View Full Version : The PSU Story.
2003-03-17, 04:52 PM
I thought it would be interesting to start something similiar to a fan fiction submission, only that this piece will be written by the majority of the PSU community members. So why isn't this posted in the fan fic forum? I thought by posting it here in the lounge i would probably draw more attention simply because i believe more people view the lounge than the fan fic forum, but more so, and most importantly, because i don't want this idea to have dominance over the true meaning i'm trying to convey... that us, as a community come and do something together, and then have something to look back on :D Don't worry if you think your writing skills are less than average, it isn't really about making an amazing story as much as what it means just to become a part of a PSU community project ;) So, this is how it is going to work, i will begin by posting the opening section of the story, the next to reply will add on where the last post left off. There is no shame in introducing yourself into the story! lol, its good to have community members names placed through out the entire piece. Ok, well here goes:
He let the cigarette burn to the filter. That smoke traveled from his lips and into that harsh cold. He hestiated in his step, standing in front of the neon lighted bar, soaking in the noise that emitted from the inside at a safe distance. The warriors were to meet tomorrow at sunrise to prepare for their voyage out, it seemed as though the New Conglomerate has begun to recapture some ground they occupied and the time for harsh war had come again. Thronebeast tossed the cigarette against the pavement and began his pace closer to the bar. If this was his last night as a civilian, he was going to spend it accordingly.
As he approached the front door to the bar, Thronebeast heard an all too familiar voice calling from just down the block. It was that idiot xuur again. My god, what a psycho this xuur guy was. All implants, anger and attitude.
I suppose he was a decent enough guy to have around in a fight, but they two had gone through training together and he was sure that xuur had some kind of deathwish. It would surely be safer to be elsewhere when xuur decided it was time to die as he likely didn't care much who he took with him, friend or foe so long as it was in "a blaze of glory".
2003-03-17, 06:36 PM
2003-03-17, 08:32 PM
"Hey Beastie Buddy! Whatcha doin? Wanna go kick some Newcon butt?!"
Thronebeast sighed and tried to hide in the shadows, but xuur seemed to have Darklight Active. God! He had more implants than a 5 credit hooker!
"Don't you hide from me, buddy! I can see you, I got DarkLight!"
"I realized that," replied Thronebeast casually.
"So you wanna go fight??"
Throne lit another cigarette, and inhaled the addictive smoke. He coughed, and then replied, "Let me suit up first."
He checked his holo-map, it seemed Gunuku was lightly defended tonight. "Let's hit Gunuku, some Galaxies would help a ton."
Xuur nodded his head enthusiastically, and jogged behind Thronebeast to the lockers. Thronebeast walked, his cig a burning speck in the twilight. They both activated the DNA codes on two lockers, and pulled out some weapons and ammo. Throne tapped some keys on an equipment terminal, and his body glowed. When it stopped glowing, he was in brand-new Reinforced armor. Xuur grabbed some Agile Armor, and a Cycler rifle. Throne carried a Striker and a Mini Chaingun.
"Never know when I might wanna hop in a tank or two!" Xuur said cheerfully.
"Do you boys need a lift?" drawled a smooth voice from out of the shadows.
A thin, feminine body materialized from out of the shadows, Throne tried not to let his eyes wander over the tight armor. Xuur didn't bother trying, and he stammered, "D-didn't s-see ya there eMa!"
She laughed, and beckoned for the two to follow her to the aircraft terminal. They hesitated, and then started after her quickly. She hopped in a Reaver and said over the comm, "Guess I can't give you that lift, no Galaxies here. Try to keep up, will ya?"
Xuur grinned and jumped into a Marauder. Thronebeast followed, and took up the gunner position. They radioed in some support, and soon Hamma was flying a Mosquito with eMa. They rumbled over to the New Conglomerate Base, it seemed lightly defended.
A shriek pierced the air, a Phoenix had been launched at the tiny Squadron. Hamma and eMa swerved, but the missile kept after Hamma. He attempted some evasive maneuvers, but the speedy Skeeter spiralled out of control. An enormous explosion rocked the buggy, as the Skeeter plunged into a lake.
"HAMMAAA!" cried Xuur, he looked stricken, but the Reaver missiles hammering the ground around him jolted him back to his senses....
2003-03-17, 09:03 PM
He'd been dreaming again. "Christ, this schedule is playing havoc with me...I fucking fell asleep on the toilet this time," Xuur thought silently to himself. "I wonder how long I've been out?" he said while checking the clock on the wall. "Shit, I'm late for my shif-" his words were cut short by a crashing noise and something smashing through the wall beside him. He looked over and saw a phoenix missile embedded in the drywall; an industrious New Conglomerate soldier had flown it through the door and down the hall right into his stall. "I bet they think this shit is funny..." he thought as his entire existence went black.
