View Full Version : FREE2Play fears

2012-06-18, 11:44 PM
:(I Love planetside but the word free 2 play worries me. In alot of the interveiws with With higby and others I'm getting a mixed message. At first it seemed that Station cash was just for fancy camos and visual costumizations In this interviw on MMORPGcom http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=W_lvBfRdOG4&NR=1 Tramell suggested that it would be the classic system where you pay for weopons and only use ingame points for temporary purchase. This deeply worries me becaus often times games do this which for me ruins the experience. I'll dowload the game and play but it is so annoying for me to have to buy weapons whith IRL money. ill sometimes speand cash on some funky hat or something but with weapons which may or may not work with my style of play.

Thix is something that deaply worries me But am I the only one?:eek::huh:

2012-06-18, 11:49 PM
You a 5 million other people who decided to make the same thread lol.

2012-06-18, 11:49 PM
:(I Love planetside but the word free 2 play worries me. In alot of the interveiws with With higby and others I'm getting a mixed message. At first it seemed that Station cash was just for fancy camos and visual costumizations In this interviw on MMORPGcom http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=W_lvBfRdOG4&NR=1 Tramell suggested that it would be the classic system where you pay for weopons and only use ingame points for temporary purchase. This deeply worries me becaus often times games do this which for me ruins the experience. I'll dowload the game and play but it is so annoying for me to have to buy weapons whith IRL money. ill sometimes speand cash on some funky hat or something but with weapons which may or may not work with my style of play.

Thix is something that deaply worries me But am I the only one?:eek::huh:

All standard weapons and content will be available for free to play, the only thing that will be for cash is xp boosts, skins for guns etc, and side grades. There will be no pay 4 power.

2012-06-18, 11:52 PM
I am pretty sure that the temporary things your talking about are things like boosts. Once a weapon is unlocked you have it forever, and it costs no resources to equip.

2012-06-18, 11:53 PM
im sorry bro, but you will prolly buy some items thru money. i played tribes ascend and the time to unlock guns for free players is rediculously long. it took me three damn days to unlock one gun. some of the more powerful ones will take weeks.

if f2p could be entirely played for free, it wouldnt make any money, and it wouldnt make damn sense to be f2p.

think about it this way, planetside 2 is a special moment in gaming history, and we should happily send mountains of monayz to contribute to the effort of the hard working devs at sony, for making our epic sci fi heroic battle wet dream come true.

2012-06-18, 11:58 PM
They've said you can pay for convenience ( the exp/resource boosts, and also unlocking weapons that you could get from playing ) and for cosmetic stuff such as gun and player skins etc.

2012-06-19, 12:08 AM

2012-06-19, 12:09 AM
From another thread

When you make a new soldier in PS2, you have access to all the guns. Theer are only so many guns in the game anyway. Through Station Cash, you can purchase versions of the "Cycler" that make it fire faster but do less damage, or has a larger mag clip but reloads slower...A plus in one category but a negative in another. Essentially you can purchase the type of cycler that you want and fits your preferred play style. However...These same upgrades, or "Side-Grades" as their called do not make a gun any more stronger or weaker. It's an even trade-off in one category for another. These side-grades can also be purchased with Auraxium and not just station cash.

Attachments and camos for guns are also in the same boat. They can be purchased for Station Cash and/or Auraxium depending on what you'd prefer. Once again, this does not make a gun any more powerful, just gives it a more *you* feel.

The only thing you can buy for Station Cash that you cannot buy for Auraxium is "Convenience" items. Things like XP boosts or what not. Nothing that makes you better than someone else, but just levels you quicker. And if you played PS1, you'd know that even someone at BR8 stands just as much of a chance against someone who is BR35. Just that the BR35 has more options to play with than the 8.

Pay to Win means that you can buy an item that is unavailable to anyone outside of Station Cash. SoE has said countless times that anything that can be bought with SC can be bought with Auraxium (sans those Convenience items from before). Nothing in the Station Store will sell power for SC.

The only way to make yourself stronger is through certifications. Suddenly your Magrider is faster than My Magrider...Oh, you have more certs into "Movement speed". Mine shoots faster than yours does though. No Pay to Win here.

Hope that clears things up =)



2012-06-19, 12:11 AM
All will be fine. Trust your SOE Overlords.

Mr DeCastellac
2012-06-19, 12:17 AM
I'm just going to keep this copied on my computer for reference, since so many people can't seem to wrap their head around it. Here ya go:

I've addressed this a few times in interviews in the past, but here's the basic gist. Planetside 2 has three fundamental types of items:

Power adding items - items such as grenades, med kits, certain types of implants (like a run speed booster), these items fundamentally alter player power and are acquired exclusively with resources earned in game

Playstyle items - these are sidegrades for vehicles and weapons, these switch up playstyle, and as much as possible are balanced against one-another to not add absolute power. These are available for Resources earned in game or Station Cash.

Non-gameplay affecting items - things like cosmetic skins, resource or xp boosts, etc. These don't have any impact on moment-to-moment gameplay and therefore player power and are available for Station Cash


2012-06-19, 12:19 AM
I'm just going to keep this copied on my computer for reference, since so many people can't seem to wrap their head around it. Here ya go:


Thank you kind sir. A cookie is in the mail for you as we speak =D


2012-06-19, 12:31 AM
This is starting to get very annoying. Use the SEARCH before making threads, especially obvous ones like these.