View Full Version : Snipers, one shot one kill, or No?
2002-11-18, 11:46 AM
Should snipers get 1 shot one kill head shots?
War Mongrel
2002-11-18, 11:56 AM
I say headshots are instant kills except for players wearing the heaviest armor.
2002-11-18, 12:21 PM
One of the first pieces of Armor ever invented was the Helmet. It was invented to stop people from getting a kill with one blow to the head, and it has been very effective in it's job.
Throughout history people hvae sought out better weapons that could punch through the helmet, but every advance in weaponry has been met with an improvement in Helmet technology.
Now let's look at any of the PS player modles. They all have helmets.
Am I supposed to beleave that 200 years into the future a bulky and cumbersome helmet offers no protection? I think not.
Snipers should take a good portion of health, and even kill you with one shot if your already damaged, but it should take at least 2 shots (in the head, or body) to kill someone with Full health.
2002-11-18, 12:31 PM
What about one-shot kills through the visor/front of the helmet?
2002-11-18, 12:47 PM
If you shoot me in the face, I'd be happy to die in one shot.
In Tribes 1 there was no one shot one kill unless you hit this very small "Life Support" system light on the sholder (at least in IX mod, not sure about base since I didn't play it). Other then hitting someone in that spot it tok at least 2 shots.
n00b snipers were not over powering, and didn't screw up the game, and skilled snipers were truely something to fear. That's the way it should be.
2002-11-18, 12:56 PM
Aye, newbie snipers just pulled out the laser/sniper/rail gun and stood out in the open plugging the other newbie Snipers in Tribes1. They were harmless, like gerbels.
And there were those fookers who could hit you from half the map away while you were in the air, i did not like them. I was somewhere in the middle.
2002-11-18, 01:04 PM
Perfect explanation of how I'd like snipers to be Tobias.
Originally posted by Unregistered
Snipers should take a good portion of health, and even kill you with one shot if your already damaged, but it should take at least 2 shots (in the head, or body) to kill someone with Full health.
Agreed. But i think light armors like scouts and cloacks should be 1 hit kills. All the rest would have less damage taken the more you go.
I can't believe i actually succeded in not using the first option! Phew it was hard. :D
2002-11-18, 01:10 PM
I picked the 3rd myself, aye cloakers should be one shot one kill, cause snipers cant cloak and therefor cloakers are evil.
2002-11-18, 01:32 PM
I can't seem to find the option for "Quit posting all these shite polls"
;) ;) ;)
2002-11-18, 01:38 PM
I actually had a poll about that airlift.
you can find it there
sYn pHrEAk
2002-11-18, 05:29 PM
2002-11-18, 06:22 PM
Sniper bullets to the chest should damage u at least 90%. Any shot to the head except pistol should be one hit kill. And a shot in the leg or arm areas should do little damage.
2002-11-18, 06:26 PM
2002-11-18, 06:30 PM
:zzz: *wakes up*
Oh, im i missing something?
*falls back to sleep* :zzz:
2002-11-18, 06:45 PM
Time for the history of Body Armor through the ages?
2002-11-18, 07:29 PM
Sure, should be interesting.
2002-11-18, 11:22 PM
/me nerfs the bolt driver
2002-11-19, 11:02 PM
I think it should be a mix between 2 and 5...Most often people are gonna die if they get shot in the head, SOF2 for instance, shot in the head, doesn't matter if you have full armor/health, you're dead. The thing about that game is snipers are nowhere near being safe...I think the bolt driver should take a considerable amount of skill to use, but should do no more than 60% or 70% damage on a headshot (not including MAX armors which it should nick for a whopping 5% or so..) This would limit snipers to those who really want to be a sniper because they like the aspect of sniping. It would discourage all the people that just want to hide behind a tree and get a bunch of kills because one shot kills.
Also it would put sniping in its proper place, SUPPORT. Pick off the weaker people, leave the 100% health guys to the assault team, then pick them off when they are damaged. That is how the sniper role has been, and still is used.
Bottom line: Snipers are for SUPPORT. Not attack.
