View Full Version : Interesting video here

War Mongrel
2003-03-15, 01:06 PM
I was browsing the Desert Combat forums and found this video.

It's a video of an AC-130 gunship completely destroying an Al-Queda or Taliban base. Not sure which though. Very interesting footage.

Edit: Actually, I can't confirm who it is they are bombing in this video. Could have been taken during Desert Storm.


2003-03-15, 01:50 PM
Yea I saw that a few months ago :X

2003-03-15, 01:59 PM
Yea, i saw that a while ago too. Still cant figure out what that one guy is sayin. "Oh Dang!"...sounds like some hick or somthin.

2003-03-15, 03:56 PM
You can see pieces of humans flying around.

Sick, just sick.

2003-03-15, 04:57 PM
this simply pisses me the fuck off. words cant explain what i have to say about this bullshit. not like what i have to say matters though.

its not that theyre killing(most likely) innocent people, its that they dropped hmm 50 bombs at least to kill a few people. what a joke.