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2003-03-15, 01:06 AM
I think with so many new members constantly coming in... we are becoming this huge close knit community... and i wanted everyone to get the chance just to learn a little more about the people behind the tag... so here goes.
Name: Ceara (its kear-rah... like Tear, but with a K sound... lol)
Age: 20ish
Birthday: March 31st.
Astrological Sign: Aries. (rawr!)
- Music: my largest passion. I've played the piano before i could write. It must be the most spectacular creative outlet i have ever learned. I also play the harp (very little...but enough to mention) the acoustic guitar... and I'm buying a cello soon. So, music has a tremendous influence on my life and who I am. My favorite classical piece is Moonlight Sonata
- My Canvas: Be it of cloth and wax, or a piece constructed by pixels... its probably one of the most... comfortable form of artistic expression that i can share with anyone. The arts in general are this amazing part of my life... it helps you see things in a different light. My favorite artist must be Dali, but i love Monet, and Pollock... pretty array choices there... but i love them all. When i paint, i like a mixture (lol, if any of you care about this, i'm surprised :p) of watercolor and acrylic. watercolor mostly for the background and acrylic for the foreground. Oil based paint is only used when i know the project will take time...and I often use bucket paint and sticks for my more abstract pieces.
-School : I'm currently in my junior year of college, studying psychology. My previous education was from an academy, nestled someplace in Pennsylvania, which gave me the chance to skip my freshman year and start out at my would have been second year. Word to the wise, if you can take AP classes in High School, do it. It would probably be safe to say that College is the largest consumer of my time...but i sorta like to think of it not as eating away all of my time...but me just being there and trying to enjoy it... lol, although that doesn't always work during certain weeks... lol.
-Athletics: I try to stay as active as possible. I do yoga, i am a constant jogger... every day of every season i try to get out there and do some jogging. I do morning exercises (nerdy i know... lol) and i even have a protein shake! lol... for the sports view, i absolutely love Tennis... that is probably one of the best sports i participate in...but i also play a lot of Soccer. I will play anything for recreational sports :) I also enjoy swimming.
hrm...what else? I congratulate you if you have actually read this far... lol, listening to my babble :p
-Gaming: This is the section that sorta upsets me almost... lol. I really really wish that i would have happened across gaming in some other way... but the reason i started to get into gaming (especially online games) was because of my ex boyfriend... a long long time ago... lol. My first online experience was with Tribes 1, and then it moved to Tribes 2... and now i'm here :) lol, my gaming history isn't that vast... but, i give it my all. In Tribes 1 i joined a clan called the Universal Assassins. [UA], no offense to anyone who might have been a member, treated me horribly... they only took me in because they said i had "potential"...but never tried to develop it... and so i was stuck running invos to everyone the entire lenght of matches / practices. After i got tired of being the water girl (probably about 2 weeks) i moved to Circamod... lol, this is oldschool, but maybe some of you remeber... and i became pretty well known in that community. I started my old clan, Machines of God (where you at ho!) and we completely rocked. I absolutely loved it... whenever the move came from Tribes 1 to Tribes 2... we hung in there for a little while... but it wasn't the same, and MoG dissapated. Then, i floated around for a back in contact with Thronebeast and he was a member of CDL at the time... i then joined CDL (after three months and a lot of hard work... lol, not to mention forum incidents ;) ) and i haven't been in any other clan since...
Ok, well... i think that is a good place to end my section. lol. I suggest some more of you guys post some stuff! Favorite foods, musicians...anything. Its always great to get to know more about this awesome community!
2003-03-15, 01:13 AM
Name: David Grandis (People call me grandis)
Age: 14
Birthday: October 24th
Astrological Sign: Scorpio. (rawr!)
- Girls:Chicks pwn, I got a girlfriend named sarah, We've been together 2 years.
