View Full Version : Quotes

2003-03-14, 09:51 PM
How do you submit a quote? When I click on Quote, I get:

The QDB is a database of quotes which will be displayed throughout the website. Quotes should be in the format of PSU: It's whats for dinner. (DO NOT include the PSU: part) All quotes submitted will be subject to admin approval.

You are not currently logged in.
In order to submit a quote you must be logged in. If you would like to login, click here. If you have not registered click here.

If I click on Main, I get the same thing, but I can see the stats.

2003-03-14, 09:53 PM


come on doggie, good boy

2003-03-14, 09:57 PM

I would point powda to this thread

2003-03-14, 09:58 PM
Clueless admin alert:D

2003-03-14, 10:00 PM
Do you have cookies enabled? That's what it relies on unfortunately (will change in the future). Try logging out of the forums and then logging back in. It checks for the forum cookie to get your name. Tell me if that doesn't work.

2003-03-15, 01:11 AM
Cookie show are being enabled. But also when I log onto PSU under "Not Cookied?", it still asks as if I'm not cookied.

2003-03-15, 01:47 AM
use a different web browser?