View Full Version : Anyone else think OS's look silly?

2012-07-09, 12:30 AM
I mean the charge up is fine for 2003 technology, with it's stream of laser lightning and all. But when it explodes, it's just an expanding cylinder with a ring of water droplets, and people don't even die until about a second or so later.

If there's one aspect of PS2 that shouldn't be like PS1, it's this.

Please make the particle effects truly awesomatic in PS2, Lord Higby!:jawdrop:

2012-07-09, 01:13 AM
The fact that most of PS1 doesnt look silly after 9 years is a pretty strong statement of how well it was originally made. Considering the PS2 explosion graphics we've seen so far, I think you have -nothing- to worry about.