- Friends: Friends are so important to me
-Computers: Im a huge geek
-Gaming: I have been gaming since i was 6. My first computer was a commodore 64. I then moved to a console, My super nintendo, Then my sega. Then i got my first computer, a real piece of junk it was, but i loved it. Then i got my first game, Delta force 2. I just recently stopped playing DF2. I won over $300 in tournament money. I used to go to DeltaLan, a LAN in south cali. My clan won the tourny all 3 years we participated. Then i moved to SWAT3, My biggest love in gaming. I played, Modded, Worked on fansites, and did a bunch of other things for S3. Now im here, Working for PSU and anticipating PS
2003-03-15, 01:16 AM
interesting read.
my story isn't worth writing or reading so i wont bother :p
2003-03-15, 01:22 AM
Ah, it can't be that bad. Everything looks good this early in the morning :) If you posted it, i would definitely read it. :D
2003-03-15, 01:22 AM
Great idea eMa (or Ceara)
Name: Danny
Age: 14
Birthday: April 23
Astrological Sign: Taurus
Music: I played saxophone for 4 years, then my instructor moved, and I never took any more lessons. Mostly listen to alternative, ska, metal. My favorite band right now is Tool and the first cd by Creed is great (not the popular one, and the 3rd just sucked)
Gaming: I first started gaming on an old mac with a 5 mhz processor or something obscene, playing 2d games. Then just played SNES for a few years until N64 came out. I played Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Banjo Kazooie, and TH before they made like 10 of them. Then I went back to comp, played UT, and some other stuff. Then got an Xbox, and i play Halo, Morrowind, Splinter Cell, and a little Ghost Recon at my friends.
Cooking: I first started cooking Eggs Benedict when I was like 5 or something, and now I can make about 15 dishes regularly.
Sports: I play Soccer, and used to take Tukong Mosuul ( a martial art if you haven't figured out)
Favorite food: My favorite food is probably sushi, mmmmm sushi I :love: sushi
Right now: Right now I have nothing to do really, just hanging out on PSU, and playing Riven.
School: I'm in 8th grade, going into high school soon enough
Friends: what Squeeky said
edit- how could I forget Blizzard, yeah I play/played all 3. SC WC and D2
2003-03-15, 01:27 AM
Name: Nick Dolph
Zodiac: Aries
Birthday: March 22
Interests: Music and gaming. I love music, almost all music except for pop and stuff. My favorite types of music have to be classic rock and punk. Jazz is pretty sweet too. I've been playing the guitar for almost a year now, and am getting pretty proficient at it (stairway to heaven solo :rock: in the bag). And my second biggest passion, gaming. My first real game was sonic the headghog for the genesis, when I was 4. I've played alot of games since then, Doom through Battlefield 1942. Some of my fondest gaming memories come from playing Banjo Kazooie, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, and Jet Force Gemini. As you can see, I loved games from Rare. I like games that tell a story, which is one reason why most of my favorite games are Blizzard games, inlcuding both Diablo games, Starcraft, and Warcraft 3. I like RPGs, RTSs, and FPSs, basically the big 3 of gaming. My current favorite is Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance for the Xbox.
Sports: Mainly soccer, been playing on and off since I was about 7.
Food: Anything Italian. I love Italian food.
2003-03-15, 01:37 AM
"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die. Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die. HELLO! My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." -- Inigo
"Stop saying that!" -- Count Rugen
2003-03-15, 01:39 AM
Princess Bride :)
2003-03-15, 02:01 AM
In a similar format as eMaGyN's post:
Name: Alex (quite a leap from Lex to Alex, I know)
Age: I am not giving this one up.
Birthday: May 1st
Astrological sign: Sun: Taurus (moo), moon: pisces
-First and foremost, music: I have been playing music since I can remember. I have played the piano, trumpet, french horn, drums, guitar, and have had some voice lessons. Now I focus on composition and production rather than performance. I spend alot of time listening to music and have embarked on some DJing eforts. I have done a significant amount of recording in and out of studios including a recording session at Electric Ladyland Studio.
-Film: I am a big fan of film and see film as the most powerful artform at this point in history. You are able experience a short story in one sitting, it is usually not too cumbersome, it extensively plays on two of your senses, and to be successful, film requires production by people proficient in visual arts, writing, acting, sound design, and music among other artistic vocations. I am especially interested in indie film. Along these lines I have recently become interested in contemporary Anime.
-School: I am a junior at my school and am majoring in Music. My hopes are to become a composer for Film. I am also taking a significant amount of math and computer classes.
-Athletics: I make it to the gym to lift about once a week. I try to get some soccer in when I can and I am always down for a pickup game of football. I try to go snowboarding whenever I can. In high school I played for my schools soccer team, lacross team and tennis team.
