View Full Version : Brought cd with 30 days time, still wants a sub?

2012-06-21, 08:40 AM

Just brought the cd for ps1, installed and activated in to my soe account, but the in want me to also put in card details for a subcription, I understand that i still get my 30 days befor it charges the card for the month, but the reason i got the cd with 30 days was so that i didnt have to set up a sub as im hoping for ps2 beta within the month. I assume if i do set up a sub i can just cancel it, but this seams a bit of a waste (also cant set it up right now) is there any way to not have to set up a sub then cancle it?


2012-06-21, 09:10 AM
You can set it up and then immediately cancel it. The time you've been provided with at the creation of your account will still be available.

2012-06-21, 04:20 PM
Oh, so if you sub the first month is free? Didn't know that.

2012-06-21, 04:37 PM
Wow u managed to get one? last time i saw Planetside in disc form was 2006 my ex had the game already but she bought it so she had the discs, cost her 50p from HMV

2012-06-21, 05:02 PM
Wow u managed to get one? last time i saw Planetside in disc form was 2006 my ex had the game already but she bought it so she had the discs, cost her 50p from HMV

Yea, no shit. The OP must have a time machine to find an original PS1 box CD.