View Full Version : Mike33

2012-07-08, 06:38 AM
Mike if you are ever on here and can read this, GET ON PLANETSIDE 2, AMERICH M8s,,,!!!

2012-07-08, 07:39 AM
I've been mentioning him a few times on /c to see how many people remember him!


I remember it was always three commas between words and then two at the end of the sentence. So... where was he from?

2012-07-08, 07:45 AM
Why not check out your mike33 personalised horoscope (http://www.io.eclipse.co.uk/horosopes.html)?

2012-07-08, 07:48 AM
No offense intended to Mike33, but I think Mike32 is quite let down by this thread..

2012-07-08, 07:55 AM
As a veteran member of BHO, I'm sure Mike has seen the hype on PS2 and I hope he makes an appearance back in PS2. Please no flames.
Our outift was regularly flamed and touted as a bunch of noobs, but that soon changed on our outfit nights as an enourmous armoured column smashed through the front-line that had been contended for the majority of the day. To a man who's name's resound with any long-term PS1 player - Drop us a line in PS2 to "Roll The Tanks Boys!"

2012-07-08, 08:09 AM
Haha, thanks for that, I forgot about the rumours website! The humour on there is spot on

2012-07-08, 10:19 AM
Why not check out your mike33 personalised horoscope (http://www.io.eclipse.co.uk/horosopes.html)?

Haha, amazing.

2012-07-08, 11:07 AM
With Venus moving into Sagittarius,,,,now would be a good time to go to Americh m8s,,,,because taking Verica is more important than defending all of Solsar,,,,,,,, Hossin,,,,,,,,,,and Ishundar.

2012-07-08, 11:23 AM
I used to send him random mocking tells about Amerish in his weird style, and he was always good humored back to me. :)

Tactics, I dunno, but he definitely had character! No idea where he's from.

2012-07-08, 04:52 PM
Planetside certainly has had some colourful characters over the years and mike33 was one of the finest. I hope ps2 attracts just as good a community as ps1 has.

2012-07-08, 06:40 PM

Whoever made BHO does klendathu is still a genius in my opinion :P . A worth tribute to mike33. I think your in there Jeff with your flail too !

2012-07-08, 06:42 PM
I remember this, haha brilliant :D

2012-07-10, 09:55 AM
My original NC toon Vrykyl started out in BHO, fun times, i still remember when jeff set up a flail in the edge of the crater in searhus about 30 feet one of the towers (think it was the oro tower), the killspam was obcene :)

2012-07-29, 12:59 PM
Hello, I have just registered to reply this post. I will put a sweet drop here :p

Im LALO23 from BHO (Bone Headed Overlords), I was the 3rd CR5 of BHO in 2003, inmediately after Mike33 and Admiral.

I spent hundred of hours being his vanguard mate, mostly as gunner but also as driver. And I can say it was extremely fun. Our vans could last hours alive with loads of enemy casualities.

We teamed up on sancturary every single afternoon, on the SW Solsar WG Tower. We normally rolled between 10-20 vans and some reavers.

As one of the commanders of BHO (Field Marshalls called in those years) I must admit we invited every single newbie we spotted that was without a guild, and many of them were not very coordinated. But we also had a small but strong core of hardcore gamers that usually did nice job for NC.

I also admit that Mike33 loved Amerish, and every single time that he wanted to invade it I tried to prevent, but mostly without success hehe. (I always preffered to fight vs TR than VS), Prowlers were easy targets with vans while Mags were pretty hard when they were in a long distance or over the water...

Many of you are asking about where from was Mike. I think he was from Denmark (but if Im in a mistake pls forget it Mike hehe i dont have good memory).

He normally tried to be peaceful, kind or jokey with all the other CR5s or members. But sometimes, after 400 jokes or attacks he burnt and started some kind of Command or Global attacks (this was his permaban cause).

Anyway, I can tell you that he was a good guy, after his permaban (I think SOE crossed the line with such hard punishment) I promised myself that I would always stay in BHO, even without any member activity since many time ago.

Mike33 good for ones, bad for others, but he will always be remembered in the history of Planetside.

Note for Mike:

I hope you are doing well IRL all these years. I have tried to track you over Internet many times but without any success.
When I 'll log for first time in Planetside 2 the first thing I will do is search if you are Online.

2012-08-07, 07:43 PM
Ahh, a true bromance if every I heard one. Give it a few months and you guys will be able to find a nice spot to make out on americh m8s.

2012-08-17, 12:21 PM
Wow. Mike33 was permabanned?
Shame on the trolls.

2012-08-19, 09:30 AM
You lot remember Mike's epic thread? :)

i pay for this game i have a right to spawncamp withaut any TKing me=so i dont care abaut ohters tactics,,,if i am in a tube,,camping i have the right to that(i do camp in all games and i love it,that why a play)so its so lame to be TKet because some idiot take me aut(and steel my kills) NO TKing no matter what nc=or we will start a campain in [[BHO]] to mass report the ppl who TK other camping they f Pay for this game they can do what the feel like withaut be TKet (who the **bleep** do you think you are to TK freindly,s and them send them a tell how they should play the game) 1 again 58th marine-corp is a good excample for Tking ppl camping tubes,,,,,,stop that or we from BHO are getting very serius abaut mass report you small little TKers


Wow. Mike33 was permabanned?
Shame on the trolls.

I believe it was because he was insulting various outfits over global in rather nasty ways, partially because they always stopped him spawncamping. >.>

2012-08-20, 12:29 PM
Why not check out your mike33 personalised horoscope (http://www.io.eclipse.co.uk/horosopes.html)?

That link is dead, bit of a hosting SNAFU which was entirely my own fault and for which I need a good spanking. Any offers?

Planetside Rumours can now be found HERE (http://www.planetsiderumours.co.uk/index.html), and the Mike33 horoscopes page HERE (http://www.planetsiderumours.co.uk/horosopes.html). :)

He took a lot of flack, but I think we all had a soft spot for Mike, and now, after all these years, it's clear he's attained legendary status by being so widely remembered. <3

2012-12-10, 02:04 PM
this is me ,,the original,, Mike33 ,,from denmark :) ,,,Old BHO ,,members tell me what server you play on ,,and we start BHO up ,,again :)

2012-12-10, 09:52 PM
this is me ,,the original,, Mike33 ,,from denmark :) ,,,Old BHO ,,members tell me what server you play on ,,and we start BHO up ,,again :)


Old BHO plays TR now. >.>

2012-12-11, 01:39 PM

well, well, well

2012-12-12, 08:08 PM
Join date: 2012-12-10

2012-12-13, 04:42 AM

well,,, well,, well ,,,m8s