-Cooking: I have had many jobs in many kitchens. The most significant for me was working very closely with a chef that had recently graduated from Johnson and whales. He imparted a good deal of his cooking knowlege to me, showed me where I could learn alot about classical french cooking, and taught me where many modern cooking styles derived from. (note to anyone going into the culinary arts, don't do it unless you really really love cooking and are ready to have cooking dominate your entire life).
-Gaming: I have been playing video games forever. My first game system was an atari that had a disk drive (atari1600 I think). My consoles include nintendo, SNES, N64, PS, Xbox. The first time I played an online game was on a BBS. My first MMORPG was EQ. My first clan was a Mechwarrior clan. The first time I really felt an outside of the game attachment to a clan was when Airlift randomly decided to help a noob learn how to play Jumpgate and then recruited him into his squad.
Name: boba (its close enough)
Age: ugh...40+ ish :jawdrop:
5'10" ~170lbs
Occupation: professional code toad (Sr business software analyst/programmer)
Virgo. Smoker. Bloodtype A+ and member of the 'gallon club' for donations (Give blood folks...more people need it than you can imagine..and even more may soon :tear: )
NRA life member and a former competitive long range centerfire rifle marksman. No trophies. (damn wind :mad: ).
My military background is not open for discussion but its there.
I am the original buckaroo banzai. born of a Texan father (pearl harbor survivor) and japanese mother (guess my dad wasnt one to hold a grudge, eh? :rofl: ), I was the only kid in my graduating class to be suspended for habitually correcting my teachers (they hate that) and blantant refusal to accept 'cuz I said so' as an answer.
my hobbies include this bad boy right here (yeah, thats me)
semi-amateur drag racing (just dont get caught or hurt anyone), computer gaming and some music of nearly every genre but jazz and techno (I guess thats what disco is being called now eh? :lol: )
I graduated from highschool in 1979, probably before many of you were an itch in yer daddy's pants and have been married to my highschool sweetheart for coming up on 22 years. we have no children (heh...who needs em when ya got me!).
I play a little (very little) electric guitar and will stop if offered enough money, BBQ or sex...not necessarily in any particular order.
I like to cook, loath to clean, love to love and hate hate.
eh...I guess thats enough.
2003-03-15, 03:28 AM
Originally posted by Toimu
"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die. Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die. HELLO! My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." -- Inigo
"Stop saying that!" -- Count Rugen
Yeah, this is definately the more popular scene. But the "To the pain" scene was much better.
Name: hmmm maybe later
Age: nuh uh
Birthday: 9/26
Astro sign: Libra (double if it matters)
Location: Seattle - it's just like hell, only wetter.
Interests: A better tomarrow...or a means to an end.
Marital status: Blahahaha. Like that'll ever happen.
Occupation: High-rise window cleaner. It's grueling work, so you kids get a good education so you don't have to do this shit later. I may look 20 something. But my body feels twice that. Inturn i have very little energy for much else. Thus, i game.
Music: I tend to like a wide range of music. Music that suits the mood or sets the scene. Right now it's alota angry tunes. Life sucks, but still, i press on.
Gaming: Currently competing in Tribes2, TWL 7 and 14 man classic ladders. Co-founder and Offense Captain of the team Riven.
2003-03-15, 05:00 AM
Name: Frode (over 3000 year old norse name meaning he who is wise)
Age: 21
Sign: Taurus
Occupation: waiting for a north sea oilrig assignment.
Martial status : single.... bleh =/
Music : i pretty much listen to whatever i feel like listening to atm, no set taste.
Athletics : I pump iron and i'm a blackbelt in Nanbudo (aiko and judo mix mostly).
Gaming: Been gaming since i got an Atari console, then i got a Commandore 64, then i got my first "pc" my amiga... After than my dad brougth home a 286 hehe. I'm old in the gaming world, my first multiplayer experience was when me and a friend hooked up a seriel cable (doubt manny here know what it is) and played duke nuke'm whit our uber LAN of 2 comps hehe.
2003-03-15, 07:13 AM
Name: Scott
Age: 16
Birthday: March 24th..lots of marches on PSU..hehe..
