View Full Version : Cant get my planetside launcher to work.. i need help

2012-06-24, 01:10 PM
I downloaded planetside again from the main website and I was going to try playing this game again as i havent played in years.. I have like a BR20 CR3 char on the TR and something around that on the VS as well..

However after it updated itself when i click on the launcher it just says loading for a second and then it goes away and nothing happens i cant even get to the launcher to type my name and password in.. It isnt in my processes or anything almost like it crashes. I tried putting it into compatability mode for windows xp and it doesnt work, nore does running as administrator.. and UAC is turned off.

Im using windows 7 64bit Ultimate..

This is very frustrating..

2012-06-24, 02:06 PM
ensure you are running it as admin or have admin rights on the account (PC)

2012-06-24, 03:39 PM
Were you able to download the whole game or just the launcher? I have downloaded the launcher from the link provided in the installation sticky above

This one

and it didn't work for me. Two things happen; if you click the desktop shortcut it starts but nothing happens, and if you dig into the Sony folder (there are two launchpad.exe's in there in different folders) you get a very tiny stopwatch-sized launchpad with only username/password and two buttons. If you try to enter your info, it will not work and it will say you have connection problems or the server is down.

When I downloaded from the Planetside "reinstall" link here

it gave me a regular rectangle-shaped launcher that worked properly; it let me enter my info, it took my info, and began downloading the game. I don't know what happens if you need to re-sub because I still had the 45-day comp time from Sony and it just let me play without having to do anything else.

After you install that, you may get the runtime error on game startup (after you click "play" on the launcher) and you may need to run in XP compatibility mode or make sure it runs as admin.

The whole installation process seemed very flaky to me; let us know how it goes.

2012-06-24, 07:24 PM
Thanks that worked, however it asked me to resub and when i logged onto the website there is no planetside option to subscribe too.. I heared they would be shutting down the planetside servers next month could this be why ?

How do i subscribe to this game ?? one thing i hate about SOE games is installing them and subbing seems to be very difficult and confusing

2012-06-24, 09:29 PM
Sorry to hear about your troubles :(. I also have had very little luck with SOE once you get past the game and have to interface with SOE, like the launcher, and tech support, etc. Exactly the reason I think PSU needs a tech support/FAQ wiki, I doubt things will change for PS2. We need solutions provided by the PSU community.

Sorry I cant help, didnt mean to highjack the thread. I hope you figure out the subscription issue. When you do make sure to post what you had to do here on PSU!

2012-06-25, 02:29 AM
the access all areas pass works - it is expensive but you can download the client as part of the deal. The other option is to wait a couple of days to see what happens with the "big Announcement"

2012-06-25, 03:45 AM
Right click the launcher and click properties, then compatibility. Tick the box next to Run this program in compatibility mode for Windows XP (Service Pack 3) and you should be good to go. I have Win 7 64 too and had the exact same issue you described.

2012-06-25, 04:50 AM
Right click the launcher and click properties, then compatibility. Tick the box next to Run this program in compatibility mode for Windows XP (Service Pack 3) and you should be good to go. I have Win 7 64 too and had the exact same issue you described.

Just a side note, i had to do into my planetside folder and click on the Launcher.exe file, not the desktop shortcut.