Ravon Dark
2002-11-20, 12:59 AM
I think I'd have to agree and disagree with you. Support as they may be, support IS just that SUPPORT, they're supposed to help, shooting at people that are half way dead is just going to get a whole lot of insults shot at them about KSing, I do, on the other hand, think that it should take something like 30-40% for a body shot, but, for a headshot, appropriately placed mind you, that way not every little newbie can do it, is a 1 shot. Look at BF1942, sure it's smaller scale, one shot to the head from the sniper rifle kills, you don't see 6000000000000000 snipers out there, infact, there's usually like.. 3 per side the rest complain about how stupid the rifle is, blah blah blah.
2002-11-20, 08:06 AM
The BF netcode is so bad I ususally have no idea why I died :rofl:
Yeah, you usually have to look in the scrolling deathlist to see who just got you with what.
the part that bugs me in bf1942 is where if you wait long enough it shows you the exact position of the person who just whacked you. (not always..I think its a server setting)
when you get a tank round in yer shorts, yeah, thats cool. "the guy in the tank got me. " or "Damn! that putz in the 109 just bombed me again"...its all good.
however, in the case of a scout or even std assault, the first thing it does is show you right where to go when you respawn...not good. if you just had a guy 'reach out and touch someone' I think its kinda stinks to show them right where to go and get revenge...especially if you've got a nice cover postion and field of fire for flag defense.
for now, bf1942 is passing time till PS arrives....but impressed, I'm not.
2002-11-20, 11:52 AM
if snipers arnt the best thing in the game then its flawed, so BF1942 is flawed
2002-11-20, 03:59 PM
Alright... As most of you probably know, my love of snipers is nill. I hate them. Satan is actually a sniper. So, it goes without saying that I'd rather have them nerf the Bolt Driver into oblivion. Of course, not even I am that stupid. Snipers are a community so a) I realize that snipers can actually be non-cheap in some games and that we should not take out a vital and important combat role and b) I value my life.
So, I feel that what would be accurate and fair would be option #5. Don't squeal all pig-like. Think about it thoroughly before you all unite in one (un)just voice. 40%-50% is a whole lot of damage. 2 shots can equal death if you're a good sniper. So... if we had a sniper team consisting of 4 decent snipers, they could sucessfully take out 2 (1 at the very least if they are much less than accurate) people per shot and reload - without getting touched. Assume the reload time is a very long 4 seconds. This means they'll take out 15-30 people with full life in 60 seconds without any retribution to them. Is that so overpowered? This does NOT make snipers less powerful in the least bit. This would just make lone wolves a hell of a lot less dangerous. This game is about teamwork! The last thing I want is to see happen to this game is for it to turn into SniperSide.
Of course, the majority of that formula depends on unknown factors such as the sniper's skill, the speed and direction the target is traveling (if at all), and the reload time of the Bolt Driver. So, don't flame me RocketPower. I already know. :nono:
In conclusion, I feel we need not worry ourselves over this. I have the utmost faith in the dev team. The Bolt Driver will do appropriate damage and will have an appropriate reload time. If this is not the case... well, that is what beta is for. :cool2:
**edit: Is it Combat role or Combant role? ;)
2002-11-20, 04:13 PM
I have every confidence the dev team will do whatever is needed to balance out the game. Snipers included.. whatever methods they take. By no means do I wish snipers to be useless heh.. I just dont want them to be able to pop off 50 people before getting spotted.
Ravon Dark
2002-11-20, 05:29 PM
;) That's why I bring up BF42 when I talk about the snipers Hamma, because after all, you don't see them taking down 50 some odd people.. I trust the dev team, sure, but I don't want to be at the point that people are yelling at me because I'm KSing them because otherwise I don't get any kills and the other side just hoses me down every time I shoot at someone who has more then 50% health. :D
(disregard. its amazing what a refresher course in FAQ reading can do)
2002-11-20, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by Ravon Dark
I trust the dev team, sure, but I don't want to be at the point that people are yelling at me because I'm KSing them because otherwise I don't get any kills and the other side just hoses me down every time I shoot at someone who has more then 50% health. :D Heh heh. Don't worry yourself over KSing someone. Squad BEP distribution is utterly even. This is why being a medic will be just a |33+ as being a guy in a MAX. ;)
2002-11-20, 07:08 PM
don't get me started on BF1942...when you're in a bomber or plane, drop a bomb/tank shell DIRECTLY on top of a guy running around, and all he does is bounce 20 feet and keep running...its not a very well made game...
