View Full Version : Opposite faction view [Your view]

2012-06-16, 10:51 AM
Nice little thread for people to explain there thoughts on there Opposite enemy.
Hopefully it will give people who perhaps have not played PS1 a good base line to decide there new empire for PS2.

Take this with a pinch of salt and expect some rivalry.

My view from TR perceptive.

1: Once you find out how to use the Scat max you are stuck in one for life.
2: Jack hammer is op indoors.
3: They focus on trying to warp (ADADA Syle) over actually aiming.
4: Afraid to fight the VS.

1: Unimax requires no certs if your VS.
2: Most of them convert to NC.
3: Cry that the lasher is terrible, Yet 90% of them dont know how to use it.
4: They are the ungly step child of planetside.

2012-06-16, 11:11 AM
Agree ^

2012-06-16, 11:21 AM
Former VS here... And unfortunately I will be defecting to NC.

TR: usually the noob zerg group. (got a bunch of talented players but usually is the group newbies are attracted to the most). Mini chaingun? Black and red armor? High rates of fire? This attracts a lot of new people.
Most of the time I played was also the highest pop faction. Course that could just be my server.
Also had some of the best maxes and AA in the game.

NC: Hard hitting and heavily armored. Jackhammer was win button indoors but useless outdoors. Vanguard was an AOE death machine. 3 or 4 of these shelling a tower? Forget it. Open the tower doors and die.
Good AA max, so so AI max.
Had rocket launcher with steerable rockets, good for shooting from cover. Lost a lot of good players to doing just that and not really fighting.
Overall I would say about mid range on the factions.

VS: (this is PS1 thoughts hopefully it changes) -- The red-headed step child of PS for most of the game. Cool factor over power factor. Only maxes in the game with jump jets. Awesome ability, but the AA and AV maxes felt subpar.
Best accuracy of any weapons but fastest damage drop off (WTF?). When PS came out was know as the common pool empire as most of the empire specific weapons sucked.
AV weapon was a straight shot insta-hit laser. However it took a second to fire and if you had to move you aim during that time the Cone of Fire bloomed and your shot would miss.
Laser pew pew weapons were cool, but revealed your position real easily. Usually twice the light and tracer of other factions.
Though they were good at converging fire on a target since friendlies saw what you were shooting at.

2012-06-16, 11:32 AM
TR: Best Maxes and best AA period. MCG often will beat MA Weapons at the Mid Ranges. When fully manned, the vehicles can put a lot of fire downrange really quickly and put more Damage out than any other vehicle. The AV Locks on and is a great AA deterrent.

NC: The Jackhammer is deadly around corners but charging a hallway or using it outside usually puts the NC at the disadvantage. The Gauss is one of the best MA Weapons at range. The Scatmax just shreds infantry and the Sparrow scares Aircraft away more than it kills. Vehicles hit hard but have to be accurate.

VS: Very mobile, all the vehicles can travel across the water and move at high speeds. Pulsar is a great MA weapon and I will drop my Gauss rifle for it often. Unimax seems to be the key for VS, all their maxes can jump and are all useful. Lasher as better before but it still hits hard, you have to make sure you are on target and the lashes will hit players near the orbs, causing the less experienced to try and take cover.

I SandRock
2012-06-16, 11:42 AM
From VS Perspective:

NC: Medium-difficulty
1. Jackhammer is pretty easy killings when indoors. No wonder every smurf uses it.
2. Scattermax is overkill when in-doors.
3. Pretty well organized.
4. Scattergun (pistol) is awesome for infil in-doors

TR: Easy-mode
1. MCG is pretty easy killings, in every situation. Spray and pray baby.
2. Everything look ridiculous. Their empire assault buggy is hilarious. These guys could be professional clowns.
3. Bunch of zerglings
4. Repeater pistol is great for outdoor infils
5. Lock-on lulz, no-skill empire weapons!

1. Both TR & NC think the (new) lasher is still awesum yet you never see them scavenge it, yet every VS is always stuffing their locker with Jackhammers and MCGs and use the pulsar more than the lasher.
2. Our AI max is a piss take. TR & NC cry about jetpacks mostly because of towers but really these things aren't a threat to anyone.
3. Most well organized empire, ruling supreme even when in smaller numbers (see monolith event) :p No wonder since we're all rocket scientists
4. Beamer is like a squirt-gun.
5. Sexy & Deadly