View Full Version : Planetside 2 nicknames (for weapons equipment and vehicles)

2012-07-01, 11:04 AM
Just a fun list of thinking of nicknames for the planetside 2. Some from Planetside such as SplatMAX, some from the new such as Suiscyth (as in suicide becuse so many people crashed those thing when trying to fly)

ScatMAX aka SplatMAX aka Scatercannon

Gal Galaxy,

Flashlight aka Beamer

Cloaker aka infiltraitor

Suiscythe aka the Scythe

2012-07-01, 11:08 AM
Greaver aka Reaver. Cos you will all be griefing after NC pwn j00 all :P

2012-07-01, 11:10 AM
Reaver could be Reaper if it proves to be powerful.
Can't really come up with much else, these things usually just happen naturally... However I know that I'll be singing the Flash team in voice chat whenever I grab one of those squishy things!

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/LfmrHTdXgK4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

2012-07-01, 11:48 AM
Reaver could be Reaper if it proves to be powerful.
Can't really come up with much else, these things usually just happen naturally... However I know that I'll be singing the Flash team in voice chat whenever I grab one of those squishy things!

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/LfmrHTdXgK4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I just finished watching this movie for god knows how many times about 3 hours ago. Great movie, and you've made me want to do this now.

Also, I'm going to hum the shit out of Ride of the Valkyries if were rolling in with a bunch of air support.

2012-07-01, 11:58 AM
Fear my 'skeeter.

(though TB seems impartial to "Mozzy".)

2012-07-01, 12:01 PM
You arnt supposed to "make up" these names, they should be born by themselves. It takes the entire point away if we sit down and try to think of a stupid nickname for each thing :D

That said, double flamethrower MAX should be KFC MAX

2012-07-01, 12:06 PM
You arnt supposed to "make up" these names, they should be born by themselves. It takes the entire point away if we sit down and try to think of a stupid nickname for each thing :D

That said, double flamethrower MAX should be KFC MAX

You're right, but it's fun trying to predict or even create these colloquialisms before we get thousands of people deciding for us.

Also, I'm down for some crispy seasoned NC.

Blue Sam
2012-07-01, 12:07 PM
some from the new such as Suiscyth (as in suicide becuse so many people crashed those thing when trying to fly)Suiscythe aka the Scythe

I have every intention of making that mean something completely different.

2012-07-01, 01:10 PM
grenades most likley to get new nicknames, the general troop weapons to numerous to get many specific titles, cept maybe the discoball launcher (vanu fusion? AV).

2012-07-01, 01:19 PM
BBQ Max seems pretty natural to me since I am a Nuclear Dawn player. That is probably what I will call a max with a flamethrower.

I can't see Reaver or Scythe getting nicknames. I can see the mosquito being called something else since it is 3 syllables... Maybe skeeter.

2012-07-01, 02:21 PM
I'm planning on calling the NC Chain gun (assuming we get one) the "Not-So-MiniChaingun".

2012-07-01, 02:23 PM
I'm planning on calling the NC Chain gun (assuming we get one) the "Not-So-MiniChaingun".

Quite a mouthful.

2012-07-01, 02:35 PM
sunderer= mystery machine
MAX= space marines, power armor, terminators, big birthas

2012-07-01, 02:41 PM
Y'know, most of these things already have existing nicknames...

2012-07-01, 11:34 PM
Most PS vehicles that were multiple syllables were shortened to a couple syllables or an acronym. Here's some from the NC perspective, though most are universal:

Sanctuary = Sanc
Courtyard = CY
Generator = Gen
Control Console = CC
Back Door = BD
Vehicle Terminal = V-Term
Orbital Strike = OS
Warp Gate = WG
DarkLight vision = DL
Personal Shield = PS
Nanite Dispensor = Glue Gun
Bolt Driver = BD
Beamer = Flashlight
Punisher = Puni (a play on "puny")
Reinforced Exosuit = Rexo suit
Scattercannon MAX = ScatMAX or SplatterMAX
Infiltrator = Infil
Sunderer = Sundy or BangBus
SkyGuard = SG
Vanguard = VG
Jackhammer = JH
Maelstrom = Mael
Liberator = Lib
Galaxy = Gal
Mosquito = Mossie
Lightning = PaperTank (more of an affectionate name)
Standard exosuit = PJs (same)
Deliverer = Deli
Thunderer = Thundy
Flail = Fail (derogatory term, ie "Lameass Fail spammers!")
Magrider = Fagrider (not-so-affectionate name) or Magmower

So it stands to reason the same will happen in PS2.

2012-07-01, 11:50 PM
Our group/outfit had some somewhat odd ones...

Armor was refered to as pants. :p

Light Pants = Light Exo
Big/Heavy Pants = Rexo
MAX Pants! :D

Standard/Spawn armor we called naked.

Groups of Rexo/Lights we refered to as softies. eg. incoming softies at the back door.

Ahh good times! And jokes about pants everything more fun :rofl:

2012-07-01, 11:52 PM
we've got crabs! = VS MAX chrash incoming.

2012-07-02, 12:34 AM
PJ's for no Armor and Jimmy Jammer for the Jammer grenade

2012-07-02, 01:00 AM
we've got crabs! = VS MAX crash incoming.


Mr DeCastellac
2012-07-02, 01:35 AM
To add some more from PS1:

Glue gun (Nano Dispenser)
Certs (Certifications)
Mossy (Mosquito)
CC (Control Console or Control Console Room)
Gen (Generator)
Rexo (Reinforced Exosuit)
Of course, the self-given MAX (Mechanized Assault Exosuit)
PJs (Standard Exosuit)
Biffur (Battle Frame Robotics)
Real weapon classifications like AI (Anti-Infantry), AA (Anti-Air), and AV (Anti-Vehicular)
GG (Galaxy Gunship)
Inf (Infiltrator)

There're probably way more, I just can't think of them.
I'm sure many nicknames will form, right away or over time, for things in PS2. They always do :)

2012-07-02, 02:09 AM
I have never heard anyone call the beamer the flashlight. In 6 years.

2012-07-02, 02:14 AM
I have never heard anyone call the beamer the flashlight. In 6 years.

Well, since the game's been a zombie that entire time period, I'm not surprised...

2012-07-02, 03:54 AM
Vanu Max = Zoidberg

2012-07-02, 04:19 AM
ATV = Gay Bike
Sunderer = Rolling Coffin

2012-07-02, 04:26 AM
To add some more from PS1:

Glue gun (Nano Dispenser)
Certs (Certifications)
Mossy (Mosquito)
CC (Control Console or Control Console Room)
Gen (Generator)
Rexo (Reinforced Exosuit)
Of course, the self-given MAX (Mechanized Assault Exosuit)
PJs (Standard Exosuit)
Biffur (Battle Frame Robotics)
Real weapon classifications like AI (Anti-Infantry), AA (Anti-Air), and AV (Anti-Vehicular)
GG (Galaxy Gunship)
Inf (Infiltrator)

Glad we can cross that one off from PS2

Mr DeCastellac
2012-07-02, 01:07 PM
I have never heard anyone call the beamer the flashlight. In 6 years.

Same, always play VS and have never heard it called a flashlight. Just about as effective as one, though. As awesome as the Vanu are, we are super 'hit and miss' with our guns (and I don't mean inaccurate).
Beamer sucks, but Pulsar's great. Lasher sucks (since they took the aoe away), but Lancer is great.