Ravon Dark
2002-11-20, 07:10 PM
;) I just use it for sniping because it's one shot kill for HS, yet not everyone plays snipers in it because it's very hard to actually hit them in the head while running, etc.
2002-11-20, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by Kaikou
don't get me started on BF1942...when you're in a bomber or plane, drop a bomb/tank shell DIRECTLY on top of a guy running around, and all he does is bounce 20 feet and keep running...its not a very well made game...
2002-11-21, 06:07 PM
Do remember the cone of fire. Even though a sniper will be crouched and still and the cone of fire is small, There will be some slight movement of the bullets. I bet it will be slightly more difficult to get a head shot than in most games.
As for the bolt driver: make it 3 head shots to kill, or nerf it.
2002-11-21, 09:25 PM
3 headshots to kill? thats supernerfed.
id like to see 50-80% torso, 15% limb, and 100% headshot damage. that would be an nice setup
2002-11-21, 09:38 PM
3 headshots to a kill with the bolt driver is insane...
I prefer 100% dmg headshots myself, but the best concession I have seen so far is:
80-90% = head
50-80% = chest
15% = arm
for lightly armored people give or take.
I know getting sniped sucks. I'm sure i'll be swearing a few times because of enemy snipers when i play but the purpose of sniping is 1 shot kills.
Watch any WW1 and/or WW2 movies. The sniper doesn't try to aim for a 6 hit kill. It's do or die.
Now i'm willing to accept a 2 headshot kill but NO way should 3 headshots be required for a kill, that's absurd.
I agree with something along the lines of for light armor
80-90% head
50-70% Body
15-25% Limbs
And obviously the more armor less % damage.
2002-11-22, 11:53 AM
maybe 3 head shot kills if hes in a fookin MAX suit.....
2002-11-22, 04:52 PM
agreed Tobias.
2002-11-22, 05:31 PM
I just said three shots because I hate snipers. I would be fine with two shots. But 1? You might as well run around without a helmet if it is one shot to kill. It wouldn't make a difference if you had a helmet or not.
Ravon Dark
2002-11-22, 06:05 PM
I think against light/cloak armor it should be one shot, but it should be far from an easy shot, something like through the visor/visor area. Mediums should be a min of 2 MAXs I think should be 3-4
2002-11-22, 07:00 PM
I am going to take my final stance on this.. hehe
It should be somthing that doesent make it too over powered. I think one shot head kills on all armors is a strech for example.. But it should also be balanced enough so that it isnt useless.
3-4 headshots for a max is too powerful i think though.
A MAX is armored to the max(hence the name :p) so i would say at least 5 headshots, and if the engine really does track bullets then 2 but only if through the visor.
2002-11-23, 05:17 PM
The MAX's are kinda like small tanks. If you think that a few bolts from the bolt driver are gunna take out a small tank, think again.
I think they will, in the head.
2002-11-23, 05:40 PM
Ack, you guys dont get it do you? How is a bolt going to go through about a foot of armor to hit a players head. I agree that if the bullet penetrates to the head it will be one hit kills, but to get to someones head, your gunna have to shoot through some pretty tough armor.
Ok you guys do realise that
1-This is a game,realism comes later. First comes fun. If a max is invulnerable to everything but anti-vehicle weapons what do you think will happen? Yep 95% of people willl always be in a MAX
2-Obviously the bolt driver can pierce armor to a certain extent. How else can you shoot someone through their helmet??
Ack, I do get it.
The Bolt Driver is very slow, vey, very slow.
The trade off?
It punches hardrer than any weapon in the game.
2002-11-23, 07:15 PM
"If I'm gonna get my balls blown off for a word, my word is poontang."
Kind of an oxymoron huh?
heheh, an oxymoron is a TWO WORD phrase that is self contradicting.
wow, that was totally unnecessary
Ravon Dark
2002-11-24, 06:23 AM
Don't you be correctin' the ph3r3t. He'll go psycho on ya, whip out his mad ph3r3t skills.
:love: to da ph3r3t :D
2002-11-25, 09:21 AM
I like pinapple and ham pizza, its the best there is.
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