Blearily, he awoke to the cold reality of a rebirthing tube. "I hate this part, they could at least leave you unconscious until you're fully formed," he thought while the disturbing feeling of his body being reconstituted piece-by-piece coursed through his perception. He stepped out of the tube and onto the cold cement lab floor. "Looks like it's gonna be one of those days," he said to one of the other soldiers suiting up. He was totally unprepared for how true his words would prove.
2003-03-17, 09:48 PM
A Siren went off in the Respawn room, "ALERT! ALERT! THIS FACILITY IS UNDER ATTACK BY: New ConGLOMerate." The NC part was clearly by a different person, that put the wrong emPHAsis on the wrong syLLABle. Xuur chuckled at the odd recording, but stopped when he saw Thronebeast's head floating in the respawning tubes. He swallowed his vomit and ran out the door.
The siren went off, and the much-decorated NC soldier cursed. He reloaded his smoking Phoenix and hurried out. "How was I supposed to know that door didn't lead to the Generator?" he thought. Stupid hick on the crapper. He hurried faster as he heard the metallic clank of MAX suits behind him. He surfaced near his Mosquito outside, thankfully he also noted the massive NC air power swarming the base. He revved the SKeeter and took off. His comm crackled, "Good to have you back Commander MrVulcan! C'mon boys let's assemble on the good General's wing, strafing run in 5,4,3,2,1!"
The tight wedge shape tore up the courtyard, and several lighter armors went down, riddled with MG shots. He noticed a Reaver dipping, "Major Searo pull up!"
The Reaver went lower, and some missiles streaked out towards an anchored MAX. It erupted in a huge explosion, never seeing what had happened.
"Alright there fly-boy!"
"Nice shootin' Searo!"
"Major, don't try that again."
"Sorry Spock, wasn't logical eh?"
He could almost see MrVulcan's frown at the last statement. They veered off, and the main gates opened up to reveal 3 Blue 'n yellow sunderers chugging in. A Platoon of Freedom Corp forces jumped out, and cleaned up the remaining resistance in the courtyard...
2003-03-17, 11:29 PM
AztecWarrior was flying above the chaos providing top cover when he decided to have some fun.
He pushed the stick down and let loose a volley of rockets. As in every one of my stories, the control tower collapses and falls onto the defense wall.
Then an unexpected variable comes in: the Vanu.
Tobias was watching the whole thing through his 12x scope. Dio, his buddy, hit some poor bastard in a Reaver with the Lancer. Three times.
AztecWarrior was hit three times and decided to eject. A smart choice, as the fourth beam hit right when he was out of his seat belt.
He fell head-first, downwards, with smoke following the bits of metal that exploded with the Reaver. Big problem. He is in the air, helpless. Sniper overlooking it. Tobias take a shot, and what do you know, it's a headshot.
Aztec regains sight in the tube. Again, his head is missing. :(
2003-03-18, 12:24 AM
Another day, another battle... time to get this situation turned around before things get ugly out there....
Looking at the scene from the cockpit of my command reaver, I
(Commander General MrVulcan) decided that it was time to call in the 2nd Air regiment to stall the vanu until we could finish cleaning up the TR. I knew that soon, the real battle here would be between the Allied NC forces under my command and the massive swarms of vanu closing in from the mountains at the rear of our position, the only question was could the 2nd AR hold them long enough for the rest of the Corp to get mobilized?
<15 min later....>
Now that the TR line has been pushed back for a min, the main vanu force is just entering range (delayed thanks to the valiant effort of the 2nd AR), and the entire allied NC forces is suited up and ready to go, I decided to spring my trap.
The Entire Allied NC force, with the Corp takeing the point, lifted up in a huge wave of galaxies, reavers, and sketers, leaving only a single squad left to defend the base to stall them... I knew that the troops left behind were good troops, some of the best I had... They just needed to hold out until the main force could get closer to the target...
It was all about time.... we needed time.... I was just hoping that the squad could buy us that time...
The target: The Vanu Held Galaxy facility to the north.... the key to the entire area, the only question was could we get there before the vanu and TR could react, and not lose too many troops along the way? and what would the Galaxy facility have for defences now that the massive vanu force was moving in to an empty base?
***Great thread idea, This is fun :D (I tried to leave several possible spin offs for people to take :D )
****Even get to write my part from the view of a general and thus in the overlook of a battle more than a single soldier :D
(oh great! I'm a crazed semi-human idiot that dies on the toilet? thats cold cold. nice touch ):rolleyes:
2003-03-18, 11:00 AM
Meanwhile, 2 thousand miles away in a secret hidden Layer:
Dr. Evil Vanu
"Mini Vanu Me, want a chocolate?"
Mini Evil Vanu me
"mmhh mhh!"
As his henchmen gather Dr Evil Vanu proceeds to explain a plan that would potentially wipe out the other two factions inhabiting this world.
Dr. Evil Vanu
"And I shall call it..........
The Hamma Time Project!"
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