (1-2 weeks)
Open beta is going to be at least 4 weeks.
There is only 9 weeks to May 19th.
The devs are already on a tight schedule. Give them a break.
Originally posted by PR24
:love: to hamma don't take what I say personal by anymeans just want people to realize that there is more then just one view on this issue.
First off i wasn't kissing ass, i was trying a thing called respect. When you make a 3-D game that will be played by thousands and thousands of people then you can go bitch at a dev team, till then you have no f**ing clue what they are doing.
Second you are indeed entitled to your opinion but your opinion shouldn't contain direct attacks to a guy you don't even know especially when you don't have all the info.
2003-03-15, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by PR24
Hamma thats good and all BUT the game took 3 years as is and he still can't come close to a release date. I am starting to understand why Sierra shit canned him. This waiting period would be easier if I was in the Beta like you are but I have nothing until this game is released now. :( What makes you think <b>HE</b> sets the release date?
Case closed. ;)
That is my problem here, personally attacking dave because of Tribes 2? Give me a break. He's been in this business and developed many successes before T2.
Accuse SOE, not dave.
2003-03-15, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by PR24
Hamma thats good and all BUT the game took 3 years as is and he still can't come close to a release date. I am starting to understand why Sierra shit canned him. This waiting period would be easier if I was in the Beta like you are but I have nothing until this game is released now. :(
So, you want him to promise a release date, on a game that is not ready for release, and have a T2 fiasco? Sierra is whom I personally hold responsible for pushing T2 out too early. Did you ever think Dave had no choice? If the publisher says "Release it on this day period" do you think the Dev team has a choice. Games that have been in developement for a long time, that have cost millions of dollars have been flat out cancelled. Sierra could have do just that if there was no release when they specified. Dave did not have a choice, and possibly one of the reasons he got shit canned was because he put up too much resistance with Sierra. Plus they canned Dynamix as well, not just Dave. They did keep some of the peeps from Dynamix, but there was not much left of DYnamix after they left to garage games and T2 was released....
Originally posted by Hamma
What makes you think <b>HE</b> sets the release date?
Case closed. ;)
That is my problem here, personally attacking dave because of Tribes 2? Give me a break. He's been in this business and developed many successes before T2.
Accuse SOE, not dave.
2003-03-15, 02:04 PM
Bah, I don't know who is responsible for the delay, but the situation sucks, that's what I think. If it's gonna take 2 months to fix the bugs, they better be some big-ass bugs.
2003-03-15, 02:05 PM
Lol! They miss the schedual by alittle over a month and you guys are ready to kill someone. Go look at how long some other games were pushed back. Hell SWG has been in beta for what? 4 months? Be glad the devs arnt just pushing it out without testing and tweaking. Do you want a budget lvl game or something youll happily spend months playing? Grow up people.
UDT Snake
:stupid: :stupid: :stupid:
Originally posted by UDT Snake
:jawdrop: STFU. Just...stfu.
If you had any sort of concept about what went into creating an online game, maybe you can talk.
I already do. thx :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Hamma
What makes you think <b>HE</b> sets the release date?
Case closed. ;)
That is my problem here, personally attacking dave because of Tribes 2? Give me a break. He's been in this business and developed many successes before T2.
Accuse SOE, not dave.
Thats a producers job Hamma. When he says we will be ready at "xyz" day the marketing dept and the "big wigs" get ready for the games release.
I understand there are ALWAYS delays in gamesbut most games do not take 3 years to develope then still have delays.
Like I said before, :love: to people. I in no means "think" I am flaming people but if you take it the wong way realize I mean no harm to anyone. I find this a good outlet for my frustrations , it will pass ;)
2003-03-15, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by LNS0388
This makes me think they are setting a tentative, bare bones release date just so they can put a date out and accept pre-orders.
I wouldn't get too attached to that date. Trust noone. Except the devs. I don't think they have a line of communication going with SOE regarding a release date, probably just throwing out a date to they can take preorders.
2003-03-16, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by PR24
Thats a producers job Hamma. When he says we will be ready at "xyz" day the marketing dept and the "big wigs" get ready for the games release.
No, no...just no. Hes stated repeatidly that he isnt in control of any dates. He wasnt in charge of beta release. He couldnt even get permission to announce a date. Bigwigs tell him when to be ready and he pushes for that date.
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