Sign: Aries(not that it makes a difference but it's nice being associated with war)
Music: Tecno is great(no, techno is not Disco, Idiots dance to disco, I never dance and I never would to anything, BTW, who agrees with me that MM remixes are great?!?!?!)...MM remixes..Techno is what that is basically...So mainly techno..And Leonard Nimoy..BoBB rules!!! Also, I screw around with the keyboard occasionally...make sounds for things we make..sometimes flash..Also, I can play the guitar..But I haven't in a LONG time..So..I used to be able to
Interests: Screwing with Flash or Photoshop to make funny stuff...Writing the news for knollsoft. Sitting is also fun. I love to sit.. I know it says knoll but if it;s the guy on the couch then it's me. I also like doing nothing even.
Chicks: Chicks are good, but as you can see from the pic not many are trying to get me..And in IRC half_the_sky owned me...Check my quit message...BTW, I thouhgt all women loved men with vast knowledge of Star Trek? Isn't this true?!?!?!
School: it sucks, but I "have" to go...
Athletics: Let's keep it at this: Scott's proverbs "Walking requires moving both feet" (That means...never!!!!)
gaming: I currently play BF alot with fellow CDLers as I wait for PS..I played alot of games since Doom and such..Also, I enjoyed kill mecha hitler in Wolfenstein..hehehe...BTW, when I got into CDL I was jumping for joy..Literally..That was a good day...
Note to Ema: Notice my B-Day? In a week or so I'll be 17 and in Canada if you're 20, or younger Ema, it's all legal for my age!!!If not we'll have to wait a year...Until then, "Live Long and Prosper"
TGF NightHawk
2003-03-15, 07:20 AM
Name: Doug Houchin
Age: 28 & 3/4
Birthday: March 21st
Astrological Sign: Aries
Location: Illinois
Occupation: LTL/Prof.Truck Operator(In other words,I'm home every night...don't live on the road!) My usual route is on the south side of Chicago & occasionally, up to Milwaukee,WI
Music: I enjoy listening to all diff. types of music. Mainly...Kiss, Metallica, Disturbed,etc. Also enjoy some Country music, such as Garth, Alabama, Alan Jackson, etc. As you can see I'm not limited in music genre! I also was the lead vocalist in a local band called "Rival Karma"....that is until my two boys were born! Then I was pretty much forced to quit or contiue to perform with the band "without" living/having a relationship with my fiancee'! I still mess around with my bass guitar(Although I'm forced to use my headphones when I jam out on it!) Moving On!;)
Gaming: I started out with...hmm! Atari then Intellivision, I believe! Burgertime was a grand game...damn pickles chasing me around!:p Eventually, we bought Commordores, Tandy too...I think! I have been in a couple diff. clans. The very first clan I joined was DEA(Death Enforcement Agency), great group to work with! Pretty big clan..they are still around! ESF(Elite Special Forces) was another small clan, Ghost Recon was the game that all these clans played while I was a member. Which brings me to my current clan...TGF(Terran Global Forces):thumbsup: A couple of us from the DEA clan decided to start up our own & strive to do better where the DEA failed in. So far, I think we are in good shape..but there will always be room for improvement....moving on!:lol:
Interests/Hobbies: I enjoy gaming...duh:doh: Going for hikes & trail riding(ATVing), talking & learning from others. Keep your friends close...your enemies closer! ;) Just wanted to say that I'm glad I stumbled on this awesome community...great job all!!:clap:
TGF NightHawk
2003-03-15, 07:38 AM
Ooops...just realized I forgot to mention the games I have played/playing:
Ghost Recon, including the 2 expansions
Sum of all fears(:( )
The Thing
Delta Force
A few other tacky games I picked up along the way!!:lol:
And of course....waitng for the release of PS!
2003-03-15, 09:43 AM
good thinking ema by starting this thread! :thumbsup: :clap:
music: I almost never listen to it, they never play anything that I like, tho IMO the cop in hollywood is one of the best tune ever. Right now im hearing on some arabic stuff my mom bought, its good.
School: well im pretty good with math and some other stuffs, I hate gymnastics
athletics: Well thats not much, almost only table-tennis tho I cant play it very often, not many places to play here :tear: . Ive played table-tennis since I was about 8 maybe, I dont know, played very much with my dad when I was about 8-11 and at the youth recreation centre.
