View Full Version : Planetside's wonderful views and Unique places [PICS]

2012-06-27, 11:24 PM
I spent around 10 hours going through the whole of Auraxis a while back now and thought id post it here now that the PSU is becoming #1 fan site.

Things you may have not seen or looked at from the right angle before.

Desolation's massive hill

Ishunder's perfect pyramid

Esamir Island - Perfect to have 2 teams either side - King of the Hill

Ascention's coastline never fought on before

The Old Oshur Eagle

Greeted into Nexus by sharp stones

The only base with a hill under its walkway entrance

AMS's can be deployed here but have initiative :)

Tunnels blocked with rubble, what might be behind them?

Damage crystals, fall down and you will not survive

Completely floating mass

The tallest part of Auraxis, Cyssor

Esamir's coastline is deep enough to reach hell

2012-06-27, 11:25 PM
Solsar's gateway

Spikes hovering on Geowarp

One of the best hiding places in Auraxis

One way windows are only seen in caves

Rapid zipwires lead to surprise attacks

Is this used to keep track of Auraxis's & Earth's time? (Type /time ingame)

2012-06-28, 09:46 AM
Forgot all about the Oshur eagle!

Good picks!

2012-06-28, 09:50 AM
Awesome pics!

2012-06-28, 11:30 AM
Great pics!! I too forgot about old oshur's eagle

2012-06-29, 01:38 AM

2012-06-29, 03:13 AM
Stonehenge has always been my favorite (last pick on Ishundar).

2013-02-25, 03:07 PM
OMG old memories. Although I did not pay enough attention to the beautiful landscapes of most of the continents. I personally love Esamir's landscape the most.
I did not recognize most of your findings-- i must have focused too much on battling.

2013-02-26, 02:50 AM
I remember when I first ran into a monolith. The first one I saw was the on on Amerish but I didn't know about them and had only flown over that one. Then I got caught up in a big footzerg on the south side of Forseral and ran into that one. At that point I got kinda wrapped up and without going to a PS-Wiki or asking anyone I took off on a quest to find them all and get the whole back story.

Through that search (which I did in two play session, seemed like days that I didn't actually shoot at anyone) I saw and gained a lot of appreciation for the massive size of the world and just how awesome the landscapes really are.

Great pics OP.

2013-02-26, 06:33 PM
I don't care if she's old and wrinkly, she's still got her moments of beauty:D

2013-02-27, 09:32 AM
Stonehenge has always been my favorite (last pick on Ishundar).

And if viewed from above, that mound in the middle is the Planetside logo.

2013-02-27, 10:34 AM
And if viewed from above, that mound in the middle is the Planetside logo.

Sweet, I bet there's a few more things that we haven't seen. Esamir is mysterious because there are so many little islands away from the main bases that no one ever goes near!

2013-03-01, 12:16 PM
Sweet, I bet there's a few more things that we haven't seen. Esamir is mysterious because there are so many little islands away from the main bases that no one ever goes near!
That's the only reason I like to run with the zerg from time to time. Didn't do it for years until the pops came back last summer. When the zerg rolls from base to base, you actually get to fight in many of those forgotten places. Flying skeets everywhere you tend to skip 'em.

2013-03-02, 10:39 AM
Arclegger needs to tell the PS2 devs to add these things in, will give alot more exploration for people who dont wanna just zerg and kill. Look at all the commotion the warpgate icon things bring up from time to time so imagine a stone hedge or other land marks.

When TR had the north warpgate I always enjoyed just exploring the ocean bed.. Whats with all those animal bones? Why did all the animals die out but the plant life still thrives? Why arent there more bones. They could have small fragments of a crashed vanu ship or ancient vanu hieroglyphs hidden away!!! That would be really awesome little things to add wonder and mystery to the game! We have these massive warpgates with powerful nanite technology but for the most part thats where the games lore ends.

As it stand Indar is getting VERY dull. Small things like this hidden would give nice refreshment for those adventure seekers!

EDIT: After looking at Amerish alot lately on the PTR.. It has ALOT of really cool hidden locations like mining bases and secret caves and such

2016-06-25, 06:44 PM
Bump for the nostalgia