View Full Version : external gamepad - flight controller

2012-06-22, 01:42 PM
i never really used any external controllers for planetside 1 but was curious if any other peeps were or had some cool stuff that should work decent possibly with ps2. i would think an xbox controller or joystick would probably make at least flying in air combat much more efficient overall at least. anyway figured i'd toss that out there and see what peeps plan on using.

2012-06-22, 03:43 PM
Ok, speculating on hardware specs is one thing...but speculating on good flight controllers?

We just don't have experience with it.
I heard it was slightly similar to BF helicopter style...I've always found KB/Mouse best for those.

2012-06-22, 06:34 PM
I actually have a joystick that I bought for MS Flight sim, but I've never even tried using it for PS1/BF2-3 'cos I've never had any issues with the standard keyboard controls. Granted, I was never that great of a pilot in either game, either.