Movies: Well I done watch many movies, I got X-BoX which has a DvD player, so ive seen the lord of the rings on it, going to rent matrix2 and 3 to it when they come and the two towers also.
the best movies is Independence day and Mafia! (I laughed myself to death by that movie!).
gaming: This is what I love! I prefer FPS games and simulation games. I have never owned a console untill now, an X-BoX, I never thought the consoles was anything compared to computers. Tho I liked PlayStation but not that much, Anyway ive played games from stunts (1990) to now. I used to play over network with my friend, we have played Doom, Duke-Nukem (just as zatris), Warcraft2, Q2 and Q3. The first clan I joined must have been in Q3- Gifford clan (GC). That was a GREAT clan, everyone was so friendly, we were about 22 people! Tho we never played ClanMatches.
Then I went over to RtCW, and joined a clan, a swedish one which was called Sturm truppen (ST). We played about 5 clanmatches or so, it was great fun, especially with teamtalk. We lost all the clanmatches except for one :p We played at clanbase. We were about 12 members, 7 when I started it, I still play much RtCW.
The clan only lasted for 6 mounths, then we splitted.
My dream is to become a pro player, looks good so far.
The best game ive ever played absolutely is Deus Ex, AMAZING game, buy it, its so much better than half-life, tho I think half-life sucked.
I have also played BF1942, I could only play it for a mounth, then I got bored
I have played allot of X-BoX games at my cousins home,
Dead Or Alive3, Halo, Splinter Cell, Grand Turismo, Medal Of honor: frontline, Colin McRae rally3 and many more.
ive played quite many games, impossible to remember all,
but ill write some down.
duke nukem3d
delta force (sux)
quake2, 3
Ureal Tournament (sux)
Deus Ex (RULZ)
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault (sux)
Rreturn to Castle Wolfenstein (rulz)
Sim City 2000
Sim City 3000
Sim City 3000 World edition (expansion)
Sim city4
rollercoaster tycoon1
colin McRae rally1
Colin McRae rally2
Need for speed1
Need for speed2
Need for speed: hot pursuit
Need for speed: Porse 2000
blue shift
Gunman Chronicles
BattleField1942 (MP demo)
and btw bought half of them, the other half my friend bought/copied.
2003-03-15, 04:56 PM
Let's keep this thread at the top shall we;)
2003-03-15, 11:44 PM
Name: Simon
Age: 18
Birthday: August 10th
Sign: Leo
From: West Virginia, U.S.
Music: I live for heavy metal or anything with a lot of guitar. My favorite bands are AC/DC, Rob Zombie, and Union Undergrond. Living in West Virginia I've also become accustomed to country. My favorite country artist is Hank Williams Jr.
School: I'm taking a break to get money for now. After that I'll either go to Ohio State(NATIONAL CHAMP'S BABY!!!), somewhere in a big city like New York City, or the military.
Occupation: I work for a white water rafting company as a river guide for the New River.
Gaming: My first gaming experience was on a Playstation. I used to love racing games. Then I got a N64(Waist of time). Now I have a PS2 and a PC(Gateway 450). I have enjoyed many games on both. My favorite all time is easy. Dead To Rights, for PS2. I beat it in a week but it was great.
2003-03-16, 12:21 AM
Name: Mike Sones
Age: 23
Birthday: Feb 18
Sign: Aquarius (glug glug)
Hobbies: Playing video games obviously, but mostly I'm into playing sports, some partying, that kind of thing. I love cars, motorcycles, watching sports, action movies, especially kung fu movies, and listening to music. Oh, and hockey doesn't count as a sport. Because it sucks.
School: University of Nebraska, double majoring in Psychology and Education, minoring in Native American Studies.
Ambitions: To be a great teacher and a better football coach, I hope to find something I really love to do, money doesn't matter, as long as I have enough to buy all the toys I need :D
Favorites: Da Bears and Da Reds, Bud (the beer, not the plant), beautiful women, barbeque sauce, really good boxing matches, and BOHICA. Except for Nav.
2003-03-16, 12:35 AM
First off I'd like to say its really cool that there are people who are really interested in music and in gaming. Those are probably my two main interests.
