View Full Version : Rumor clarification

2012-06-23, 01:29 AM
I have spent the last couple hours searching around for a rumor. I am sorry if this has been addressed, but is Planetside 1 going free to play soon? With all the hype around PS2, it seems like it would make good business to throw us a bone and generate more anticipation. Would anyone really be that bent out of shape even with the hacking incident of the past? Thanks for reading.

2012-06-23, 02:32 AM
No, it isnt. Thank fucking god.

2012-06-23, 02:53 AM
Thank you.

2012-06-23, 05:39 PM
Has that "very very soon" and "very happy and exciting announcement" about PS1 happened yet?

2012-06-24, 08:55 AM
PS1 going free to play would be awesome and would provide training for the new PS2 GM's. So go on SOE break in your new GM's and give us a taste of the old school with multiple pop locks and several continents and caves to choose from. FYI Planetside is the only SOE MMO not free to play.

2012-06-24, 09:18 AM
You really dont want to promote Planetside 2 with Planetside 1 to the modern gamer.

Also, the only reason Planetside is still up and running is cos it pays itself back. Going free2play now would make them lose money rather than gain it :P

2012-06-24, 09:49 AM
It would be a waste of their money and dev time to make PS1 f2p now, PS2 is what happened when they decided to make an f2p PlanetSide.

2012-06-24, 05:29 PM
I wouldn't rule out the possibility, because of this:
