View Full Version : World Domination

2012-06-23, 10:00 PM
So, I played planetside very off and on (month here, month there) since 2005. I was on Markov server. In the time I played, I never witnessed an empire gaining world domination, as in taking all non-sanctuary continents. I have only heard of 1 on Werner server by the Vanu in like 2004.

My question is, during the populated era (you can decide when that is), how many times was the world actually conquered by a single faction? And did it ever happen on Markov?

2012-06-23, 10:08 PM
It is not easy but it has happened a number of times and it has come very close a number more. Very recently, VS came within 4-5 bases of making it happen. It happened on Markov, Werner and Emerald. I remember once seeing a blue world on either Markov or Emerald. A purple world also happened on Emerald, if I recall. Not sure if TR have ever done it. Its been long enough that my memory is shoddy around time frames in PS1's history.

2012-06-23, 10:10 PM
It is not easy but it has happened a number of times and it has come very close a number more. Very recently, VS came within 4-5 bases of making it happen. It happened on Markov, Werner and Emerald. I remember once seeing a blue world on either Markov or Emerald. A purple world also happened on Emerald, if I recall. Not sure if TR have ever done it. Its been long enough that my memory is shoddy around time frames in PS1's history.

Markov going blue wouldn't be a huge surprise. NC (lead by 666th) seemed to be a pretty dominant force when I was there.

2012-06-23, 10:43 PM
A year ago a server glitch caused log-ins to stop functioning for several hours. Anyone that crashed out or logged couldn't get back in until the next day. During this time VS conquered the map (about 15 of us). TR had around 5 people, NC had 1 when the world turned.

VS also conquered it on Gemini (pre-Werner merge) one other time under legitimate circumstances, and at least once on Emerald.

2012-06-24, 05:51 AM
In the time I'd played, everyone on Werner had a turn at world domination iirc. It became more frequent after allowing multiple empires per server though. Because it became like a tide effect. One side starts to lose, a lot of people jump to the other.

2012-06-24, 07:17 AM
TR Werner did it a few times, old map ftw :)


2012-06-24, 05:04 PM
TR Markov did turn it red once or twice back in 03 or 04, but there's no way i could give you a specific date or screenshot.

2012-06-24, 06:09 PM
SG and the NCA hit world domination on Emerald, twice I think.

2012-06-24, 06:11 PM
TR Werner did it a few times, old map ftw :)


I love the old map so much!!

2012-06-24, 06:22 PM
VS werner did it - there is even some Youtube footage showing the old map and the moment the last base went purple. V cool. We also won the Continent event which was the best fun I have had in PS1.

2012-06-25, 09:02 PM
SG and the NCA hit world domination on Emerald, twice I think.
Thats what I remember, too.

2012-06-26, 09:22 AM
I'll have to go rampaging through my old CD collections that I stored all my screenshots on - I'll see if I can make an slightly amusing slideshow of Werner getting turned slowly purple one night - was an awesome feeling (along with watching the global pops of the other two factions plummet) being part of it =D

2012-06-27, 05:54 PM
ya TR did dominate an entire world a few times probably 2-3 years after launch. there wasn't a ton of total world domination by any of the 3 factions but every so often an army totally sync'd up and destroyed.

2012-06-27, 08:29 PM
Wow, I knew it happened but I never thought it was so common (as in I thought it happened maybe once or twice ever). It sucks I was never subbed for one of those times.

Also, that red world is beautiful! lol

2012-06-27, 09:21 PM
I'm pretty sure the first time ever was NC on the Emerald server. Must have been back in 2004, everyone was going crazy. Afterwhich, there was a lot of talk on the forum on preventing that from ever happening again, or at least providing another way for sanc-locked factions to get back into the fight, for HART was unusable and it was much harder to invade a locked continent due to no vehicle spawning base.

2012-06-28, 06:01 AM
I'm pretty sure the first time ever was NC on the Emerald server. Must have been back in 2004, everyone was going crazy. Afterwhich, there was a lot of talk on the forum on preventing that from ever happening again, or at least providing another way for sanc-locked factions to get back into the fight, for HART was unusable and it was much harder to invade a locked continent due to no vehicle spawning base.

I remember that day. What a glorious day it was.