Name: Cory Swift
Age: 15
Birthday: November 13th (Friday the thirteenth MUAHAHA)
Sign: Scorpio
From: Ontario, Canada
Music: I listen to most types of music, especially classical and classic rock (60s, 70s). I despise almost everything new, it is too repetitive and boring for my taste. I probably won't listen to anything new until someone comes up with something original. I also HATE country. I have played the piano for 5 years now, and it is one of my favorite things to do. I play mainly classical and a bit of jazz too. I play the clarinet a bit also. My favorite classical piece is probably liebestraume by Franz Liszt. I have too many favorite classical rock songs to list, but some of my favorite groups are Rolling Stones, Beatles, Gentle Giant, and Supertramp.
School: I am in Grd 10 right now. I dunno... what else is there to say? I don't like it.
Athletics: The only athletics I really partake in are swimming, Biking, and Basketball (for fun with friends, not on any teams). To tell you the truth, I don't spend most of my time outside. I spend most of my time playing music, listening to music, or using my computer.
Movies: I like comedies, Tragedies, and really crazy psychological thrillers. Probably my favorite movie is Seven, or Silence of the Lambs. I don't really like horrors because they bore me. I have never been frightened by a movie.
Gaming: ahh to the good stuff. I have PC and nintendo games since I was three. I was raised on games! I still go back and play some of the classics every once in awhile like all the mario games. Some of my favorite old games were warcraft, duke3d, the doom games, Monkey Island 1 & 2 (my all time favs), full throttle and a whole lotta other games that aren't coming to mind. The only games that I have ever gone all out and become amazing at are total annihilation, age of empires 2, Ultima online (my 2nd all time fav), Tribes 2, and counterstrike (2 years ago tho). There are probably some others that I can't remember tho. I spend my gaming time now playing Desert combat mod for BF1942, playing soldat (a funny little 2d action game), and playing the Raven Shield MP demo. I havn't done much gaming lately though because I am too anxious for planetside.
2003-03-16, 12:43 AM
Name: Jorge Ra**** (I hate it when people spell my name 'George'. It's pronounced 'George' (the English way) or 'hor-h(short e) (Spanish)
Age: 14.5
Birthday: August 12, 1988
Born in: Detroit, Michigan (hold the Eminem music plz. I HATE it!)
Living in: Miami Lakes, Florida
Sign: I don't know/care.
Race: Hispanic both sides.
Hobbies: PCs, paintball, motor sports/cars
My PC is a 1.8Ghz (Athlon AMD XP) with 256 RAM and Win XP Pro. Quad speakers. Logietch WingMan Extreme joystick. Optical mouse. Broadband. GeForce 3 Ti.
Paintball: Me, my dad, and my brother all have Spyder TL Pluses. We are starting out, got them for Christmas. Been to two matches of 3 rounds each. I love it! We just got an 18in DYE Boomstick for trials. If all goes well, we're getting two more.
I am also looking into airsoft, but due to price, and the high possibility of more paintball upgrades, it does not look like it's happening soon.
I like Formula 1 (the only non-Euro in Miami to like it!). I've been watching it since the early 90s! I still remember Australia '92, so I hate Schumacher. Go Montoya!
I aspire to drive a Ford Mustang Cobra.
Music: I don't play any, but I do like classic rock (Hendrix, AC/DC, Van Halen, etc.)
Occupation: Student. 9th grade. My GPA dropped from 4.07 to 3.91. I feel stupid.
Ambitions: Engineering. Automotive or aircraft.
Athletics: see that tree over there? It's faster than me.
Big Bro
2003-03-16, 11:24 AM
Name: Mike Bennett
Age: 32
Astrological Sign: Virgo
Birthday: August 29, 1970
Born: Columbia City, IN
Lives: Anderson, IN
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 370 lbs
Interests: Family: I have a wife of nearly three years, Melissa, and an 8 year old son, Zach from a previous relationship. I also have a father, Max, and a brother, Adam. Unfortunately I don't get to see them very much. My mother passed away several years ago. I do have 3 living grandparents as well.
Music: I enjoy listening to all types of music. I seem to have an ear for it, and can usually pick up a new song and start singing it immediately. As far as performance, I sang in high school competitions and did well, but never could pick up any instrument easily. I LOVE to pluck around on the piano, and I know a few "riffs" from classical songs and a few pieces I wrote myself. I'm considering learning on playing the banjo because my late grandfather was semi-famous for it (he was on an episode of Beverly Hillbillies with Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs) and I would like to help carry on some sort of tradition.
Role Playing: My artistic release. I enjoy being a dungeon master for a small group of local people that play Dungeons & Dragons. I get to create worlds and adventures for my players to play in. I enjoy acting out the roles of the people they encounter, and helping tell a story with the rest of the group. No, we are not the "LIGHTNING BOLT! LIGHTNING BOLT! LIGHTNING BOLT!" kind of role players. We get together once a week for 2-3 hours. It's a fun diversion.
School : I graduated from Ball State University here in Indiana about two years ago, but I've been working at a software company as a Systems Analyst for almost eight years. I worked hard with little or no aid or support from the government or family. Was a tough road, but I'm glad I travelled it.
Athletics: I like to play basketball, for which I'm known for my highly irregular, yet effective, three point shot. I never learned how to shoot the ball "correctly", so I developed my own style which seems to work for me. I need to do more of this, as you can tell from my physical specs and pic. :)
Gaming: I do this WAY too much. It is one of my most passionate aspects of my life, and it shouldn't be. I've been playing games forever, but only been involved in clan gaming for two years. I've only been with one clan full-time, New Century Gamers (, and I don't ever see myself leaving. I've been involved with Tribes 2, and Jedi Knights 2: Jedi Outcast with NCG. Currently I play Battlefield: 1942 with my clan, but I also play Dark Age of Camelot with my wife, and I play Tribes 2 on the side with a clan known as |BRO| the BROTHERHOOD. The tags and name have nothing to do with my callsign, that is just a coincidence.
2003-03-16, 11:46 AM
Name: Brian
Age: 23 on may 4th
Sign: Taurus
Born: May 4th, 1980
Born in: San Antonio, TX FT, Sam Houston Army Hospital
Lives in: Manassas, Va ( yes that is where the man had his penis severed) :)
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 160
Family: Family of seven. 2 older sisters (Jennifer and Renee) who are off and married. I am one of a set of triplets (Joey and Kenny).
Music: Metal, Rock (see MUSIC post)
Games: Tribes, Tribes 2, Warcraft 3, Masters of Orion 3, Counter-Strike, If it is goo I have played :)
School: Graduated from liberty high school, Finished 2 years at Shenandiah university, Completing education in the Air Force.
Athletics: My primary hobbie :) High school: Football (corner back, 4.4 40 yard dask. bench max 225, squat max 330.) Bsketball, Wrestling, Track and Field (400m dash, 4x400 meter dash, 4x1600 meter dash, 200 meter dash, long jump) College: Football (neck injury and concussion ended my career) (Bench max: 275, squat: 415, 40 yd dash 4.3)
Future Aspirations: Air force, complete education, teach and coach football and high school and college.
2003-03-16, 01:04 PM
ok, I'll bite... my brain is fried on sql for the moment...
Name: Chris
Bithday: January 7th
Born in: Virginia Beach, VA
Currently Resides: Chesapeake, VA - I originally moved out of VA when I was about one years old, and have only returned to the state in the past year. Also lived in NC, TX, and most recently Nebraska.
Family: Single, Only Child
Music: Everything except Opera (which I've never given a real chance), bluegrass (which is just bad), and bad country (which is almost all of it, but there are exceptions). I avoid most rap since it seems that they can't sing about anything other than sex. I like some rap, but the subject matter gets old in a hurry. I listen to rock most of the time. Favorite bands of all time would include Metallica and Cake. Current favorites are Dispatch and Third Day. Favorite song of all time is 'she talks to angels' by the black crowes. Oh yeah, and I play a 5-string Ibanez bass. Black, of course. ;)
Gaming: Started back with Atari and Nintendo. The Final Fantasy series, Civilization series, and Mutant League Football are the best games ever. Soldiers of Fortune 2: capture the flag is my current drug of choice. And let's not forget {BOHICA} and PlanetSide if it ever comes out.
Schooling: I have a degree in Client/Server Programming. Am currently taking courses to get the MCSD .NET certification (and my head currently hurts because of it).
Hobbies: don't have time for much, but playing bass, online gaming, messing with webcode, whoring the 'net, and just hanging out with friends take up most my free time
2003-03-16, 05:12 PM
I'll post mine, just because I like attention. :D
Name: Keeney. My last name rhymes with "weenie" and "bikini." Oh, the pains of elementary school...I haven't gone by my first name for so long that I don't even sign it to school papers anymore.
Birthdate: 7/28/1985 *17 for you non-math people*
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 180 pounds
Family status: I'm the mistake child out of three. My sister and brother are both ten years older than me and moved out long ago, so I basically got to grow up as an only child.
Marital status: I've been actively avoiding women for a long time, I always thought that kind of thing made the mind weak...and I'll stick by that statement regardless of what anyone says. I'm going to blatantly rip off some bad poetry here: "why fall in love when there's better things to do?"
Friends: We go out at least once a week, every week. The place I live doesn't have a whole lot of low cost things for teenagers to do, so we usually end up playing board games, watching movies, or eating at buffet tables.
Job: Unemployed! Heh...overworked myself to near exhaustion for a year, then bought a bigass computer and decided to quit until I moved out.
School: I had enough credits to graduate high school last year, but they wouldn't let me take my required courses over the summer so I got stuck going to school for a year I otherwise should have been able to skip. Sux0rz. Hoping to get into Penn State, but if I don't I've got a bunch of backup schools so I'm not too worried about it.
Music: Never quite liked the stuff, don't really see why other people would pay 12 bucks for a CD...
Hobbies: I've been gaming since I was 3. I started humbly with an old intellivision (Donkey Kong Jr. and Burger Time PWNED) and an atari, but when I was 6, I collected all the spare change I could find, did every chore, and shoveled every driveway until I had enough money to buy a Nintendo. Duck Hunt remains one of my favorite games to this day. I've owned almost every console that's been released since 1990 at some point, if not in physical form than on an emulator. Getting a PC took a little more doing though, I didn't manage to get one of those until I was in 7th grade when my parents bought me a secondhand one. I like all kinds of games, but the two kinds that I like most are online FPS games (I've never been on a competitive team, but I find that I'm damn good at most of them) and single-player RPGs (MMORPGS ARE JUST LEVEL TREADMILLS, DAMMIT!). I'd have to say my favorite games of all time would be Half-life and FF3. Anyone who calls it FF6 better friggin' be from Japan, because here in America it's FF3. So there. Gaming has really been my first and only passion since the beginning. When I'm not gaming, I read voraciously. Some other passions of mine are writing (though I'll admit I'm not especially good at it), cooking/eating, and foreign languages.
I'm a pretty boring guy when it comes down to it.
2003-03-17, 01:15 AM
Originally posted by Arshune
Anyone who calls it FF6 better friggin' be from Japan, because here in America it's FF3. So there. :lol: I don't know why this strikes me as so funny, but it does, so oh well. ;)
2003-03-17, 01:41 AM
Name: Jim (but everyone calls me Hunter)
Age: Old enough to know better (29)
Birthday. 9/5/73
Sign: Virgo
Location: Sunny Sunny Colorado
Height 6'5 Weight 255... don't look it I swear!
Occupation: Network Security Engineer (ie. I can program Routers REALLLLL good like!)
I'm proof that education is worthless in some jobs! :)
Hobbies: I play Warhammer 40k and help a friend run a local Game store! I restore old Datsuns, and Dodges... odd combo I know. I play Poker semi-pro (Going to Vegas tomorow! YEAH) Also I am a Martial Arts Instructor at a local Home-school network.
Also read lots of philosiphy trying to make myself sound smarter then I am :cool: stuff like Cioran and Voltaire...
Marital status... kinda not married... but kinda am... Have a Girlfriend of 3 years that I call my wife... we'll make it official probably in the next year when she's out of Grad school (date younger makes you feel young)
Gaming EXP
Started out on my killer Apple IIe playing Bilestoad and a few others... loved those old games and would like to find them again just for nostalgia. Play DoD and Ns at the momment, but really have very little time.
That's about all of me, nice to get to know all of you :)
2004-03-25, 09:56 PM
name|steven V S
birthdate|i dont remember
i am from california/tulare
2004-03-25, 09:58 PM
Wth? Thats a damn old bump. Reminds me of some old memorys though. Sigh. All these oldschool guys.
2004-03-25, 10:07 PM
Why the fuck did you bump this?
2004-03-25, 10:24 PM
WTF Lightfire you asshole, I thought eMa was back. Go die in a hole. You should be banned for bumping something so ancient.
2004-03-25, 10:25 PM
You know better..
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